What would you do if your fiance doesn't want anymore kids?

There’s really nothing you can do. He doesn’t want anymore kids and you should respect that and to keep asking after he’s already said no is disrespectful. I mean y’all already have 7 children so him not wanting another child isn’t unreasonable either.


Uhm , stop having kids . Unless you have unlimited cash at your disposal.

We have a big blended family too. I just came here to say I understand. My age and health have been our main consideration as to why we decided our youngest will stay the baby. My husband also hopes to retire someday :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: but I understand how it can be to want more when your partner feels done. It’s hard, and can sometimes be a dealbreaker. Communication with the aim of understanding each other’s perspective is key. For myself, I have realized that the desire to have more babies is much more biological than it is logical. My desire increases with every ovulation. Understanding that has helped me to try to regulate my emotions around it. :heartpulse: Blessings to you and your family.

You have to think SMART, can you afford another child? Can you afford college for this child? Is it really just you missing your children being babies? Is it worth your health? Yes your health is a good thing to question after that many kids. He isn’t only raising his 3 kids with you he is also raising your other 4. He is raising 7 children with you. His hands are full . I am sure he is not wanting to be raising kids and grandkids together. Im sure he is thinking of the future of spending alone time with his wife and him not still raising kids .


Be happy with the family you have

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I have three and my husband got fixed. And it honestly kills me I thought I’d get over it but it just gets harder and harder. I know a lot of people just know when they’re done and I definitely wasn’t. Easy just to say you’ve had enough but when you aren’t the one struggling with it you can’t really have an opinion. Cause it’s actually painful

I mean hes not being unreasonable. Lol I have been fixed. I have my days where it’s like damn I can’t have anymore. But weve got 7 kids. 4 from him previous relationship and 3 ours. No way would I really want to bring another into this shit world. Not to mention the financial issues. Its hard enough some days as it is. And like Keri Carroll said. Gotta consider all factors .

7 is 3 to many already … I agree with your boyfriend be happy while your ahead


This is something that’s discussed before you get engaged. That’s what I would do.

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Damn, all the people telling other people how to be happy. Y’all sound like Republicans.


How about you worry about parenting the ones you HAVE, and stop worrying about adding yet another.

The more children you have, the less individual time and attention each one gets from you.


We are talking about 7 children. I have a hard time with 3!


I venture to think it’s not the “kid” your longing for, it’s the babyitis disease you have. Babysit tiny babies, volunteer at the hospital to be a baby rocker…if you’re just looking for babies there is a lot you can do besides adding to the brood you already have. :woman_shrugging:


Stop contributing to the over population. Just stop!


Well, i m with your fiance on this one. 7 is enough…but if u want more, then you have to find someone else.


Respect his wishes. In my opinion, 7 kids is a good size family. If you intentionally get pregnant it may cause a riff so big that he leave. Ask yourself if it is really worth risking your relationship & future marriage? Just because he doesnt want another right now doesn’t mean he wont change his mind later on & want another baby.

You cant force someone to have a kid its wrong


What would I do? If it were me, I’d stop having kids already. Babies are expensive. And it would be selfish of you to want another when your fiance wants to stop having children.


I would stop unless you both work full time jobs to support them all!


When I was pregnant with our 8th child a Doctor told me I should have stayed home and took care of the ones we had. Didn’t go back to him. My question to you is are taxpayers paying for them or are you.

Whaaat ? Is this a trick question - flaming heck !!


Awww, I love big families :purple_heart::purple_heart:

Having another child really needs to be a mutual decision. 7 kids is alot to feed, clothe and raise. You may need to find a way to respect his reasons, and focus your time and attention on your current, wonderful family. Just think, as they get older you get to go back to doing more of the things you can’t do when they’re young.

Seems to me you’re addicted to being pregnant. Your fiancé is the smart one in this relationship. You have SEVEN kids. Give them your love and attention and stop thinking you were put on this planet to give birth.


It has to be a mutual decision and it should have been discussed before the engagement so that way no one gets their feelings hurt or feels like they don’t have a voice. I am one of 10 kids (his, hers, mine situation) and it is a lot for a parent to deal with, as well as a lot for the siblings. Figure out WHY you want another and ask him WHY he doesn’t. There has to be a reason for each to have a full discussion and make a decision TOGETHER on what the future holds. I suggest focusing on the ones you all have an make sure THEY all get along as best as they can and thT you spend quality time with them while you can.


Geez, I have 3 and want 1 more. But 7!? These are hard times for kids. Covid took what social life my kids did have. Pay attention to the babies you have. Raise them to be amazing humans to the world. You have a lot of work in what you already have. A relationship is both parties, not just you and your wants. You need to respect his feelings as well. If you’re that serious about it and he is not, that could cause some bitter feeling from your end. Communication is key. You aren’t the only one to decide things. This is a human, not a car or new paint color for the living room.

Who in the right mind wants that many kids unless they on welfare and getting paid having a bunch of kids :woman_shrugging:


Your fiancé has already told you he does not want another child,please respect the decision,if you break up because you fall pregnant on purpose, you will have 8 kids without a dad,


My Goodness be happy with the ones you have. It’s takes a lot of money to raise kids! Is he the only one working?

I certainly wouldn’t come on a FB page and ask others what they would do. Think about the children you already have. And your fiance. How on earth can anyone in today’s world comfortably afford 7 kids and think it’s a good idea to have another. Baby fever???

7 and still not enough? You must be very rich to be able to raise 7 kids at once and still wanting more?

Some mothers are selfish by not.thinking kids future and well being but just minding what herself wants.

Also i feel sorry for the kids


Are you financially capable of taking care of the 7, you do have? Or is yourself and fiance working non stop to provide for them? If you do even work, stop being selfish and enjoy the 7 that you do have.


Why is he JUST YOUR FIANCE ? after 3 kids already


Obviously the other half of this relationship says no more, but how do the kids feel about yet another sibling? I feel like after a certain number of children, your kids start to miss out on you as parents and also on their childhood- especially the older ones. It seems like the older kids in big families spend a lot of time helping look after the younger ones and don’t get to have their own time to just… be kids. And your own attention becomes so divided amongst all of them and the other things you gotta do to keep the household running.

Appreciate the 7 you have. Do your best to fill their lives with love and good memories. But accept that if you truly want more kids that decision isn’t only going to affect you and also understand that you may have to exit your current relationship to do so.


My lord you have 7 children do you blame him for not wanting more ??

Doesn’t sound like you need any more children.Enough is enough for your health.Be careful or your will be raising them by yourself and on government money.

Can you afford them tho.??? A lot of people have kids just to have them… Not thinking of the financials to take care of them :roll_eyes:

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That is a lot of kids already.

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I wouldn’t have any more kids until my partner felt ready as well. Maybe wait until the kids you have now are less “costly” (for lack of a better term) then bring up the talk again.

You have 7 kids! Girl just stop already. 7 is more than enough. You need to respect his decision to not have any more kids and spend your time and attention on them instead wishing for more.


Is one more kid worth losing your fiance? Only you can answer that.

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I don’t bloody blame him mate! That’s a lot of kids to be having and depends on the income coming in too.


Maybe figure out why you would love another child but absolutely respect that he doesn’t want one

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if you have EVER said “we’ll make it work” in reference to money, you should’ve stopped 5 kids ago.

You have 3 kids with him. Then 4 more. Why do you need more? It’s a large blended family, can’t you respect that he doesn’t want anymore when the two of you already have 3 together?


Isnt the answer already in the question?


7 kids , ya he has a point. Also the older u are the more riskthere is to being pg. All my first few pregnancies were normal. The last one almost killed the baby and i.my kidneys were failing . It was a difficult pregnancy. The baby spent alot of time to n nicu also. When u have other kids at home and are balancing a nicu baby it’s very hard. What would he do if he lost u and had to take care of 7 or 8 kids alone ? I had no health problems previous ejther. I was 33 when that happened good health too.

Respect his decision. God forbid anything ever happened but could you feed, house and pay all kiddos medical cost without the other parent?


Question is why do you feel the need to have many children. The amount of children you have is your business. But every choice we make is for a reason. Maybe you should focus on your reason for this need. I think you should respect your fiancés request or the relationship may get bad.

Love what you have…foster if you really want to help children…don’t do things just because YOU ‘want’…kids don’t ask to be born or what happens to them…not saying you’re a bad person, this question you ask sounds horribly selfish


I don’t blame him 7!? Really 7 that’s overwhelming as it is


Wait for the grandkids :blush:


So the opinion of the internet is more important than the opinion of the person you share your kids, home, life, bills and bed with? Honey, nobody on this thread is gonna be helping you with those kids or helping to provide for them, or stay up with them when they’re sick. That’s gonna be your fiance. So it’s his opinion that should matter. Not anyone’s on here. Unless you’re asking if you should leave since he doesn’t want anymore and you do? In that case you’re just worried about how many kids you can have and getting what YOU want. Not about what it will mean for quality of life for you or your current children.


It’s time for some therapy to see what void you’re trying to fill…


do what my husband and I plan on doing. we have 6 but when our older 4 are grown and move out we plan to adopt or foster. ask him if he is okay with that there are lots of kids that need and deserve loving homes.

Become a foster parent!


Stop having damn kids


Finde one more baby daddy🤷‍♀️


Fan Question

What would you do if your fiance doesn’t want anymore kids?

Then YOU accept it.


Respect his decision if you want more then its time to move on. Ffs thats enough kids.


I don’t blame him… that’s a lot of kids… I could understand if maybe there was 2 to 4 kids but 7… I can understand why he would not be wanting anymore… its a lot of work and money…

He should get Fixed and quick so you can’t trick him into another child HE doesn’t want.


Is he the one at work paying for all these kids or?


You have 3 with your fiance and you are still not married? why? i think you should think about that first before adding another child in the picture.


Stop breeding… You have 7 spread out over 2 guys & you’re not married :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


7 kids??? That’s a lot of kids and honestly overwhelming to even think about. I think you should take his feelings into consideration not people on the internet opinion on what you should do. How do you provide for them? Will you be able to provide your part if you decide to leave? Do you think any sane man would want to add to your herd being father number 3?

Is it not too much already?

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You’re lucky he wants to marry you with all them kids. Get yourself a pet, better yet get over it. I don’t see how you have enough time to spend with all those kids, your man, yourself, your family, friends, and hopefully your job.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What would you do if your fiance doesn't want anymore kids? - Mamas Uncut

You can’t compromise on having a baby. You both have to agree. If you love him you’ll have to be okay with not having another baby


You have to decide if it’s a deal breaker. If so, leave.

Count my 7 little blessings.


7! I think you’ve already got your hands full and he sees that.


Wow! I can see why he may not want anymore. Talk it out, see if maybe you can put it off a while instead of flat out saying no. Good luck.


Wow :clap:t4: mamas that’s whole lots of kids… God bless your soul … :pray:

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He sounds like a smart man!


Can you pay for all of them to go to college.


Talk about it….see where he is coming from on not wanting anymore children. You have 7 blessings, is one more worth losing him?


Oh honey I think he isn’t being irrational at all! I could see if you had no kids or just one or two, but it sounds like you have plenty lol. Not a deal breaker if you ask me!


7 is probably already a lot for him and he just doesn’t want another one :woman_shrugging:t4:


Get a cat you have 7 kids lol


Decide if u have to have another and break up or don’t have another and stay together.

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You don’t need anymore Jesus Christ. :joy:


I would listen to him. He’s entitled to his feelings. You already have 7, he has 3, he doesn’t want anymore.


Get your tubes tied. Or have him get a vasectomy. Then HE can’t have anymore kids but you can if you decide.


Bless your soul! But I can see where he’s coming from, 7 kids is quite the handful. I’ve got one and I’m not sure I want anymore. I wouldn’t let it be a deal breaker by any means! You guys have children together already!


Seek permanent birth control.


Have another and then four to the next bloke :joy:
Make it a dozen


I don’t blame him!!! Jesus! Who is paying to support all these kids? Who is coughing up insurance? Give the guy a break.


I can understand him not wanting more, I have 5, kids are expensive. It’s kind of something you both have to agree on. Are you both working? Idk what to say, besides I can understand why he is good with not having anymore.

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Some women are addicted to being pregnant!! They forget after that 9 months you gotta push!! 🤦:joy::joy:


Not irrational at all. That’s a lot of kids


I don’t blame him for not wanting more, DAMNNN

Wow hats off on 7, can’t be easy but a lot of love to go around.

I would respect your fiance, 7 children are a lot, especially when it comes to energy levels and financial stress.

Keep holding out, one day those 7 will grow up and have kids of their own then you can have grandbaby fever :sob:


How about a puppy, kitten, fish…?


The first baby changes the dynamic of duo and next baby changes the dynamic to trio the more people added to that is another person to consider, you’re not the only one to consider. Who else would (or not) want another sibling, cousin, niece/nephew. What contingency plans do you have in place for them in the event things don’t go as expected wth the pregnancy and what changes would need to be made to accommodate another growing person after birth

I would listen to him! 7 is already a lot of kids. We have 4, 2 of which graduated high school just a week ago and are leaving for college in August. The amount of money we spent on senior year alone for those two was ridiculous! Kids are expensive!

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SEVEN, and you want more?!?!?


Stop having kids. Save some for everybody else.


Wait for grandchildren…