What would you do if you found out your husband cheated?

Burn the house down and fucking leave

Bag his shit up and leave them outside. Chuck him out.

Tell him don’t cone back. His stuff will be out side

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Pack his stuff and take it to her house. Change the locks and get ahold of an attorney ASAP!!


Pack his or your stuff. Get out. Block them both. Let them live together cause one day he WILL DO IT TO HER AND SHE WILL GO THROUGH HELL FOR BEING SO GROSS LIKE THAT!


Save everything and call a lawyer.
Pack his crap and drop it off at her house


I’d be on my way over there. Lol

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Leave that “man” and take everything from him. His money, his house, everything…

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You keep breathing, and you exit with the grace he never deserved. Do not say anything and file for divorce, have him served and use the time to find other living arrangements, until the divorce is over.


First off save proof, your gonna want that for divorce court, next I would go over there and throw slime in both of their hair (you ruin their hair (without jail time) I’m talking the bucket of slime Walmart sells, just go to slinging it everywhere, then throw his stuff out and change the lock, get divorce papers filed asap, then make sure you got the assets you want in a safe place and protect any money that’s yours, then go get your hair done and know that your better off

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Before you do anything, especially rash, talk to YOUR lawyer.

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Place all his stuff outside, NEATLY, if your fr done w him… if your just mad rn n going to take him back, throw it all out in the yard

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make sure you save, and/or screen the messages! That’s messed up… I hate people


Pack his stuff and take it to her house. Change the locks and get ahold of an attorney ASAP!!


And take photos from your phone of their messages!!

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Exactly save and screenshot every single bit of proof right down the the ping of his phone. Send it to a email he doesn’t know so he can’t delete it. Get a lawyer and leave


Pack allllllll his stuff and have it at her house

Call a detective asap. Pictures for adultery in court.

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Damn I would pop up there and see what he has to say. She’s history I wouldn’t even give a fuck what she has to say normally I would but this is your husband not just a boyfriend so he owes u alot more of an explanation see if he tries to lie some more or if he tells you the truth. And then tell him u want him out and even if you don’t want to just throw the marriage away I would make him suffer for a while before I let him know he even has a chance!

I’d show up there . Call them both out and kick his ass out he can go live with that nasty

Go dump his stuff on her porch. File for divorce today.


Get rid of him !!! Trust me it will save you so much trouble in the long run!!!

What do you want to do? If you want to fight about it, stay. If you want peace and a better life, leave. The less energy you give him and the situation he created, the better you will feel.


If hes there now I’d show up . Jessenia Castro Flores Angii Roman Elizabeth Maldonado ya know me :rofl::woman_facepalming:


Get screenshots of everything. Hell, take his “broken” phone with you and contact an attorney. That’s adultery and he CAN get in trouble for that and possibly even have to pay you


Obviously you show up unannounced with the same chocolate cake from The Help. Then you straighten your crown and leave them to themselves


See I’m not like everyone else I’m irrational aswel I’d be over there swinging people with his bags all his clothes would be on her oath and the whole street would kbow what was going on I’m not suggesting you do this but that’s what I’d do but I am irrational at times like that :joy:I hope your OK there’s no worse feeling and a mate pffffttttt can’t write what I’d do to her il get a ban xx


Move all your money to a safe asap


Fuck them…go do you and never talk to them again…so sorry xoxo

Go knock on the door and confront them both. After tossing his stuff out in the yard in garbage bags. Chnage locks before going over there. Make sure have copies of every single text.


Treat him the same way he’s treating you make his ass miserable then divorce

Change the locks and lock all windows with his stuff on the porch


Start packing. Gather everything you need this second. And get out.


Go to the court house and ask for divorce papers when I found out mine was cheating on me that’s what I did he new I wasn’t playing you have got to know your worth and your worth is being wasted by someone who would rather cheat on you then love you


I’d be on my way over there to hurt both their feelings, and back home to print out the divorce dissolution paperwork. Ain’t no room to be the bigger person in this situation…for me!


The old me called that birch up and told her I was gonna beat her ass but after another time of it happening I just let that shit go and got myself together , you don’t need to loose your head over him… please don’t hun , take it from me I was married for 6 yrs and got cheated on , bitches come and go

Calm down and start planning your exit or his. Maintaining your cool is going to be hard but you’ve gotta do it to gain the upper hand. There’s nothing he can say or do to explain YEARS of deception.


You need a new man that will not cheat on you

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You put all his shit outside. Or go drop it off at your so called friends house

Make sure you keep proof too


I would post the text messages on fb and tag them but I’m petty


Divorce the coward!! Move on find a loyal man who is honest to you and honors his vows to you.


Screen shots for court and tell him BYEEEEEEE

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Take pictures and breathe. Then get deposit for somewhere to go contact a lawyer and don’t touch anyone makes you look vetter


Oh and he never stopped after the first time , please :pray: don’t do nothing petty or stupid hun you’re better than that

Get as far away as possible

Call me crazy, but I’d show up at her house right now! :woman_shrugging:t3: also, keep that “broken phone” for text evidence for court


Put his stuff out in the front yard and don’t look back. Things only get worse not better. She’s no friend. Been there and had that done to me.


First I would be devastated then I would show up at her house with his stuff and dump it in her yard.


Coming from someone who reacted very irrationally, try to get as much evidence as you can. Keep that broken phone with you. Create a new email and send all screenshots to it to save it. Begin thinking if you want to leave and then start planning it. Don’t give him any hints that you know.


I would so show up at this so called friends house and they would know that I know but I’m not a sit around and wait kind of person!! I don’t deal with cheaters of any kind!!


Idk honey, I do know though that someone is moving out. I hope it’s him. If they could do that to someone they claim to love them fuck them they deserve each other. Your real husband would never.

Keep ALL evidence!!! Get an atrorney!!! Then sue her ass as well!

Pack his crap up or throw it out side

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Get out there is a life out there God Bless

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Pack all his stuff and drop it off. “He’s yours now”


Leave. The relationship and the friendship

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Screenshot it all…pack his shit, change the locks and staple the screenshots in an envelope to his bags(that’s what rational me would do) … hot head me would carol badkin his a**

leave ! as hurtful as it is , you don’t deserve that :pleading_face:
Sending love :yellow_heart:

Go there! Dump his ass!

talk to lawyer then send divorce papers. then literally just ghost him, like block and erase him off everything.
tell your family not to say anything and not another word.

Have a drink, Play it off, prepare and then destroy… or something like that.


throw all
his shit on the front lawn

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He’s not worth it ! Move on

Move the money, new locks and stuff on the porch.


Id go knock on her door gob in both of their faces and say hey you 2 deserve each other then id go deal with my hurt.
But thats just me.
Oh and id pack his shit n dump it all on her doorstep

Throw his stuff out and file for divorce. Once a cheater always a cheater!

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They don’t deserve rational thinking.

Girl. Show your worth!!! :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Move all your money. Get a lawyer


Call him at your friends if she answers ask to speak to him then let him know his clothes are outside waiting for him.


Make a trip, duh :woman_facepalming:t2:


Collect all that evidence and save it for your divorce attorney. Don’t tell him you know. Get a plan to move out and never look back.


If you have children please think logically about this!!!

As much as I would love to show up at the door and start something you have to ask if it’s worth it!

Get screenshots of everything, get yourself a lawyer, and file for divorce. Pack up your stuff and leave!!! But don’t do anything that could jeopardize you winning or if you have kids getting your children!


Carefully put his stuff on the front porch. Have a locksmith come and change all the locks. Change your number. Block him on all social media platforms


Show up on them and act like nothing…play it on them

I would go and ask them if there’s something they forgot to tell you​:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. Then leave his sorry ass.

Prepare for ultimate revenge :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Show up at her house…

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Get evidence of cheating, put his stuff outside while he’s gone & change the locks. File for divorce.


Get copies of all the messages pics etc. If you do show up there have video rolling and confront them then leave

Cut them both off. Divorce him

Forward the messages aswell as screenshot

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Keep proof all you can get


Plan your exit. Pack your things. Once you’re all settled into where you’re planning on staying, then message him and be like “I know”. Then ghost his ass

Don’t ask strangers for advice. Do whatever makes you happy.

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When I found out my husband cheated. I called him and her at work. I packed all mine and my kids stuff up and we left.

Let her have the garbage. You go be free, love. :heart:

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 Get a new bank account with whatever’s in your account put it in the new one get a divorce and kick his sorry ass out :purple_heart:

They deserve each other, grab what you can and run!


I’m sure her partner would like to know, screen shot the conversation, you need proof


Dude…you have two options…forgive him and work through it or leave. And unfortunately, nobody can make that decision but YOU.

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save all those messages for your proof. and go file for divorce. take him to the cleaners


Handle your bank account, separate EVERYTHING bank account wise, remove his name from any vehicle or bank account that is yours BEFORE doing anything else. And then make sure you take photos of the messages on the phone and keep the phone before he goes and deletes them. Get together any important files you need for you or children, find somewhere to stay just in case, be gone when he gets back unless you want the house, and in that case change the locks while he’s gone today or tomorrow and then speak to a lawyer to have him served


Do not blow up or let himknow you know… collect evidence and take the kids and leave and get support and have custody for you and visits for him… or deal with it, heal from it and stay together or be apart, marriage counseling, end the friendship…: or cheat back and stay…:

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Get all proof , get an exit plan worked out, and then take his butt to court

Say nothing. Get your proof & save it. Start moving documents you need out of the home, slowly get all everything out & if he does happen to say things look bare-Just say spring cleaning, get yourself a new place & a lawyer. Then you move, change your address & have his sorry tail served. If he has questions then tell him to direct them all to your lawyer. You all can sort through the evidence together where he can’t backpedal & he can’t be caught red handed.


Withdraw the money out of your account. Then while is gone pack his shit and take it to your friends house. Change the locks and hire a lawyer. But keep the broken phone as evidence

That would be it for me - good bye!

I’m so sorry to hear this. This is devastating and I wish you luck, in whatever you decide to do.

Screen shoot everything. Pack his bags (if you will be the one who keeps the house) and tell him you want a divorce when he gets home as for her block her on all socials and ghost her she’s not worth anything