What would you do if you found out your husband cheated?

Withdraw every bit of money you have in joint account. Use it to hire a good attorney and serve his ass with divorce papers, put his stuff on the curb (or leave, whichever benefits you more) and then go punch your friend right in the face.

Pack his bags and deliver them to her house now. Tell him he needs a lawyer. And kick them both out of your life.


These comments are moving so fast, I wanna make sure you see this, so Imma post it again.

:purple_circle:Can y’all please not give her any advice about getting violent! It would hurt her more than it hurt them long term!:purple_circle:


Save the messages for proof. Leave and file for divorce.


Do NOT show up there. You’ll only make the situation worse and possibly get into trouble. Document and file. Lock him out


Keep the texts and file for alimony


:anger: First! Document everything!!:anger: Then I’d have her over for dinner/lunch (while your husband is there of course) print out everything… then boom :boom: fan it all out on the table…sit back and watch the chaos unfold


First step, BREATHE. You’re feeling a rush of adrenaline and emotion. Do you have kids? If so, ask yourself is it worth it to act crazy. And most definitely don’t load them up and go to wherever he is at. Things can get ugly quickly and their peace is most important.

And honestly, if you don’t have kids… still don’t go over there. Your OWN peace is worth more then that.

SECOND, get yourself CONCRETE EVIDENCE. Screenshot everything or take a picture or print the shit out. However you have to. DO NOT tell him you have any proof, and honestly have two copies. If you decide to divorce him… When you go to court you need the dirt on him.

After that make a game plan if you decide to divorce… you staying in the house? Can you afford it on your own? Or are you better off getting out… etc.

Best of luck and prayers your way!

Cut them both loose…


Pack his stuff then drop it off at her house.


Pack his stuff change the locks, drop his stuff at her house. Email the proof to several different places.


Change the door locks and go file for divorce.

Get a divorce see a lawyer ok move out move on move forwards

Personally I would act as if I know absolutely nothing, I would start to get all my business in order, money wise/ lawyer wise. And not say a single thing to him about it without someone there. Be prepared for every excuse, every I won’t do it again. You deserve so much more than this & you deserve honesty which I don’t think you’ll receive from someone like that. Sending you love, stay fierce!


I’d call her. Ask her what she’s doing and if she’d like to meet for lunch.
When she declines. Call him and ask him if he’d like to meet for dinner. When he declines. I’d get the messages printed out.
Drive to her house. And go off, throw the messages all over the yard.
Embarrass them.

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Go outside to get some fresh air to clear your head for a minute! If you can afford the place you live on your own then pack up all his things now and drop them off on your so-called friends porch. If you can’t afford to live in your house on your own then start looking for a place and make a plan to move forward ie divorce, custody of kids etc… Keep your head up and good luck🥰

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Pack his shit leave it on her doorstep with a note saying hes your problem now. Get a lawyer as hes commited adultry and take him for all hes worth. Keep the broken phone with all the texts for proof for lawyer. Change all the locks immediately and keep all windows locks. Go to cops and get restraining order asap so he can not come back to your house.

Get copies of everything send them to your email . Act normal like everything is fine while secretly filing for divorce and a law suit on the friend for emotional pain


Change the locks pack his stuff up and leave it at her house they can both be gone from you


Been there leave NOW

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Depends. Do you want to try to work it out with him or is that the final straw? If you’re done with him then get a Private Investigator to get video of him with that girl. Take your part of the bank accounts and consult a lawyer.


they made it very clear that neither of them respect you… not as a wife, friend or even in a relationship status. Clear your house, your personal circle and start fresh with a more wholesome life. As you heal , new people will come into your life… Don’t look back… forgive but don’t forget and don’t go back.

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He’s not worthy of you and obviously she shouldn’t be called a friend.
Move on, not worth getting revenge. Don’t act on impulse or stand to their level. File for divorce and find your own peace and happiness. Karma will eventually catch up to both of them. Now straighten your crown Because he’s not the only man I this planet. Good Luck


As someone who reacts fast … screenshot everything , save it to an email he can’t access, take a deep breath and figure out if you want to be w him. If you don’t get his things and leave them outside or at her house. Block her and figure out what steps need to be taken !! But screenshot every message!! I truly wish you the best of luck!

I say a public humiliation post is good just go get a video post it to the comments for us all to make fun of them… job done.

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Make a secret email to send all the proof to.


You try to work through it or you leave. Either answer depends on what’s best for you. But in this particular cheating circumstance, it sounds like he’s had a loooooooong time to right things and didn’t.

That sounds like much more than a simple mistake.

First of all … keep it to yourself for now. You need to think about the impact (physically, emotionally and financially) of confronting him. Make sure you and children (if any) are secure BEFORE you confront him.


Not your problem anymore. NEXT

I’d try as hard as I could to keep my powder dry until I’ve got as many of my ducks in a row as possible then go on the attack and have some fun doing it. Hope you’re doing as well as possible, what an asshole he is and her too� xxx

Run to the store, get a new lock, and change your locks. Leave his stuff outside with a note telling him “blank” can house him :two_hearts:


Are you hot?? Come over my house & get some revenge :wink::kissing_heart:


Leave his shit at her doorstep👹

See a lawyer. You must think strategically. Believe everything you see and feel. Your emotions will play tricks on you. Know what you know. Do not allow him to mind eff you. Cheaters love to make you feel crazy


Keep document of everything… pack his stuff and have it out on the porch for him. Tell him you want a divorce… whatever you do don’t take it him back no matter how much he begs…


Get all those text messages printed out and email them to yourself and a friend before he gets wise and deletes everything


I’d show up and crash the fun but I’m ignorant so :woman_shrugging:t2::joy:


I would not be sitting here on fb. Go to that address and set his ass out!!!

Keep info and screen shots
Don’t do or say anything until you have a plan. This has been going on a long time without your knowledge, don’t give him the upper hand by letting him know until you figure out an exit plan for yourself


Take all financial records, close all joint credit cards, take half of the money in all joint bank accounts, make an appointment with a lawyer and make an appointment with a doctor for an STI screen.


She is no friend because a friend would never do that .praying for you.

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Personally, i wouldn’t say a word to him.
I’d see a lawyer, immediately and file for a divorce. If it’s legal to do, chanhe the locks one day while he’s gone and when he’s confused, text him screenshots of his phone.
Then, get therapy bc you’ll need it. :black_heart:


Go to your friends house…

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People need to stop saying leave! You have kids so you stay in the house and pack his shit and take it to her house where he can stay! Keep all of your evidence of him cheating and get a divorce.

If you share a bank account. Go get new locks. Change all locks. Lock all windows. Then clear accounts. Every. Single. Fucking. Penny. (As long as your name is on the account). Secure the money somewhere he won’t find it. Next print of divorce paperwork. Two copies. Start packing in his things and putting them outside in a “safe” area. Record everything. Get proof of everything. Make a new email and send everything to it for court. The most important part is the Money. The money is equally yours so if you don’t he will.

Text him and say…I know where u at…your shit be on the front lawn when you are done and come home…

Change locks, contact attorney, pack his items and leave at YOUR place

Walk out !! And never look back !! Don’t make a scene or anything, the reason being he ditched you like yesterday news . So best thing to do is pack or pack his things , no words and walk away !! You will feel absolutely great , because he is gonna be sitting there like :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:what’s going on ??? And by then you will be free and never never let him I. Again


Get all the proof you need and then play it cool🤷🏼‍♀️ sit back and watch him fall apart and file those papers


Don’t ask me honey I’d be pulling up to that house with his shit set it on the lawn with your ring!!! Make sure to tell him “I’m not mad I’m glad and tossed you out like the trash u are .”

Breathe then get rid. She’s took your trash out. And they can both know from me “mind the step”. So sorry this is happening to you. Sending hugs and you might like to join Surviving the Narcissistic Ex Partner Womens Closed Group

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Pack up his shit and drop it off at ole girls house

Pack up his crap and drop it off. Get a lawyer. Don’t stay, I did and they never change.

Withdrawal all the cash out of your bank accounts n cancel the credit cards that have both names on them. Help him wash his hair tonight n use Nair in his shampoo​:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.


I say head that way and see what’s up


go to her house and do a Facebook live. Act a fool sis. You got this


file for divorce make him go there to live


Pack all his stuff and drop it off in the driveway of where he is then SERVE HiM


She’s not your friend


Pack his things and drive them to her house!

It hurts but think logical- it’s all about who can prove what in court if you want a divorce… gather as much evidence as you can.


Leave both alone peacefully… Move on… your blessings will still come and Karma still doing overtime at work… she’ll be back around shortly.


Go to his best friend or one of his friends houses and fuck him :joy::grimacing:

What in the world are you waiting for??? That’s your Freaken husband!!! He’s cheating on you!!! GO THE HECK OVER THERE RIGHT NOW!!! CONFRONT THEM BOTH!!! All these other comments saying walk out don’t look back, can you just give up like that after so many years invested in your marriage without questions or confrontation?!? Heck no I couldn’t.


To her house u should go nd confront both while tossing his shit in her yard!

Make sure you have money moved first and foremost, document, document, document, do not tell the locksmith why you are changing the locks if you choose to do so, put clothes and toiletries out on the front door step.

Leave… no one who truly loves you would hurt you like that.

Break lines can fail. People fall down stairs to their dath, people de in botched robberies, the list goes on. Its alotta options my boy lol JUST KIDDING


I’m so sorry awful

Take a minute Gather ur thoughts Contact attorney Maybe change locks Have a conversation and gather support for urself- u will need it

Good luck


Cut him off from s3x first and foremost because ewww! Be still and quiet until your 100% ready to leave and make a move !

Take it all to a divorce lawyer asap


Pack his stuff up and throw it out the door and changed the locks


Go round and boot her in the choochie!


You better listen to the people who got some sense. Or else you’ll be the one screwed somehow if he knows you know and gets everything started for a divorce before you.

You have enough proof…… decide if you’re gonna stay or leave. Dont let him know regardless for right now. Don’t come to the internet asking people that your decision isn’t gonna effect… especially if you have children involved.


Don’t be petty. Hurt him with you neatly packing his things and file for divorce. I wouldn’t even say a word. Just be done


Head straight to the bank and drain that shit! 

Pretend you know nothing set yourself up for an exit every chance you get take his money save it pretend you need money for the house save it all I did this for 6 months and guess what Merry Xmas mf you moving now I had enough money to last me six months without him got my own job that week had the merriment Xmas with my 18 month old son 4 months later I met the love of my life been married now 23 years and yes I got 175 a week in child support for 18 years and never fought or cried about it let it go makes for a better you just pretend nothings changed in your relationship and get yours girl best advice I had gotten from my friend and to this day she’s my BFF and he was the weekend warrior babysitter for 17 years ps we get along great now better than when we lived together let it go


First things first. Stfu. Its hard but doo itt. Go online order baby brown recluse spiders. Im talking a hefty amount. While you wait for those to be delivered you figure out where to go (or if you’re staying) you plan a day. Whether to kick him out or leave. Get everything printed also email them to a separate email AND to a trustworthy family or friend, you want several points of access to all the proof. Empty out your accounts whatever is shared and you get a lawyer. Yes a lawyer now. Then the day of the shit hitting the fan… You chuck that box of baby spiders into the house or into his shit. After you want to make sure he is paying alimony and child support if you have children. Im petty so id go even further after but thats a really good start. Godspeed. Also.if you stay i think youre stupid and im ready to argue with anyone who thinks otherwise. Have self respect.

Girl. I’d compile all evidence. Pictures. Texts. All that… And divorce his ass with a smile on your face as you take him for it all.

Drive there and confront her. She’s no friend! He’s worthless.


I would not be rational either but I’d be on my way over there to rock their shit. Then divorce his ass and take what you need or want from him. Let the trash stay in the trash can :ok_hand:t3:

Drain bank accounts pack his shit an throw him out all in 1 day don’t let him know that you know

Go knock on the door-bring him a suitcase and change the locks


Get alllllll your shit straight for the divorce first you can whoop her later

How do you ping someone’s phone for their location?


Pack his stuff and dump it on her front lawn. tell her hes your problem now. If she has a husband make sure he sees you do it. When her husband asks what you are doing reply with “she wanted him so bad now hes all hers” turn and walk away.

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I’d go to the bank and get some money out first off! You gotta be prepared to take care of yourself then I would Pack a bag for him and do drop it off the ring the bell and leave!!


Stop , think how will you best be served, by waiting and planning so you can have money and such . It depends on your situation, kids no kids ect…
Go empty the bank account right now do you have the financial upper hand .


I’m truly sorry you are going threw this stay strong you don’t deserve to be treated this way

Change all the locks on your doors and put his stuff out :cry: I’m praying for you :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::heavy_heart_exclamation:

Show up to her house.


Lock the door and dump his sorry ass and hers they’re as irresponsible as each other. Go and cry into a cup of tea consider a sexy new look and go have your makeup done and slay as you walk past their sorry asses

Document all the evidence, get a lawyer, file an eviction if he doesn’t leave when asked outright and you keep truckin. Don’t potentially go to jail over his bullsh;t.


Keep all the messages for proof and divorce him and cut her out of your life as well.


:pensive: I’m sorry you are going through this, keep your head up and stay strong :heart:

Find a divorce lawyer and pack his shit while you’re talking to them!

Definitely pull money out if you share it. That’s always the first move on a guys part especially if he is the sole provider. You don’t have to take it all but definitely have your own back. Then get a lawyer, don’t tell him anything and leave his ass one day while he is gone. Get yourself a couple of your close friends and make a plan!

Lawyer up. And find your exit


I would pack his things and pull up to ol girls house and drop em off to him.


Go over there and f her up.!!

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