If this is your biggest issue you may need to step off the petty train and get back to reality land.
I had an ex who would do this on purpose he even tried to convince me my birthday is the day before. I think he would do it to intentionally ruin my birthday, he even made sure I was served with court papers on my birthday which told me he knew the date exactly just acted like he didn’t. He was a total narcissist.
Its only a day off. Atleast he remembered it. Pick you battles wisely!!
Most men forget or don’t care. Be happy he was thinking if you.
I wouldn’t do anything! So he said it a day early, who cares! You would have been bent if it was the day after! Just because you are having a hard time turning 30 don’t take it out on him! My ex husband threw me a surprise 30th and invited ONE of my friends, all of his friends and family, and a few of my family members! I didn’t say a word about it and was grateful he at least tried to do something nice. It’s a wonder how people that complain about such foolish things…even have a boyfriend or husband! Ridiculous
I don’t remember my own birthday! I mean shit he was a day early, I think you being a bit dramatic.
A lot of men have trouble with dates. He may have been confused on what date today was too. I wouldn’t be so upset about it. At least he remembered.
Well when I woke up this morning I thought it was Friday and it’s Thursday. Shit happens may be a busy week and he has his days fudged up…
If my husband ever remembers a date I would probably pass out!!!
He remembered. That’s all that would matter to me
No big deal. Hug and thank him for thinking about it.
Oh Lordy!! My husband half the time doesn’t remember the day of my birthday and we have been together for 12 years, some guys just have horrible memories!! I wouldn’t take it personal
Shit girl make this a two day birthday binge!? I turned 31 in June. 30 is hard. Embrace that shit girl! We’re apart of the wiser % of women
My husband doesnt even remember his birthday half the time let alone mine or our kids. I programmed them in his phone calendar for him
Bloody have a laugh about it
My husband can hardly remember his own birthday or our kids’ girl, get used to it.
Make him celebrate with you alllllll weeeeeek
You are still in his thoughts and he only missed by one day.
Men remembering what day anything is, or even what day of the week it is. Is rare. My hubby thought today was Friday and that I have a Dr appointment today with only knowing about the appointment for a week. At least he wasn’t late.
Give him a break at least he was thinking of you
It really is the thought that counts. Don’t make more of it than there is.
I would laugh it off. One day isn’t bad
Oops drop hints next year to help him remember. At least he didnt forget completely
He’s cheating. Just leave him. Right Brittany Leaverton
If he remembers be happy doesn’t matter it was the wrong day
If you are letting a little thing like this throw you…heaven help you when you really have a problem. You have some growing up to do.
One day off, come on!
Be grateful he remembered… 7 years with mine, 2 kids and he still don’t know the date just the month:joy: think it’s just a man thing I wouldn’t take it the wrong way x
It was a day off…not an entirely random day. My own father got my birthday wrong for like 10 years give him a break, at least he thought of you
I don’t think you’re ready for a relationship. Men don’t remember anything. That’s definitely one thing you’ll learn. Be glad he was close and not 6 months off. He did try.
It is the thought that counts! Buy a calendar and write all of the important stuff on it and hang it somewhere where he will see it for future reference (kitchen, laundry room) this helps a lot.
Wouldn’t care… would laugh it off with him
1st - 30 is a number so stop sweating it.
2nd - find a little humor and advise him that 2 gifts are now required. 1- for day because he thought it was your birthday and 1 for tomorrow your actual birthday. Side note- it could be so much worse. My brother took his own life on my birthday, now I choose any other day to call it my birthday but that day.
My boyfriend of 2 years is horrible with birthdays like I remind him of his own lol
He told me happy birthday everyday the week of my birthday last year because he didn’t want to forget it. Like we just celebrated it everyday for a week and it was more special to me that he tried so hard not to forget it when he simply just doesn’t remember dates. I mean any holidays birthdays ect. I have to remind him of them all.
Honestly……don’t sweat the small stuff. At least he remembered
Find some humor in it Tell him since hes a day early you get to celebrate both days
I would not be worried about it. How many times have you mixed up a date? If you say never then you are doing better than most people
At least he didn’t forget all together
You’re 30? Wow you seem so much younger. Say thanks jackass but it’s tomorrow! Then he’ll say it again tomorrow.
Well at least he didn’t forget!! Gently remind him!
It’s in a guys nature to not remember birthdays it’s the thought that counts in my opinion.
at least yours was a day off. Mine can be weeks or months
Make him buy you 2 gifts for both ur birthdays. Problem solved
At least he was close🤷♀️ could’ve forgot totally!
Lol men don’t remember anything.
I often wish people Happy Birthday a day or two early because I didn’t want to miss recognizing them. Be happy he knows and cares
While it sucks, it’s not the biggest deal in the world. My husband only knows my birthday because it’s the same date as his mom’s girlfriend! Otherwise, I don’t think he would remember it. Also, for the 5 years we dated, he always celebrated our anniversary on the wrong date as well.
Atleast he knew it was close. Not like he was 6 months away or something. My husband tells me Happy Birthday on our anniversary and Reverse because he can’t ever remember which day is which. Bday- March 11
Anniversary- March 17
I’d probably laugh and say thanks baby and let him go all day thinking it was then the next day say so ehat are we doing today for my actual birthday hahahahaha
People get busy shit happens atleast he knew it was here lol
Just me happy its a day before and in the right month,Sounds like he’s trying.
You can’t be serious
Atleast he remembered… my husband was literally at our wedding and doesn’t know our anniversary so…
My birthday is tomorrow too!!! I’ll be 31. My bf doesn’t even wish me a happy birthday not even sure he knows when it is
I didnt know my best friends birthday for like 10 years. I always thought it was july 16th. Its the 21st. At least he didnt forget…
At least he was close and remembered it at all. He still sounds like a keeper to me! Trust me, my ex husband never used to wish me a happy birthday at all. It was like any other day to him. In fact, any special day or holiday was forgotten or ignored completely. Just cut him a break, politely correct him, and laugh about it together. Everything will be okay❤
My boyfriend barely remembers his own birthday…soooo that says a lot about men (only some haha)
Not a big deal. He was close enough right ? And didn’t actually forget what month all together. He tried. Just remind him the real day. Maybe 5 more years and he will remember. Its only been 2 years. Takes longer for them to remember
That is normal for a man
My friends husband had to tattoo all dates on him just to remember and he still forgets
I wouldn’t stress over it to much. I’ve been married to my husband for 11 years and he still has to think a minute about important dates.
Shoot I’d be clear & blunt. Can be nice about it saying “thank you but my birthday is tomorrow. When can we celebrate it?”. Me personally, I don’t care about my birthday or any of that stuff because yes I also have a horrible memory. I do make it a point to discuss “events” like that like a month before if my partner/or friend are sensitive about it. It’s an easy topic to bring up without making anyone feel bad.
men are not that bright hun. just love him for who he is…
At least he remembered it was coming up…
Maybe your bad day should not be a part of the conversation, maybe he was helping you get over it , maybe his other girlfriend told him not to forget. Maybe … he was just being nice. Idk , I’m a guy.
The answer you want is ‘dump him’, Eh.
Choose your battles. This is minor.
As long as he remembered and not a day late or days later be glad day early
Two years together, and hes a day off? That’s pretty damn good girl🤷🏽♀️
Dont be worried. “Its a guy thing” which really is. Hes trying though, and you should be thankful for that.
Big deal there are much more important things to worry about.
I’m lucky if my man remembered mine that day in morning or if remembered by midnight when comes home from work or next day
I think you are overreacting tell him thanks and remind him its actually tomorrow. He wasn’t too far off i don’t think this is a big deal.
At least he wished you a happy birthday. Men barely remember things like that. But know when what football team the superbowl in 1962. And the score. I wouldnt let it bother u at all simply tell him thank you but its tomorrow. If it isnt going to matter in 5 years why spend more than 5 minutes worrying about it
I’d just laugh it off and thank him but say it’s toMorrow. I’m sure he didn’t do it on purpose. I don’t even remember our anniversary I have it tattooed on my ring finger bc I can’t lol
It’s okay to feel some type of way, just remember to laugh off the honest (mostly harmless) little mistakes afterwards! Happy birthday! The dirty thirties are awesome. Welcome to the club!
Maybe hes tricking u cause hes gonna surprise u
Wished you a HB on a “bad day”? It was a day early. Too many other issues to be concerned about in this day and age. He was off a day but at least he remembered. My husband of 23 years, been together for 28, completely forgot my birthday this year for the first time! How does someone remember for 28 years then suddenly forget?! If it bothers you that much, maybe you should move on….
I dated a boyfriend for over a year and he never knew my birthday.
Just sounds like you want something to be wrong you have a right to the emotion of turning 30 and somehow being upset about it but come on like you haven’t gotten a date wrong for someone important and like most are saying at least he’s a day early and not late or completely didn’t know but I feel like you would be upset if that was the case as well so I probably would just try and think why something small like this made you go to Facebook instead of talking to him and handling it that way
My dad brought flowers to my step mother on the date of his and my mother wedding
it was a ,mistake jesus. relax. maybe if it was a hole week or like a month early then u would have q right to be somewhat upset. but a day??? be glad he actually remembered
At least he wished you one
I’ve been with my husband for ten years n he still forgets mine. He wouldn’t remember his parents if I didn’t remind him. I’m different from some women, he shows me love every day and shows me I’m special every day so I don’t need him to remember my bday for me to know he loves me.
Set him straight. Tell him your birthday is tomorrow.
I would just move past it lol. At least he tried, he was close lmao
I’ve been with my boyfriend for 10 years and he still confirms with me what my birthday is men don’t remember things like that in my experience
Uh but be upset about it. It took me much too long to remember my husband exact bday lol. It was wrong by one day. one. At least he remembered it. Just say thank you but it’s tomorrow actually and laugh it off and move on
Shake it off… my parents have been married almost 40 years and my dad still asks “moms birthday is this day right?” People have crazy lives! He was genuine about it! My boyfriend has known me for 3 years and he thought mine was the 25th it’s the 24th… I laughed called him a dork and moved on
He tried. Consider yourself lucky that he tried to remember.
I wouldnt worry about it. He got super close. So at least he remembered you were having one around this time.
I’d be like “my birthday isn’t till tomorrow you dummy, but you were close!” Then give him a playful little shove. The next day give him a hard time about “yesterday” “not” being the day. Hahahaha! But you can give him an A- since he was just one day early. And an E for effort.
He is a man… enough said no but really don’t be too hard on him I’m sure he feels worse than you do
Honey, my own daddy forgot my 20th birthday and were SUPER close. I was also living with him at the time.
We’re human. Sometimes we forget what day of the week it is. Or what month we’re in. Or even what year!
Do you believe he loves you? Is he good to you? If you answered yes, then forgive and move forward. Laugh about it. Tell him he owes you for two birthdays. I guarantee you he won’t forget the next ones. Ask him if you have two birthday do they cancel out and make you 29 again?
Wow!! That poor guy. He made a mistake get over yourself.
Oh lawd, wait till he forgets the anniversary….
Just say thank you for the early birthday wish.
Why are you confused? That gender has alot to think about
Correct him my mother used to call me on the wrong day and wish me happy birthday so I’m not as sensitive about wrong dates. At least he didn’t call you by the wrong name
My husband forgot my birthday last year I didn’t say anything I’m not big on celebrating anyway…. The next day he shot up from bed and said “oh my gawd…. Why didn’t you say anything?” We had a good laugh over it…… we didn’t do anything the years before why was that day any different
We were so busy packing to leave Georgia to Colorado it just wasn’t more important than what we had going on! Move on and shut up! lol
Even though he made a mistake, he was thoughtful enough to wish you a happy birthday. Just make it your birthday week.
At least he tried don’t be so hard on him. Jokingly tell him if today’s your birthday you’re gonna need presents today and tomorrow.