What would you do if you woke up and your fiance wasn't home?

If you no that you you can’t trust him and he is a liar why would you want that in your life?

He won’t change… do you want to live your life this way?

Break off the engagement, the emails are proof. You deserve better!


Ummm if you leave without telling me you got a problem and my foot up your ass. Are you sure the emails aren’t spam?

Bye, bye. He is hurting your heart and he is taking a chance on giving you something. Doesn’t respect you, let alone love you. Been there.

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As hard as it will be, do not marry him. Say goodbye now and love yourself more than a broken relationship

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Time to walk away :cry::cry: he won’t change and you deserve better… don’t waste your time


So sorry sweetie but I think you know in your heart what’s going on. I would not let a man disrespect me like that. Life is to short to have to live this way. You deserve better. You do what is right for you and I pray you make the right decision. God bless you.

I’m a grownup. I’ve learned that this one life is it. No do-overs. I don’t have time, and I won’t put up with fake friends, fake love, drama, or bs of any kind, from anyone, ever again.
Respect yourself, above anyone else! Take care to guard your and your children’s health and hearts!
It hurts for a little while, but you owe yourself a chance at your best life, and that kind of behavior is not it! :hugs:

Sorry. I know the feeling. Please save yourself a lifetime of heartache by leaving.

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Can I be blunt? Don’t offer premarital sexual relationships to men. Both his activity at home and on the street is same, having premarital sex. He doesn’t see the difference. Why do you?

You aren’t going to like what I am going to say but…IF YOU HAVE TO CHECK HIS PHONE TO SEE IF HE IS TELLING YOU THE TRUTH, there’s your sign…drop him before he goes from fiance to husband…trust me on this one…

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Get rid of him . Before he gives you something you can’t get rid of !

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“Stop blowing them bubbles Charles” :person_shrugging: (thought you could use a laugh hun, I’m not super great at giving advice on these types of things :heart:)

Trust is broken…you’ll never be happy…you’ll always be worried about what the hell he’s doing…don’t stay…been there!

Throw all his stuff in trashbags, put it on the lawn, and tell him to go stay with a side piece. Sell the ring and take yourself on a nice vacation.


Women’s instinct always right , leave his sorry ass, u deserve better :kissing_heart:

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If he was with someone or on such a website…Goodbye. He does it now, he will always do it. Don’t let him say he won’t do it again.

Kick him out your gut is never wrong he needs to know what hes losing

Get rid of him. NO reason to keep him around!

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Don’t stay with him. Thats dishonesty and now it will always be a concern of you stay. Im sorry you don’t deserve that :cry:

If your asking us you know what to do. You probably won’t as you have posted here. You are so lucky you didn’t marry him. Good luck in YOUR journey.

End it!!! Today…
Once trust is lost,
It really can’t ever come back…
You don’t want a life of doubt and worry.

Trust YOUR gut! It doesn’t lie!

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End the relationship and and cut your loses. He will only make you suffer more in the future.

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I learned the hard way this wont change sweetie. Say goodbye and save ur babies the heartache and the fights

I would be gone in a heartbeat. Just my opinion.

He’s no longer my fiancé. He is in fact a single man and if he tries to come after me he would be a dead man. Train people how to treat you honey. Folks only do what YOU allow. You aren’t crazy and you know the answer if you have to ask. Good luck boo.


Do the obvious. Kick him out and move on. :muscle::muscle:

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I’d leave him. I’d rather be alone than with a cheater for the rest of my life

Kick him out & thank God I didnt spend one more day w/someone that doesn’t respect me.

Be happy you found this out before you got married! Move on.

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Dump him. You only get what ur willing to put up with. Don’t be willing to put up with that shit. If u do, there will be more. Do u want a lifetime of feeling the way u do now??? Kick him to the curb. The next one will be better

What you tolerate will persist. Leave him!

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Burn his shit :fire: change the locks. Delete his number

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Done and over thank god for the red flag :triangular_flag_on_post: and run

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No need for advice. You know what to do!

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You already know what to do. End of relationship.

What’s so hard about leaving him. If u know what he has done just go. Not hard

Throw him out. If he is doing this now, he is not gonna stop once married

Bye Boy! You need to confront him and then kick him out. Cheaters always continue to cheat in my experience

Bye bye, if the evidence points there, don’t let him keep doing it to you, you don’t deserve that.

I’d lock the door and tell him to continue driving!!! 2020 is shit enough without that crap…

I would ask him straight up. If he loves you, he will talk.

Leave. Before you make the worst mistake of your life by marrying him.

Move on. He is not worth your time.

I always follow my gut…he would be gone!

Move out girl. You don’t want that man. That man is bad news. Drop him.

Run :running_woman: as fast as you can!!! Don’t play that crap, obviously he’s up to no good. Life’s too short to be miserable

Say bye…don’t let him disrespect you… he’s no prize…let him go !!!

I know its hard and its going to hurt- but hes got to go

Umm either leave or kick him out!

If it doesn’t feel right it isn’t trust your gut!!!

Not snoop :woman_shrugging:t3: you either trust or leave dear.

If. You. Can’t. Trust. Him. You. Don’t. Need. Him.

I would confront him and go from there

Nothing you say or do will stop him. So leave him… To sneak out

Don’t marry him, you’re lucky you found out before!

Get rid off him. Look for a better one. Moving forward, believe in yourself.

Leave! Or send him packin!!! You deserve better!

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Sorry but I can’t believe you would even ask.

Be thankful you’re not yet married!

What…?? Honey… I’m sorry… But… U already know the answer…
It’s good u found out now.

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Your gut never lies :hugs:
Confront him and make your decision then , big hugs :hugs:

Don’t marry him, kick him out. Nothing but heartache there!

Leave him your better than that !!! if you know you know Hun :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

I sure wouldn’t be wasting my time with him. Leave!!!

Leave and don’t come back. Kick him out and don’t let him in your life.

Kick his ass to the curb, you don’t deserve that crap.

Walk away you deserve way better

Time to movie on ! Once shy, twice burned !

Dump him. And be glad you found out before you got married.

Pack his bags and kick his ass out! Xx

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If it’s happening now it will only get worse

You already know what to do. Straighten that crown, and kick the peasant outta your castle.

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I would leave, divorce sucks and it’s messy. This is your sign.

So true girl! Get the heck out now!

You don’t deserve that!! Get rid of him fast

Trust your gut. Get gone. Life is TOO SHORT for BS

I’d leave don’t deal with unfaithful humans

I’m sure you know what to do in your heart.

Leave him now before married with kids

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Good news is, he’s only a fiancé at this point…

Your Being lied to and cheated on… SORRY

Leave him been their done that he is cheating

Get out run
He will keep doing it

I would say GOODBYE :wave:

Confront him to admit it and ask why he did it. And kick him out

Pay him back with his own medicine

Don’t be so stupid. Listen to your intuitions and move on.

You know what to do, you are validated…get rid of him!!!

Girl you already know he’s cheatin save yourself the heartache and leave

Pack his bags! There’s no hope

Girl leave! That’s a major red flag

Move out…or kick him out

Ditch his ass and find some good man!

Tell him to keep driving :wave:

Make a clean break honey. It only continues to get worse from the point you’re at now. I’ve been there. You’ve gotten some excellent advice. Wait for the right man!!! After many years I finally found my soulmate and it’s sooooo much different than my 1st marriage. You should never have to worry about what your man might be doing!! I used to think I was a jealous person, turns out it was only because I was with cheating losers back then. You got this girl. Good luck.

Oh no not good premonition!

Listen to Tara Renner and Trace Lee they know what’s up