What would you do if your fiance doesn't want anymore kids?

Haha, 7 kids is alot. Maybe you should hear him out. I have 3 kids and my husband doesn’t want more. And I want 1 more however I really dont want to be “kid poor”… So with that said, I got 2 dogs and 1 cat.

As long as you can afford them.


Good lord :roll_eyes:. How dare he not want eight children lol break up with that man right away!!


Damn girl u have enough don’t fight him on it. I could see if you guys only had one or two. Have to respect him on this lol

If you can afford them and give them all life has to offer then go for it. but seven? dang :joy: that’s a lot of kids! I get you want another but it isn’t fair equally if your fiancé doesn’t. Imagine having a kid you didn’t even want and it making your relationship harder, etc. I wouldn’t ever feel okay if my husband wasn’t 100% on board with us having said child.


Get a good tv package :joy:


Stop :woman_shrugging:t3: or go find another guy to have more kids with who wants more.

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Get a puppy or find a friend with a baby :joy:


Go find a dude that will support 7 kids and agree to 8?


What’s worth more? Your relationship or your desire for another child?


Damnnn, I dont blame him thats way too many kids lol I have 4 and half the time feel like I’m going crazy :flushed:

I have 2 an im tired :joy:


Easy just love the seven you have a little more.


First of all: Wow!!! You birthed SEVEN kids and want more?! Ok Super Mom!

Second: Not everyone has that much patience. Hell I have 2 and have my moments when I question if thats 1 too many for my sanity :upside_down_face: Think about the mental strain 7 kids might already be putting on your fiance, and you want more. How old are they? Will some be teens soon and independent enough to be ok if focus is taken off of them to deal with more babies? Plus, financially speaking can you comfortably afford more children?

Your fiance might low key be feeling overwhelmed with 7 and you want to force an 8th on them. Relationships are about compromise. Sometime you accept their limits and other times they accept yours.
This is a time you must respect your fiancés limit and settle for 7 kids.


8 kids…:woozy_face: then 9, 10…when does it end? Why is 8 better than 7…:woman_shrugging:


Seriously! You’re ridiculous!


If he doesn’t want any more then there isn’t anything you can do. :woman_shrugging:t3: At least he is being honest with you. Appreciate that, and appreciate what you already have.


Sure, split your attention even more. And make your older kids parents by proxy, denying them a proper childhood experience.


Get a puppy instead lol I have 1 child and that’s enough for me!


Y’all here preaching he’s entitled to his own opinion, yet she’s crazy for wanting another when she has 7?! Do y’all see how hypocritical that makes y’all. So freaking what if she has 7, ITS HER LIFE!!! Some of us love being a mom, some of us can handle multiple kids. Who the heck are any of y’all to say she shouldn’t have another or to “get a cat” just cause they have many!! She asked WHAT WOULD YOU DO not WHATS YOUR OPINION ON ME HAVING 7 KIDS AND WANTING ANOTHER!!!


Your cup should be full.


7 kids should be plenty


Well, if he doesn’t and you do it anyways. Be prepared to either rejecting the youngest or now raising 8 kids by yourself.


Get cut lol tie the tubes don’t you want any kind of golden years at all :grimacing:? That many babies your bound to end up tasting at least one grand baby :eyes:ps do you do all the laundry dishes feeding diaper changes or bill paying cause that’s a lot of freaking kids I grew up with 10 siblings one three ended up normal … not saying it can’t happen but that’s a lot of work

Count your blessings. Find out why he doesn’t want more kids. Listen to his concerns. Compromise with the 7 children your blessed to have. If it genuinely bothers you cause you want more then find a new relationship with someone willing to care for you and you’re seven children and then add more too it. What can you do? You can’t make him want more kids. Seven is a lot. Maybe he doesn’t have it in him to raise anymore. Is that worth losing the person you want to spend your life with?

I mean you already have an ex why not make him one too :sob::sob::sob::skull::skull:


I would make a list of why you want another. And then discuss it with him. At the end of the day he might have reasons why he doesn’t. Idk how old u are but maybe he wants (after the kids are grown) to be able to enjoy life and still not be raising kids. Maybe it’s too much of a financial drain. Maybe he wants to sleep through the night. Either way just discuss it.

Id say you have 3 btwn you, he just might be tored of having kids and is satisfied with have the i es he has. Without the extra child youll be able to give more attention to the ones you already have. I bet if you discuss this with not just your fiance, your older kids, you may find yourself getting some pretty surprising answers. Think about what your family wants as a whole. The decision to add to your family will effect everyone.

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Think you have enough already be happy with what you have and enjoy life


How do you pay for rent food health care? Your man is smarter that you.


You have SEVEN kids. It’s perfectly reasonable to not want more.


I have 4, with #5 due in July. My oldest is 7. I think if you can handle it, have as many as you want. My hubby when we got married was good with two, I wanted 4 so we said we would meet in the middle with 3. Then I talked him into trying for our fourth, our fifth was an accident we said we were done! Lol give him some time he might change his mind or you might have time to make peace with being done at 7.


My husband of 16 years decided 5 children was enouph he said ge was to old to raise more.but i was starting to feel my empty nest as they were venturing out on there own.we decided to become foster parents in dec.our compramise was giving my youngest sisters until ahe to flew tge coop.


Having a child should be the decision of BOTH parents, yours isn’t more important then his just because you carry the baby for 9 months !!! So it’s simple decide which you want more another child, and go have it with another man OR don’t have anymore children !

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If both partners aren’t happy with a decision I dont think its the right one. Kids are alot as much as they are blessings. Having one while your partner isn’t all to thrilled over it isn’t fair and there will be resentment because it’s a shared job you want both of you to enjoy. I’d try to find some type of compromise

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I’ve 2 and that feels like more than enough :rofl::woozy_face::fearful:


Compromise and not have any more 🤷

Y’all are judgemental asf!!! Why be mad about someone else having 7 kids that don’t belong to any of you ??? Smh it’s her choice!! If he didn’t want anymore kids he could have used protection or was making sure that she was!!! Its takes TWO to make a baby not ONE


Male point of you you both have to agree with the situation
I’m 27 and I had my first daughter five years ago with my girlfriend my girlfriend was a surrogate to her nine-year-old son
We only share custody because his mom and fortunately passed away when she was six months pregnant…
My girlfriend works for a junior a team so we take 3 teens We both would love to have kids but I work in New York for the hockey season and she’s alone with five kids it’s a lot

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I honestly don’t see how anyone can have THAT many kids and be able to give them each the attention they deserve…I mean I’ve got 4 and still feel like they don’t each get enough individualized time.


Who’s asking? If the fiance is female, maybe she is tired of being pregnant. If the fiance is male, maybe he is scared of more child support payments.:rofl::rofl::rofl:


Holy hannah im just trying to figure out where you get your powers from?? Im a mom of 3 and im DONE LOL


So much judgement here. I have 7 children and they are the lights of my Life. That said, having them was a choice we made together. I thought I was done after six, but when I felt like I just wasn’t, we talked about it, and decided together to have one more. Honestly, he’s is the one who thought 8 might be a good idea, but I felt done. I felt like I had had all the babies I am meant to (7 losses and 7 healthy babies after having been told I could never carry to term). We agreed that we may adopt down the road, but we are done having babies for now.
You have to do what works for you. But they key is to communicate and be honest about your feelings, to avoid resentment in the future. You don’t want to resent him for not “allowing” another child, but you also definitely don’t want a child to be raised feeling resentment from his/her father just for being born.


Respect his decision and dont have any more, or separate and find someone else to have another with. You can’t force people to want children/more children when there are already multiple in the household .

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Lol are you trying to make it even? 4 and 4?

I would just not have anymore kids. Having more kids needs to be a choice you both make. 7 is more than enough. Could you really give 8 kids enough attention? Especially if you became a single mom? You need to think about the kids you already have and not just yourself.


You have plenty. Give extra love to the ones you have. Spend more time with friends babies or nieces and nephews.

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I’m with him on that one. Thays enough.


You better figure it out before you get married


Who can even afford 7?


you have enough kids already


I wouldn’t do it or find a compromise. Because if you went ahead and got pregnant when he doesn’t want more, he will, trust me, WILL resent you and that child. So if you want more kids, but he doesn’t, then do the right thing and leave. Find you someone who wants a baby just like you. But with 7 kids, it might be hard to find a man willing to step up. It happens but rarely. Especially knowing there are 2 father’s so may not wanna deal with dramas.


You must make lots and lots of $$$$$


Sometimes I wonder if the “fan question” of this page is real or made up to get a rise out of all of us :rofl:


I’m with him no judgement but why would you want more I have 1 bio and 2 step and I’m barely keeping it together

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Seek therapy and unpack why seven children isn’t enough for you.


I would get a tubal. But then again, I got a tubal after one.

Everyone quick to pass judgment. If she wants more she can have more, I wouldn’t tho. 3 is a handful for me. If you can pull 7 off. I give you props :clap:. I have a friend that has 10. She’s a great mom. She takes care of them. They are happy. She’s happy. You have to decide ones more important. There’s no middle ground. He does not want anymore. Your either ok with that or your not. Except it or not. Are you going to leave him for it? Probably not. So it’s now just you excepting it.


Be happy with what you have :thinking: some women can’t even have one. If you want more why not open up a daycare that way you get to have more kids around and can send them home everyday it would be a win win for both of you

How can you even afford 7 kids in this day? :joy: I have 1 and my limit is 2. I’m with him on this one… Lol

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Girl i think thats plenty lol. Keep in mind all the future expenses that comes with that many so adding another will just add to that.


The way the world is right now I sure wouldn’t bring anymore children into it…let’s take care of the ones we have…


Well unless you’re planning on trapping him there’s nothing you can do.

I would have your head examined…


I bet she doesn’t work and husband is the one providing :sweat_smile:


I agree with the man on this one.


Id say u have enough kids


I suggest you get your tubes tied :grimacing:


This is a conversation that you two need to have without any family or the internet opinion. We can’t make life choices for you, you and your finance need to make these choices. Let him explain why he doesn’t want a kid WITHOUT getting upset, interrupting and be understanding!! There are plenty of reasons why one might not want another child. Maybe he feels stressed out and thinks you guys won’t be able to afford it down the road. Maybe he feels like you guys don’t have enough room. This is a you and him choice and if both of you love eachother you would both be understanding of one another’s thoughts and feelings on this.


My vagina hurts just reading this


Jeez I dont blame him lol. But if he doesnt want anymore kids you can’t force him, just like you wouldnt like to be forced of the roles were reversed

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I find it incredibly rude that the comments are full of “ you have enough” No one else but your partner and you can decide your family size, what you can afford etc. your partner doesn’t want anymore and trying to force him into one more will only lead to resentment.

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Damn the nasties strike again . Hey don’t take these nastys seriously . If they can’t handle that many that’s not your problem .

Lol. I never understand why people would want that many kids. That’s an extreme amount of responsibility and I don’t blame him for not wanting more. I stopped at 2. Can’t imagine having 7 and wanting more. I’m just wondering in my head if poster is one of those people who are broke and want more kids to get more government assistance. Either that or they are rich? And if they were rich, they probably wouldn’t be questioning it so I’m assuming it’s the latter.


7? Oh well I can see his point :woman_shrugging:


If you guys have 7 kids and he’s a good man girl be happy with what you have and get a puppy


Honestly, thats up to you. Hats off to you because I can barely handle 2 and have one on the way, and feel like I’m dying :sweat_smile: But consider his feelings, have a real, honest talk with him about how you both feel and see if you can come to a compromise


I’d let him win this one lol. I get you want another but that’s so expensive and makes me tired just reading it lol


Girl I know the feeling… And I get both sides of this argument. I also tell myself that I have enough, I have four, one boy and three girls ( one set of twins). I really really want my son to have a brother even tho he is 9. He tells me, mom why don’t you have another baby…I feel like I want to put my family above myself and just have the baby but :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:. Sometimes I pray I just get pregnant but I have the iud… It may be something you live to regret you didn’t do or thankful you didn’t do… You do have a lot of kids lol… Why do you want another baby?

Respect his opinion & be happy with the seven you have. Is he a good father figure to them ? Is he in general a good man all around ? Just be happy …

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Your all so damn hateful. Her body, her choice, if she wants more kids that’s her decision. She asked for an answer to a question not to have rude ass comments about how many kids she has. Shame on all of you.

Talk to him about why you want more. Don’t be upset if he gives you good reasons to not have more such as expenses, housing, another vehicle, things like that. Its his decision also especially if you guys are going to be married one day.

I understand his point of view. We have two and we both said no more lol🙅🏻‍♀️


The world is overpopulated and I think 7 kids is a lot specially since they aren’t easy. Like others have said I don’t understand wanting that many children.


Why do y’all care how many kids a person has :rofl: as long as they’re being cared for & loved it shouldn’t matter


#hysterectomy #vasectomy
Are you going for cheaper by the dozen?!


Do you just love being pregnant? Just snuggle the ones you have ,geez.


sounds like you need therapy for addiction to being pregnant/having babies even at risk of your relationship and with the seven kids you already have!!


Be happy you have so many kids ,now give them there time to be kids ,Not your babysitter !!!


Inorge all these negitive comments momma. We have 5 combined and we have had this conversation. Part of me feels like down the road I may want one more child. He does not. And I completely understand his side of things. As for what to do, asking the internet is not the answer. This is a deep conversation the both of you need to have together.


Respect his decision and be happy with the blessings you have.


Actually have a conversation about it and don’t seem like your attacking him for not wanting another. I see where he is coming from, 7 kiddos is a lot! Don’t push him too much on the issue either you may scare him into a vasectomy lol.

I would’ve stopped at one. That’s what I would’ve done because it’s what I did.


Well honestly I’d suck it up and accept it that we’re done because 1 7 is a lot (i have 6) and 2 because my fiance’s (in my case husband) wants/needs/and opinions matter to me and to me having more kids and him not wanting more wouldn’t be worth leaving/losing him over.

I mean you could always try to talk him into it but don’t like make it happen either I’ve heard of people who do that and imo that’s not okay.

He doesn’t have to want more kids. And it sounds like y’all have more than enough. He is being rational. You need to get over it. If he doesn’t want more no one should be pushing him to have more

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I feel like a compromise is always the way to go but dang - I feel like the compromise on his part may have already been done with that many children! Lol.


That’s 7 kids. Respect his choice and don’t try to change his mind. If he says he doesn’t want more then let it go. You’d want him to do the same if you were in his shoes. You don’t push one into something they don’t want because it’s what you want. Respect his decision and raise the 7 you have.


Girl… this planet is over populated as is. Gone are the days of having many kids to use on farms. Give your hooha a much needed break. Your fiancé says no more.


Wow it’s his choice and you have plenty of kids sounds like.


You don’t need no more

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I have 2 and I’m done. Mainly for financial reasons.

I want to send my kids to college. I want to take fun vacations. I want to take road trips and help buy their first car. Like, I respect wanting to have a big family, but I also want to be able to give my kids a leg up in the future.

I don’t get people who have a ton of kids, who struggle trying to raise them, who force their kids to bust ass just to make it :woman_shrugging: