What would you do?

Since you have already spoken to the parents give them two-weeks notice and advertise you have openings to fill the spots as soon as you can. Not worth having an injured child or losing other families. I run an In-Home Child Care as well.


I have an in home daycare and had one child who would hit, pull hair, take food, close the toy box on other kids hands, pushed my daughters face into the floor with all his weight. Time outs didn’t work so I just told the parents to find somewhere else for him to go. It’s honestly better to give notice to the parents of the aggressive kids than to have the good ones leave if their parents don’t feel they are safe


I had the same issue. I had to keep the child separate til old enuf to discuss and understand why he couldnt play with the others

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Sometimes children actions are are reflection of what is happening in their home.

Open the slots for other children before you lose all your clients and your reputation.


so, you are willing to put up with what they are doing and teaching the rest of the kids because of the money? you deserve to lose your businesses.

Have a policy that states that any act of aggression or violence towards another child in your care will result in suspension with pay for a regular week. That way you still get paid and maybe the parents will try harder to resolve the issue.


I would start giving out warnings to the parents. And say 3 strikes and they are no longer allowed to come. You can easily replace those two. The parents need to step in or face the the consequences… they can’t be hurting and teaching these other kids bad behavior.

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My daughter was a biter. To see everyone just give up on kids is sad. The only difference is I did care and told the day care lady to punish her as well. She was 2 she didn’t truly understand yet but that’s why it’s important for us adults to teach them!! She did grow out of it but also had different parents upset with me. They are children. Stay strict and discipline accordingly!


Behavioral therapy! I would get your hours and charge the parents insurance. Lol. Double that income. If the parents are not redirecting the negative behavior, you can do it. But only if you get paid! #RBT I became an RBT, and do 1 on 1.

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Put them in timeout for a couple minute
A couple minutes is like forever for kids that small it worked on my kids

Let the parents know that if the behavior continues then their children will not be cared for by you any longer.You have a responsibility to keep ALL the children in your care safe…period.Money or not the other children come first at this point.


Replace them with 2 more kiddos who have caring parents.


Let the parents know that if the behavior isn’t being addressed or worked with at home to show changes at the daycare that youll have to let them go for the safety of them and other children


I think the parents need to give you permission to correct the behavior immediately. Its a 1 year old and a 2 year old. If they come hours later amd you discuss the issue with them, theres not much that they can do anyway because the behavior has already happened and all the child is going to know is that mommy is fussing. The children wont have a clue why. They are babies. When my son was that age I gave his teacher full permission to fuss him when he was acting up. I even gave her permission to take him away from the other students and pop his butt a few times if she needed to. I told her dont call me up there because by the time I make it there, the problem is done and he wont know why he is getting fussed at. Those types of issues HAVE to be fixed as soon as they happen so children know wait if I do ‘this’ then ‘this’ will happen. They dont have the memory at that age for later punishments.

I love how you think you know the reason she gave “Your Daughter” a bloody nose because she didn’t like your child saying No. Seems to me like you are someone that sees your child as perfect and blames everyone else. You definitely don’t sound responsible or caring enough to have a home daycare. Maybe your income should come from elsewhere


Tell the parents you cannot any longer take their kids because of their lack of parenting skills. They don’t care. Guess what. They will when they have nobody to watch their unruly kids and have to do so themselves.


dismiss them you will get others


What’s more important the money or the safety of the other kids


Are you filling out incidence reports? You need to set down with the biting parents and explain that you want to work with them but at some point enough is enough. I get that they pay you a good chunk of money but is that gonna be enough when the other kids leave and you’re reputation is ruined bc the other kids are protected? Then you don’t have the other kids even new ones and the biters could leave too.


I would offer the child biting tools. As they’re so young it will be difficult for them to understand what they’re doing is wrong, obviously because it keeps happening. Some children with neurodivergent issues bite a lot as a stimulus. I would say they can bite the toys provided( teethers with different textures, etc) instead of other children when they need to. This may be a stepping stone to ease the child who obviously had some issues whether it be at home or just individually, to be able to transition to not biting at all in time. I would sit all the children down and explain no one should hit or bite eachother. It’s important we take care of each other and if someone does hurt someone they go in a time out for the amount of minutes of their specific age. I think patience is so important at that age and consistency. Also may be a good idea to suggest this to the parents for home too, helpful for consistency. It must be so hard so good luck. :heart::heart:

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I would honestly say if they aren’t doing anything then you should have them leave. Then you can get law suits and stuff if other parents say something

Record the next incident and then show the parents and let them know that if things don’t change in a certain amount of time with their children then thier children that you will no longer allow them in your daycare


Refuse to take them :woman_shrugging:t3: Until the behavioural issues are resolved, you’re not taking them anymore because they’re putting your child and other children at risk.


If all of this is true and you were watching my child & I found out about the others… I would personally pull my child & find other care. You need to tell parents that you can no longer keep them.


Get a video camera and record the behaviors…Seeing is believing in some cases…Give a warning if it happens again and then if they behave like that again after that drop them from your daycare. The well-being of the other kids you care for is a stake and so is your reputation.


I’m just curious as to how a one-year-old can get around well enough to be biting others


Get rid of them two, they gonna cause the other parents to take their children elsewhere


Having several years of experience in childcare, biting is somewhat normal to a degree especially around those ages. HOWEVER if redirection isn’t working, you need to dismiss them. You should’ve been keeping track with incident reports signed by the parents. The safety of all the other children is most important.


If they were in a corp.day care they would be asked to leave after so many events. Follow your gut, this is your business. But understanding parents talk and you want to keep a good reputation. Or you can hire an assistant to shadow the child and redirect her.

Tell their parents that they have so many days to correct this behavior or they will have to find another child care provider. If they were in a state licensed daycare facility they would have already been kicked out. I’m sure with the demand for daycare you can fill their absence in no time at all

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Kick those kids out, give the patents notice that they have one wrk to find a new daycare. Also contact CPS kids that young usually only show violence if they see it in the home.

Even commercial day cares don’t put up with aggressive kids……

Give the parents a notice that they have two weeks to fine another day care. In writing.

tell the parents you cant keep them anymore

Shadow the bitter have her play by her self and let her know when you bit you hurt your friends and they don’t like it tell the parents she will be suspended from the program if this continues when they have to take days off from work they will start doing somthing a bitter will ruin your whole business

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You need to put the safety of all the children first! You are not keeping these kids safe since its an ongoing issue. You only have one choice here, let go of the child that’s hurting the others.


Your gonna loose a lot more profit you you keep them , I wouldn’t let my child stay in that situation


you need to tell the parents that you cant care for their kids any more , otherwise you risk more harm to the other children in your care and their parents removing them from your care


I would notify their parents since you’ve already asked them to correct the behavior that they will need to find a new caregiver. Far as the income you will lose more if the parents of the kids their hurting leave and could receive a bad review which could hurt your business.


I’m sure they’re will be someone else willing to come take their spot. At this point they’re a liability to the other children unless something is done. It sucks they make up alot of your profit but that’s nothing compared to other children’s well being.


Give the parents 2 weeks notice.

You will lose more business by NOT kicking them out! Any normal daycare would have kicked them out by now, regardless of their age. You’re hurting the other kids, by allowing those children to stay. Eventually you’re going to catch a lawsuit if someone’s child goes home with marks on them, so I would get rid of these kids asap, especially if their parents don’t give a damn. They learn that crap at home, & obviously if the parents don’t care, that explains why those kids are the way they are!

Suspended from day care…stand your ground on this before the other parents sue you for harm to their children awhile in your care…with so many needing day care these days…it won’t be hard to replace these two sisters…Write these parents a note and tell them that do to the behavior of this child…she will no longer be permitted to attend your services…the last thing you need it Children Services coming in on you…for war crimes… against humanity…


remove them from the program and fill the spots.


Is the profit worth losing the other clients you have or a possible lawsuit if one of the other kids is seriously injured under your supervision?


Throw them out of your daycare, that’s a liability and a lawsuit waiting to happen. Protect your business and get rid of them


Send those kids out . Money doesn’t matter you’ll find other kids


Tell the parents that this week will be there last week there anf you can no longer care for their children, don’t lose more profits by keeping them.


The other parents are going to leave and spread the word that kids will get hurt under your care. I would tell the parents of the violent kids that they need to look elsewhere.


Give the parents something in writing to say that you have verbalused these concerns more than once and the girls. Behavior is unacceptable. If things do not improve you will have no choice but to terminate your arrangement and they will need to find other childcare.
Give them an infinite time period to try and sort their kids out and work with you on the same page. I.e. a month. If nothing has changed then you will have no choice.


May have to let them go

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What do you do when they hurt the other children? Do they get timeout or anything? So they know they are doing something they aren’t supposed to do they need punishment for it.

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Let the parents of the biting child know that if they don’t correct it, they’ll have to find somewhere else.

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They need to go. Forget about the profit they bring in. You might have a bigger problem on your hands if they hurt another child and their parents decide to take action.


You have to separate them when this behavior happens. You need a time out space.

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Biting is a common behavior among young children. Shoving is often how young children “tell” other kids to give them space. Knowing the context of when and why they’re shoving would help.

What are the other children’s ages? In most states, 2 and 3 year olds must be in separate classrooms for reasons like this. 1 year marks a lot of development at that age. How many kids are you managing? It sounds like you need an assistant.


What methods have you tried, to discipline them with? Have you tried separating them and telling them that the other children dont want to play with them because they bite? Have you explained that biting is had? Do you have a “treasure box” of toys to give for rewarding good behavior?? If you cant affird store-bought, Goid Will has some safe child friendly toys that are gently ysed and inexpensive. They clean them up, but if you prefer to…you can clean them yourself. Use them to give away as a reward system to your little clients. Read stories or let the watch videos about biting and how its wrong.


Tell the parents they are suspended for 2 weeks due to the behavior and if it continues you’ll be done


You need an assistant. It will save your sanity. As for this kiddos, you must write an incident report every single instance something happens involving biting or other hurtful behaviors. Meeting with Parents to outline action plan. In writing detail under which conditions dismissal from your program will be the result. Clear guidelines and timeline. If it’s 3 incidents and no improvements happening then that’s when dismissal occurs then put that in writing (you should have a section addressing these scenarios in your contract ) whatever it is you choose be clear as to what it is and what will happen when x,y,z happens etc. All in writing signed by you and parents.

It’s hard for a parent to correct behavior after the fact, unless they are there, that is your job, you are the one witnessing it and since they are 1 & 2 it’s pointless to try and punish hours after the fact, they probably don’t remember it. So letting the parents know is good but if they are the only children they probably don’t do it at home.

Also this is a way to show they are angry since they probably aren’t talking yet and can’t vocally tell someone that they want that toy. So you will have to step up and put them in time out or show them ways to work it out that’s not mean…

Letting the family go because of stuff that might only be happening at your house, it’s not that the parents don’t care, it that they can’t necessarily correct behavior that’s not happening at home… So you are responsible for helping correct it in your home.

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You probably need to let them go. My mom used to own a daycare for years she always let repeat biters and aggressors go. :person_shrugging: Unless you want to get sued.


It’s definitely developmentally appropriate but it’s a tricky situation. My daughter was a biter I was told to provide a teether or something that they are allowed to bite and continue consistently redirecting. Friends aren’t for biting, hitting ect. Do you want so so to give you space it sucks it’s hard and it feels like it makes no difference but I promise over time it will. I bet you also make a huge difference in their lives too :heart:


Sorry but that is your house and your child among others… and those two girls are not only already being bullies at such a young age. Just think if something massively bad happened to one of those kids and one of the other parents decides to hit you with a lawsuit because those two little girls parents didn’t give a crap about their child’s behaviour or hurting other kids. One of the girls has already given your daughter a blood nose and your going to let that go because the parents bring in good money wow!! Put your child’s safety before money.


It’s time for them to find new childcare. It’s only 2 kids. The other parents will start pulling their kids and that’s not right. It wouldn’t be allowed at a daycare. I worked in childcare for 14 yrs. That child would have been sent home several times then asked to find new childcare. It’s your job to protect ALL those kids.

Bite them back. LOL just kidding the Parents are the ones that need someone to take a Bite out of them. The problem did not start at the Daycare it started at home.

Ask the parents to get a different child care!

Put one in another room for a break "

Give the parents a 2 week notice that you will no longer look after their children. Don’t put your income at risk over one set of kids.


Honestly if the kids are harming -biting- the other children, do what all other daycares do, suspend them for afew days. If it continues after do it won’t more time and if behavior hasn’t changed after that tell the parents you can no longer provide daycare services for them.


You’ll lose kids from that. You may want to tell let the bitting kids go…


When my son was with an inhome sitter there was another child (1.5) years old and the sitter just told her she couldn’t continue to watch her because she was aggressive and biting etc. You need to tell the parent you can’t watch them anymore and replace them.

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When my son was in a childcare facility, the parents were made to sign forms (acknowledging the behavior or the child, next step was a phone call to come get the children for the day, eventually they would be kicked out or the parents would try and ‘fix’ the issue. :confused:

I feel like if you don’t know the answer you probably shouldn’t have other people children in your care. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Kiddos need consistency and reinforcement.

Let them know what your expectation is (in front of the parent) using a positive statement when they arrive. (We need to have safe hands and feet). If you say “don’t bite or hit,” little kids don’t understand that. Our brains cannot process a “negative” statement… Don’t think about elephants!

Give a warning/reminder if they break the rule and state the consequence (We get time outs for biting/hitting, so let’s play nicely with our friends). If they do it again, they get the consequence.

They may need positive reminders as activities are changing too. “Remember we need to use safe hands and feet.”

Kids may try to push the envelope but if you are consistent then they will learn very quickly what they can and can’t do at least when they are around you.


And if all the other kids leave how much profit will you have…

Your gonna make a bad name for yourself and business nobody will want to take their children there and you will be stuck with only two. The safety of other children are more important


Either find a way to section them off with one of those detachable portable playpen gates (sorry cant remember exactly what they’re called) or stop watching them… you have to protect the other children as well as your own for obvious reasons as well as your running a high risk of losing people and getting sued which will be a permant stop to your childcare business as well as high fines. (Btw I worked in a daycare/preschool for almost 5 years)


Give the parents notice that you will no longer watch their 2 chikdren

Who us responsible for the well being of all these children at the end of the day?? CYA cover your ass and tell them they need to correct the behavior and give them a time limit.

Tell the parents they need to find someone else to watch them

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Young one - you’ve got yourself a spoiled, self centered child. More than likely this behavior is reinforced ( enabled) by the parents not wanting to deal with her after a day at work. They give her what she wants so she won’t act out. This in itself (behavior) will require ALOT of patience on your part. Try using a chair in corner for like 5 minutes (will seem forever to her) before she gets up - ask her why she’s there. Reinforce the lesson on her level.
Unfortunately she will behave for you- but not when she goes home unless you and the parents get on the same page. Also after the first couple weekends - Monday you’ll have to start over. But if nothing else - she might learn - there’s a time a place to misbehave.:heart::rofl:

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I’d start searching for other kids and send them on their way. I also run an in home daycare, I do not allow bullies, kids to hurt other kids, or non stop screaming kids. Right to deny service to anyone.


It’s better to lose 2 then all but 2

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could u video their behaviour and show their parents

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How profitable are they if you lose other kids? I would let them go before you lose others or someone gets hurt. The poor kids, they aren’t old enough to be so much trouble. Makes you wonder what it like at home. Maybe they need more attention if they aren’t getting any at home

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Tell the parents that the kids have to leave due to the biting, hitting, and kicking.


If you want to keep watching them you need to have a section where you can seperate the unruly child from the others when it becomes a problem not for too long but just long enough that they learn that as soon as they do something that isn’t acceptable they get seperated


Warn the parents they have 5 days to find a different daycare for their two kids because of the kids behavior and they are bullying the other kids.


Send them on to mom and dad,obviously they had no consequences for their actions either.

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Discipline them by teaching them self discipline. Time outs work, especially if the other kids get treats for good behavior !!

Yikes! Other daycares create a policy where 3 warnings and they are out. I would start with that. If parent la can’t fix it. Yoh need to take them out for the safety of the other kids and reputation of your buisness


There’s over 252 comments so I’m not going to filter through to see if this was already asked… does the one doing this get a lot of iPad/screen time? I notice when my 4 year old had the iPad more often than normal, (which I hate for her to have it at all but sometimes for my sanity she will get a iPad day) she is more aggressive. Sad to say the iPad was just put up after it being too loosely available because she’s been extra mean. So definitely something to think about


Call the parents at work when it happens tell them they have to come get their child(ren) that’s what a school would do it this was happening. They will soon learn that it can’t be happening

Tell the parents to take them elsewhere

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Tell the parents to take them elsewhere. Then advertise you have openings. People are always looking

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Check our a pages called EYLF they would be able to give you better advice.
If she’s acting out its stemming from somewhere and it’s not because she’s naughty. Children aren’t naughty, that’s just the way we perceive it as that behaviour is frowned upon.
You could reattempt to talk to the parents and see if there is any changes at home, is she doing it at home, is she fighting for attention.
If it’s for attention ignore her behaviour and positively redirect her. Praise her when she is engaging with other children nicely.


It honestly concerns me you run a daycare but don’t know how to deal with biting. These are toddlers, they aren’t biting to be mean or hurt anyone. They don’t know what else to do, they can’t yet articulate wants, needs, frustrations. I’ve never heard of a 3 strikes scenario for daycare :face_with_raised_eyebrow: but I worked at one for over a decade and while we of course notified parents when kids bit, it’s something that needs dealt with in the moment, and isn’t something parents can discipline for 8h after the fact? This is absolutely, completely normal behavior for a frustrated toddler. While it does need addressed, I can’t imagine kicking a kid out for something so normal.


I had 5 sons I had grankids now grown up and i have great grand children. No biters.

Find a different kid to babysit x.x