When can you start baby on cows milk?

Back in the old days my mother in law used evaporated milk & dark caro syrup diluted of course. Her kids survived on it.


Started mixing bottles with formula and milk(half and half) at about 10 months

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One can of pet milk one can of water one tablespoon of kayro syrup


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You’re 2 weeks away from being completely finished with formula anyway. Whole milk should be fine


I started Charlene on whole milk when she was 3 monthsold nothing wrong with it but I did put her vitamin drops in it to

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I started adding goats milk to my 10 month olds bottles today, just an oz! You’re child is old enough that you could do goat or cows milk.

Yeah I agree, you should be fine, be open to using almond milk too. My boys did better on almod milk than cows milk.

3% started mine at 10 months

When my children were babies I started them on whole milk at 6 weeks, Of course I gave them vitamins every day. Everyone I knew switched their babies at 6 weeks.

What about Pediasure? They have allot of powdered ones at my Walmart

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I don’t think it’s too early cause it’s only 6 months sooner than normal. However, you need to do half and half to not create an allergy so make sure you have formula available cause you can’t do 100% cows milk to start.

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That’s when I started my daughter on 3%. She was exclusively breastfed and I wasn’t producing due to becoming pregnant with my son formula was to expensive at the time so I just put her on homo milk.

I would think whole milk would be fine but always check with your pediatrician first!

I starred my daughter with 2ozs cows milk with 6pzs formula at 11momths and each week I went up 2 ozs with cows milk until she hit a year old and was fulling on cows milk. Since she’s 11½months she’ll be fine, just start off with mixing milk with the formula

I would recommend goat milk instead of cow milk.

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Mostly fine to do just get one more can of formula and slowly mix it in to the whole milk.

My first was on cows milk at 6 months

My 2nd at 9 months

My 3rd at like 9/10 months

Since she so close to being 12 months I say go for it all 4 of my boys I started them on whole milk around 11 months but I half it with formula until they got use to it.

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She is old enough for regular milk. I started all six of mine at 1 year

Yes. All babies are different obviously but my now 9 year old was 10 months when his pediatrician said to switch. He went directly to 2% milk and it was completely fine. I have a 9.5 month old now and he might have to switch too because I can’t find it. You have to to what you have to do. A lot of my friends were told to wait until they were a year. 2 weeks is t going to hurt anything

It’s not to early at 11 months. Some babies start earlier. I started my first born at 10 months old.

She’ll be fine on cows milk! My son started half in half at 10 1/2 months and within a month he was on whole milk. He’s 13 now and he’s fine :blush:

I changed our daughter over to cows milk at the same age. We used up the last of the formula and then changed to cows milk.
Their stomachs don’t just change over night when they turn 1 to be able to drink cows milk.
A couple of weeks early I don’t see any issue with what so ever.

We started at around 9 months and they were both fine.
We discussed it with the doctor too.

Instead of putting my son cows milk I put him on Nido its usually in the Hispanic/international section of walmart and other grocery stores.

l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18830 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info. https://netpayjob91.pages.dev/

Peds recommend 12 months for cows milk, and strat it off by mixing it with half formula to determine allergies. However, it depends on the baby. Some babies can take cows milk as early as 6 months depending on their digestive track

Mine were all solids by a year with one nap bottle of cows milk. I think it should be fine.

Have you tried a local dairy ?I had my son on goats milk and he did wonderfully in place of formula !He had an allergy to formula.Good luck …

It’s fine at that age

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I hear goats milk is way easier on the tummy.

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No that’s a good age

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If it was me I would call the
doctor and

My son is almost 11months 9 more days n I started him on cows milk this week bc csnt find his formula anywhere n he does amazing with it

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She’s fine give her the milk


I was given the okay from my daughters doctor to slowly start introducing 3% milk at 11.5 months and she was fully transitioned by 12 months :slightly_smiling_face: All 3 of my children were slowly introduced starting at 11.5 months and they all did great. No issues.

Not sure about your area, but I’ve been able to find toddler formula pretty easy and available for shipping

That’s close enough. Mix it with the formula a bit at a time until it’s totally cows milk. The two weeks to her birthday isn’t going to make that much of a difference at this point.

But if you’re ever unsure you should call a doctor, not ask people on the internet. People here will tell you to put cereal in infant’s bottles. :woozy_face:

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I’d start mix 50. 50. Bottle now. And by 1 she should be ready to start on 100% milk. Good luck.

I was raised on evaporated milk, water+Karo homemade formula. Starting cow milk a few weeks early is fine for most as long as no allergy but talk to pediatrician. Some pediatricians, WIC office and some Pantries will give out formula if you ask.

I started slowly introducing it at 10 months.

My kids were all 8 months old when i started them on cows milk


Yes I would think it’s okay. I started at 11 and half months with both my younger 2 and my 3rd she didn’t like it so she had to do toddler formula for a minute :roll_eyes: lol

I started mine on dairy milk at 9 months

I would consult with your pediatrician. They would know best.

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In two weeks she will be a year old. Start now.

You’re good! When my son weaned from breastfeeding at 10 months, I started cow’s milk. He projectile vomited all formula that he ever had. He is almost 20 years old now, so he turned out just fine! :blush:

I was in the same boat. I had to transition my son to whole milk around the same time. I had one can left and mixed the formula and milk and add more milk and less formula every day. We went to my sons one year appointment yesterday and she said he was perfectly fine since he was able to handle it. I would talk to your pediatrician if your child is on a certain type of formula. My son was on sensitive formula and was able to handle milk better than other formulas.

I would give it to her.

At 12 months. Half water and half milk to see if they can tolerate it.

I had my.son on milk at 12 months

Nope. Perfect time. Always started at 11 months

Very sorry to hear about your plight and all the other Moms going through this too. Hugs!! Talking to your Dr will help you make an informed decision about this. Introduce to cow’s milk and other food is pretty common after 6 months but there are vitamins and minerals in formula that aren’t in cows milk.

One year they prefer. I started my first around 10 11 months…my MIL was pushing me!

She will be fine. Does she already have any stomache issues? Start on whole milk.

You’re technically supposed to start earlier, as sorta baby led weaning. So that way you can give them little at a time mixed with formula, so that way if you switch them all at once they once have as bad as a reaction if for some reason they have a reaction.

If you are taking the chill off formula may need to the whole milk some at first…

My daughter drank cow’s milk. At a year old. And she is perfectly fine

Baby food, goats milk

We started at 11 months half and half. It’s alright

You can start introducing now but start out with 1 oz milk and the rest formula every few days add more cows milk.

With the shortage my sons doctor said 1/3 cow milk to formula at 10.5 months old. Half n half at 11 moths old 1/3 formula to cow milk at 11.5 months old and then just cow milk at 12 months old. Whole milk is best as it has the most fat/good stuff. As long as your little one can tolerate food with cow milk in it or even yogurt and cheese it should be okay! Most formulas are cow milk based also

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Yes they can have regular milk.

Please remember what moms did before “formula” even existed.


About that age. Mine started with Skim and then 1% milk about 10 months old. Slowly used that to help wean her from breastfeeding.

We started at about 11 months and went cold turkey and used 2%. Our doctor said unless there was a weight issue we don’t need whole milk. Both turned out perfectly fine

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I did all 5 of mine at 8/9 months. They did great but we have no history of allergies in our family.

Yes you can. Do it gradually. My child was off the bottle at 12 months. Formula around 8 months.

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My kids and grandkids had issues with formulas so by 11months they were put on whole milk and they did great


I started all mine on reg milk at 11 months

I used pacific canned milk diluted with boiled water and a tablespoon of Karo syrup the boiled water was half and half

I fed mine on cows milk at 12 months. So you should be fine

I would do your best to do 3/4 formula , 1/4 whole milk for one week. Then 1/2 formula, 1/2 whole milk for one week. Then 1/4 formula and 3/4 whole milk the next week. Then that last week just milk. If you can’t do that start with 1/2 and 1/2 and if you can’t do that start with 1/4 formula and 3/4 milk. But baby need whole milk if you start on milk. It has the fat they need and sole don’t do dairy but make sure whatever you give baby it is full Fat. Also, 11.5 months is perfectly fine to start whole milk by its self if you must but weaning them is best for
Tummy. Sometimes you can trigger and intolerance just from giving it to them all at once. Weaning helps with stomach issues, constipation, and also any intolerances he could have. It gives his body a chance to get used to it.


Id ask your doctor for sure. But I would say yes especially if shes been on a milk based formula she shouldn’t run into any issues gradually transistioning her to whole milk. I started transitioning my son at 10 months and we had no issues other than a lil more constipation but u could add in a lil diluted apple juice to her diet if she doesn’t have any allergies to apples :slightly_smiling_face: good luck momma! U got this!

2yo unless dr says otherwise

We did whole milk with my kids they’re all fine 11-12 months old sippy cups.

That’s around the time I started my son on it! As long as she’s eating enough actual food (baby food or normal foods mushed up) she will be fine. I plan on starting my now 3 month on at 11.5 months as well :black_heart:

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My first baby went on whole milk well before his first birthday because he needed the calories. But he was ridiculously hearty–a Viking baby. The second wouldn’t drink milk at all when I tried to switch him over well after one year so my pediatrician had me feed him pudding! It all worked. Every baby is different. Talk to your doctor–he’ll give you a real solution–but I don’t think you have to worry as much as everyone is trying to make you worry honey. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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My baby was 2 WK old when the Dr told me to put her on hold çòws milk ìt worked we had trýed ever thing I was about too to do ssome thing bad I can not ĺivè with a crýìñg baby she went to sĺeep and so did i

1 year but go ahead it’ll be fine

Yeah we went to cows milk about 11 months, but like someone else said, no history of allergies in our family


Whole milk is fine at 11 month’s

Don’t start them on anything. Cows milk or any milk for that matter isn’t necessary. Go straight to full solids and water. :woman_shrugging:t2: I breastfed but I never gave my kids bottles of cows milk or anything after nursing.

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I started 11mo and dropped formula then at my pedi’s guidance

The only reason they tell u to wait is because all the nutrients that are in formula … that u don’t get in cows milk.
Either a guide on nutrition on what a baby needs to eat in a day (iron, fibre, calcium etc).
Or see if there’s a vitamin medicine to add to a milk… but u don’t necessarily gotta give lots of cows milk. Get nutrients from food in fruit an veg an meat.

Its not too early . shes almost 1. Shell be fine. Feed her food and give her fluids

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I started add milk at 11 months to the formula. Then more and more milk less and less formula

I fed all 4 of my kids cow milk at 8 to 9 mths old


I started at 11 months, with no allergies as well.
I would put half formula half milk that way they can get used to it and then fully transition.

You should begin transitioning from formula to milk at 12 months. Before just giving your child milk talk with your pediatrician and make sure there aren’t any issues with your child and what kind of milk. Most will tell you vitamin D only as long as your child doesn’t have any lactose problems.

I did both of mine at one year I would say go ahead
Mine did fine

Honestly milk isn’t necessary as long she’s eating solid food and eats well she will the only reason I see milk helps it to help them gain weight but honestly it is not needed at all


Don’t take medical advice from Facebook. Call your pediatrician.


Call doctor and ask but I know if eating foods good should be okay but I know it’s being talked about to giving 6 month olds milk because of the supply shortage of formula I have a 4 week old and buy a can a week roughly so others can get some I have a young premature baby and I’m not hoarding formula if people realized that formula could get stocked back up but the other day seen a lady with 54 cans and her baby was almost 1 but she said whenever she seen it she bought the max limit and visited every store :woman_facepalming:t2:

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We started at 10 months. We watered down and used pentavite drops.

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I started half n half at 11 months with no issues….(yes, the Dr said it was ok)!

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It’s not too early your baby should be eating mostly food at this point anyway


We started our son on whole milk at 3 months, due to a tornado and other inconveniences. He did fine, but I would check with his ped. 11 mos there should be no problem, with table food and whole milk.

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Check with doctor but I gave my son cows milk with permission at 9 months

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