What would you do if your boyfriend wished you a happy birthday on the wrong day?

That really isn’t anything to stress about. Just celebrate today and tomorrow lol


He was just wrong by one day im sure it something you two can laugh about and move on. I don’t put a lot of pressure on mine to remember dates. He does remember them :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: but as someone that couldn’t remember the day we got together I have no room to judge

Honey, it’s a man thing! My ex never could remember when my birthday was. He remembered it was in January, but not the day. Even when I told him it was one day of the month before his. There are SsoOoOoO many, much more important things to worry about. If he treats you good and has your back then let this one thing go.


Change boyfriend lol JK, I would laugh it off, he’s a man. It’s the thought that counts!


Anyone else impressed he was only off by a day? Lol


My husband and I have been together for 16yrs. It’s a running joke for us that my birthday is February 2nd instead of the 1st. For 4 yrs my 2 older kids really thought my birthday was February 2nd. And I always wondered why he never told me happy birthday, on my actual birthday. It’s just another day in the life y’all are building together. And so many more important days will come along. Just be thankful he was a day early instead of late lol.

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Yeah we have been together 10 years he just isn’t good with dates my dad isn’t either… I’ve wondered forever of it was most men or just the ones I know :rofl:

I literally told mine 3xs when my bday was the same week of my bday and he still told me 2days ahead of time.
I dont feel nothing towards it. Because there is the saying “boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider”
I know he literally just cant remember birthdays… So oh well :roll_eyes:

My husband always get my bday day wrong and our kids bdays. I have to remind him :rofl:

My husband forgot my birthday two years in a row… He has a terrible memory for dates. He’s clearly made an effort so be thankful he’s at least trying!

I would laugh and tell him it’s not my birthday and then move on with my day lol.


At least he was close and he actually remembered. I’d say thanks lol but it’s tomorrow so I guess we can celebrate both days for me :crazy_face:


My husband and I have been together for 19yrs married for 9…on our anniversary this year we talked on the phone for almost and hour and neither of us remembered it was our anniversary until my mom messaged us both :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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be glad he at least wished you a happy birthday, even if it was on the wrong day! There are so much bigger things in life to worry about! Let it go and move on! If you sulk, pout and turn this into a bigger issue….he probably won’t be around for your next birthday!


Get over it. He was sweet enough to remember. Then do the exact same thing to him on his birthday!

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Hes a man. Men forget things more than you think. It’s off by one day so I wouldn’t be hurt by it

I wouldn’t be so hard on him. It’s only one day, and at least it was early. If it was 2-3wks, then I’d be abit miffed. In all honesty, not alot of men remember things like that, so at least be happy he tried

What are you hurt about. He got the day. Date. Wrong Have you never done that Dontbe so picky

It’s literally a man thing. My fiance spent so much time trying to remember our anniversary that he didnt even remember what day my birthday was until last year. Dont sweat it lol

The fact that he remembers you have one is awesome😂


I had trouble remembering my husband’s birthday for the longest time. I just started getting the right day like 3 years ago and we’ve been married for 11 years. :woman_shrugging:

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Get over it you must be spoiled


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: My husband always thinks my birthday is in January or June even tho it’s in July. We’ve been married for 5 years and dating for 10. He gets his J months mixed up. I don’t ever let him feel bad about it or I don’t ever get upset about it.

Oh my goodness, I’ve been married to my husband for a little over 30 years, and i don’t remember the date or year we was married. I know the month.
Don’t let it hurt your feeling that ur bf did not get your birthday date right. He did remember your special day, He could have not remember at all. And that would have hurt you alot worse. Just laugh about it and maybe he will get it right next year.

Relax… Men never remember dates the fact that he was close makes all the difference


At least he remembered to say it

Upset about turning 30? Just wait a decade. Mahaha!

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Sweety my husband and I have been married almost 9 years and he forgets my bday every year

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Umm are you for real :flushed::thinking:kinda feel bad for the boyfriend honestly

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Its yrs 2 … :woman_shrugging: after 25 yrs I still don’t remember the yr we got together… just that it’s 25 yrs ,otherwise I have to count it :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:

It was a honest mistake. Nothing to be mad or upset about. At least he wished you a happy birthday.

If my husband wished me a happy birthday a day early (which has happened!) I would not be offended. It would make my day. Better early than late but that’s my opinion.

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14 year I been with my partner and guess what he always thinks it’s 12th but it’s 10th. But he can remember all 5 of his kids date of birth which really suprised me

I never remember my other halfs birthday always asking him been with him 7 yrs. He always asks me mine if he is filling in paperwork etc. It doesn’t hurt my feelings or his we laugh it of as we are both as bad as each other

Better early than late :sweat_smile:
Happy 30!

So are you one of those women that purposely doesn’t mention it to see if he remembers or forgets? Sounds like you need to get over yourself. I honestly wish I had your “problems” This is a ridiculously spoiled post. Who tf cares?

Oh boy… That could happen to anyone… Geesh…get on over it… I don’t even understand why your but hurt over it

Goodness, he made a gentle mistake… at least he remembered!!! How would you react if he didn’t frmbrr at all. if that’s your biggest worry at 30, you’re lucky.

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Say something. Why make it public to fb? At least he said it.

No big deal . Atleast he won’t forget tomorrow!!!

Seriously, get over yourself

My mom tried to celebrate my 1st birthday on the wrong day. We are humans and make mistakes. I would make it a running joke and have him get you presents on both days now. :wink:


1 day man at least he thought of.it at.all ! Really. Like most dads dont even remember their own kids bdays. Let alone wife. Men arent like us lol.
Id he happy and laugh it off!

be lucky even if he was a day early most men dont even think about it


In all fairness he may not have looked at the date. Atleast he tried to make some sort of effort to show he remembers. I personally would have thought it was hilarious and would have playfully teased him for AGES about him “forgetting my birthday” or “trying to age me early” haha.

Im sure you quickly see the funny side of it, once the general shock has worn off. I feel like you may be more upset that you’re 30 now, and are unintentionally seeing this as a bigger issue than it really is

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The earlier the better.
Can you imagine if he actually forgot and did a late one :joy: But you’re upset it’s a day before?? :expressionless:

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I secretly remind my brother, every year when his wife’s birthday is, because he messes it up by one day! It happens, move past it and enjoy your birthday, and at least he was a day early, now he knows before your birthday!

I would celebrate both days :partying_face:

My husband only knows my birthday because it’s my car comb :joy::joy:


Atleast he remembered! A day early but thats better than a day late. I’ve been with my partner for 12 years… our birthdays are in the same month an he still.forgets the date. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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It happens my mom asks when my birthday is and when i tell her to guess its always the day before it is and im turning 30

I’m forever wishing people Happy Birthday on the wrong days… family friends partners!

I’d rather a day early than a day late. At least he was close. Most men can’t remember birthday’s. I’ve been known to get days wrong, thinking the day is the 26th and it’s not, or it’s Wednesday when it’s only Tuesday. :upside_down_face:
Be happy that he was close to being correct.

Your feelings are your feelings and they are valid. But working out why you feel that way is important. If you’re feeling hurt by it, is it because you believe if he cared for you he would get the day right? From a lot of these comments it’s clear men are useless at remembering dates so hopefully that helps you a little to feel better. He seems to have attempted to remember which shows he cares. Your relationship is less than 2 years so he’s only had 1 birthday with you and that was 12 months ago and relatively early in the relationship. I hope you are able to feel better soon and hope that you can communicate your concerns with him so it can be worked out for the future


It took my husband damn near 6 years to remember mine! At least he thought it was a day earlier rather than later :woman_shrugging:

My ex did this to my but it was his ex’s bday however our bdays were a day apart lol

You should count yourself lucky that he still remembered get real and celebrate


Don’t get to mad the first 5 years of marriage my husband always thought my birthday was the day after then found out his mom passed on my birthday

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Expect gifts on both days for the rest of our lives. I would have 2 birthdays and he would definitely fucking remember from now on :sweat_smile:

My own father wished me a happy birthday a WEEK after my actual birthday :joy::woman_facepalming:t2:


At least he wished you a happy birthday. Lol. My husband still can’t remember our anniversary date. Lol. Oh well.

Honestly if my birthday wasn’t the day after his he would never remember mine

Don’t feel hurt. At least he didn’t forget it!!

With Facebook who can get a birthday wrong?

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Maybe he thought the date was wrong?

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Just be happy he remembers to wish u a happy birthday. It doesn’t matter what day.

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Lighten up lady! And get him a beer out of the fridge. It is not always all about you!


Ok, so maybe he got the days mixed up. At least he wished you a happy birthday!!!

My husband had me make a large purchase for him & it was just before both of our birthdays. I bought it for him & my birthday was the next day! He forgot my birthday, want to talk about hurt?

My brother passed away right after his 39th birthday. 9 years later, I was turning 40. I had my husband pick up flowers for my mother because I bought her flowers on my birthday every year & we were going out for dinner.
They all forgot it was my birthday. I will never forget how I felt!:pensive::pensive::pensive:
I cried for 2 days before anyone figured it out.BE HAPPY HE REMEMBERED YOUR DAY! Better a day early then not at all!!
Happy Birthday!!!:tada::tada::gift::gift::camel::birthday::champagne::champagne::heavy_heart_exclamation::clinking_glasses::partying_face::partying_face:


Darling… You have no problems… Stop looking for one. You want my opinion? This is ridiculous


Really I celebrated all month it my birthday every day lol I am 33!!age is just a number!! U looking at all wrong my ex husband forgot my birthday just be he remembered at all!! Don’t be negative Nancy

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Yes your lucky so men a like that but your lucky he remembered some ladies don’t get any thing meaning me I just got happy birthday im 57 so I guess I was ok but younger ppl seem to have issues

Not diminishing your feelings but if that is your biggest problem right now, I’ll gladly trade ya😊 happy birthday though! Enjoy!


I’d be glad if my husband would have remembered my birthday or our anniversary or Christmas, any important day! Of course he’d pout all year if I “forgot” his.

It’s one day off. Chill


I’d laugh it off and tell him I want presents today and tomorrow for my actual birthday :wink: I’m joking of course! It isn’t a big issue, maybe it was a genuine mistake. At least you got a happy birthday, even if it was on the wrong date :tipping_hand_woman:

This is only the second birthday together. Give the guy a break. At least he didn’t forget it


I was married, and my husband never remembered my Birthday in 35 yrs. Or Anniversary!:anguished:

Just hint and give him clues or come right out and say tomorrow is my birthday don’t let it bother you :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

It’s better to be early than to be late,my ex used to remember my birthday weeks later or sometimes never

I’d probably PMSL and be like WHAT?! and he’d be running out to buy something BIG to make it up to me… in saying it that however, I forgot important dates most years…
Although, I’ve never really cared for my own b’day haha but i can still empathize how hurt others could/would be. I would just let him know it upset you

I’d laugh it off and tell him that it’s tomorrow. Just put a reminder in his phone for years to come. He could have forgotten altogether :woman_shrugging:t5:

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Better than your own mother forgetting your birthday like mine did on my 25th she got her tongue peirced and forgot to even call. When I found put why I was confused then amused. Most men are not good at remembering dates, at least he was close so what if it was a day early better than not at all.

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There is bigger problems out there. Don’t take it to heart. Be thankful you have someone to spend it with.

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I would actually be pretty mad I’ve been reminding my boyfriend of my 30th birthday coming up in July for months :laughing: but I’m sure he can make it up to you some people are just terrible with birthdays :woman_shrugging:t2:


At least he said it! My boyfriend most of the time never says it lol

Who cares you another year older … right ?!

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:person_shrugging:let it go my own parents have done this

Even husbands and sisters make that mistake … it a minor issue … thing IS he remembered your birthday so ,many guys don’t

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I’d just laugh it off its one day off and plus he didn’t fully forget. Petty to be extremely upset over it

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We forgot our anand how long we have been together. Give him a break

I’ve been with my fiancé (just engaged earlier this month) for almost 5 years and he still sometimes thinks I’m 30 (I’m 31). I just give him a hard time about if and move on, but I’m not mad. It’s obnoxious yet funny.

I work third shift so today is actually my tomorrow lol. Maybe he wanted to be first to say it or worried he’d get busy tomorrow and didn’t wanna forget so he says it early. Either way I’m sure he didn’t mean any harm. I wouldn’t be extremely upset.

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Maybe he just got his days mixed up. I wouldn’t be that upset. He’s just one day off, not like he got the wrong month


Day early is better than a day late :sweat_smile::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


:woman_shrugging:t2: I can hardly remember anyone except my kids’ birthdays. It doesn’t mean they’re not important to me.

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I think he just made an honest mistake… I wouldn’t get too upset. Honestly, just focus on the positives, celebrate your birthday and be with your boyfriend who DID remember your birthday… even though it wasn’t on the exact day. We’re all not perfect.

Is this real life? My dad gets mine and my mom’s birthday mixed up every single year and I’m 33. I guess I need to disown my dad. Like he should know better, I cant believe he dont know my birthday after 33 years. What a jerk

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Cut him some slack. Men don’t always remember the dates as well as women do.

I would probably just laugh tbh. My partner still gets my birthday wrong after 4 years :woman_facepalming::joy: It’s not a big deal to me.

Get over it a day early who cares don’t worry be happy

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