What would you do if your husband wanted to get rid of kids toys?

Just have kids put them.up in pile when done playing…as far as swing I would not get rid of it they need it

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Weed/grass killer? Weed eater?

Total up how much the toys cost and ask if he wants to pay for the toys again when he decides that he doesn’t want to be their replacement toys.

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Tell him to grow up or take his toys and things he fills his excess time with and ask how he’s enjoying his day


This sounds lazy. There has to be more to this lol. It’s too simple


We both do the yard work so it’s not so much work. It’s a constant chore here from spring till the end of fall. And we’re talking 10 acres so It’s not an easy job.
Set up a gravel parking area for all outdoor & ride on toys. Make the kids clean up toys and park toys in designated spots.
Then the only thing you’re weeding is around your home and the 4 legs of your swingset. You could even put down weed killer, mulch Or a poor concrete around the posts.
But one thing I damn sure would not do is deprive my children of outdoor toys because of laziness.

The kids should be out there before he cuts moving or putting away anything they can. As far as the swing set goes if he doesnt wanna deal with cutting around it he can leave that bit and you can go weedeat it. Teamwork makes the dream work…


You try mowing the yard and see if his point is either received or not. I used to assume as well, he was being lazy. No, no…the lawn must be cut there is no choice…in the heat as well

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I mow our lawn. The kiddos (15,10&4) all take a bit to pick up all the toys and sticks then I mow. It’s not that big a deal I think :woman_shrugging: and we have a trampoline, 2 large dog coops, a giant duck & chicken coop& many acres lol

Take half the responsibility. Me and my husband either do all chores together or take turns. :woman_shrugging:

Tell him to stop being selfish

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Have your kids clean their toys up before he cuts the grass. Living in a trailer isn’t an excuse to have stuff strewn all over the yard, I know because I live in one too. At 2&3 my kid was picking up her toys or helping one of us do it. Instead of automatically saying he’s lazy, help alleviate the problem.

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You mow around them and say ok my weedeat it

I’d make sure me and the kids help him. Help mow, have the kids put their stuff somewhere it’s out of the way. Make the suggestion to him that you try it that way and see if it helps him out.


Do the kids play on them? Are they of use to them and bring them joy? If so I wouldn’t get rid of them, but if he feels overwhelmed by it then I would get out there and help him. He mows you weed eat or the other way around. Y’all are a partnership and he’s telling you he feels overwhelmed by something, please don’t make him feel like his feelings aren’t valid.

There are some days that I feel overwhelmed by cooking for my family multiple times a day every day. When that happens my husband will get in there and make tacos or something easy. He doesn’t complain or make me feel bad about being overwhelmed.


I cut the grass all the time around all the crap in the yard….not that big of deal to do…

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How are you calling him lazy when his cutting the grass is beyond me. Why can’t kids put toys out the way . You’re teaching the kids to be lazy.

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What age are the children?

Lort. The amount of people saying for you to help with this idk. He needs to take the responsibility for doing the lawn and that encompasses all that comes with it. If you were doing it, I’m sure you’d have to also tidy the yard prior and move things around yourself in order to cut it properly. Then he can do the same.


Just pick them up before he mows :woman_shrugging:t4::ok_hand:t5::+1:t5:
Everything except the swing set obviously​:joy::upside_down_face:
Problem solved…


Buy him a weed Wacker to use


He doesn’t deserve kids

Make the kids clean up their toys. Designate an area where all the toys go when kids are done playing.


If he is mowing and doing it all himself then the kids should be picking up the yard and taking responsibility for their things. Or…why don’t you mow sometimes? I wouldn’t call him lazy if he is the only one doing it…


Kids need toys and a swing set, if they have toys that they don’t play with them them ones should go, have the kids clean up the toys and put them in one area at the end of each day.

I would tell you to cut the grass urself then.

My fiance and I tackle the yard together. We work as a team to move all the stuff around…the kids help too. He usually mows and I usually do the weed whacking. Teamwork :muscle: and we also live in a trailer

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He never should have had kids. 🤷

He’s a really caring dad. I’m sorry that’s ridiculous toys etc are part of having kids. They don’t stay lit long enjoy them n their toys while u can ! If he can DEAL with he shouldn’t of had kids! Bet he’d change mind u get rids his fishing poles, favorite recliner etc… cuz U can’t Deal .

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Should help him. You and the kids teach the kids responsibility


Mowing the lawn isn’t always an easy job when you have to mow around a bunch of stuff…especially if it’s hot out. If the toys are able to be moved then move them out of the way for him.
I totally understand his frustration.
If the toys can’t be moved then maybe mow the lawn yourself…

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That’s why you use a weed eater around them

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Have kids pick up toys and have a spot for them. He can mow n weedeat tell him man up r go


Has he ever heard of a weed wacker?? If my 84 year old dad can do it, I’m pretty sure he can too.

Teach your children to pick up their toys when the are though playing with them

His comforts before the comforts of the children…. Yikes!!

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Keep toys in one spot. Why are there toys in back and front yard? If the kids haven’t played with the toy for quite awhile, I’d look into getting rid of it anyways

He just sounds frustrated. Probably stressed out from work/life. My husband is the same way. He works really hard so I can take care of the kids at home so what I do is clean up the yard for him when its time to mow and I’ll weedeat for him so its not too bad. We have a huge front yard and back yard with playhouses and slides. Maybe help him out a bit?

Day before he goes out there have the kiddos clean up. Buy hooks for bikes. You can hang them on the swing set.

Buy a shelf for other toys.

It’s a chore to have kids. Just like picking up dog doo doo before cutting grass.

I see it as when I clean up my house I don’t want toys thrown everywhere. Therefore the kids learn to pick them up or they’re going to get thrown out. As far as the swing set goes I feel like that’s just an asshole move on his part of they still use it

So, do the yard yourself. Or let him get rid of the toys.


Teach kids to put away toys

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my husband wants to cut all my trees

You go out and pick up and straighten that stuff out so he can cut the grass.


Offer to cut the grass

Teamwork makes the dream work… you could move everything out of the way while he starts on the lawn or get a second mower and you start at one end while he starts at the other


You cut the grass and weed eat around everything and problem is solved


maybe if the kids pick up & put away their toys this wouldn’t be a big problem

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Tell him to swap chores you now the lawn and cleans the house then see who complains first


Should purger and or sore in closet . Kids can rotate toys

He sounds kinda lazy. Have the kids pick up the toys though. Maybe you guys could take turns mowing the lawn.

I say you pick up the toys while he mows the lawn !! Looks like your the lazy one!!

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Straighten it up yourself or cut the grass yourself…


I kind of agree kind of don’t. If your kids are old enough to pick up after themselves they should always put their outside toys up when they’re done. It’s just respectful to the person who is mowing. I picked them up for my SO before he mowes, along with sticks and any trash that may have been in our yard, until we felt our kids were of age to have it as a “chore”. If the toys aren’t being used they should be donated or gotten rid of. Snakes and other animals hide out in abandoned toys.

You do the yard then. Simple solution.


The hell! I’m a stay at home mom and we have a big decent size yard… My kids are 3 and 4… I, 75% of the time cut the grass… I make the girls clean up their toys and then cut the grass… Then weedwack. Then give the girls popsicles for cleaning up their toys!


Hire a lawn boy and watch him cut the lawn bet your husband changes his tune


Can you get a shed and put the toys away?

Y cant kids pick the toys after playing, isnt that how it works n should be :thinking:


If they don’t use them then I could see it. If they use them he needs to grow up.

Tell him to get a weedwacker. Wont have to worry bout getting rid of it all.

Don’t start doing it all it never ends !

Get a big pump spray bottle… I found mine at a in side fkea market.
Put a gallon of white vinegar and a half gallon of water shake well
Spray around the legs to all the big toys… It kills the weeds…
You and the older children could pick things up that can be picked up… Grab plastic containers with lids and put them under the porch or next to the trailer… You can also sprinkle table salt to kill weeds

Swap chores , he does the house chores and you do yard chores :woman_shrugging: he won’t have to deal with yard toys then.


Tell him ok when you get rid of all yours . Tv , game console , guitar wtfever he likes doing .

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If you can do it no problem then you do it🤷🏻‍♀️ toys shouldn’t be just left thrown all around anyways. Once the kids are done playing then they should be picking up their things.

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That’s when I start mowing the lawn myself and weedwacking around anything that I can’t move myself. Pick up all the toys, put them on something till done mowing. My kids will help me. Plus we do have like 2 acres to mow.

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Cut the grass so he doesn’t have to do it.


Why not have the kids put their toys up out of the way before he mows?


You start mowing around the swing set. Then tell him TOO DAMN BAD FOR YOU. TOU DONT LIKE IT, LEAVE. MY KIDS WILL HAVE TOYS.

If he gets rid of the kids toys, get rid of his toys :kissing_heart: lolll


How about this, make the kids clean up their toys in the yard. Have them in one place so he only has to cut around that 1 area and the swingset :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: I leave a lot of toys out in our yard from playing catch with the dog. And I always clean them up when my fiance cuts the grass. Not fair to make him clean up my mess :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


When he’s ready to cut the grass make the kids go pick up their toys


Throw that crap to the street im with him on this mess

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If your kids are old enough to have all those sorts of things in the yard then they are old enough to be made to pick them up.
Make an edging and toss woodchips under the swing set.

Maybe on the side of the trailer where it’s not so visible tape off a good square area against the house and use some Round Up and kill the grass in that square. That’s the new bike parking area. Buy a cheap hard plastic kiddie pool and make kids put smaller toys in after they play when they come in. Keeps the yard neat and gives the kids their own space for things.

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Ask him what he wants to go without that you find annoying!?

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Sooo you pick up the yard before he mows? I mean he’s mowing the lawn and you’re gonna call him lazy and careless? :grimacing: I say you pick up the yard so he doesn’t have to. Or, you mow- like you said you could :wink:


You have some options. Put him in therapy so he can get his priorities in order. Start mowing the yard yourself or make it a chore for an older child. Have a designated spot for all yard toys and dig up/spray the grass under the swing (Won’t be as soft if a kid falls off).

Pick the toys up before he mows…

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You could offer to mow for him… Since hes being so lazy and careless, maybe you would do a better job…

I’d tell him not to worry about dealing with it and I would deal with it and I would do it in the most passive way ever.

Sometimes you just have a bad day.

Why can’t the kids put the toys away after use preferably not on the grass but maybe an area where there is no grass? Problem solved. My husband was the same way. I made sure grass cutting days, the toys were out of his way.

Do the yard together? I’ve spent waaaay too much money on the things in our back yard for the kids so the day my husband mows I go out about an hour before and I pick everything (toys, rocks, sticks etc.) up. After he mows what he can I drag the trampoline, waterslide soccer goals and the swing set out of the way so he can mow where they were and when he’s done I push them back. It’s definitely no fun but the kids are happy so I don’t complain. I think him wanting to get rid of their toys is sad because that’s what makes them happy, he shouldn’t want to hurt them like that…


Maybe you or the kids could help with moving the toys so that he only has to worry about the mowing part?


We have a trampoline, swing set and a heavy picnic table in our backyard… Plus we currently have our pop up camper in the back yard… Guess what? We move them lol! We literally go out and push the camper back, mow and then push it back where it was. We mow around the trampoline, swing set and picnic table and then move them and mow where they were and just leave them until next time we mow and then mow around them, move them and mow where they were. Our kids love them and it gets them outside, sucks moving them but we deal with it lol! If you haven’t already, maybe offer to help move them so he doesn’t have to try to by himself.

We have a swing set and a huge trampoline, a outdoor club house and many more toys and either I or my boyfriend mow around them without complaining, it’s part of mowing the grass? If it’s in the way that bad, move it or mow around it. My boyfriend has never complained about their toys and if he did, well I’d simply tell him that I’m done picking up after him, he can get rid of all his stuff because I don’t feel dealing with it anymore :woman_shrugging: he knows better as that’s disrespectful to those kids! When my kids leave their toys around the house, the worse the does is ask them to take them back in their room. Not want to get rid of them. Some men are such crybabies. I mow the grass also and just simply mow around though, I just don’t get this post honestly :joy:

I would designate one area for the play area like the dirt where he doesn’t have to mow.

Tell him he’s a lazy pos and cut the grass myself and prolly end up dumping him bc he sounds like a real winner :woman_shrugging:

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i really like how everyone just attacks the man, how about if he is going to cut the grass then you and the kids pick things up? I don’t blame him at all if he is constantly doing it all and by himself. If you live there help out


How old are the kids? Have them pick up their toys from the yard before he mows. But yeah, if my husband wanted to throw the kids stuff away just because he was being lazy I’d have a problem with it. Laziness is one of my biggest pet peeves tho lol

Go out and round them up and put them out of the way for him before he cuts. Teamwork makes the dream work.


Make the kids go out and pick up the yard before he mows…


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. https://answers.mamasuncut.com/t/what-would-you-do-if-your-husband-wanted-to-get-rid-of-kids-toys/12859

I agree the kids need to be responsible for cleaning up their toys and putting them in one area when they’re done at the end of the day. Maybe that would help adjust your husband’s perspective if he saw everyone trying to help. Was this a first time gripe or has he been getting aggravated over this for a while and been ignored? If it’s the first time, it might be the heat. If it’s been a long time problem, definitely have the kids do their part more.


Ok so your solution was to tell him that he is being lazy and that his feelings and frustrations don’t count. I have been in similar situation and while I may rant a bit I really don’t think getting rid of everything is a real solution. You may want to try and meet somewhere in the middle. Tell him you understand the frustration and both of you can work as a team to get kids to pickup their toys better. It’s called working together to solve problems.


Tell him to quit being a cry baby. Have the kids move the move able objects to one part of the yard, let him mow, then put them in the mowed section. My husband works and does the lawn mowing and farm work, he never complains about toys in the yard, unless they are toys that get hidden in the grass


I cut the grass in our backyard, and we have a swing set and it’s not hard to mow around it. When I do cut the grass in the backyard my boys are told to either help me clean up their toys and put them away or I run them over at the mower and it’s not my problem. For perspective my kids are one, three and four.
Your kids should help clean up the toys when he goes to cut the grass but if he’s going to be that upset about the playset remind him the kids will have nothing to do and it’s his problem and he can figure out what to do with them.


Only if you take his toys away too!