That would be up to you
Athletes in my opinion, especially swimmers and gymnast, should be able to shave sooner for performance reasons and also because they’re uniforms are so revealing. My stepmother was not allowing me to shave when I was 12 so I refused to even wear shorts. I have boys but if I had girls that were not in sports I would recommend waiting unless the hair is dark. But every person is different. I know that once she starts she will basically be doing it the rest of her life so the later the better right.
When she feels embarrased about it is the best age. My daughter was 10…
Myself on the other hand was never allowed to do it (strict old fashioned parents) and I was so embarrased and copped so much shit over hairy legs.
If she is asking teach her how or else she will start sneaking and cut the shit out of her legs…speaking from experience.
Yes…if its worrying her…
Following, I can’t remember either
Electric shaver no nicks or cut my daughter is really hair shaved her legs and under arms no problem
If she doesn’t want hair on her legs it’s not up to you
If its something that bothers her it doesn’t really matter what age she is. I remember girls being teased in school for having hairy legs and their parents were too strict and wouldn’t let them shave. Once it bothers my daughter I’ll teach her how to shave
My daughter was 9 when she started
Let her… I started my period at 9 and got hairy quick . My mom didn’t allow me … so there I was in school wearing skirts and shorts with teen wolf legs… it was embarrassing so I just took one of my dads razors and shaved them… she didn’t even notice til about a week later.
Let her shave it a confidence issue to see others kids with no hair and you’re the hairiest one
If shes asking you should let her, her peers could very well be teasing her about it and thats why she asked
When the hair was noticeable and she wouldn’t wear shorts because of it. Both of my girls were 9
Best time is whenever it is Interfering with her confidence Tell her not to shave her thighs LOL
I started at 11. I suppose I could have started earlier but my mom waited for me to ask. If she is self conscious and asking to shave, I would let her start.
I feel like when my daughters asks,it means that’s she’s uncomfortable. And would allow her to do it at that point. Would never want her to be uncomfortable in her own skin.
I started when i got hairy which was 8, cause my boobs were coming in, I was hairy and didn’t like it, then got my period two years later
I think it’s nice of her to ask and not just do it! At least that, But I would let her. She may be getting teased about it. Just teach her to do it safely or even offer to wax, you can get a wax kit and it’ll be overall better even though it stings a little
I was in 6th grade and got made fun of for being super hairy and my dad being a single dad didn’t care. It wasn’t until I cried to my aunt that I was allowed to shave. If she doesn’t want the hair, let her shave. Especially if she is in gymnastics. It might make her end up feeling insecure if everyone else gets to shave and she doesn’t.
Whenever they are asking and the hair bothers them is a good age in my opinion. My mom made me wait until I was way older than everyone around me and it killed my self esteem and made me avoid wearing shorts for a very long time.
I let my daughter decide when she was ready, think she was 10 ish.
Get her an electric shaver to start with my daughter just turned 10 and thats what I did.
I’m extremely hairy so if my daughter the same 9/10 we’d start using hair remover.
I said 10 to mine. She will
Be 10 in a few months. I let her do it yesterday with the electric shaver.
If she wants too you might as well show her how to do it without hurting herself. Because she’s going to find a way to do it if you say no. I started shaving way before my mom would let and I would cut my legs up so badly.
It’s nice that she’s asked and not just done it off her own back. I started shaving at 12 but if it’s bugging her and she wants to do it then I would let her just make sure she knows how to properly don’t want her to be getting cuts etc x
They will ask when they are ready. Listen to them or they will stop asking and just start doing!
I let my daughter start at 9 because I was ready at 9 and my parents refused so I did it anyway. She does really well after a few hands on learning tips from mom. We both sat on the end of the tub and shaved together so she could learn how to use it safely. Don’t hold back a child by the opinions of others. She’s growing, learning and maturing to be the woman she’s going to be someday, let her grow mama.
I started with nair then had an electric razer and even now I prefer nair around my knees and ankles because thats where I seem to nic myself otherwise I was probably 9 when I started using nair
I was in like 6th grade? But I definitely should’ve done it the year before lol
Maybe you could take her to get them waxed instead of shave ? I started shaving well before my mum would “let” me … i cut my leg once and ended up in hospital with cellulitis as it got infected while I was out playing with my friends !!
My daughter was 5, when she had her legs and arms shaved, she wouldn’t wear shorts. skirts, short sleeve tops, because of lots of hair on legs and arms and because she has dark hair, it stands out, as soon we removed the hair she started wearing shorts and short sleeve tops, and was really happy again.
I was 11, and had to beg my mom to let me. I was embarrassed about my hair, kids made fun of me. I shouldn’t of had to beg for that. If she is ready, then she is ready. Dont hold that option back
If it bothers her, let her. She shouldn’t have to feel uncomfortable in her skin.
Hair bothers me. Always has. I shaved my legs in the bathroom at school when I was in 4th grade bc my mom wouldn’t let me. So I stole her razor, took it to school and did it myself.
Why is none mentioning waxing?
My mom ratherd her take me to the beauty spa then use a razor.
It would not grow back darker or have ingrown hair.
I will be doing it for my girls when they get older and ask.
I was 9. Dark hair, very hairy, super pale skin… it was horrible lol. But it’s whatever parents and child are comfortable with really.
My best friend and I borrowed her older brother’s razor one night at a sleepover when we were 10 and went to town! Our parents got super mad at us and made a big deal of it. I bought a razor secretly after that and began doing it on my own since I wasn’t allowed but felt insecure without. I will be more sensitive to my daughters’ needs and wants. They’re currently 1 and 7.
Pretty sure I shaved half an eyebrow off at 9
The first time I was allowed, I think I was 12? I was super blonde and it was only because my friends did it, that I wanted to.
My mum showed me how to do my underarms and legs, and think I had the silk braun epilator xx
Let her if she feels self conscious. Some creams are good though.
My daughter is 9 and she is very hairy she was self conscious and asked if she could shave her legs so we got an electric razor that we are using to get her started with.
My parents let me when i was 7… i have really dark hair. It was bad. My mom helped for the first few times i did it. The worst that could happen is she cut herself and we’ve all done it.
If you’re worried about shaving at first you can use silky mitts - they’re available at Boots or Superdrug and just rubbing the mitt on the arms/legs removes the hair! Genius! It was my first hair removal method for my legs and skin is silky smooth it really works.
I was about 10. My hair grew in thick and long. I always got made fun of it.
Just a hair. It doesn’t mean anything. If it would make your daughter comfortable just let her get rid of it. It doesn’t have to do anything with age.
I was 9 when I started for the same reason partly… We used to have strapping tape and it caused irritation ripping the hairs outs so started shaving. Just above the knee down. Never had an issue
Mine Started at 10 but really it depends on how the hair comes in. Lighter can last longer without but darker usually earlier.
If my daughter was a competitive gymnast I would let her. I’m sure all the others are. Their way she won’t get teased. There’s no harm in it.
It’s not a privilege…why would it be something to deny? I will safely teach my girls when they ask, but I will also teach them they are not obligated to do it to meet anyone else’s standards.
I think I was 11 but it is such a personal decision. I’d say if she can use a razor safely (with direction), then it’s ok to do. You know best though.
My daughter is 7 she has dark hair she is not bothered with her legs yet but was very upset when someone said that she had a moustache so I let her shave it off
This is so random! I was just thinking to myself the same thing about my daughter who is going on 9
There is no normal age. If her legs have more hair than she wants and is self conscious then help her mom.
My daughter asked at the age of 10 too. I explained it to her and told her to enjoy the last year she had without having to do it everyday of her life. She felt she was ready so I let her.
I’d say if she’s ready let her. Just get her good razors so she doesn’t skin herself.
I was in 6th grade and was probably the last kiddo to do it. I remember being so excited. Man was I pleased. Bi am pretty hairy.
If she’s asked, then it means she’s not comfortable being hairy. Therefore, I believe you should teach her to shave her legs now.
I was 12 I think. We had moved to a new school. The kids in Texas didn’t seem to care but when we moved to Ohio the boys teased me about it so my mom let me shave. I have always hated doing it though. But if she is asking then she is probably ready especially if she is doing gymnastics they probably really bug her with the outfits they have to wear.
I think as soon as she become self conscious of them. Different for every child. When I was young we were not concerned until around teenage years. Lots has changed since then and peer pressure is challenging for our young.
I was 10 or 12 I can’t remember but if she is a gymnast she probably should start now
I was 8 or 9. Kids commented on it at school. My hair was dark
I was 12 but being a gymnast is different I would let her shave
I was 12 and didn’t really need to shave but I wanted to feel like a big girl. Lol
When it started bothering them. My youngest was about 9.
I started in 6th grade, mostly because my friends were. Now as an adult I avoid at all costs,
I first started shaving when I was 11 cuz that’s when I showed interest in it.
I don’t think my parents ever actually told me when I could start shaving . I just jacked my dad’s razor and went a head and did it. I think I was 9ish.
Just helped mine. She’s in 7th grade 12 about to be 13.
Im sure if its what she wants … try hair removal cream … no blades at all then xxxx
Why does she need permission to fucking shave ? Her body isn’t yours to command . It’s just fucking hair for fucks sake , she can shave when she feels she’s ready and wants to . The fuck ?
When they start noticing that’s when insecurities start.
If it bothers her let her shave. It’s called self esteem.
That should be up to you and your daughter. Doesn’t matter what other people think.
How would you feel by using hair removal lotion instead of shaving?
I say if there hairy and they dony want to be then when u feel shes old enough mine had heavy hair at 8 and a half it made her unhappy we shaved then shes now 13 and hates to shave haha
Little chewbacca wants to start now. I vote no. I had her check the stubble on grandmas leg.
Don’t worry about other girls. You worry about and do what is best for yours
Mine learn in their own around age 12.
Whenever they ask. I have 3 girls, the youngest is 12 and she shaves her legs.
When she wants to is the appropriate age. I was 11, which was interesting as my mother never shaved her legs (armpits only) until she moved to America at 17/18 years old. So she just went with the flow of what she believed was American culture. I wanted to shave, so she let me…
Try Nair first that hair removal cream
It started bothering me at 13 14 … psshhhh my mom finally let me at 16 almost 17 … mexican parents
I was 12, wish I never did.
I wasn’t allowed until I was 15
let her do it now! my daughters underarms and legs were very hairy as well so i allowed her at 9 to start! i showed and actually watched up until now at 12 she does it on her own!
- I just did it I didn’t ask lmao. When it’s done it’s done nowt they can do after that
My oldest started having at 8, my middle at 9.
Sarah Lowe can u remember how old u were? Did I teach u? Xxx
My 9 year old is very hairy too already. But I actually have used these for years to shave my own legs so maybe have her use this for now and introduce blades later in her teens maybe.
My daughter is 12 and complaining about kids teasing her about her hairy legs. Will be teaching her how to shave. I think I was 11 when I started shaving.
Instead of shaving maybe try veet or nair to remove the hair off her legs.
I think you should go for it .
We all do it in our own time high school age
It’s amazing how young they start now.
Cutting hair above the skin doesn’t do a darn thing to what is going on under the skin…it gets fuller, thicker looking because it is blunt. More grows because their bodies are maturing and more hair would grow regardless of whether you shave or not. If it embarrasses her, help her deal with it.
I was a competitive gymnast and started shaving my legs around 10 or 11. If you do allow her to shave let her know shaving and then putting on lotion right before a meet makes it pretty slippery for the beam and no one wants to fall off the beam especially at a meet
Start off with hair removal creams I did this with my daughter to give her an idea she’s now 12 turning 13 and has been shaving for about a year now. She was extremely self conscious about her hair I think if ur ok and she’s ok then so be it
I let my daughter start when she felt self conscious about the hair.
There is no “normal age” if she’s uncomfortable with her leg hair I say show her how it’s done, mama!
My daughter is 10 and she loves Nair…even my 16yr old prefers the Nair to shaving.
I say if shes asking theres a reason if it’s to help by all means let her but show her how have the talks with her I started shaving at age 8 but I was hairy and it was dark I didnt this without permission from my parents talk about alternatives like nair and wax and so on see of she would b interested in trying them first than going to shaving if she dont like ur her mother and she should b able to talk to u bout anything at all make sure she knows this always listen to what it kids are telling u it’s for reasons is what I was always told lol so let that bby start if u beleave it will help her r beleave shes old enough every child is different in some type of way weather hair eyes nose toes ears lips ect and it’s good to b different in ur own way
If shes feeling self conscious about it now I feel you should let her xx