What's the best advice you could give to a new mom?

Just curious what advice you would give someone who is about to be a mom for the first time! What is something you wish you were told?

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sleep when baby takes nap

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Lol you will be more tired than you have ever been in your life. Recruit help

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Don’t let someone tell you how things should go. Raise your family the way you want. There will always be people who will judge you for stupid shit. :relaxed:

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Sleep while you can Momma!

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Take the help. If someone offers to cook, do laundry or run errands or sit with the baby so you can shower or nap, please take them up on their offer.


Don’t be afraid to ask for help and to take help when offered.

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Sleep when the baby does. That was the best advice I got!

Cherish every second. Time passes so fast. Before you know it they are all grown up.


As everyone says sleep when the baby sleeps its not always the case. Yes you will be tired and sleep whenever you can but if you can’t sleep take that time to eat, shower take care of you so you can take care of the little one.

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Enjoy every moment cause they grow so fast you will be exhausted but all worth it sleep when they sleep housework will still be there don’t worry

Buy zippers or gowns. Never never never button ups :rofl:


The mess will still be there tomorrow. The sleep deprivation doesn’t last forever. Accept help when it is offered. Cherish every moment, they grow up so fast!

You really will have the instinct to know what to do. There’s really a mother’s intuition


That it goes way to fast

Document something new as often as you can. Whether you have a baby book, a journal, or just take notes in your phone… Try to jot down cute little moments (even struggles) that arise, so that you can look back and smile about them later!

I had a baby book and never kept up with it. It’s amazing how much you’ll forget, even a year later. They really do grow up so fast. I’ve seen some people keep a daily journal and write down one sentence about the day. That’s a lot to do, especially when you’re a tired new mommy, but I wish I would’ve done it at least once a week or even monthly…


Don’t follow everyone’s advice. It’s ok to be to tired to put the baby back in it’s bed just feed and go back to sleep

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DONT PANIC. my baby threw up SO BAD when she was a newborn and I would freak out at the slightest cough thinking she was choking. Stay calm. Keep a level head. Breathe. Do not panic is the best advice I have from my ftm experience

Trust your instincts, do your own research, don’t be too hard on yourself, nobody gets it all right, and most of all don’t forget to love yourself too


Dont feel pressure to breast feed…there is nothing wrong with formula…fed baby is best. Congratulations! I felt so much pressure and couldn’t produce enough milk…and felt so much pressure like there was something wrong with formula…but I have no regrets. My baby is happy and healthy and so smart!


Don’t let yourself be That Mom who never gets a shower. I always heard horror stories from friends who would say they would go days without showering because of having to watch their newborns. I have three children, the first two I raised for a couple years a single mom, and I have never had to go a day without showering. I would either wait until they went to sleep or if they were particularly fussy I’d put them in their bouncy seat/swing and take them and the seat into the bathroom. The warm steam and sound of water would calm them down and I’ve always been clean.


Don’t be afraid to ask for help and let people help you if they offer.
They are only little for a little while so give them all the cuddles, love and attention they want. The nights are long but the years are short and one day soon, that sweet baby of yours will be grown up and sleeping through the night and not wanting cuddles. So cuddle away while they are little because it really does go too fast.
Do some research on the fourth trimester and arm yourself with a baby carrier or wrap/sling carrier.
Don’t forget to look after you too mumma, childbirth is very taxing on your body so make sure you eat wells, drink plenty of water and try and rest as much as you can to let your body heal.

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It’s ok to cry. I felt like I was going crazy but it’s totally normal to cry over nothing and anything.


When they are crying and you can’t get them to stop, either take them outside or put them in the bath. Nature and water almost always seems to quiet them down.


Slow down, Messes are easier to clean up than fixing hurt feelings from getting mad over “spilled milk” and it’s ok to be overbearing, it’s ok to be the “helicopter” parent, that is YOUR baby.


Pictures pictures pictures, and lots of videos they grow up right before your eyes and you’ll want those memories. Post them to Facebook as much as you please if people hate it, that is not your problem


Buy zipper sleepers. Take pictures everyday. And get those snuggles in, they grow so dang fast.


Follow that little voice , you already know what your child needs .

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My husband having the first two weeks off work with me after baby was born was a game changer. We took turns sleeping at night when baby wouldn’t and he got time to bond just like I did. I never felt alone while learning how to be a mom. If at all possible, having dad present just like mom is would be my top advice.

The feeling of your water breaking is the most relieving feeling on the planet LOL
Oh and try to get all basic white stuff (bibs, burp clothes, onesies etc) way easier to wash.

It takes a village (well its easier with one lol) when they are 1st born you will feel like you never sleep so if someone offers to take a feeding do it and sleep. Dont sleep with your baby. You will be exhausted like never before you could accidentally hurt the baby. Keep the baby right next to you in a bassinet or crib or whatever and keep diapers, wipes, the pre-made bottles of formula or bottles with water and the can of powder mix right next to you so you don’t even have to get up to feed n change. that blood its normal and its terrible. I can’t count how many times I bled on the kitchen floor. If baby cries and cries and cries and you’re upset put music on. You can even put headphones on to help tune out baby while you try to calm them down. It will help keep your body calm so baby doesn’t pick up on your stress and agitation. Sorry this is a lot lol take a 1st aid class learn to do CPR and how to help a choking baby stg my 8 month is the hardest to keep alive always choking on anything her siblings leave out lol

If the baby is fed, and dry and safe, it is ok to let it cry while you take a shower, grab a bite to eat. If you don’t take care of yourself also you won’t be able to take care of baby, also post partum depression is common, watch for symptoms and don’t feel like a failure if you need help with depression. Being a new mom is hard it changes your life but once you get some confidence you will realize how wonderful it is.

When you get overwhelmed, just remember. It will always get better.

Everyone’s going to give you advice and have an opinion. Do what’s right for your child and your family. What’s right for some may not be what works for you. Also be patient with yourself.


You’re going to cry, its normal! Nap as much as you can, housework can wait. Take lots of pictures babies grow & change everyday.

Sleep when they sleep

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Hold that baby as much as you want. They grow up WAY too fast.

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Postpartum depression is real, it’s nothing to be ashamed of, it’s treatable, it doesn’t mean you’re failing or a bad mom, and it’s not something to ignore.

Otherwise, your baby doesn’t need you to be perfect. They just need you to be their mom and do your best. They will love you whether you are perfect or not.

For the love of god get nothing and toss anything you get that’s snapping in the legs! Zippers are your best friend… make a overnight box with everything the baby and you need so you don’t have far to go…

Ask anyone you can for help.

Do not feel like you have failed if you need a c section or if you can’t breastfeed. There is no shame in doing what is best for you and your child. It’s ok to feel like you’re failing. Just know that it gets easier

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Always follow your gut instincts . If you feel something isn’t right, it usually isn’t. You will know your child better than anyone. Congratulations on your baby.


Don’t be to hard on yourself. You have bad days, it’s normal. Tomorrow is a new day and a new start :sparkles:


Do what works for you and your family.

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Take all the naps and pictures you can. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Some days will feel like failures, but remember if your baby is happy and healthy you’re doing great. Most of all listen to your own instinct. You know what your baby needs. Remember to breath, each stage goes by so quick.

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The baby blues and PPD are two different things. Although the blues can lead to PPD, it’s best if you read about them before they happen. You will most likely get the baby blues (I did and didn’t even realize it) but making sure you aware on both will help you distinguish if you get either one (or both).

Please don’t be afraid to ask for help! This goes for anything. Allowing others around you to help and support you will help you be a better parent so that you don’t feel so overwhelmed. If you don’t have help, make sure you take some time to yourself at one point in the day. Little Babies sleep all the time so you will have one point where you can relax, read a book, take a long shower/bath, or something you like to do!

You don’t have to sleep when the baby sleeps, but it worked out better for me at night to always sleep when my babies slept and then took 1 nap a day with them.

Trust your instincts, don’t compare yourself with other mamas (none of us are perfect). & Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Parenting is hard, good doctors understand that.

Get a diaper caddy!!

Changed my life when my 2nd was born :joy:

Also, no heavy lifting. I got a double hernia from lifting my oldest daughter too soon after birth. Ask for a abdominal binder. Especially if you had a c section.

Take time for yourself in the beginning. Don’t go without shower, eating or sleeping worrying about baby. Baby will be alright sleeping in crib while you do those activities. Nap when they sleep.

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It’s okay if you don’t breastfeed, some women just can’t.

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Do not tip toe around your sleeping baby. They will naturally develop and learn to block out noise and sleep more soundly, if you are quiet, they will wake up to every little noise and be more cranky cuz they are not getting restful sleep.


Babies automatically know what nutrients they need based on color. If your baby is rejecting the green jar of baby food, put it back and try another color, they will eat what they are craving.

Don’t rush things, accept help and spend as much time bonding with your baby as needed.

At the hospital don’t let anyone make you feel a certain type of way (some nurses can be rough) you are the voice for you and your baby!! Don’t be too hard on yourself, and soak up every moment possible because they grow up in the blink of an eye. Take all of the pictures you can! Recognize baby blues vs. Ppd because it’s very real! Our society makes it seem like a bad/embarrassing thing! I struggled very bad, and I feel like I missed out on some stuff because I was too embarrassed to talk to my doctor sooner! I waited until it was really hard.

Dont be hard on yourself, you’re doing a good job whether you think so or not. Just love your baby and treat your baby right. If you get frustrated just leave the room and take a breather then come back and try again. Give your baby lots of hugs and kisses. More importantly Just enjoy it because it’ll go so fast.:purple_heart: you’ve got this…

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Don’t be afraid to do what is best for you and your baby, even if that means hurting feelings. If you are too tired for visitors, say no. If you don’t want to go to an event because it is too stressful for you and baby, say no. Accept help when you are comfortable and if you are not comfortable with help from a certain person, say no. Don’t feel bad for doing what makes you both the happiest and don’t worry about hurting the feelings of family. They should understand.

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Teething really sucks. Be patient and Be kind most especially to yourself.

If they are fussy and you feel yourself feeling totally overwhelmed because you cannot calm them, place them in their crib and put yourself in a time out. They can feel your anxiety and it can make it worse. Once you have calmed down try again :slightly_smiling_face:


You will sleep again. You will feel normal again. You will get a schedule down. It will become easier. Challenges of a newborn are only temporary. Hold your baby a little longer. Cherish every moment. The real challenge us when they are a teenager! :rofl:

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Honestly I might get hate but I’m a first time mom/stay at home mom because I’m finishing up school I’d say get those cuddles and do sleep when baby naps, mine is 1 and he’s all over the place :joy: also if you got any questions I could most likely help with a lot mines a premiee so I got to learn a lot from the nurses and still learning cause I grew up as an only child never around younger kids. Random fact/ info: you got a boy, fold the front part of the diaper to if any leaks it catches it! Girl, always wipe front to back. Might be common sense but like I said I’m an only child so I never knew​:joy:

I always liked “whatever works”. Every baby is different.

Your feelings matter, and you are not a failure for speaking up if you are struggling (mentally, emotionally, physically.) It’s okay to cry, and feel sad and happy at the same time.
Set your boundaries and make sure your partner is on the same page, then keep them enforced. (Don’t let family walk all over you, show up unannounced, and act like they know what’s best.)
Trust your gut and remember that the struggles you face now, are temporary and each day gets sweeter and sweeter.
Take lots of pictures (and make sure your partner and friends snap some of you with LO. Don’t worry about how you look, you’ll look back on them and feel overwhelmed with love. Don’t stress over the laundry and dishes, they can wait. Sit back and enjoy the time :blue_heart:

Stool softeners after the baby is born.

Ask for help if you need it

Post partum depression is so serious and it is something that you definitely need to be cautious about. I wish I could have had a more pleasant experience if I had been honest with my doctor about what I was or wasn’t feeling.

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Be patient with yourself.

Make sure you take care of yourself too.

Newborn stage is hard but def passes by quickly. Soon they wont wake as much throughout the night. And honestly as hard as it may seem enjoy it

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Meal prep before baby arrives so that you have ready made meals that you/significant other can just pop in the oven and not have to stress about meals while you adjust to your new life

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Everything will be fine in time. No matter what you are stressing about, it will be ok.

  1. Take every ounce of help you can get
  2. Sleep when baby sleeps.Seriously.
    3.Long showers alone are everything after you have a baby.
  3. If you feel sad, depressed, or overwhelmed tell your doctor.Post partum depression is nothing to play with.

Make time for yourself too. :woozy_face:
Babies can be overwhelming, yet so rewarding.
Mixed emotions are normal, asking a friend or family member for help is not frowned upon. At the end of the day you are your baby’s keeper, as they age you both grow! Some days you will yell more and question yourself more as a mom, and yet at the end of the day you are still that babies hero and need to remember that they love you more than anything, like you do them!

A fed baby is a happy baby,
Nap when baby naps,
Stay Hydrated,
Everything will be Alright I promise!!!

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Trust your instincts and don’t focus to much on what the “baby manual” tells you

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DO NOT WAKE A SLEEPING BABY! PLEASE DEAR GOD THE ONLY ADVICE FROM ANY1 I EVA FOLLOWED WITH MY 3 AND PUPS and it applies to adults in our house now thanked to hubby lmao

Buy the rocking chair.

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No such thing as a perfect mom , just do your best

Feed on demand. Maybe even before baby gets too hungry.

Everything you need to look after your baby is in your own heart. Don’t worry about what everyone else has to say or worry about being judged because we are ALLLLL judged, no matter what we do!

Don’t ever let someone tell you that you’re spoiling your baby by holding them to much or when you pick them up when they’re crying! There’s no such thing as spoiling a a baby. You hold them and pick them up as much as you want!:slightly_smiling_face:

Not all advice is good advice. Meaning if someone gives you advice and you don’t like it you don’t have to take it! No baby are the same, and every single parent on this planet is still learning.

As hard as it is, definitely sleep when baby sleeps. Ignore a messy house, so long ass you’re all fed and watered, and everyone is happy then ignore the washing up for a little bit longer. Relax.

Accept help when you need it, 30 minutes of someone else holding baby while you relax in a bath won’t hurt anyone, but it will make you feel 100 times better.

And my last piece is don’t ever let anybody, and I mean anybody make you feel like you’re a bad mum, or that you spoil your baby, or that you are doing it wrong. There is no right or wrong with a baby. Trust your gut. You know baby more than anyone else.

Also, seek any help if you feel overwhelmed, alone, sad, or just not quite right, you not only know baby, but you know yourself. Post natal depression is a real thing and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. If you don’t notice it and someone else does, don’t dismiss it. (My husband picked up on it and got me help with first baby, forever greatful)

Good luck with your new baby, mumma! Welcome to parent hood, it’s honestly the best :two_hearts:


Ask for help as much as you will want to do it all on your own you will need help and its OK to ask.


Don’t listen to other people’s advice, being a mother is a natural instinct. You will figure out what works best for you and your baby. Congratulations btw!


Don’t ever turn down someone else offering help. Accepting it does not make you look weak I guarantee it.


Do what works for you…


Babies sleep is not linear. It doesn’t “start bad” and steadily “improve”. Knowing about sleep regressions is one of the best tips I could possibly give


Wait I got one more. Be a kid with your kid. Yes you’re their parents first, but playing with them even when they are teenagers build the best solidifying trust. The day they need you, they will feel safe and comfortable reaching out and sharing anything with you.


Never wake a sleeping baby!!!


Sometimes you don’t want to be around your child, and that does not make you a bad mom


I wish someone had told me to not allow my overwhelming love for my baby overpower my love for his father. The relationship should stay #1


Don’t compare your baby to everyone else’s. I was told that and still did it. Mine was born pretty early and I was always so concerned about how he was doing developmentally compared to “normal” babies born around the same time. It wasn’t fair of me, and while he was a little late to the game in some aspects, was still doing great. So don’t compare, they will get there when they get there! :two_hearts:


Newborns thrive on a structured feed,sleep,pee schedule.

Always keep a diaper in the car.


Don’t stress the chores. They can wait. Time with your little one is precious and fleeting


A year in, I’m still new.
A newer mom, though? Relax. You’re doing everything right. Relax and embrace your new babe. You are literally perfection to your little one. Accept it and embrace. Follow your instincts and the rest will happen naturally. Don’t forget to just remain in the moment. Enjoy the new you!

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Honestly, understand that a new baby takes its toll on you and your relationship. Communicate openly before the baby comes about how and when you or your partner needs help or just a break.

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Cherish your newborn

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Its okay to ask for help its okay if you dont clean everyday its okay to take naps when your baby is asleep because if you dont take care of yourself how can you care for your baby? Reach out for help if you feel sad or angry and hold your baby everyday all day because they grow up so fast! The first year will go by fast too…

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