My husband of 12 years forgets mine and I forget our wedding anniversary but we love each other so much. Remembering a date isn’t always the most important thing. Give him credit tho he was super close to being right.
Men can be buttheads, if you love him and he loves you ,don’t sweat it that he didn’t remember the exact day. We have to be reminded sometimes. Make it a game between you two and have fun with it. Don’t beat him up about it, just be thankful that he’s trying with you and not out chasing other skirts. Love means that you are sorry for your fuck ups and that you forgive. GOOD LUCK IN LIFE
I’d be like omg you even slightly remembered without being told or a fb reminder, it’s tomorrow but since you wished today I get both days thaaanks
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What would you do if your boyfriend wished you a happy birthday on the wrong day?
We are celebrating our 21st anniversary today and sometimes we both forget important days. We both forget our first anniversary, and may miss important days because we just don’t know what day it actually is.
It’s life.
I don’t even remember my own birthday or what day it is half the time so I wouldn’t make such a big deal about it… Relax, it’s just a birthday and you’ll have 1 every year for the rest of your life so at some point he’ll get it right
This is why i have a big calendar up with everyones bday on it. Just saves the heartbreak cause they dont remember anything
sorry your feelings got hurt. At least he was close and didnt forget it at all.
I would say a big and excited thank you and then say I love how you are giving me a big warm up to my real birthday!
My boyfriend and I have been together almost 10yrs… If asked when my bday is, he always says the date after…
Men are not programmed to remember dates…
If this is the worst problem in your relationship be thankful. I’ve been married 20 years. He still doesn’t remember when my birthday is. Just laugh at him for getting it wrong and move on. It’s really no big deal.
My hubby doesn’t remember birthdays anniversaries nothing our sons 5 weeks old and I asked him the other day what day he was born and I got the blank stare males don’t remember the things like that in life it’s heartbreaking and frustrating but you honestly have to learn to live with it
Only the 2nd birthday together… and he was off by one day. Girl take it… most dont remember their own kids birthdays
Remind him when it is if together just two year means he s only bean thear once now twice for your birthday some ppl have bad memory
The thing I’ve learned is guys are bad at dates… I’ve been with my husband for 7 years and the only birthdays he remembers is our kids not mine shit not even his mothers birthday. Sometimes you just gotta remind them a week in advance…
He was close… my boyfriend forgets every year… lol. But at least he knows it’s in April… so he just celebrates me all month… don’t be to hard on him… y’all haven’t been together to long… I have been with my boyfriend for over 8 years now… He forgets so much… but he also has sooo much on his mind to… so I see it as it’s just a birthday and he’s legit around for everything in my life and my kids… so him forgetting my birthday really isn’t a big deal for me…
Shit mine went almost a week once where he didnt even realize my birthday had come and gone. Lots of people who gave birth to their children cant even remember their birthday. Im 35 and my dad never got it right once in 35 years lol he can’t even spell my name right If that’s your biggest problem in the relationship, tell him its the wrong day and move on
Did he make an effort to wish you a happy birthday? Yes? What’s the problem then… I swear some people get hung up on the most trivial things… at least it was only one day and not weeks or an entire different month. My husband is lucky to remember our daughters birthday let alone mine. Cut the man some slack, he’s trying. Like others have said, if this is the worst he ever does I think you’ll be just fine.
GIRL GIVE HIM A BREAK DON’T BE SO PETTY. At least he knows it at least close to the actual day. I’ve been married 15 years and my husband doesn’t know mine r kids birthday without stopping and thinking and we’re all In May
Honey, chill…its okay and yes WE ALL would like to not be forgotten. I had an ex that never remembered my birthday and my man now ask me 20 times when is my birthday alllll the way up to my birthday BUT no effing gifts. Pick your battles dear. This shit either gets better or worst
How about just saying,“thank you for the early birthday wishes! Now I get to celebrate 2 days instead of one!” That way he knows for next year and you save him a little bit of embarrassment.
Be thankful he remembered at all. Lol let the small stuff like this roll of ur back and be happy. Life is full of soo many other important issues and this shld not be one of them.
It’s not a matter to get upset about. It happens n there’s no reason to not look forward to being 30. Life is an adventure n look forward to every birthday. I’m a proud 52 who is still mischievous n naughty
My husband never forgets my birthday, but he has to think about our kids’ birthdays. Of course, we do have five kids
Maybe he was just mistaken about the actual date and not about the date of your birthday itself. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to feel special on your special day.
My own mother can’t remember mine! When I was 8 she told me today is ur cousin’s birthday yours was last week. I made sure my children always had a cake and a gift on their birthday. My oldest turned 50 this year and I have it delivered now since he is thousands of miles away.
My ex always had my bday off by one day but it was always the same day. I let it slide. 10 years later and I still get a happy birthday on the 21st instead of the 20th. I make an occasional joke about it but
Superficial. I remind mine ahead of time. Some men are so busy being good men that birthdays seem trivial. Especially once you’ve gotten up in years! And been together for years. Judge him on how he treats you and his life.
Not to worry, me and my husband had 49 years married this year, he forgot! That’s ok though, he remembers my birthday and Valentines Day every year!
I been with my bf 10 years and hes forgotten mine & what day our own children are. He even forgets his own tbh and he still doesn’t know any of his siblings nor moms lol I’m the one who keeps track of all of them for him. Your bf was close though. So I’d give him a break forsure.
Get on his phone and update it in his calendar to remind him every year. 30 is a big bday so can see why you’ll be annoyed but as said above men are just shocking with dates. Me and my partner have been together 2 years as well and he’s always thought my bday was on the 21st whilst it’s on the 18th even after correcting him many times. Either way OP I hope your actual bday is better than expected and I hope he does surprise you with something amazing
At least he remembered . Adults have A LOT going on, it’s hard to keep up with our coffee and we have that everyday. Give him a break, he was trying. Happy early bday btw! 30 isn’t that bad honestly LOL.
Don’t feel bad… he remembered… my mother forgot my birthday when I was 14 and explained to me that birthdays really aren’t that important
Ever hear the saying: “it is the thought that counts”? Be happy! He has your happiness on his mind!
My boyfriend has a hard time remembering his age sometimes.
As for my birthday, I added it to a few shared passwords and stuff. He doesn’t forget it anymore.
Lol my husband and I have been together nine years . He went to pick up my meds at the pharmacy not long ago and had my birth year off by two years . He said he was embarrassed because the pharmacist looked at him like he was crazy . Things like this happen. It’s definitely not the worst
It’s okay to feel hurt and confused but also it’s good to take a step back and think if it was just a mistake which we can all make but if it’s something that really bothers you just talk about it. Nothing good comes from holding things in
I make calendars every year with our pictures on our birthdays and anniversaries and all lol saves confusion. I used to love to ask my ex husband when my birthday was and he’d stumble, then I’d ask what the firing order on a Chevy small block was and he’d rattle that right off
I was with my ex for 4 years and he never remembered my birthday
Now if it was 20 years of being together and he got it wrong I could see a problem… But not 2 years let it go and be thankful he wished you a happy birthday at all…
This is why I celebrate all month long. Some people aren’t good with dates. My siblings sometimes forget. Atleast he was close to the date. When I first started dating my now ex husband he got the entire month wrong. We joked about it for a while. Well wishes.
Id laugh say thanks baby and be happy because at least he was close too the date…
I have a hard time remembering which of my kids was born on which day. It takes me a minute when the doctors ask to make sure I’m saying the right one. Cut him some slack, life is stressful. At least he was close. And at least he said it in the first place.
Bigger things to worry about. It’s not a big deal really, like someone said he may have been off a day. And trust me 30… Feels just like 29, don’t sweat it.
Cut him some slack, at least he was close to it, I know many woman who don’t even get a congratulations from their partner , in my case we couldn’t even forget our birthdays because we had the same birthday, but to be honest I didn’t like to share my birthday, it wasnt even special anymore, now that we split up I feel like a whole person again hahaha
I’d find it amusing and we’d laugh about it every year probably. A simple mistake, whop de doo… he prob won’t get it wrong again Don’t know why you’re not looking forward to turning 30 but life is cool…. Embrace the next decade
Tell him he’s a numpty and when ur birthday actually is and tell him next time he forgets u will have it tattooed on his arm x
Been with mine for 3 years and this year he wished mine a whole week early xD he apologized and in his defense last year we did a week long thing so like I was understanding and then to make up for it he surprised me in my actual birthday lol he went all out. I’d say if you’re upset, talk to him about it, let him know you’re upset and go from there.
Lol my wife let’s me know weeks ahead when it’s hers.The funny thing is we totally forget on the actual day.To me it’s just another day on earth
Accepted his present, then tell him my actual birthday is tomorrow and I’ll be expecting another gift.
I’m pretty sure my boyfriend only remembers my birthday because we have a birthday on the same day just different months he’s July 7th and I’m December 7th so he doesn’t have to remember a day just the month and we’ve been together for 8.5 years
Be glad he remembered or at all even just a day before… Thinking of your early is better than not being thought of at all
Atleast he tried. I’ve been married for almost 10 years and I still ask my husband which day is his birthday to clarify.I get the days confused for some reason:woman_facepalming:t2:
My husband still asks what year I was born meanwhile I know his birthday, social security number & all of our cards memorized.
This isn’t something that should make or break you. My fiancé took nine years to learn the spelling of my last name.
My hubby can’t remember birthdays if his life counted on it, and he always thinks I’m a year old than what I am
Uh hahah my husband did that all day to me yesterday and it made me so mad. He was just joking and knew my birthday was today.
Seems a bit nit picky. But i have it easy. My lady’s BD is on Halloween. So i def have no excuse. Lol
I mean maybe he does know wen your b-day is and was trying to soften the blow of turning the dirty thirty.
Tell him to get me something nice and take me for mexican food? Duh lol otherwise idc I forget everything
Well, this year was my 20th wedding anniversary & my husband & I both forgot…so give him a break
Mine didn’t even remember til I posted a tik tok…then was mad I don’t say anything when I had told him 10 times when my birthday was…i would just be happy
Easy get him to take you out for tea tonight for your so called birthday and have a lovely night then as its your actual birthday tomorrow he well need to repeat all over again lol
I forget my own birthday hopefully on his part it’s not intentional
Be glad he remembered at all! Some guys are not on our wave length! Say thanks sweetie than wiah him a happy birthday on the wrong day for him !!!
Go celebrate and remind him it’s Tom so you celebrate 2 days! Life’s short! Eat the cake and enjoy the days.
Lol it happens! My boyfriend asked me if my birthday was in October… my birthday is in July we joke around about it.
My grandma called me a week early. You’re fine
Be glad he was close, laugh , move on & NICELY say I’m hunny it’s tomorrow.
He was thinking of you that’s all that matters. Being 30 is wonderful!!!
I tell my boyfriend he gets the effort he gives. So tell your boyfriend happy birthday next week since he has days messed up lol
Better early than never think of it happy birthday
Personally wouldn’t care. I forget birthdays all the time
Start dropping little hints casually into conversation every few days during the week leading up to it.
Ex: “I can’t believe I’m going to be 35 next Tuesday! I look way to young to be 35!”
“Can you believe that in 4 short days I’m going to be 35!?”
You can also add it to the calendar in his phone and set notification reminders for 7, 5, 3 and 1 day before.
Men and women alike aren’t perfect, we’re all human, and we forget things… even the most important things! Have a little grace for your partner and help him out a little bit with the little reminders like I mentioned!
Hahahaha seriously no big deal for me I dont expect or really do anything for my birthday hubby and I forget our anniversary every year lmao
Lol…it happens! Heck…I can’t remember my own birthday half the time! I always get dates confused. The fact he remembered says he was thinking of you and that’s what matters. I call my kids by their siblings names and get their birthdays confused.
Get over it now lifes too short ,he beat everybody to the punch
Mine uses my birthday qs his screen lock on his phone hes that bad
I’ve been married 31 years and my husband still doesn’t remember the actual date
I get my husband’s and my sister’s confused. I’ve been with him nearly 9 years now….6/7 and 7/6. He doesn’t complain.
Yea right I agree with everyone enjoy your extra day get good an later LAYED lol
Let it slide his heart is in the right place girl
At least he wished you a happy birthday… He could just be a day off. Give him a break, 2 years isn’t even that long tbh, remind him.
Just laugh and tell him now he has to gift you for two days, the one he knows and the real day! No big deal!
Girl I don’t even know what the date is today
Get over it? I thought Father’s Day was Saturday and went all out, the next morning on Sunday I found out that was actually Father’s Day just be glad he remembered the general time frame.
Be glad he was a day ahead rather than a day behind. Good lord. You may need some counseling if this is that big of an issue. I could understand if he missed the day, but this is a bit ridiculous.
At least he was close. My ex just didn’t remember or acknowledge my birthday, Valentine’s, Christmas or anniversary.
He gone now.
Get out your damn feelings Nancy and find something more worthy of stressing… you’ve been together 2 years not 10… you made a very valid point yourself. It happens once a year, this is the second year. He missed it by a day and did it really effect you? Did it hurt your tummy or your wallet? Perhaps you should focus on what positive things he does rather then worrying about the negative… Its not the end of the world . You’ll live… if it bothers you that much, pack it up and call it a day… smh…
Don’t worry about it, my own mother forgets what day mine is.
Buy him next years calendar with your birthday marked on the calendar as a Christmas gift.
Least he remembered it. Mightve been a day early but least it wasn’t a day late. My fiance on the other hand has known me for 8 yrs and can’t remember my birthday last yr he proposed to me the day before my birthday and I asked him the other day when my birthday was and he named a few dates that wasn’t even close to my birthday
Men have a tendency to forget things like this I wouldn’t make a big deal of it
Enjoy a second birthday
Just wait 30 years and he won’t even remember it
Nykole Marie is my sister and wished me a happy birthday a day before my birthday once. Things happen people forget
If that’s the only thing he did wrong you are one lucky woman
Better Early then late or not at ALL!!!
Wow if that’s all your worried about id say you doing ok !!
Hz beta than someone who wl nt say anything at all.
Throw the whole man away
30 ??? Ya got it made.Relax…