When can kids bathe themselves?

When should kids give themselves a bath? my 4 year old has been wanting provacy in the bathroom which i can understand but i am so nervous to leave here in there alone


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. When can kids bathe themselves?

Its not hard to tell when their ready, when they no longer need your help.

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When my now 5 year old was 4, I would leave her to play in the tub. I was in the room across from the bathroom and would fold laundry or little tasks so I could hear what was going on in there.


I left mine alone at that age but left the bathroom door open and stayed close by.
If they’re asking for privacy its probably time


When they are starting to ask for privacy.
But knock and check periodically.
Or switch to showers.

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I let my 4 year old give himself a bath… BUT the door is open and I am usually doing chores near the bathroom so I can keep a close eye on him…


When they no longer need your help. I still help my 7 & 8 year old wash their hair and back in the shower. They wash the front of themselves by themselves I just help with their hair and their back sides.

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When they start asking is a good time. But I’d stay nearby, leave the door open and peek in periodically just to ensure they’re safe

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Have him start washing his own body and when he feels ready he can start practicing washing his hair too. I usually wash hair right away and then let my son be in there alone until he’s ready to get out.

I let my 3 year old in the tub by himself. Of course our bedroom is connected to the bathroom and the door is open. Once in a while I will ask if he is ok. He says I’m ok mama.


If they’re asking then it’s time. My 7 year old (girl) has been bathing herself since 3years (she calls me when she’s done and I wash her hair)

My boys are 5 and 2 and both of them wash their own bodies. I wash hair. I leave my 5 year old by himself for 3-5 mins at a time but I check on him often and he yells when he’s ready to get outZ

My 3 and 5 year old bath together I usually dye my eyebrows or do my make up or something while they bath so they have a bit of space and I’m not hovering over them but still close. They wash their own bodies and I wash their hair, lay there clothing out and they get themselves dressed and dried after they’re done!

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I wouldn’t leave any age child in the bath alone until much older. I stay in the washroom with.
My 5 1/2 year old showers on her own. Door open and I check on her constantly


Definitely give her privacy
But hover close with door open and call out and make sure everything is ok often


I started walking away from the shower around 4. I would check often, and come back to wash hair, and then started teaching how to wash themselves. I put the soap on the rag for them. I just made sure to help them a couple of times a week.

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I’m Still washing my 11 year old girls hair :smirk::joy::woman_facepalming:t3:


My 6 year old son fully baths himself, washes his hair and body, gets in and out on his own and has done for about a year. However he has absent seizures so I can’t leave him unsupervised. We’ve come up with a system (because he wanted the independence) that I would sit outside the bathroom/in my bedroom but he has to sing/talk the whole time and answer me straight away if I speak to him :see_no_evil::sweat_smile:


In stopped when my daughter was 10 kids are nasty lol

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I’m blown away at all the comments saying 3 & 4! Insane! Would you leave your 3 or 4 year old alone in the kid pool? No . It only takes a moment to drown and you most likely won’t hear it. “We leave the door open” yeah, while you flip channels, scroll fb, vacuum…
"I ask if he’s OK periodically " so what are you going to do when he doesn’t answer you?
Your 3 year old, who can’t wipe their own ass properly or tie their own shoes. Most are still stumbling on their words. But you’ll leave them Alone in a tub of water :woman_facepalming:

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Bit young to leave alone, a 4 year old does not need privacy


Teach them hands on…I wouldn’t leave her alone the whole time …check on her…and teach her to wash her hair…

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I taught my son how to use a vcr at 2 years old…kids are smart they learn by examplw

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4 years is fine imo, I leave the door open and yell to make sure they’re OK. If you’re worried have them take showers.


I let my 4 year old shower by himself :woman_shrugging:t3: he washes himself and I wash his hair… he knows how to turn the water on and everything


Just have them shower. Its honestly way safer!


Somewhere between 2-4 if their intelligence corresponds, open door but privacy till 6ish


Wow 4 is super young to leave alone in a barh


My daughter does but I come in before she gets out to do her hair, cause she don’t get the soap all out

I do open door with my younger ones, my youngest is 5 and has been bathing himself since he was 4. I just hover on the landing so I can hear him

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My 5yo baths alone with the door open. I am upstairs with her, either ironing or putting washing away. She enjoys having her independence, and as I’m up there too I can pop my head in frequently to make sure she’s ok.

My 6 yo still asks me to sit with her in the bathroom while she poops so she isn’t lonely :sweat_smile:


Maybe just wait outside the bathroom door and every so often call out to them to check on them.

My 4yr old bonus daughter showers alone. I wash her hair and then step out she washes and rinses her own body. Once she’s done she hollers for me I go in to turn water off bc she can’t yet and I dry her hair for her then she dries her own body and dresses her self also

When they move to showers instead of baths

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Most comments advise supervision. So simple answer is not easy. Assist and supervise until you are comfortable.


No, not at 4. They can slip and fall so fast. I would do the hair washing. Then if she wanted privacy, you could slide the shower curtain closed a little way then sit on the toilet lid while she washes the rest of herself. And I would give her a few minutes to do that, then say, “ok, all done. Time to get out before your fingers wrinkle.” Then have her step out and cover her with a towel and rub her dry. Then before you drop the towel all the way, grab her pajamas or whatever else she’s going to put on and hand her the first item to put on and let her help dress herself. When she’s done, drop the towel.

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My oldest is nearly 8. She has been bathing alone for about 2 years now. She just asks for help with washing her hair.

I believe each child is different. Maybe wash her then give her the things to wash alone after you are done. My ten year old just started cleaning himself and still needs the occasional help or reminders (he is autistic). My 9 year old washes her own body in the shower but I do her hair first when she gets in and she gets the soap out herself (with a quick check from me at the end of the shower to make sure she gets all the soap out). My 3 year old likes to play alone in the bath (with frequent checks) and does try to wash herself after I am done. Hopefully this helps :heart:

That’s a good age for them to bathe their selves and I understand her wanting privacy. I would leave the door like half way open though and just keep and ear out if you don’t hear her just holler her name explain to her you just want to make sure she is ok I do it with my 4 year old. They growing up to fast lol

My 5 year old just started. But I check on her every few minutes.

I would allow “privacy” but honestly stay close. Make a rule to keep the door cracked or maybe have them draw the curtin closed while you sit with them. They have their space but you’re still with them.


My daughter is 4. I wash her hair and she washes her body by herself burning do make aure shes actually washing all of it and that she is clean. We keep the curtain mostly closed and when we are done washing. I stay in the bathroom but the curtain gets closed all the way so she can have her time without me in her business.

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In a shower I’d feel more comfortable. Door open and u near by.


Let them close the shower curtain while you stay in the room.


I would just stay close and keep checking on her. Maybe help her wash her hair. I wouldn’t leave her long before checking on her at first tho but if she does good let her bath alone.

Don’t leave her in there alone then. Stay with her, but let her be a “big girl” and wash herself. That gives her the independence and you can observe how well she does it on her own.

The age in which a child can bath themselves depends on their level of maturity with it. I have a 9 year old that I have to remind, every time she gets in the shower “wash your hair, wash your body, brush your teeth” otherwise her definition of “showering” is to just stand in the water.

Sit in the hall with door ajar and use the time to fold laundry or scroll your phone or read. Do a check to make sure he’s actually clean though.


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Forget the bath then. A 4 year old can’t drown in the shower.


My son wanted privacy starting at 4, we just kept the door cracked and sat close to listen for anything worrisome. Our livingroom was also right next to the bathroom so it was super easy to do.

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Door open so I can hear I did hair and I got to check before they got out

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As long as you hear them talking play or singing but 4 is a little young

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my daughter started having more privacy doing it herself and all that at 5years

We let our 4yr old son wash himself and chill for a bit on his own but we wash his hair and door stays open

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When my kids were that age, I’d let them play in the bath alone for a little while, then I’d go in and help with whatever they needed. Once that was done, I’d give them a few more minutes alone. In that time, they’d usually drain the tub, dry off and get dressed.

I don’t put much water in there, and leave the door open. Started around 5ish. I always go in and check as well, but we also don’t have a big house and I can hear them playing in there.

Keep door open and sit in hall out of site

I lay on bed with the door open and let my kids bath I play on my phone or clean my room

I started letting my 6 year old take showers by himself. I am always near the door in case something happens.


My 7 year old takes showers alone but I still check on him and help him. Privacy isn’t an option at these young ages sorry

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It’s still very easy for a water related bathroom accident to happen to a 4 year old. I would not leave them alone. Leave the door open and keep checking constantly and make sure you actually wash her properly (she doesn’t know how to actually wash herself at that age).


When my kiddos started wanting privacy we showed them how to shower properly so there wasn’t as much of a concern for drowning. My daughters have been showering since they were about 4, my son since he was 5.

When they come out clean. The more silence, the more trouble

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They can wash themselves as age four. But I don’t believe in privacy. They don’t need privacy unless they’re up to something. I sit on closed toilet and let him bathe himself. He’s 7 now and showers alone. But I check on him every ten minutes. Kids get into stuff. I had a neighbor boy at his mom’s house, she left him unsupervised in the tub at age four. He poured all shampoo and conditioner out in tub. Poured shower gel into toilet, then used his hair wash cup to take water, cup full at a time and pour it on floor .
I believe in supervising until age 7 then only allowing 15-20 minutes. They don’t need forever in tub. It usually only takes less then 10 minutes to get clean

Kind of young. Just sit on the floor outside the bathroom door so you can listen out for her

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my daughter is 3 and I scrub her down and then she spends the rest of the time by herself. Playing with toys and stuff. The door stays open but I ‘step out’. She’s been doing that for at least 6 months (that i can remember).

I def think it depends on your child too.

My 6yo showers alone. But when he was 4-5 and had baths I would tell him if I’m not in the room you need to sing to me so I know you’re safe. It worked great :+1:


Oh goodness. I was just thinking about this, my son just turned 3 so not a near future plan. I had the idea of leaving the door open so I can check in regularly and asking my son to sing. I know he’s above water if he’s singing. :sweat_smile: And he hates water in his face too. Otherwise privacy now looks like me turning my head away and saying “OK, I’m not looking. But I have to stay close by for saftey”

Privacy, yes. Door closed, no. Start small and let bath time go longer. As long as there’s not a lot of water on the floor

My daughter is 6 and she washes herself , I leave the door open so I can hear her …I come in at the end and wash her hair for her

my daughter bathed at 4 alone but I made her sing loud the whole time I wasn’t in there so I could hear her the whole time… if she stopped singing I sat in there with her.


My girl has been able to shower and wash herself since about 2 but she’s nearly 4now and has finally started washing her own hair :blush:


4 for us. I leave the door open and hang out nearby but he has his space

I let my 4 year old play in there by himself , checking on him every line 4 minutes lol. Than I come in at the end to help him actually get clean .


Well not on the shower topic but when my two and a half year old does the number two she’ll tell me to get out and not to watch her so I walk out and stay close by and then she yells she’s done but when she bathes she likes me in there but I’m teaching her to wash herself so when the time comes I know she’ll be clean

When my step son started wanting a little more privacy I just closed the curtain. He was a bit older than 4 before he bathed on his own.

Leave the door open and stay close


He doesn’t need privacy yet!!! I guess I’d rather b safe than sorry. I’d atleast stay in the bathroom with him.

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When they want to, then let them. Just kid proof the bathroom. Put away razors, any adult soaps that can be harmful etc. Make sure they know how to wash themselves properly if they are going to clean themselves. If not make sure they know to leave all the shampoos and stuff alone until you help them. And just from experience, make sure you have an extra bottle of all the shampoos or soaps left out. You have an 80% or so chance of needing that because your kid spilled, dumped, or “used” the whole bottle in like 30 seconds :rofl:

4 years old is when my son started bathing himself.

My son started at four by his self

Leave the door open and sit outside the bathroom door.
I didn’t let my son bath by himself until he turned 7!

I have a 4 year old with ASD who will lie down in the bath doesn’t matter how deep or shallow it is! He has no awareness of the danger water can cause so I absolutely will not be letting him bath by himself until he has an understanding of the danger things can cause x

Try letting her take showers instead so the drowning worry is out of the picture or maybe just have a stool out side the door and just quietly sit by

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4 is too young to be completely alone. I’d shut the curtain or possibly just sit right outside the door.
They’re mischievous at that age. My son would try to dump all the soap :joy:

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At 4 I taught my girls how to do it and then I let them show me that they know how to and if done correctly I let them do it alone with door open

My son started taking showers about 6.5/7 and we stand outside the bathroom with door open so we can here him and I check his hair to make sure all the shampoo is out. He does body wash on his own…

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Not by themselves I still wash my 6 and 3 year old 6 year old he has really long hair so I have to help him but they play on there own after they get washed up but I check on them it’s easier now with 6 year old he prefers showers

My daughter isn’t there yet and I have let her shower by herself a few times already ! But I have the door open and constantly checked on her behind the curtain! She would always yell and told me to leave her alone too lol :laughing: they are just becoming more independent! I’d just stay near ! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’d obviously help her wash herself and stuff but teaching her at the same time !!

I sat in the bathroom with the curtain pulled halfway so they had privacy but I was right there

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My 4 and 5 year olds bathe themselves. Door open and I’m never out of earshot. They still have help washing their hair but really they don’t even need anything other than soap dispensed and make sure it’s rinsed out all the way. They’ve been practicing washing themselves since 3 years old.

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Set up a chair outside the bathroom door, once you get the water ran and everything situated sit outside with the door pulled close but not shut. Let him know you’re there so you don’t scare him but you’re staying close by. Everyone is happy

My daughter is 8 with very very long hair I still have to help her with her hair but that’s it. I think four is too young

I usually ask her or him to sing me a song while in there. Let’s me know that they’re head is above water.

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My 4 year old boy still needs a lot of help with hair and washing. We’re working on it. 4 is too young to leave alone in water

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