What would you do?

I run an in-home childcare and watch two girls(sisters) ages 1 & 2. The one year old is constantly biting the other kids. She also pushes and hits them. I’ve told her parents and they just don’t seem to care. However, the other parents are getting fustrated and upset. Lately the 2 year old has been hitting, grabbing, and pushing the other children. She gave my 2 year old a bloody nose because she didn’t like my daughter saying no. They do make up a lot of my profit because there is 2 of them, but I’m just getting so tired of them constantly beating on the other children. I’ve also noticed the other kids catching on to their naughty behavior. I don’t have a problem with any of my other kids. I know and understand that they are still young but their parents just don’t seem to care. I can’t even go to the bathroom without them hurting someone… I don’t want to lose my other business because of them.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What would you do?

Kids are kids I would say hire more help an extra hand or ask the parents to find another babysitter because eventually if it continues the other parents will

$=bad behavior ? try removing her from the others and not allow others to get hurt!

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Your the childcare teacher you should have the answers …I would say make sure your treating the kids all the same and not singling this one child out then you will have her acting out not wanting to be there kids grow out of stuff pretty quickly give them time

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Sit the 2 girls parents down and tell them enough is enough. Either they find a solution or find another childcare.
You cannot choose profit over child safety.
It is not fair for the other children to endure this.
Only the parents can fix it and it should not be brushed off like it’s nothing.
They are to young to be that violent.


Read into gentle parenting techniques…I have a hard one too of my own & when I try some of the things I’ve seen its helped some with her…the parents may just not know how to deal with her themselves some kids are just xtra…lol…but yes you cant allow kids to fight…I’d be mad as a mom too if it wasnt an isolated incident & prolly would hire a new sitter tbh if my kids being hit on & it’s not put to an end

You need to remove them completely :flushed:. That is NOT fair to the other child’s safety. This shouldn’t be a question.


Document behaviors for yourself and put in the kids file. Then make a copy and give to parents. Along with the copy give them a notice stating if behaviors continue you will have to dismiss their kids from your care as they have become disruptive, aggressive, and continuing behaviors that cause others injury. (Basically a warning) make copy of it for their file as well (Always document everything). Send with the warning an acknowledgement that the parent received warning for them to sign and return. (Let them know if it isn’t signed and returned promptly care for kids maybe delayed so they may end up having to watch their own kids til it is returned.) That way they KNOW what behavior HAS to stop. If it continues and they continue not doing anything about it…time for them to go to be honest and you could pick up different clients for their spots. I would also add to the contracts that you make (also an announcement via paper notices) that those types of behaviors are unacceptable, that parents will receive warnings of such behaviors and if continued let them know what to expect in no uncertain terms.


You’ll have to tell the parents the behavior needs to stop or your done watching them. I’d be real mad if my kid was getting hurt at daycare. There will be other kids to fill their spots I’m absolutely certain of that. :heavy_heart_exclamation:


I would address the issues with the parents, in writing. Type up a notice of the issue, have them sign it the next time they pick up or drop off. Advise them that this has been an on going issue, it’s been addressed several times and now their children are on a written warning. Tell them if they can’t get it under control, you’ll have to terminate their contract.

I understand that the ages of the children come into play, and they probably don’t understand right/wrong, but that’s a parents job to teach right from wrong, manners and respect. If the parents aren’t doing it, you and your other daycare kids are the ones that suffer.

That behavior wouldn’t be acceptable if those kids were school age and in public schools right now. They would both be suspended for biting/hitting.

The need for childcare right now is extremely high. I see people looking for childcare all the time. You may take a hit to your profits temporarily, but you’ll fill those spots.

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I understand that you need to make a living and as you put it, they make up alot of your profit BUT YOU have a duty of care to the other children as well. If my child was being harmed on a regular basis by other kids no matter what the age then I would be questioning your ability to properly watch and take care of them and I would be mad as hell. It is supposed to be a safe place for them. I know that things will happen occasionally as kids will be kids but this has already gone past that point and also that accidents happen. You need to give the parents a weeks notice to try and sort it out or find someone else to look after their children or not only could you risk losing your other child placements but the other parents could decide to take further action. I look after children myself so I understand but you have to put the childrens SAFETY AND WELL-BEING FIRST


Try teether necklaces for both of them. When you notice they are about to attack tell them to bite the necklace. When I worked in daycare it seemed to work once they got the hang of it, you just have to be consistent with it. But if it doesn’t help I would put the kids on probation then eventually dismiss them from your program. Would you rather lose 2 kids or the rest of your families? Good luck!


U owe the other children a safe place. If the parents refuse to do anything about it I would stop watching them!

Also with you giving the parents written notice I would include videos of their children’s behavior. So there’s no question of these kids behavior. That way you have proof to back up what your telling these parents.
Good luck
Prayers for these little one’s.

You hit you sit. Cannot play nice, do not get to play. Yes, may be tough… but sometimes natural consequences are. 2’s can understand more than they speak. Repeat, repeat, repeat. 1 min per age, repeat repeat repeat… you hit you sit. You hit you sit…


You need to make it very clear to the parents that either they get a handle on their kid’s bad behaviour or they will need to make other arrangements. Your need to take care of the other kids and keep them safe even if it means losing a little income. You can make the money up later


Sorry but if my child was in your care and was coming home after been hit or bitten by another child I would expect u as the person I leave to care and protect my child too have serious words with the parents and if that didn’t work which is what u r saying isn’t working would be be either remove the child/children that r doing it or I would be removing mine. U have a duty of care too the other children that u care for. Give them a month too sort this situation or they will have to find other child care


See what her triggers are… As annoying and time consuming as it can be, document to see if their is a pattern. Set an area for her to have an outlet/ express her emotions in a healthy manner.
It might be that she doesn’t know how to express herself and needs assistance to recognise it

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Let the bad kids go , You’ll get more. Or do time out !

My son had a problem with another little boy biting him. The parents had to provide a bite guard while he was in school. That unfortunately did not work and the little boy had to be removed. His parents are trying literally everything though. Occupational therapy. Speech therapy. Specialized teachers and now private schools. I know his mom and she says he’s doing much better but she has literally had to bust her ass to help him. If the parents are not willing to intervene you can not keep them with the other children and you will lose your business. These 2 children can be replaced eventually and maybe you saying no more will give the parents the kick in the ass they obviously need

I read this I did know young kids who bit ,I was lucky my kids never.The kids have be told to not do it.I understand they are young but it has to be stopped

The other parents are probably looking for a new place, I would. Cut your losses and let them go.


You need to have a behavioral system when so many “red cards” are give they can not come for a week and so on and have all parents sign. I’m ready to pull my kids ot of a school because things like this keep happening

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As someone else who has an inhome daycare, terminate the family before the other parents pull their children

I would set the parents down and discuss proper ways to handle this at day care but also at home that both of y’all enforce. But there is also a lot of reason the child can be biting. My son is now 2 and had an issues with biting partly was teeth that was coming in now that he’s he’s got his teeth in it died down alot. He also gets irritated because he has a medical procedure that need to be done to clip under his tongue I also had this issue so speeching was hard. So docs say that is a sign he was trying to communicate. Again he’s growing out of it but agree on a time out plan or maybe a pop on the hand. But again if you the only one doing it it will not stick.

Give them notice of termination, you need to be there for the safety and care of the other children in your care. If you are a good childcare provider you will have them replaced very quickly. Also it will give you less stress with the 2 gone. I was a home daycare provider for 28 years. I understand about the income but you need to provide a safe and loving environment for the other children in your care. You could possibly lose the other children in your care, which could be a big loss, words do spread quickly good or bad about the care you provide .

Send them back to their parents and start watching new kids simple as that

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Suspension then they might listen where I live plenty of daycare centres suspend kids for bad behaviour if kept up you can the expell the child also perhaps they have been a witness to violence


At that age, there’s only so much the parents can do while the children are in your care. Any consequences for those actions need to be immediate so the correlation can be made.
And while this needs to happen in all of the child’s environments…it’s entirely possible that this child doesn’t do this at their home.

If you haven’t done so yet, start giving the child consequences. Put her in time out (1 minute per year of age). If she gets up pause the time and put her back (silently). Until she’s sat her full time. Then when the time out is over, give her other options to express herself that is more appropriate.

Sit the parents down and let them know that this is what you’re doing in an attempt to correct the behavior…and remind them that the other children deserve to have a safe space…and ask them how they’d feel if it was their child being hit and bit.
And let them know that if after x amount of time has passed there’s still issues that they will need to find alternate care.
They’ll either accept it…or not.
But in this way…
You’ve tried your best and You’ve communicated efficiently.


If daycare options are in such short supply as they are around here, I’m sure you’ll have no problem filling the spots. Maybe the parents will take it seriously and take some action if something drastic happens like losing their daycare.
As a parent, nothing infuriates me more than taking my kids to daycare with kids with bad behavior that isn’t corrected (not on your part or my daycare’s), it clearly was something that the child got away with at home.

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Well if you’ve already told parents and they don’t care. Sorry but you need to tell them you can’t watch their kids no more.

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You have a duty to protect all children in your care. She’s hurting the others and needs to be removed from the situation. Let the parents know that if the pattern continues, you will have to separate their contract. It’s not fair to the other kids, and it’s less costly to lose the 2 then lose everyone else.

You need super nanny Jo Frost. Check her out, YouTube, Facebook, etc. She has some amazing timeout steps.

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Omg there only 1 and 2 yrs old biting is normally frustration maybe u should be working out why there getting frustrated as my 1 yr old every now again bites or scratches n it’s normally cause one of the sibblings is annoying her not saying it makes it right but something obviously going on there

Hire someone to help you. Unfortunately, babies bite. My toddlers have gotten bitten in care but because they have 2 teachers per 6 children, they’re able to redirect fairly quickly. My one year old bites me quite often…I tell her no and redirect her… if she still does it, I put her down and walk away. Aside from that, there’s not much else I can do. Babies bite.
Notify the other parents that you have a biter and you’re trying to figure out how best to help them through it… But that’s a risk they run putting their children in any type of care.


As a business owner, you need to have a policy in place that you can enforce. Look to what other daycares do in this situation (which is usually some sort of probation and three strikes your out). Document everything and provide the parents the formal notice and let them know the severity of the situation. At the end of the day, even though they bring in a large percentage of your income, they are really bad for business. Good childcare is really hard to find and you will likely be able to fill their spots quickly. You need to be firm, enforce your rules with the parents and do what’s in the best interest of your business.


Tell the parents in writing that they have three more stikes and they will have to find a new day care provider . The safety of the other kids has to come into play . But if they are not acknowledging your verbal discussion. Hand them to them in writing .

So if their abusing/hurting the other kids cut your losses. I’ve had to do it, it sucks,but your responsible for the other children aswell and need to look at their best interest.


Oh my gosh! The kid is 2 this is normal child development. Your the one educating them during the day it has nothing to do with the parents they can’t control their child when they are not there. You need to set boundaries this child needs to feel supported by you. Perhaps you would benefit from more training in relation to managing difficult behaviours in toddlers. In the meantime keep a close eye and seperate them to the other sides of the room doing different activities to distract.


Give them 30 days notice and tell them to find a new daycare. That’s not acceptable. I’ve worked in childcare and with that behavior, it’s not acceptable.


Is it just you or do you have other teachers working too?

Call a meeting with both parents and say that the behaviour will not be tolerated and they need to work with you or you will have to terminate with immediate effect. This is a business and you gave the welfare of the others in your care that you have to think of as well as the impact this poor behaviour has on your children, other families are going to pull their children from you and then you’ll have no business at all. Give them a months notice and agree a plan that you ALL work with to help improve the lo behaviour, remove from play and firm no’s every single time, no matter how draining it is. If they can’t stick to it and lo behaviour doesn’t improve then they have to go

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Id give my notice.even if you dont follow threw the behaviors are wrote down and youll be able to tell the other parents your trying to fix it.

I’d be letting the parents know that if there is no correction to the behaviour asap they need to find new childcare


besides losing your business, if they bite another kid & it gets infected, you can be sued, Especially, now that everyone is aware & you are posting it on FB, So tell the parents of the other kids…Bye-Bye, And put a as in the paper or on Social media & find 2 other kids to take their place. And for those who say this is normal behavior, yes, kids wil try anything, but not all kids bite, this is NOT normal behavior unless parents allow their kids to get away with this type of behavior


Have a meeting and give them notice to find a new daycare.


But continuing to babysit them is putting the other kids in constant danger. I’d kindly cut your loses and advertise open availability for 2 kiddos.


Child care centers would send kids home for doing that or give temporary bans if it becomes habitual. You’re in your rights to refuse service if they’re a threat to the safety and happiness of the other children in class. Redirecting the behavior, and appropriate discipline in class only goes so far if the behavior isn’t corrected at home.
Give a 30 day probation, leading to discontinuation of services of behavior doesn’t improve. Child care is HARD to come by. You should have no issue filling their spots.

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Create a system where after 3 incidences, they stay home for a few days. Make it longer each time. After the 3rd time of being sent home, they get booted.
Then advertise for 2 new spaces.
Also, if your only care is making money and not the safety of the children, then you’re in the wrong profession.


Try to keep those two separated from the others

Time out

Also have the parents sign a new form stating something like if your child has to be removed for continued hitting and biting a 48 hr break from care care will be required

They need to seek help. Probably, they are frustrated and angry with something. It’s better if you lose the 2 of them than the rest of the clients or have problems with the other families.

You need to let them go unfortunately. It’s not safe anymore and the parents won’t do anything and haven’t so it’ll get worse. But they need to know it’s 1 not ok, and 2 there’s consequences.

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Unhealthy environment its not good for you or them…time to get extra help or let them go

I pulled my 2 year old out of his first babysitter’s house because he was being bit by one of the other children. I completely understand that most children go thru a biting phase but I was more upset that I found the bruised bite mark, with teeth, on my son’s back during bathtime and wasn’t even told about it which led me to believe that she didn’t even see it happen. This child was biting everyone, even the newborn that was in her care. When she wouldn’t drop the “biter” I took my child out.

Honestly, it’s best to let them go. There’s a lot of people looking for childcare right now and I’m sure you won’t have trouble filling 2 spots.

Like any other daycare, you need to document every time something happens and make all involving parties parents aware. If the behavior continues, tell them they can’t bring the kids there.


As a parent who has 4 kids and whose kids have been bit hit what not to my own kids who some went thru that stage that’s a tough call … it’s not like the parents want their kids doing that but that’s a hard age when they are learning yes no disciplines and feelings themselves …I would feel awful hearing on my daycare daily reports my kid bit another kid …you just have to inform the parents, continue to redirect the behavior saying use gentle hands, no biting, short one or two minute timeouts because at that age they really don’t know what they’re doing …hope they grow out of it I wouldn’t kick them out daycare is a hard struggle to find around most areas…maybe have a meeting with the parents of the kids knowing there’s concerns and in hopes they can help take same direction at home in consistency to try to rid the behavior as well. our daycare center has never kicked anyone out for biting or such behavior unless u deem a one and the two year as absolute threat I find it something that they just go thru And with proper guidance will certainly outgrow …my kids have …I currently now I have an 18 month who enjoys throwing tantrums and things at daycare but I can assure u it’s something I’m trying to work on with him …


We are talking about toddlers here. This kind of behavior is 100% age appropriate and to be expected. I guess I just don’t understand what you want the parents to do hours after an incident that would be even a little useful at this age. Redirect, redirect and redirect some more.


People are always seeking childcare I’m sure you can fill the spots quick. Get rid of them


I would be pulling my kids out of your in home daycare if those other kids weren’t taken out. That’s just my opinion, I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.


You need to protect the other children in your care maybe tell the parents your place is not for them or you will lose your business


Please get them out ,you’ll diffly replace them ,but leaving them in could cost you the other kids


People always need sitters so you will have no problem replacing them. However I agree with the people about after so many notices they get removed but for each notice they have to stay home for a couple days because that will definitely show the parents something needs done and you will not tolerate that behavior because it puts the other children at risk.


Then you answered your question, you don’t want to lose any business over them, so you must disenroll them. if you’ve cried out to the parents and nothing has changed then you’ve done your part as a provider. Your job is to keep the children safe and love and educate them. It’s ok


You’re choosing to keep violent children who have parents who dgaf in your care, harming all of the other children you are responsible for, because there are 2 kids in this family so you get a nice amount of money from them. So if I pay for 3 kids, can I just come in and kick people in the face? Do you even hear how ridiculous that sounds? This is really a very sad post, for all the wrong reasons.


If my kids (who are the same age as these siblings) we’re getting beat up on, I’d pull them. Everyone’s looking for daycare, let them go. You’ll have no trouble filling those spots. Take care of the MAJORITY of the kids :heart:


You have to let them go or you will lose the others.


Lose 2 kid or all but 2 kids?? Also isn’t it your job to make sure those kids are safe?? If they were at a different daycare , they wouldn’t tolerate biting. Get rid of them


There will be other children you can fill that spot I’d let them go that’s not a safe environment for you or the other children

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Let them go. If the parents are not trying to help adjust their behavior, then you really should give them a 1-2 week notice and say that’s it. Your $ is not more important than the other children getting beat up because of YOUR decision to keep them. It’s giving you and your Daycare a bad name. Good luck.


Like you said it’s a daycare. Document everytime they do something. Make sure to tell the parents after x amount of strikes they will have to seek other options. This is how the daycare I worked for did things. I don’t know how the parents would punish them or correct them but like you said you can’t lose your other business.

If my child(ren) were in your care and there were children as you described, after telling the parents and nothing being done to better the situation, I would remove my child(ren) from your care. You need to protect those babies in your care. Wishing you the best of luck. Do what’s right by those babies.


After you’ve let parents know the first time and they didn’t seem to care shows that the behavior is at home too. Also you need to get them out of your daycare cause it’s becoming unsafe for the other kids


Let them go or chance loosing your whole clientele. You can fill 2 spots pretty quickly I’m sure


Make a policy for this that way you can just lean back on that and say you knew and we’ve done what we can.

I’d pull my child from care of they’re injured by the same child more than once. You are doing a disservice to the other children by not keeping them safe so you can profit more.


They are 1 and 2 what exactly do you want the parents to do?

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Tell the parents that you can no longer watch this child since she continues to hurt others.


Are either if these children getting any pain reliever during the day?

From age 1-3 my grandson gets really agitated if his mouth is hurting from teething. He will act angry, hit & bite his toys, he’s rough with the dogs, ect.
But once he gets pain reliever he’s back to his normal happy little self. I also keep lots of popcicles, frozen wash clothes, apple slices & baby carrots around for him to bite on.

Seriously, try pain reliever & distraction. It truly helps.

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You and the parents need to discuss this again, at length. Tell them you need to write up a plan. You will work on it for a week with the kids there if they will do the same at home. After that, if it’s not improving, you will have to stop watching them so the other children aren’t at risk of getting hurt. Your job can always bring In Other kids and more money but not if those kids make the rest leave and word gets out :woman_shrugging:


If the parents dont care i wouldnt deal with it anymore. Kids gotta go :woman_shrugging:t2: other kids deserve a safe space over dumb parents.


Let them go or you will loose your other children.


If I was you I would ask the parents to keep them home, if you mentioned it happening more than 5x I would tell them to find someone else to watch them until they can help their children learn to control the behavior better? It might not seem fair, but there’s other children that are in your care. And it’s not fair to them either. :confused:


Just tell their parents you’ll give them a week to find a new babysitter. Those other children don’t deserve that.


Their home environment is the problem and their parents don’t care because they are part of the problem. You mentioned them being most of your profit, they might be your only profit if the other parents find out and pull their kids


You can get other children you’ll lose more than 2 if this is allowed to continue. Give them 2 weeks to make other arrangements


My niece was a biter. She didn’t bite at home (maybe a couple of times) but it was everyday at daycare. She bit the same kid, she was 2. Don’t really know why she was doing it but she was suspended from daycare for 30 days. When she went back she never bit again lol. You should tell them if it happens again put them on suspension and that they still have to pay if you have to do that to keep their spots. Sounds like something is definitely going on at home if they bite and hurt other kids constantly


I ran an in home Daycare for 30yrs & made the parents give me permission to correct their children as it wasn’t fair to my own kids. A Dr. told me to stop the bitting habit to use hot sauce. Just a small amount on your finger, put it in their mouth and very sternly say NO Bite! It worked for me.


Stop them from attending, I wouldn’t want my young kids coming home with bites and marks.


Do you need to hire help? Sounds to me you need you could benefit from hiring someone even part time. You also have to correct the behavior in a positive way immediately. I wonder what kind of training you have. There are some you tube videos available for anyone. I forgot what my daycare called the training. If interested I could try to find out. A lot of this behavior happens with children you just have to learn how to correct it and keep it corrected. Throwing them out you may just end up getting the same behavior back or worse. You really need to figure out a way to handle it.


Good morning; I too have a dayhome and have been lucky enough so far to have some amazing littles. I try to find the root cause of their behaviour and try help them through it. I have a “what to do when” book that guides you through ideas to help with bad behaviours. I use it lots. Figure out why, who, where… is he biting due to a sensory issue, is the child frustrated abs is unable to state their concerns due to lack of verbal communication, etc. after I researched and tried to help the children I would give the family a two week grace period for them to help the behaviour and warn them that if it doesn’t change you will have to let them go for the safety of the other children. I very much understand the concern for money but is it worth your sanity and the other kids safety? Good luck!


It’s your responsibility to provide safe care for the children you care for. You cannot do that with these two in your care. Tell the parents to find other arrangements.


Send out a note to all parents about a new policy that states any children that does acts of aggression will be suspended for a wk from daycare and stick to it trust me there’s nothing like having to find childcare at last min they will either conform and make her stop or u just need ro get 2 more kids in their place ask urself what would u rather lose 2 kids or all ur others…


1-2-3 magic. Use time
Out when they do naughty stuff

I also run a home daycare, and went through a biting stage with one of my daycare kids as well. It was rough but we got through it. I used a kind but stern voice and said NO BITING! And then calmly explain to them that it hurts their friends. I also have a lot of comfort to the hurt child. We introduced more sign language to help with the communication issue and also provided more sensory activities as biting can also be a sensory issue. A lot of trial and error but we eventually got through it. Good luck!


If the parents don’t care then you know what you need to do


Maybe keep them especially close. Repeat to them the good behavior so they learn. They have to learn somewhere

If you have these kids a lot during the week you are likely seeing them (awake) more than the parents. Deal with the issue within your setting. They are 1 & 2 distraction, intervention, discipline and consequences need to be immediate or they literally don’t have the cognititive ability to just get spoken to/punished about it hours later at home by the parents. If my child was frequently getting hurt by other children in any sort of daycare setting I would question the actual level of supervision and care provided by the adult, not make villains out of babies.


I think you should suspend them or just stop watching them period before you have bigger issues… might be just me but if my kids were constantly coming home hurt/with marks… I’d be waiting on the parents and whooping their ass in the driveway :woman_shrugging:t3: