What will planned parenthood tell my daughter?

It’s her choice. Not yours. Period. Planned Parenthood is a professional women’s health clinic and will discuss options, risks and benefits, but the direction of the conversation is entirely up to the patient. As it should be. Always.


What happens if something happens to you? If she doesn’t feel ready to be a parent and you are willing to help her that is great but what will happen if something happens to you suddenly. What if you get hurt or die? If that were to happen then she would have to raise that child 100% whether she was ready to be a parent or not.

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Of your financially able why don’t you talk to her about you possibly adopting the baby.


If I had to give her one piece of advice it would be this.
I know no one who has regretted keeping their baby. I do however know a few who have regrets surrounding abortion.
It is not wise to make permanent decisions based on temporary circumstances.


There are pregnancy aid centers in some towns, and one in mine. They help with baby supplies, prenatal care and really anything needed. Maybe there is one close to you.

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It’s her choice, nice of you to offer to help raise the baby but at the end of the day it would be HER baby. If she feels she is not ready to be a mom then that’s her choice. If someone talks her into having a baby she doesn’t want she may resent that baby and it would be awful. Please, just support your daughter. Be there for her, if she changes her mind let that be 100% her that does.


Planned parenthood is the same as seeing an OB. She will get great medical care and any questions she has will be answered honestly with all the options. This is however her decision and will need your support in any decision.


Whatever her choice may be just please please let her know that she is valid and you will support her through whichever choice it may be! Being a single mother is HARD! It’s definitely her choice all in all but just make sure that she has all the options that she needs and information to help her understand them all. I have 2 wonderful babies and I had 1 abortion after my kids and I don’t regret it but it does make me sad when I think about who they could’ve been, but I’m in no way shape or form able to take care of another baby and quite frankly this world is turning to shit right before our own eyes. Abortions don’t make her or any woman less of a woman! If she does decide on an abortion and if they let you and you’re comfortable please go in with her, hold her hand, talk her through it and support her! It’s uncomfortable and I’m sure she’ll need someone to hold her hand if need be. Good luck to the both of you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

They will discuss all options and support what she decides, do not guilt her if she chooses to get an abortion


From reading this a second time she didn’t ask about convincing her to keep the child but rather asked is there a place you can go that will talk about all of the options and not just advocate for abortion.


They will discuss all her options. Have baby and keep it, have and release for adoption or terminate/abort. They do not push in any direction. It is her choice and they will support her in whatever decision she makes. I know this as I worked in public health family planning clinic for more than 30 years.


She needs to do what SHE thinks is best for her.


They will encourage her to abort. They always fo. Thats their job.


Remember there’s another human who has a voice in this, it’s his or her body too.


I just want to say we need more parents like you. She is blessed to have you.


No woman does not know that keeping a baby from a pregnancy is an option. I have never met or even heard of a pregnant woman that was like - Wait… I have the option to KEEP this baby?? lol Your daughter knows plenty good and well that is an option. You just don’t like that it is not the choice she is making and you’re wanting someone else to come at her with it too. She’s 21. She’s plenty grown. If you truly support her decision, then let her handle it the way she chooses without any direct or indirect influence.


No one has any right to advise her to terminate/adoption who even puts that in a mums head. Its simple she wants the baby or she doesn’t she is mum.


Sounds like a smart young lady I would be proud of her to make that tough yet responsible decision. I had my daughter at 16 and my son at 19 and of course I wouldn’t change it for the world NOW even though I’m now 30 and my kids are 10 and 13 and I’ve been single basically the entire time because they deserve all my attention, love, and time but if I would’ve been more responsible


Planned Parenthood will go over ALL options with her.


They will try talking her into an abortion planned parenthood is awful


I got pregnant at 19 with my daughter now she is 10 and it was hard but I did it with support of my family and the the baby father but it was hard and it has to be her decision what she wants to do and the clinic will give her options.

Noone wants to hear this but. I’m the mom who believes in prevention not abortion. If she had been on birth control this wouldn’t have happen. (Yes bc fails but very rarely so don’t even go there)

As far as planned Parenthood goes… she will tell her about what she wants to hear. If she goes on there looking for an abortion that is what they will tell her about. If she goes in discussing adoption that’s what they will talk to her about . They will ask what she wants and lead from there…

I am against abortion because I see it as if you have unprotected sex you automatically choose the child because you know the consequences.

Go ahead and start putting me down but I’m a single mom of three daughters. 12 17 and 20 all three on bc and all three still virgins.

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I have never known of anyone who regretted NOT aborting.


They’ll talk to her about both options and give her info to take home to help her make the decision either way they won’t look down on whatever choice she makes and will help her along the way


Praying that she makes the best decision for her. And whatever it is that she is at peace with it.


I just want to give you kudos for being so supportive regardless of what her decision may be! It seems you’re a very sweet and kind momma and I really just want to shed some light on that. Thank you so much for offering your love and support. At a time like this, your daughter needs nothing more than to know shes not alone and I honestly think you’re doing a fantastic job being on her side❤ I’m sending you both love, light and positive intentions


You should look at it like a blessing if it didn’t work then there’s a plan for that baby a big plan and God will bless her for making the right decision and choosing life especially during the time we are in now where child sacrifice is at highest number ever. If she chooses death of her life she will be cursed will not be blessed by God and she would have had a much easier being a parent than killing the baby. She’s not ready to be a parent and she should not be happen sexual encounters with anyone. Stress the fact that this kid has a plan for a reason and that she is choosing generational curses or generational blessings and let her know and keep this because it would be a reminder of a warning of the choices she makes


Some of you are so damn rude. Unbelievable

Please educate yourself planned parenthood is not only for abortions…in fact not all their clinics perform abortions…they provide sexual health care as well as some general care for ALL PEOPLE (female, Male and LGBTQ)


They will talk her into a abortion. Will not let her change her mind or leave half way through or at any time.


They will talk to her about all of her options. They will also tell her all the ways they can help if she decides to keep her baby


I will take it and pay all the expenses … I will never get to be a grandma , please dont abort it .


Listen Mama’s, so they are going to explain to her the procedure and her options, they not only explain her options on abortion but I’m the next step if she decides to keep the child… your daughter is 21 and allowed to make the decision and you supported her regardless is what she will need most. It’s not an easy decisions but it’s the one she will make and she will need you most after. So it shouldn’t matter what they tell her because I’m the end, she already kind of knows what she wants… and she will tell you or make that decision herself. Be strong and thank you for loving your child the way you do.


Hoping she keeps the baby.


In my own experience Planned Parenthood explains all her options and they do not pressure you in any way


Planned parenthood is an excellent source of information, options and counseling for her to make her own decisions. It is NOT their role to talk women into abortions. They are a support organization for women’s reproduction health.


They will talk to her about her different options

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They will make sure she understands all of her options they do not try to force people into abortions

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They will discuss all options with her, they will ask multiple times if she is sure she wants an abortion, if anyone is pushing her to make that decision etc. I was moral support for a friend and they were absolutely amazing. They will explain the two processes. One being the pills, depending on how far along she is. The other option is surgical. They’ll explain how both will go, anything to watch out for, etc. They’ll also bring up adoption, and keeping it. They are very thorough, please whatever you do, support any decision she makes. She’s going to need your support whichever way she goes with this. It’s a tough decision to make, but it is her choice. I never agreed with abortion until it hit so close to home being a close friend. Also, plan b can cause problems with a growing fetus as well. So that’s always something to keep in mind. :heart: prayers to you and your daughter.


I had my baby at 17 I chose to keep her after learning about options an knowing about abortion I found out a baby has a heart beat at 5 weeks an I just could bot kill it it was. Hard but it was my decision


There are pregnancy resource centers in my city. I think (my opinion) Planned Parenthood favors abortion in general.


Please don’t listen to all the ProBirth wannabe ProLifers. Regardless of what your daughter chooses, let her make that decision. Respect for offering your help should she want to keep said baby. Just lend her an ear and an OCCASIONAL advice giver. Don’t try and push OR steer her any certain way. Let her find her own peace and choice.


Most Planned Parenthood don’t talk about keeping or adopting out the baby unfortunately there biggest money making is again unfortunately abortion. Your local health department should have several different resources/groups at which she could speak with about adoption…wishing you both the best of luck and will pray God leads her in the direction she needs to go and no I’m not throwing religion at anyone here and I do respect whatever choice is made but the Plan B pill didn’t work so as I was always told by my parents growing up there is a reason for every conception maybe there is a plan here that she doesn’t know yet…good luck hun…wishing you the best turn out for all concerned.


Look for an adoption couple. Many people cannot have kids. If you feel you’re not ready to be parents, wrap it up.


They tried to talk me into aborting. I went thinking they’d help me “plan my parenthood “ (I was woefully ignorant, I know ). They brought in at least three different ladies to tell me horrors stories about situations similar to mine (unmarried, unprepared etc). It felt like an intervention. I don’t know if this is always the case. It was my experience.


Planned Parenthood is a family planning clinic.
They will talk to her about ALL of her options. Not limited to abortion :roll_eyes:


They don’t talk about your options.


Whatever she chooses will be because of how she feels. Nobodies going to push her into any decision.


At the end of the day it’s her choice and all you can do is support her like you are :heart: but if I was in you’re shoes I would strongly suggest keeping the baby or putting the baby up for adoption :relaxed: and I’d share my reasons why. but if she really feels it’s not for her I’d step back and then after that maybe look into support groups and making getting on a better contraception so that theres no more surprises


If it was not for two wonderful women who did not abort their babies I would not have been able to adopt both of my sons.


No abortion she will regret it the rest of her life, put the baby up for adoption many people want a baby…


Just support her in whatever decision she makes. It’s going to be hard no matter what- but that’s why she’ll need you more then ever! You sound like a great, caring mother. You’re handling things perfectly.


I would talk to her yourself about all other options. Do some research of other organizations that offer tons of provision during and long after birth. Abby Johnson: ProWoman, ProChild, ProLife is involved in one of those organizations that helps raise money for a mom in need that feels stuck. I hope and pray you and your family find your way :heartpulse:


Good luck with whatever she choose to do.

I was 23 and in shock but in time I did start to love her just give her time and ultimately it is her choice just be there for her she needs someone who will be behind her through every step of the way… stay strong momma.


Gotta leave her to make the decisions without the pressure of you wanting to keep the baby…why? Sounds like you are nearing empty nest days…is that why you want her to keep the baby? I would have her go talk to a regular OB/Gyn to discuss all the options. Many times they know about private adoptions. Some couples are willing to pay for everything during the whole pregnancy and even handles the lawyer. There are so many couples that want children and most want babies so if they choose to not tell them they are adopted the child doesn’t remember. Is she mentally and emotionally able to carry full term and hand the baby over sight unseen or will she go downhill because she let the baby go? Does she feel she could handle having an abortion? She needs to be completely informed of the entire process. I was involved in a similar situation and thank the good lord they had let me in the room because they didn’t explain things much and I had to lay across her to keep her still as they were right in the middle of things and she was freaking out. It haunted me for years…she walked away after all that like she had just gone for a regular check up…I knew someone that was using having abortions as birth control…until she finally wanted a baby and she had to spend all 9 months in bed after having her uterus totally quarterized so it didn’t tear… was her one and only child. If you can’t talk about it and she won’t go see a regular ob/gyn for a second informed opinion have her look it up on the computer.

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That depends on the state that you live in. Some states mandate counseling before abortion can occur.

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Planned parenthood will try to get her to have an abortion, that’s what they do, they want as many abortions, that’s what’s it’s for. They specialize in getting confused and scared women to murder their unborn child. Planned parenthood is EVIL. Help her save that baby, don’t let her kill that baby, help her, in fact ask her to give him or her to you, she will love it and want it later on, if not? Then you helped saved a precious baby. Fight for that baby, so what’s right

Let me explain this very plainly.
Your plans should not be more important than hers. If I was planned Parenthood, to even start the convo, it would be a neutral. I don’t know, as I’ve never been to one but I can assure you they would list the options and see where SHE led the conversation.
They should not guilt trip her into either choice available to her. Neither should you.
If SHE doesn’t want the pregnancy, leave it for her to decide what she wants to do and please don’t sway her on the decision as it’s not your body carrying the child, wasn’t your sexual activity that made the child, and not your brain that will processing the emotions she’s feeling now and will be feeling.
I’m seeing a lot of " I hope she’ll keep the baby" all throughout your post.
You should really be mainly saying and being repetitive in saying, “I hope my daughter will make the right decision best for her.” So again, Do not put your plans and feelings above hers.


If it wasnt for my grandmother finding out and stepping in, i would have been aborted when my mother was 18yrs old. She told my mum she’s not her daughter if she did such a thing aswell she would adopt me after i was born if mum didnt change her mind by then and see a baby as Gods blessing and great plan for her. My gran also had 7 children at time and was yet prepared to take me in also if needed be. And by Gods grace im very thankful she did as im here today as mum did change her mind when i was born and told me she’d never have forgiven herself if she did it back then. Your situation may be different but please do and trust what you feel Gods telling you in your spirit to try save this bub life. :revolving_hearts:


My advice is, just be there for her and accept whatever decision she makes. Which ever one she chooses wont be easy and she is going to need you! (I had my eldest daughter at 18, unplanned and unprepared, I could of never of done it without my mum) xx

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Let Them Live might can help also


They are All Gods children whether they were planned or not…pray…pray …pray…that she will see that abortion is NOT the answer


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What will planned parenthood tell my daughter? - Mamas Uncut

Keep encouraging her to keep that baby!!!

If she goes down for a termination - They’ll ask for what reason, if she’s being forced or feels unsafe and they explain what happens next. They don’t trick you or make you think having a baby is the only way. Let her do this, it’s her choice, just remind her to take more procautions in future.

I don’t trust Planned parenthood. So many people would love to have this baby. If she feels she can’t be a mother right now then allow someone who can. This is God’s miracle we are talking about, not a mass of cells


Not your body not your choice she’s a grown woman

She made the decision to have sex and the possibility of pregnancy is always there. Whether she’s ready to be a mother or not she is one and has been since the conception of her baby. Even if she chooses abortion this will stay with her for the rest of her life. She’s old enough to make this choice. Whatever the choice she will have to face the consequences.


This is her choice. Be there for her so when the time is right for her to be a mom you can all truly celebrate it. She’s not ready right now, and that’s okay. Accidents do happen despite precautions. As a mom, just love on her. No matter what choice she makes, it will be a difficult one. Your job is to hold her hand. To remind her that you love her. I promise she knows your views. All daughter’s know what their mothers think. She doesn’t need your thoughts on abortion repeated back at her, she needs to know you’ll be by her side when it’s over and please never ever use this moment in her life against her. She’s a woman in control of her own body and her own future.

Just love her. That’s all she needs right now.

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let her do her decision. you are wanting her to already be a single mom at 21.

Honestly, it isn’t your business. Let her go to the appt and she’ll tell you what she decided to do when she does.

They will discuss all options with her, even if she comes in stating she wants an abortion. They will still tell her the other options. They will also most likely do an ultrasound. Some states require the woman hears the heartbeat, others require that and that they see the ultrasound image. Either way, she will have all her options laid out to her. Go with her, wait in the waiting room. If she decides to do the procedure, see if she wants you in with her. Either way, just continue to be as supportive as you are. You’re doing great :heart:
**Source had a very close friend have one and I was with her the entire time, as she requested

They will provide her with information and referrals for support in all options and whatever she ultimately chooses will be her choice. Try to remember this is not about you and support her in whatever she chooses.

As a mom it is her job to help lead, guide, and protect her daughter from going down a path she may regret later. She wants her daughter to have options and not just like she has no other way out but abortion. No one tells you about the emotions later down the road. I have several friends who have had this done and not one of them are proud of it and wish they wouldn’t have. I hope your daughter finds the advice and help that she needs. I am praying for guidance that the right thing be done.


Planned parenthood respects the decision each women makes and will give information. To them regarding the choice they make. They do not push either way. They have always been pro-choice.

It sounds like YOU are the one wanting the baby. Not her as clearly she took the PlanB.
Stop trying to persuade her. It’s quite literally her life. Having a baby when you don’t want it and know you aren’t ready could potentially cause resentment for her towards you and that child if it’s born can very easily find out the truth later in life and it will cause not only resentment via the grandchild toward the mother but also you and a slew of emotional trauma no matter how good of a life you think you can help provide.
Ask me how I know…. I am that baby. I was also adopted to my bio mother’s sister and raised in an evangelical home.
The best decision she could have made FOR ME would have been abortion. But she was pressured to choose life.
Please. PLEASE!!! Do not say another word. Let her make her choice and support her 100%.
Raising that child isn’t always the best option.

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Planned parenthood will be very supportive and will allow her to make whatever decision is best. My 1st pregnancy was a surprise and so I went to planned parenthood just to see what my options were and the discussed all options and all support systems and even gave me information to get Medicaid because I was uninsured at the time.

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Any of the decisions she knows she has, just be there to listen to her vent and make that decision. You have raised her to be a smart person and someone who she obviously trusts to come to and confide in. Don’t ruin that by pressuring her to keep the baby when she doesn’t feel ready. Just be there with a huge hug and a heart full of love.

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I had a friend who got pregnant at 19 and Planned Parenthood encouraged abortion :rage:

I don’t know where you live, but have your daughter look up New Hope Center online they are a good resource and discuss all your options.


#blessingindisguise :pray:t4:

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Maybe you could recommend the option of speaking to an adoption agency. She would see how many women and couples are desperate to adopt a baby. She could completely change someones life for the better and make their dreams of having a family come true.


Planned parenthood will let her know all options available to her. Id stop trying to sway her opinions… I was not allowed to properly choose what to do with my 1st pregnancy as my parents also heavily pushed their preference on me. Single motherhood isn’t for everyone. Had I known the custody battles id fight when her father changed his mind about being a fathed… and the struggles wed face as a single parent home… I would not have listened to them. Be her support. Allow her to assess this with medical.professionals and simply be there and support her choice.


Try a pregnancy resource center

When I went they didnt talk to me about any other options. Just told me I was too far along for the pill and scheduled me for the procedure. I didn’t do it. But no they never once talked to me or gave me any knowledge about any other options.


Planned Parenthood will provide her will all options and resource phone numbers.

They’ll make her believe that she should have an abortion. That’s what they do.


i don’t think they’ll try to talk her into anything. they will give her info on each choice. totally her decision.

Don’t know where you are but there is a place called the pregnancy center it is Christian based maybe she should go there instead

She’s 21. Let her make the decision. Support her. Period.


I feel like this is a whole lot of nonsense and planned parenthood has nothing to with it. This is a fake story.


I’m not giving any advice.But Don.t forget that abortion is murder.

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Maybe tell her to go to a pregnancy center instead? More Christian…friendly…guide you to adoption agencies or trade free parenting classes for free baby supplies if keep the baby. Also…she needs to know abortion can come with risk of infertility…as well as depression and other mental issues after. Can do adoption through an agency and she would get a good bit of money to help her own situation for that baby she doesnt want to go to a family that would love the baby like their own. Needs to think before jumps in. Planned Parenthood around here just takes your money and does the abortion…if not talks you into abortion over adoption…not letting you know can get a few grand if adopt out instead with medical and everything covered. Wouldn’t go straight to letting her make a possible mistake that might prevent future grandchildren or lead to mental health issues in your own daughter…


Shes 21 years old stay out of it


Everything Marjorie Greene doesn’t want your daughter to know to protect herself from stds, unwanted pregnancies and sexual education, etc. as a young women needs. #fuckmarjoriegreene

They will just try to get her to have an abortion

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What will planned parenthood tell my daughter? - Mamas Uncut

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What will planned parenthood tell my daughter? - Mamas Uncut