What would you do if you woke up and your fiance wasn't home?

I’ve had this before… i cried. Begged for an answer. Stayed until it changed who I was.

If you do not have children together, thank God and RUN …if you do try counseling but it only works if both want to make it work!!!

Check his google map, they have an option that tracks your whereabouts for each day

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Leave. Same behavior as an ex of mine. I’d call him out and he would act like I was crazy. I always thought that he would change. Finally caught him red handed when I got on one of his websites and catfished his ass and tossed him to the curb. Find out he has done the same to every woman he’s been with since. It was never me, always him. Find a man who is ready to commit and give you what you deserve.

Make up your mind to leave regardless…but give him the opportunity to tell you “his story”…then just spin around no matter what that story is, and walk out

I forgave many times of attempted cheating (mostly associated with drug use) until he actually did physically go out and raw dog some woman for 4 months, completely ignoring me and our son for the last month of it. This woman ended up dumping him and got with a weirdo friend of his and she also got him fired from his job. Karma. Trust your gut. If something doesn’t feel right, it isn’t. I ignored so many red flags and was tricked into just thinking I was paranoid when I was right the entire time. I will never doubt myself again nor will I be mad a fool of by staying with someone I will never trust.

Why are you asking here…you know the answer. It hurts to have your trust broken, but you have found the truth.

Um leave him? If theirs enough propf then its true. We woman give men way to many fucking excuses when the proof is right their we just don’t want to believe it because we “love” them. Plus and man who loves you wouldn’t have ANY issue with explaining exactly what they did while not being heartless and rude. When their rude about shit for one they ain’t worth a damn anyways and two their mad they got caught.

Leave his arse. I would. Thats so disrespectful. I am so sorry you are going through that. You don’t deserve any of that all, especially when you are at home remaining faithful and doing all the right things in the relationship. I hate men that do this to good women, makes me so sad X

I’ve had my husband wake up and go for a drive, but he always wakes me up to let me know what he’s doing, giving me the chance to go if I want to. He usually goes to the local gas station to get some breakfast pizza then comes right back home. If he’s not telling you he’s up doing something, he’s hiding some shit from you.

Nope walk away girl. What would he need to drive around for at 1:30a.m. isn’t even worth it you deserve better.

It may be hard but move on…it will be better for you in the long run. No one deserves to be treated badly and lied to.

My husband is an insomniac and sometimes literally does go for a walk or drive at 1am. We have our locations open so we wanted we could look on the location history map but it all comes down to trust. Seems that you don’t trust him at all and he’s given you reason not to so the decision is already made.

Just leave. I don’t care if you’ve got kids or not, just leave. He can try win you back, sure. But there would have to be big hoops to jump through.

But that’s a deal breaker. Respect yourself, and your children if you have them, to not put up with a man that does that.

I’d not discuss it with him. Gives him more opportunity for BS.

Tell him how it is. You know what is going on, it’s obvious.

And you’re gone.

Youre better than that shit don’t waste your time.

It won’t get better than this. Marriage won’t fix it.

It’s about his brokenness, not yours.

And nothing you do will fix it. He has to be willing to. And clearly isn’t because look what he’s done.

Trust your gut and confront him. If he claims it’s not true, ask to look through his phone and emails. Make sure to check the deleted folders. If you find evidence, keep reading as far back as you can go so that he can’t lie about how long or the extent of it. Don’t let him gaslight you.

Leave. It’s that simple. Not worth the future legal costs when y’all get divorced.


Trust your gut

Is this behavior acceptable

Is this how you want your husband to behave

I’d suggest let him go and step away

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From someone who’s been through this exact thing… Leave his ass. But not before saying what you know and found on his phone. See if he can get the truth together for you.
Either way though, leave him. Xx

Honestly, throw the man away… I’m so sorry you’re going thru this but he obviously don’t know what he wants.

Don’t waste anymore time on him, because that’s exactly what you’re gonna do if you continue to stay with him.

It’s called trust, for the rest of your life this will always be in your mind. You either believe it or walk way…

You won’t do it until the time is right for you. But somewhere in your heart you know he has to go

You can’t be with someone you don’t trust…but talk about it first and see how you feel after the conversation.

One very good reason you shouldn’t live together before marriage! Investing all to a non committing relationship is dangerous and fool hardy at the least!

Confront him. Don’t start your life with a cheater…once a cheater always a cheater. He could have watched tv if he could not sleep. Gone for a drive…highly questionable

He might of actually been driving around… with another women though. I’d put a tracker on his car or track his phone

address it soon.
if not it will eat you up internally. trust your gut!!
There’s a reason you woke up (this time😲) in the night.
if he can continue with the BS and you believe him…
It WILL Escalate. :pray::blue_heart:
Stay Strong

Leave him it will only get worst. Hes out looking for sex and you guys are not even married yet! Whats gonna happen when your pregnant and dont feel like having sex sometimes or if you had your period. Honestly hes most likely already cheated many times this is jusy the first time u catch him

Unless this is something u can accept as a recurring thing, u should end things now. That is not behavior that indicates a man that made a mistake. This is how he operates.

My ex would do that. Mainly to get drugs. So there’s that option.

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Been there done that… Run fast sweetheart. It’s going to hurt but you’ll be so much better off. Sorry but people don’t change.

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What does your gut say? It’s not normal behavior for him to be doing that. Be strong and tell him he is out!!!

Sit him down & confront him about it. If your gut is telling you something’s wrong, then honey something’s wrong.

Kick his ass out. Maybe one of these women he’s screwing around with has an extra bedroom for him

Fix it, there is obviously more to the story than just this - getting married used to come with counseling and therapy etc, working out all the issues of the past before the relationship etc… fix what ever is going on!!! Dont come here asking peoples advice, just fix it!

Nope not out driving around. Move it along before you get stuck. Can bring home diseases too. Sorry that this happened.

Makes you wonder how many times he did this that you did not wake up to catch him gone? There’s no reason to be driving around at that time.

My husband said “nothing good happens that late unless the fish are biting. She needs to get rid of him”

He is using up YOUR WORTH. He will leave you empty. Saying Goodbye is hard, but better than this.

If you can’t trust him before you get married…what makes you think you can trust him now?

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Follow your gut and don’t be the one left hurt later on in a marriage that will cost you more than just a goodbye line to him will.

Two can play that game! Do it to him and then leave his ass whens he heart broken

Leave him! Call
Off wedding and cut it as a loss! Keep your head up and don’t look back. If lying and cheating now it won’t stop once married.

Say good bye. Sorry if he’s cheating now he will in the future. Save yourself a lot of pain and misery before it’s worse.

Ok…I get insomnia and getting in the car and driving around is something I have done. However, I left a note just in case.

You know What he was up to so just deal with it. He sounds unbelievable.

I don’t think you need other ppl opinion Bc your gonna do what you want anyways. Is it worth working out ? Or are you left better being single ?

My bf has never done that. That’s very concerning him leaving at night. Life’s to shorts to be with someone cheating. Change is hard but you’ll find someone for you and only you!
But I do know my bf gets those stupid emails. He signed up for a dating site before i met him now he gets tons of them like scams.

My husband didnt come home from work one night, he’d been acting strange for weeks and I’d asked him outright if there was someone else, I suspected he’d met someone at his work, he swore on our granddaughters life that there wasn’t.
He rang me from his work at lunchtime to say he wasn’t coming home that night, he “needed time to think” I waited the weekend, gave him his space, 4 days later I had a call from our bank asking if I’d authorise a payment that he wanted to make into some woman’s account, the bank told me her name and branch, I rang my husband’s office and asked to speak to her, she was “out of the office” bingo, she worked with him, that was it, I then knew it was over, best thing, trust your instincts, don’t be fooled. You’re worth more. I’d rather be on my own than treated like a fool.

Help yourself and do what’s right for you. Doesn’t matter what anyone says, You have first and last say in your life, and, you already know the answer.

Find a new boyfriend and go to PPH for an STD checkup! The other suggestion I have for you is illegal in all 50 states…well maybe not in Texas!:joy:

Leave, marriage will not change him. Even he admitted to hooking up with anyone and swears it will never happen again…leave!

This probably isn’t the first time! End it now! A zebra never loses his stripes!

I’d confront him with screenshots if day divorce papers but you’re not married yet

You know enough already to make a decision. Why argue? Put him out a find a new man. What you allow will continue!!

Run. U know what he was doing. Now it’s just a question of whether or not ur going to let it continue…

He’s cheating. I’m literally in the same situation. Just leave, as soon as you can. It’s not worth it.

The real question is what would you do? You are the person who has to live with the consequences of your choice, so make a decision and stick with it, don’t let anyone change your mind, including him.

I would leave before I even had to look through emails if i felt something was fishy

Just pack his thing and tell him not to let the door hit him up the backside on way out .
If it’s his place just pack and leave

I go for late drives when I can’t sleep… Why is it so hard to believe that? Also, I get a fuck ton of spam emails about “single men/ladies” in my area.

End it now. Their wise you will have a lot of heart ache in the future many times and go they worse if u have kids.

Unless his still wearing a nappy…you will never be able to change him. Get rid of him!!!

I. Different than a lot of women I just cv o me out and ask and I don’t let it go till I finally get the truth and why.it may break us up but for me its worth it to know .

This is not his first time. Since he wants to test your water, make sure you burn him. Too many free dicks flying around, get yourself another one.

Leave him! That’s just the start, I put up with it for years and years which broke me sigh

If your handy change the locks while he’s out.

Time to move on as hard as it might be. Close that door and don’t look back

Do what Beyoncé would do. Everything he owns is in a box to the left.

Its time to leave mine was CONSTANLY on line with hookup sites hes a liar & a cheater & I’m in the process of leaving him right now!

Break and run! He’s lieing and thats the tip of the ice burg! Get out now before kids and mortgages come along!!!

Do the same as he did,go for a drive. See how he reacts…

If you cant trust him, what kind of foundation would your marriage be built on? just something to think about.

Let him / Her go…or switch table on him/her. Leave at night and throw some emails up there and see how they handle it…

You have tovrespect yourself tell him shacking up means commitment he cant treat you that way.what happens in the dark willbsoon come to light. Give him time to hang himself

Fiancé? Don’t make him your husband.

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GET OUT NOW! I forgave before marriage and ended in divorce after bahavior didn’t change.

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Dodge that bullet. End things before they get worse and you are in farther than you should be.

Well that is called a red flag and it is not to be ignore.

I know you specifically said ladies and I just want to let you know I am a female using my husband’s Facebook page I don’t usually bring that up but considering that you literally said what would you ladies do it would make sense for the males to just sit this one out, so I just wanted to make sure you knew I wasn’t trying to mansplain your situation to you
That being said I would say go with your gut you know what’s going on and we love you

State your truth… ask for his.:. Then ask yourself are you better off with your fiancé or without… you are the only one who can decide for you.

Sometimes you might be doing it to them and looking to justify ur actions

Run while you can. Don’t marry him at all. Just cut your losses and move on.

Kick his ass to the curb. He is lying and you know it. They never change.

Imagine waking up at 1:30am and stretching out in ya big comfy bed with no fucks given about anyone but yourself. - sounds like a better option! Get rid!!

Get out of that fast as you can and don’t look back.Because if he is doing that now he will keep on doing it.Belive me I raw in a marriage just like that and he never quit.

Throw the whole fiance away! You’re worth more than that xx

do you really not know ? or are you just not wanting to take the responsibility upon yourself ?

My best advice to anyone in this situation is ” what would you tell your best friend to do? Do that. ”

Tell him to leave!! He could bring everything back to you not only COVID

You arent married yet! Trust is number 1 in marriage imo. Rocky foundation

Get on your knees and thank God you are not married to him…then dump him quick. No second chances.

If he’s hooking up with one night stands as you say he could bring home a std or worst. Can you really ever trust him again?

if you dont trust him you cant have a relationship thats worth anything.


Pack up and get out or if the place is yours, he needs to leave. Done deal.

Sounds like he is cheating. If hes out and about hes not being monogamous. You need to have him tested

Put the phone finder app on each other’s phones to find where he’s at and go see

Driving around at 1:30 am…B.S.
Keep your eyes wide open. There’s plenty of fish in the sea…

Fiancé would become ex-fiancé so fast.

Enough he’s shown his colors