I had my girlfriends sleep over at my house in my room. My wife and I would allow sleepovers there is nothing wrong with that in our eyes.
Sheltering ur kid does not make them grow up less quickly, it makes them learn to hide things from you and sneak behind ur back.
You mean SHE is trans, not he identifies as she. If the trans kid can’t even be safe in your house I’d say no on that alone, yikes.
Transphobic language aside, would you let a boy? No? Then no other romantic interests should be allowed either, gender is a non factor when it comes to bisexuals and pansexuals having a sleepover. Unless you are sure you can keep them separated, but good luck when hormones and feels are involved.
Nope! No one is cuddling in my house but me and my wife!! We are VERY open and honest with our girls about life as well.
I would do a sleepover thing in the living room for them. It’s an open space you can chaperone them the whole time. Have them sleep in sleeping bags
I don’t think so. This sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.
I’d let them. My mom let my sister have her bf stay over all the time but he had to sleep on the couch and she slept in her room. If you trust your child and trust their friend it should be an issue. My parents never let me have boys even come over and hang out during the day but they were extremely over protective and crazy towards me as the first born and it only made me sneaker and crazier.
I’m fortunate to have had adults in my life that understood teens’ need to be together.
We all did fine with mixed gendered sleep overs.
Sometimes I think adults have dirtier minds than the kids.
We just hung out, sang songs, and played theater games mostly.
And yes, many of us were dating each other.
How you’ve raised your daughter should be your answer. Ultimately, she’s a child, it’s your house and your rules. But do you trust her? Teens tend to find a way to do the things they want to do. I’ve always been a strong believer in being open and honest with your children in the hopes that they will do the same in return.
I would say, in this case, to compromise. She wants her girlfriend to stay over, fine, but they have the sleepover in the living room. As for the friend that wants to stay over, I would let her. It’s possible that they’re just friends wanting to have a sleep over, but it’s also possible that maybe she isn’t completely accepted at home and with you accepting that your daughter is bisexual, your house and your daughter might be a safe haven for that child.
Our rule is nobody stays that is a love interest and they don’t stay over at a love interests house.
My 15 year old is openly a lesbian and incredibly open in our home. We explained to her our reasons and heard he feelings.
We explained that even though we completely trust her, that at this point in time we would not be allowing sleep overs with girlfriends or potential girlfriends. We did say that if she would like to invite a potential interest or girlfriend over that was okay, but they would have to head home or be taken home no later than midnight.
I would say it depends on the relationship you have with your child, set some ground guidelines that you talk with them about and allow your kid to express their opinions and feelings. Be open and honest about reason.
I would say yes but set up like a movie night and do eschothers bails or something like a campout in the living room or something.
Um yeah ? Why not ? Be glad / grateful that ur kid’s r upfront & honest about stuff & feel comfortable enough 2 do that with u…keep that good relationship going & again b glad/ that their open with u & feel comfortable enough 2 talk with u…alot of kids these days don’t & go behind their parents back
Hard no if they have the opposite body parts no matter how they identify. They are teenagers and things happen.
Sure, why not? But door stays open or both in the living room and there is a designated sleep time where child goes to her room and guest is in living room or whatever they settle on.
I could actually think about less transphobic reason to say no. Such as has this person even been to your house long enough so you kind of know what kind of person your daughter is inviting in.
I’d be cool with any of my kids friends/ girlfriends staying. My eldest knows how to stay safe and not to engage in sexual activity until she’s fully ready. She tells me absolutely everything so I’ve no concerns that she’d keep secrets.
Hell 2 the no not in my home
Not even basing this off of being trans or bi, I’d go with no. Unless you know them well, it’s a strong no from me.
Yes. Absolutely. Just make them sleep in different rooms and if they are gonna do the deed they are gonna do it. Believe me teens find a way lol.
I allowed my kiddo to stay over at a friend who was openly bi (13) my kiddo is straight and had no interest. My kiddo became uncomfortable when the friend was overly close and touchy and didn’t know how to communicate she was uncomfortable, because she didn’t want to offends the friend. Now they are no longer friends. I didn’t think much of it when I allowed it because my kiddo wasn’t “interested” in more then friends. Going forward we discussed that anyone that maybe interested isn’t a sleep over option until she’s is comfortable openly communicating she doesn’t feel the same. For me it’s important that my kiddo has the tools to properly communicate how she feels regarding relationships. Funny- had she said I want to stay at a boys I would have likely said no quickly. This moms learning too- it’s a process for us both.
Would you be incapable of supervising, aka “parenting”?
If they are romantically involved then no…
Partners, no. I don’t see why the trans friend can’t stay the night though.
It depends on your line of communication. If they are “significant others” in your child’s eyes or someone they are interested in more than friendship address it like you would any “significant other” situation. In my household my daughter is not allowed to have her boyfriend spend the night. She can have him over they have an open door policy. We communicate to each other our expectations and wants and we go from there. Parenting can be difficult at times. You want them to have freedoms but you are also teaching them boundaries and respect.
For the 14 year old with a trans friend I would say absolutely. I would treat it the exact same way as having one of her girlfriend come over because that’s essentially what it is. As far as the fifteen-year-old with a girlfriend, I would be a little hesitant having a boyfriend or girlfriend stay the night but that would all depend on how that child acts and how you parents Etc. I would probably let my 15 year old have her girlfriend stay the night after setting ground rules but again that’s if you trust her to follow the rules. Good luck!
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No, if they’re romantically involved. That’s the same, straight or gay. 14 years old…
As long as they’re not doing adult business, why not ?
If they’re her partner romantically, absolutely not.
If they’re just a friend, yes.
Say “Of course they can big smile you’ll just have to help me to set up a mattress on the floor in my bedroom for them.”
My oldest is only 8, but I have a 14, and 15 year old sister who have friends with no genders, as well as one of my sisters. It doesn’t matter what they identify as, what pronouns they use, they’re all curious horny teenagers and will find a way to have sex one way or another. So ask yourself if you’re gonna allow it in your house or not? Because spending the night is an invitation to let it happen. Just my opinion. It’s gonna happen regardless. Ahhhh makes me feel crazy to even say that because of my own sisters and kids, but I was a teenager once too, and ohhh do I remember. lol
I might, I mean, are they really dating or what? If just friends, absolutely.
Everybody sleeps camp style in the living room and cameras are running and mom’s up for the night chaperoning. I was 14 and 15 once and we all know the real deal lol. Anything happens that can be turned on you and your household in these day and times you trust no one and cover your butt.
Well… If they were straight would you let their bf stay the night at that age?
Thinking back to that This Is Us episode where Randall’s daughter invited her gf over. They thought because they were both female that the rules didn’t apply like they did to her sisters & their bfs but parents had to let her know that the rules were the same for all; regardless of gender.
Helll fucking na. And not cuz of any reason other than she’s her “girlfriend”
So we have two different scenarios here?
For the 14 year old… please don’t ever refer to her friend as “he.” If you absolutely MUST bring her gender identity into a conversation, just say “she’s trans.” It’s understood what that means. And yes. She can spend the night.
As to the 15 year old, her orientation is irrelevant. Friends can sleep over. Boyfriend/girlfriend is a soft no. I’d let her invite a couple people over and they can be included in that. But just the one doesn’t fly with me. They can stay as late as they want. But when I go to bed, they go home.
No. I wouldn’t unless I could supervise the entire time. A male is still a male. He can still get her pregnant if they decide to be sexually involved. Being trans or gay doesn’t mean one will not have sex with a female. (At that age, it’s unlikely a surgery for removing his reproductive bits has happened.)
It is not essentially the same as having a female friend. Even if the female is bi or into females, pregnancy won’t ever be the outcome or a worry.
Id rather my kids were safe in my home than having sex in some damp, dirty corner…because you know they will find a space and a way.
Nope. Our house rules are 18 and older for couples.
No sleep overs at all In our house and our children don’t sleep over at others homes . 14 they can spend the day together somewhere public where I can be near if they need anything
If you wouldn’t let her boyfriend don’t let her girlfriend. The trans girl I’m on the fence about. On one hand I think she should be able to experience sleep overs on the other doesn’t identify as straight, bisexual or gay.
I’m also VERY much pro having open discussions with kids about sex, how to do safely, and protecting themselves no matter who they have sex with. Also explaining expectations and boundaries.
I am likely also one of the few parents that feels like if they are doing it at home it might be safer than the backseat of Honda Civic.
My sons high school g-friend has stayed here before. they didnt have a bedroom/bedroom door they slept on hydaway bed in living room/watch movies/gaming. I knew her parents too so everyone was ok with it
Have them sleep in the living room, just with no forts or heads under blankets.
When I had a sleepover at a boys (I know this is a girlfriend) but when I had a sleepover at a boys at 15 his older brother would always do “hand checks” if we were still awake to make sure hands were to ourselves
I would let them have a sleepover. Talk to your child about safe sex and stuff so if something happens they at least know how to deal with it because teens will have sex eventually. If your uncomfortable with them being alone behind closed doors make a rule that they sleep out in the living room and when their girlfriend is over no closed doors. Et up the rules and expectations for partners being over. It’s good to get to know your kids girlfriends/boyfriends/partners and just create a safe space for them to hang out together. If you aren’t confortable with them being alone for the night sleep on the couch while they sleep on the floor the first couple times they stay over.
Hell no. Not till she’s 18 xx
First- I’m glad you’re open and supportive of your children and their friends being who they are second- I would only allow a group sleep over in a central location like the living room just to be safe
Do you want them to have sex in your home? If not, then no.
one of the rules I had, was no gf/bf or partners of any sort in their rooms… and def no overnight stays… can hang out anywhere in the house where doors cannot close…
If they’re already having sex, then not letting them sleep over is kinda moot. You can always ask them to keep the door open if your concern is just no sex under your roof.
I would say no, for a couple reasons. I remember growing up I was NEVER allowed to have a boyfriend sleep over. Another thing is your child’s girlfriend identfies as a girl (I have NO problem with that) but God forbid they do anything sexual and the girlfriend still has the wrong part, I would fear a pregnancy. I am not trying to be mean by the second reason, just giving my opinion
Listen some of my earliest sex was under the watchful eye of her parents!
Because of age I’d say no but it sounds like your being a little judgemental here
Well, maybe I’m odd but many kids that come to my home don’t identify as " birth gender" and one of my kids is trans.
What I’ve found- these kids aren’t accepted in most places, and when they find someone that accepts them and treats them like just any other kid and not different- they are 1000% more respectful of all rules, because they have some where they are safe to be themselves.
I talk with any kid that comes over and express my rules first thing. And then assure them that they are no different to me than any other kid and that I will respect their pronouns. We have open door policy, so no closed doors for hanging out, and sleep overs mean sleeping in the living room.
And we have NEVER had a problem.
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I Get Paid 0ver $ 110 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to d0 it but my colleague makes over $ 13979 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me t0 try. The p0ssibility with this is limitless.
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She’s a child still- it’s a no girlfriend or boyfriends spending the night.
” that the oldest trick in the book.
Obviously say no!
Absolutely not. My kids don’t spend the night at anyone’s house and vice versa. Male, female, him, shim, I don’t give a damn.
I was a teenager that had my boyfriend spend the night. So, definitely NOT.
My daughter has a friend that is a boy and they are both 14. He stays over and sleeps in the spare room…our home is open to all children we tell them the rules and we have had no problems at all.
This embodies what it means to walk in the Light.
If there’s a will… there’s a way… teach your child to be safe
There are soooo many issues here but absolutely not
Do it. Even if they are romantically involved it’s not like either can get pregnant, their going to find a way to do it one way or another, the last thing you want to do is make your son think you don’t trust him.
Hell, NO. If this was a “boyfriend” or even a friend who was a boy, the answer would be no. Why is this any different?
Not much you can do at that age but make sure all parents are aboard
14/15 is a little too young in my opinion to have boyfriends & girlfriends staying the night. Hanging out for a couple hours in common areas like living room sure but behind closed doors sleeping over is a no go
I wouldn’t allow anyone more than a platonic friend sleep over. No.
You’re just being paranoid don’t listen to these other wackos if your daughter wants to have sex with a male or female or whoever they identify as she’ll do that whether it’s in your home or the backseat of a Volkswagen so it’s safer where you are think about it. And it doesn’t sound to me like your daughter has that intent.
Maybe have them both sleep in the living room or one on the couch?
Bc that’s not a problem waiting to happen ….
Ummm, nooo. Teenager.
So does ANYONE remember being 15?! They’ll find a way to experiment whether you like it or not. I would have a conversation with your child about what they expect from it and talk about being safe.
I’d let them come over just have doors open I guess. Or even set up a couple air mattresses in the livingroom and make it a movie night treat them normal, like you would any other kid.
Even if something did happen between the 2 girls no risk of pregnancy. But the one that identifies as a girl though, that one maybe if the 14 year old that wants them to come over is a girl. Depending one what type or friendship/relationship they have. Just talk to them about pregnancies and babies and condoms/birth control.
Why not be the safe place for them to hang out?
Not even a little bit. It doesn’t matter what their sexual identity is. If it’s their partner, it would be a no.
But they can come over and hang out and all that jazz!
How about Letting her stay late but not all night, and using the Hopper method, leave a 3 in crack in the door!
So your daughter couldn’t have sex any time but late at night?
Yes but sleeping in different rooms.
Come over but not sleep over.
Not that it matters to some but her 14 yr old is her daughter, not son that is bisexual and daughters friend is a male identifies as a girl….saw references to her son so just clarifying.
I would say no. They’re 15. And she still has boy parts. But if you decide. Doors open at all times
Is this even a question no 15 year Olds girlfriend or boyfriend should be staying
I’m a parent of a “lesbian” I’m a parent of a "bi and I’m a parent of a “trans”. I will be Always a PARENT. If you take the time to be CLOSE TO YOUR CHILDREN you wouldn’t be asking social media.
This screams bad decision
umm this was confusing but I think it’s a no regardless of their gender/ orientation lol
A 15yr old bisexual? Wow
No unless she sleeps in the living room if they are girlfriends and not just friends.
My 15 year old won’t be having a bf/gf sleep over regardless of sexual orientation.
I know the situation isn’t exactly the same but my dad let my boyfriend spend the night with me when we were 16&17. I became a teen mom in a matter of months. Be a parent to your kids first and not a friend. And that’s no blow at you, I have to tell myself all the time I have to make the hard calls because that is exactly my job. Teenagers shouldn’t have their bf/gf spending the night with them.
To be totally 100% honest, the terminology of identities and stuff nowadays confuses me more than trying to teach my kids common core crap (I’m terrible at math). My brain just…cannot go there, it’s not that I don’t want to understand, I just go by this mantra of not my life, not my concern, peace love and all that jazz. So that being said…if I wasn’t sure which team my child batted for (so to speak) I would just politely decline sleepovers from any gender for now and think about having the all inclusive safe sex talk ASAP.
Bad idea…I got pregnant…it just let’s them know that you’re open to letting it go on…big NO! Just hang out till 11:00 or so…clarify with their parents it’s a No so no sneaking around…my kids tried…caught them…please don’t let it happen …nothin wrong with asking social media…that’s a personal preference…don’t worry about people who critiscize you for posting that question…my kids are all adults now…
Nope. It does not matter if they are male, female, trans, gay, straight, but or any other thing out there. My answer would be no.
Just set rules . At that age I was bi still am but my girl friend use to stay. If they have the anatomy of a female . For the 14 year old I would just be more open
I’d probably let them but sleeping in different rooms being too strict makes kids worse and if they wanted to they would find a way around you regardless
This is coming from someone who got pregnant at 17
Rules are the same all around. My daughter has a girlfriend…no sleepover no closed doors, no coming over if we’re not home. You break trust so we can’t tell if you’re dating someone or just friends, then the rule will go for all friends.
I once was a 14/15 yr old girl who’s best friend was born male (technically, born intersex and incorrectly identified as male at birth) but identified as and lived a female. I am also bisexual. I had sleep overs at their place, they had sleep overs at my place.
Nothing sexual ever happened between us because they were female and interested in males and, despite being bi, I was not romantically interested in them at all. We literally were just close friends. We had similar personalities, interests, and senses of humor. Just like all best friends do.
The mere fact that a person is bisexual does not automatically mean they are sexually or romantically attracted to any/everyone on the planet, just by default of being capable of being interested in either.
Likewise, the mere fact that a person is intersex, trans, or otherwise identifies themselves as something other than what they were identified as at birth, or what you believe they should be or should identify as, does not automatically mean they are trying to get romantically involved with anyone, just by default of whatever their gender identity or sexual orientation is.
What, specifically, is your issue with it all? Are you assuming the other person is lying about what gender they identify as, or what gender they are romantically interested in? Are you assuming your child must be trying to hook up them just because they, themselves, are bisexual? Are you assuming these two are hot for each other, just because they are friends? Or just because neither of them identify as straight and/or whatever gender identity you believe they should conform to?
Why, exactly, are you worried, if they are both “female” and are best friends? Do you have ANY legitimate reason to believe they are “hooking up” (or trying to hook up) and that’s specifically why you’re worried? Or are you just plain assuming they MUST be trying to hook up, just because they don’t conform to the norms you’d feel comfortable with? Because there’s a difference.
Are you just upset because you think your 15 yr old is too young to date? Or because you think they are potentially interested in dating someone who isn’t just a straight, cis male?
Is it AT ALL possible, they are legitimately just best friends, because they have similar personalities, interested, senses of humor, etc. and MAYBE even because they both understand what it’s like to be judged by others for their gender identity and/or sexual orientation, and that makes it easy for them to relate to each other, and they are comfortable with each other to just be themselves and enjoy having a good friend without the constant worry of judgement and persecution?
Maybe you need to think on it a little more. Maybe you also need to communicate better with your child so you can understand their point of view, and not have to just assume they are lying to you about just being friends with someone.
Be the dang parent. You aren’t saying no because they are different sort of couple your saying no because they are young and it’s inappropriate
Do what my grandparents did. Give them the talk. We live in an age where they will figure out how to get what they want . So why not just be safe and thell be home for it . Plus giving then the talk will make them feel uncomfortable.
No. My daughter tried the “can she stay” with me. It was a def no. Just bc they can’t get pregnant doesn’t mean sex is permitted and all teens are naturally curious.
Whatever they gna do they gna Do. May as well be under your roof so you can supervise.