When can you be intimate after a c-section?

Should you be intimate two weeks after having a section? obviously nothing rough or anything…but i am not bleeding and feel fine…so is it okay?


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I would wait until cleared from your doctor.

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2 weeks, absolutely not.


I wouldn’t I had 2 c sections and it takes 6 weeks for your abdomen muscles to heal and incision


No way. Two weeks is too soon!!! Not to mention risk of infection bc of the gaping wound inside you from birth and the surgery healing on top of that


I had sex 3 weeks PP with a vaginal so I don’t see why not :woman_shrugging:

Definitely I wouldn’t. I think I waited 5

I think 2 weeks is too early for a vaginal delivery. No way in heck would I even imagine trying to have sex 2 weeks after major surgery. It takes the body so much time to fully heal.

I believe you’re supposed to wait 6 weeks. Or at least get clearance from your doctor and use protection because you’re fertile myrtle over there.


I personally waited 5-6weeks just because I didn’t want to end up back in the emergency room I’ve heard personal stories from friends so I just taken their advice and I was fine when I waited. It’s about self control at the end of the day lol

I was at 2 weeks and was fine!

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2 weeks??? Umm heck no! It’s still the 6 weeks or until your Dr clears you!


There’s a gaping hole the size of a dinner plate that’s actively trying to heal inside your body. 6 weeks, AFTER you get cleared by a doctor. Not to mention the high fertility levels after childbirth :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:


Nope. Serious risk to your scar and to you. I think you need to wait six weeks.


No. You have a dinner plate sized wound on the wall of your uterus. 6 weeks minimum unless you want to risk infections.


No, I’d wait the 6 or 8 weeks until the doctor clears you. Besides the fact you have an open wound inside of you it’s major surgery. Give your body a chance to heal.


Hell no !!! C section is surgery !!

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Please discuss this with a doctor. :woman_facepalming:t2:


Your cervix is still open even if you had a c section. No.


Nope you are at a much higher risk of infection than a natural birth I had 2 c sections one was an emergency and we waited 4 months and with our second I gave my hubs a handy but still waited 2.5 months maybe three after the ok from the OB. You just had 8 layers of muscle cut and your uterus cut on top of a dinner size plate wound from the placenta and layers of staples and stitches. Just think about doing it after two weeks makes my scare hurt like a mf.


You’ve to wait 6 weeks as advised by the doctors for a reason


Ask your healthcare provider! We were cleared after 3 weeks :blush:

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No. Wait until your doctor clears you.

Each to their own, I’ve had 3 sections my 3rd i waited 4days… used protection obviously… ignore rude comments, u know when ur physically able… everyone is different

I didn’t wait til my dr cleared me I ended up with a blood clot and had to get recut


Wait at least six weeks.

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I would definitely speak to your doctor. Two weeks is too early after giving birth, especially recovering from a c-section since they are also internal wounds that you can’t see :blue_heart:

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No. 6 weeks. C section or not, your cervix dilated, your body went through a trauma. You risk infection, ripping your uterus, tearing a scar open, and you’re extremely fertile right now which could be bad if you got pregnant to soon. There are other ways of being intimate. If you do those things then fine, but no sex.

No I had an c section my dr said 8-12 weeks just to make sure you are well and healed

Six weeks, to many risks involved by not waiting, including pregnancy…


You about to have two babies


I didn’t even want to bend over still after 2 weeks let alone think about having sex. Lol

Wait mama you still need to heal.

Nope. After your 6 week check up. I’ve had four c sections. Let me tell you that having sex before your uterus has healed… sucks. Especially when you tear the incision on your insides and you get bleeding under the skin of your incision and then it gets infected… really sucks. Also, just bc you’re not bleeding anymore, doesn’t mean a damn thing. Your cervix still hasn’t gone back to normal. And yes, even with scheduled sections, you still dilate. So there is nothing protecting your uterus. Infections inside your uterus are a thing. Not to mention the high fertility rate after having a baby. Having another one before 24 months after having a section is really hard on your body and can actually cause your incision to reopen. My older two boys are 19 months apart. My second and third are 8 years apart. And my third and fourth are 17 months apart. My second section was 19 months after my first and I left the hospital still open. Took me 4 months to fully close. My fourth was 17 months after my third and thankfully with that one I was healing fast. Don’t risk it. Wait 6-12 weeks until your insides heal.

Absolutely not. Girl trust me you’re still probably going to be in A LOT of pain. I’ve had two c sections and 2 weeks post op I was still very uncomfortable. For my first c section I was told nothing until after 8 weeks. For this last one I was cleared at 6 weeks but still didn’t do anything, I would hate for you to try (trust me, I know waiting sucks) and hurt yourself.

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You should wait until your OB clears you. Just because you feel okay, doesn’t mean that it’s safe. You could end up with any variety of health related issues including blood clots or infections. Not to mention, you could end up with a set of Irish twins…


No you need to wait 6 weeks. Let your body heal completely. You don’t want to risk infection.


Oh ya know doctors only tell you to wait for the hell of it. Not cuz there’s a plate sized wound inside of you. :upside_down_face:


6 weeks!! Ask your doctor

2 weeks why would you want to

Sis said she ready :rofl::rofl::rofl:


When I had a C-section my dr said it was whenever I felt comfortable too didn’t have to wait any certain amount of time

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Absolutely not. 6-8 weeks

8 weeks after a c section… it doesn’t matter if you are bleeding you need to heal.

My mid wife told me six weeks but that if I felt ok at 4 weeks to go for it gentle


Whether it be c section or vaginally you still have a dinner plate size wound in your uterus.


You feel fine now, you will not feel fine if you do that…being healed internally and FEELING okay are very different.


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The dr told me to wait the full six weeks
You just had MAJOR surgery dont be In a rush
, enjoy the anticipation and build up of waiting dont act like and animal in heat :joy::skull_and_crossbones::joy::skull_and_crossbones::joy:


You need to heal at least 6 weeks. Your inside is open and could cause serious infection. Your scar may rupture because of the pressure and also needs time to completely heal


I was told 6 weeks to allow the internal sutires to heal


3 days after & 5 days after :joy::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:


6-8 wks. Internally you are still healing. There are stitches inside as well as they go through many layers. Be pt the :eggplant: is less important than your recovery. :woman_facepalming:


Never ever before 6 weeks, doesn’t matter how you gave birth.


2 weeks post birth vaginally all I wanted was sleep
Couldn’t think of anything worse
After a c section you have double the risk infection
Good lord no no no x


A c section is major surgery. You are supposed to wait weeks.

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No u need to wait 6-8 weeks after your check-up and get the ok from.your dr

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:person_shrugging: That’s basically a No brainier :laughing:

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You realize you have internal incisions and a uterus that’s still contracting down to normal size?



No unless you tryna be infected and pregnant again. :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:


6 to 8 weeks you have internal wound the size of a dinner plate.


No wait til after your 6 week pp checkup. Infection is just as real with a c-section as it is with giving birth naturally.


Use common sense and listen to your doctor. Doesn’t matter what random people with no medical training say on FB although most are giving you the same answer the Dr would. WHICH IS SIX WEEKS. Grow up and control your hormones or suffer the consequences that’s on you.


You might be feeling good now, but you won’t be if you do have sex. Don’t push it, just give yourself time to heal.

Best to ask your doctor

No, not until 6 weeks and cleared by Dr.


They tell you at least 6 weeks for a reason


6-8 weeks. You may feel okay but internally you’re layers are healing. It can lead to infection if you don’t wait


You may not be bleeding now
But have sex now and you will be - personal experience

Lmao wtf. Absolutely not. You have a wound INSIDE of your body that’s a size of a dinner plate. Just because you didn’t give birth vaginally doesn’t mean you’re ok to be intimate. There are serious chances of getting an infection if you do anything before 6-8 weeks or until cleared by your OB. 
Don’t do it. It’s not worth it.


I wouldn’t. the risk of ripping something open, infections, etc.


No of course not. They say 6-8 weeks for a reason


6 to 8 weeks regardless. You have a dinner plate size wound in your uterus……


I would not have sex for at least 8 weeks …they tell you that for a reason. I have had two csections and I don’t understand how you feel fine and would even want to think about having sex right now. You have internal healing that needs done and if your incisions is not 100percent healed you can cause it to rip back open. I would diffentily wait but that is just me.

6 weeks afterwards you can get an infection vaginal if you sex before then.

No. Give your incision longer to heal before doing something that abdominally physical. Healing from a reopened wound will be worse, don’t risk it.


Yes 6 weeks I had 4 all natural no drugs felt like I got ripped open wasn’t even thinking about that …better quick playing those walls going to fall off lol

usually after ur 6week appt. but i bled for 9-10 weeks bith my csections so it was like 12weeks after baby both times :neutral_face::upside_down_face:

When your Dr tells you it’s ok but 2 weeks is kind of early you don’t want to risk ripping anything open


Sure… you’ll just have another infant comes May 2023- congratulations :tada:


you have a dinner plate sized wound in your uterus that was also cut open. you should wait.


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I waited two weeks after my first C-section and one week after my second C-section. Just be careful. You are going to get all of the six week answers here too which is what drs suggest, but I talked to my Dr about it and she said that if I felt fine and wasn’t going crazy trying wild pornstar stuff I would be ok. The main reason they want us to wait is the risk of getting pregnant again so soon.


Don’t force it. When you feel good enough. Outside heals faster than inside. You’ll know when your ready


Yup. There is not a peniz in this world that will reach up to where your incision is. People are commenting like you pushed it out of your vajayjay. You didn’t. The rules are different.


I would wait for your.post op after you see your doctor.

I definitely had sex within two weeks of having a c-section. This was over 30 years ago.

You know you have LAYERS that need to heal right?
The outer skin being closed and you not bleeding have no relevance on the time your body needs to heal :woman_facepalming:t2:


I did 7 days out hubby was in the Navy and leaving for 6 months

6 weeks, it’s still 6 weeks regardless of how you delivered. Your doctor will tell you or ask. Sure people do earlier, but that doesn’t mean it’s recommended.


Take it easy…and if it’s easy, take it twice!!


I always say, it’s “at your own risk”.
The “guideline” is 6 weeks because you have a gaping wound inside your uterus where the placenta was attached.
It increases your risk of infection, or even possible hemorrhage. Just because a penis can’t reach it, doesn’t mean the action your bits get won’t shift everything around.
So again, if ya wanna, have at’r, just know the risks you’re putting your body through.

It really depends, did you still dilate? I did to an 8.5 but ended with an emergency c section so it was best for me to wait! If you didn’t I’d say go for it. 

No. You’re supposed to wait about 8 weeks. Risk of infections, opening stitches/incision area, and pregnancy are higher. And no, you won’t know when you’re ready or healed enough to have lower risks. Your medical caregiver will be able to more accurately analyze and tell you. How we feel isn’t an indication of how healed or healthy we are.


No! There’s so much risk for infection, injury, your incision opening up. It’s not worth it in the long run. Hug and kiss instead.


It’s ok but conception is 10x easier to obtain

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I waited to nearly 7 weeks after having a c section…I was way to sore for sex

You have a HUGE wound in your abdomen regardless of how you delivered!

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