What would you do if you found out your boyfriend/husband was hanging out w another chick staying the night at her place, messaging back and forth, and she is buying him expensive things. What if he says they are just friends and nothing happened. What would you do? Oh, and the female also messages you are talking shit as well…
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What would you do if your spouse was spending the night with another girl?
Kick his ass out and file for divorce.
What would i do? I’d be single
Id leave, seriously Thats absurd!
Pack his shit send him on his way
Run for the hills. No one deserves that shit.
Um tell her she can keep him and move on …sorry but none of that seems appropriate for when in a relationship
My husbands chick friends are lesbians.
That’s disrespectful. If she is not blood he shouldn’t be staying the night with her. I don’t trust the idea at all. That’s his side girl no doubt.
Tell him to get her to buy me expensive things too
Have him served while hes with her💅
I’d be single and free
Document everything.
Lol… girl, what would you tell you to do?
Nothing to say! Shit in the front yard in glad bags, and locks changed!
Run for your life🤦🏻♀️
They are a couple. Time to move on
Um, bye. Nice knowing you.
Go F** he’s daddy
He wouldn’t be my spouse any longer! Actuall y a Stupid question! No Brainer!
What would I do?? Leave….he’s having an affair.
You already know the answer to your question! Don’t be a push over leave you deserve more
best case I’d be divorced, worst case I’d be in prison
that’s just sad.
why are you still with him? Ask yourself that.
Look, I’m not trying to be mean here, just real. Don’t be a fool. Anyone who would believe he was doing nothing is choosing to believe it.
He would be my ex real fast
Definitely wouldn’t be asking people on Facebook. I would be moving his things out of my home for him.
Is this a real question ? You have to know the answer to this with out Facebook’s help lol
If you are here asking this question you don’t really want to do anything. Because I would be DONE as would most women.
He’s very clearly cheating.
Yikes, run sis don’t play yourself like this.
My husband let me take a vacation with my sons father last week so they could spend time together. It’s called trust.
Dump all his stuff at her house
It sounds like your husband/ boyfriend is in another relationship/ hook up right in front of your face DIVORCE, dump him & call it a day
i’d go to jail lol honestly though, I would make a plan and leave. Don’t even bother trying to work it out.
Hes a lier and is cheating on you. Leave him. File for divorce.
This is a stupid question, if you had to ask then you dont see what’s happening here. Come on now.
You know perfectly well what you should do. Throw that whole man away, he has to go.
Leave , your overe here just letting him cheat knowing it ?
Ah fuck a bunch of that…
Tell his ass not to come home are you serious??
Hand him divorce papers
Give him a choice, you or her. He only gets one. If he says you, then tell him he has to cut her off as she is rude to you.
I wish upon all wishes that my husband would TRY to do some crap like that.
I’m sorry this is happening to you I would say it’s time for you to get a divorce. I say that mainly because you had to “find out” - he wasn’t honest with you. Which means he had something to hide. I’m also SO SORRY that most of the people commenting on your post think they need to comment “lol” or make it seem like this situation is so easily resolved. As if you’re ridiculous for reaching out. People make me sick in this group half the time I swear. This is what the group is for!
He would be out the door would not have that
You are allowing yourself to stay in the situation and that’s the problem…don’t tolerate that kind of nonsense…It’s very clear that it’s not “just a friend”
That’s a hard hell to the NO from me Sir!
Go with him you can all have a slumber party lmao
Pack his shit throw him and everything else out no talk no conversation dropped like a bad habit, girl u cannot be so Naive that they r not sleeping together and u r allowing this to happen
My husband would be immediately unfriending her, and if not then he wouldn’t be my husband… and me being me I would probably punch the girl in her face…
Nah that’s sketchy. He’s sleeping with her. Get out now. He had no respect for you.
What the hell is a boyfriend/ husband?? And this question is stupid he wouldn’t be sleeping anywhere if he loved and respected you.
Keyshia Coles would be playing while I’m picking out my black dress , because he would ne gone ! Just leave and save yourself the heartbreak
Even if he’s not cheating he knows you’re not okay with it and he’s still doing it. He’s mugging you off. Kick him to the kerb x
I think if you have to ask us if it’s okay you already have the answer
Id divorce because that war is lost he can live his best life and i would look forward to my new life without lies and deceit.
I can’t believe that this is even a question that needs to be asked.
Get a lawyer and kick him to the curb. If you’re in a monogamous relationship, cheating is a deal breaker; the trust is gone.
I’d be doing 25 to life
When husband spends night with someone else them he for sure is cheating. Otherwise he would just visit during the day. Don’t believe what these losers are telling you
He gone have to choose
Once you said she was talking STUFF ITS ON!!!
Def not just friends lol
I’d leave ASAP I wouldn’t put up with that anybody can say oh we’re just friends and then be messing around behind your back
I’d help pass out his ‘Missing’ fliers
Not no but hell no.He is lying.Get you a lawyer.
Girl…. What do you mean what would we do?? He’s staying the night at her place. Your guys marriage is over, let it go. He betrayed you in the worst way possible. This shouldn’t even be a question
Why is this even a question you have to ask! Leave his lyin cheatin BUTT ASAP…
Simple. Boyfriend, kick his ass to the curb. Husband, consult with a lawyer. Then kick his ass to the curb. You don’t need to allow that kind of disrespect to continue.
Oh hellllll no. I would put a stop to that. No effin way. I’d be in jail .
Do you really have to ask?
I would tell him if he goes to stay the night with her not to come back. You don’t even have to ask you know what’s going on
Beat both their asses. Why is this even a question?
I’d kick his ass out
That’s a whole lotta fuck that lol
Change locks girl that’s her toy now
pack up his clothes and personal belongings when he’s gone and set out on the porch. change the locks on the house and file for divorce. he can just move in with her and bye bye
Thats her man at this point Let his ass goooo.
Um My ex-husband was doing that. I packed his shit and basically hand delivered his ass to another woman. I said good luck! He’s 35 y.o. don’t have a pot to pee in. Lives off women and has absolutely nothing when they kick him out
I can say without a doubt… I wouldn’t be writing this post lol
Whyyyy … How do girls get caught up like this!!
I don’t wanna say something mean and have it come back and bite me… But lord how?!!
Nope! Have female friends all ya want but spending the night without your own girlfriend or wife and constantly talking etc is more then just a friend…
Whatever happens, happens. Don’t worry about something that may be innocent.
Is this a serious question .
Is this real life??? People need answers to these kinds of questions???
DID YOU HAVE TO ASK? No wonder he does what he does. Youre clueless.
Umm no girl, he is cheating
Sara Jane Cruz
On another episode of “WTF is up with this stupid question?”
I’d cut a bitch
I would definitely not be staying with him
He is clearly disrespecting you to your face. If you stay it shows him that you accept it and he will continue to disrespect you.
Also, is everyone here on here an adult. These questions sound like jr high schoolers. ffs.
Leave. I did this for 6 years with all kinds of different chicks. She’s never just a friend. He won’t stop. Leave.
I think you already know the answer
Let him know that you will be spending the night at a guys friends house. Pack your things and do you.
Is this for real? Lol are you just dumb? Or dumb DUMB
What would I do? I’d leave and not look back.
Hes sleeping over HES CHEATING…
He is cheating…and you’re getting played hard core. Leave and let her have him!