Try hair removal creams like Nair
My 13 year old I gave her permission because she is very harry but she said she will wait. Ive told my girls that when I was a kid 12-13yo. I started shaving because all my friends did. Even my arms. But that I as an adult regretted it because the get thicker. And if I don’t shave I look like a man. I told my girls I prefer for them to wait till they get old enough and see what they really need to shave. My mom never shaved and she doesn’t have hair. And what she has are very thin you can not even notice.
If she is a competitor now!
If shes asking od let her I was allowed whenever I think about 8 but I would always hang out in the bathroom with my moms while they took baths and shaved the whole 9 yards so I already knew how they just told me when I felt like go for it
There’s no big deal in shaving the legs at any age. Nobody is gonna die for that. It doesn’t mean a marital status in any culture. It won’t hurt anyone feelings. Nobody is gonna notice either…
If she is uncomfortable, definitely! I was terrified to shave my legs because I had always seen how bad my mom would cut her ankles.
I learned with the Schick Intuition razor and still use them to this day! It is seriously hard to cut yourself with one of these.
I don’t think there’s a “normal age.” Depends on you and the child. I was 9 when I had to start shaving because I hit puberty early and started growing hair everywhere luckily my dad got me razors and let me shave my legs and pits. Other kids not going through it yet can be awful about it. So I personally would allow it.
She was 12yrs old and she started with this.
11 but she only shaves once a week.
You could use a non burning hair removal cream like.
My mom made me wait until I was 12 and it honestly traumatize me. But it was the 70s and everyone and everything was hairy she explained when I was an adult with cheerleaders who use the above.
I was actually in pain from hair pinching in pants on my legs, my mom told me,” only whores shave at 14” so my older brother told me to get my swimsuit on and sit on side of tub, and he showed me how while he stood at sink and shaved his face. Sweetest big brother gesture ever! I don’t have any girls, just 5 boys… but because of my mom if I did I would let her shave as soon as she felt uncomfortable and felt the need to
13 and it was awful! My leg hair was always so dark and thick I was picked on badly, so in turn when my girls started getting embarrassed over their leg hair around 9- 10 ish, i helped them shave and feel better about themselves. I was NOT going to put them through what I went through.
Don’t shave, wax them instead!! Shaving is such a hassle
My daughter is 8 but doesn’t have that much leg hair yet, once her leg hair starts to show more, I will wax her because they’ll take longer to grow and if you wax baby hairs (not previously shaved) they’ll start to diminish and eventually may no longer grow back!
My momma let me get fun of. It wasn’t until my step dad bought me new clothes and told her I needed to shave because my hairs are sooooo dark! He took me to buy razors and cream and bandaids just in case. Let her. That way she won’t get so self conscious and be upset about it.
Why tf is this even a question. Obvs if it’s bad enough she notices it then let her do it. It’s not about age. I got VERY dark and hairy legs pretty early on. My parents saw it and immediately offered to show me how to shave if I wanted to. If she is in gymnastics she prolly should be anyway. This isn’t about you Karen, it’s about her
My daughter was in last year of elementary. Yes unfortunately . As her legs got hairy she’s got black hair so easy to see. Tha k God the teacher she had I talked to about her getting teased but had to continue on so it wouldn’t grow back so thick.
I was ten & my mom let me start shaving because I had thick dark hair so it was easily noticeable & I was self conscious bc we had swim class at school & I hated it bc of that. My oldest is 8 right now & hasn’t said anything about it to me & her legs aren’t really hairy so I’m sure That’s also why but I don’t particularly have an age set. It’s just a matter of when she addresses it & seems concerned that I have no reason not to help her safely learn how to do it.
I just shaved mine without permission at 12. I could not deal with the teasing. It was weeks before my mom noticed. I would just let her do it if she is asking and it is making her self conscious.
I was 12 but my leg hairs were blonde
and smaller… my friend was 9 because she had hairy legs that was super dark and noticeable
I was 9, just started doing it. Showed mom after the fact, she was fine with it. My oldest daughter was probably 8 when i noticed the very strong BO and noticed she had hair, that’s when we started deodorant. Just in the last few months i let her start shaving her pits, it was needed. But i did advise her it is her choice and totally ok to not shave. She shaves them now about every 2 weeks, and started just shaving get legs, I’m like…ok… ugh they grow too damn fast she’s almost 10 and maaaaan
I was 10. My daughter was 9. I would say don’t worry so much about age, but instead, when it starts to bother them. Definitely don’t let her just go all willy nilly by herself. I did several little lessons with my daughter.
I was probably 10 or so, honestly. My hair was (and still is) darker than hell itself… worst thing everrrrrrr!
Aww let her, they sell electric razors for kids starting out early. Very nic free.
My mom said after I start my period I can. But I didn’t start till 13. So I sneaked shaving for a year or so before she found out and when she found out my period started 2 weeks later
When i went to high school i remember shaving from my knee up so mum couldnt see it b4 then lol my daughter is 9 but her hairs r light so she is lucky but when she asks we will do it i will put it off as long as i can though cause the hair will come back darker ect id definitely do it if she was competing gymnastics.
My Daughter was 9 and refused to wear shorts or go swimming. We live in Phoenix Arizona. When I confronted her as to why she said " Mom, my legs are hairier than John’s ( 16 year old Brother who had very hairy legs ) " . So, I said c’mon, time to learn to shave your legs. She was such a happy girl
Your kid. You do you! If she’s asking, then it’s bothering her for some reason. Me personally, I’d rather show her how then to have her do it on her own.
I’ve literally never shaved. And have explained to the 9yr old that it would always be here decision and how shaving would affect her skin, legs, hair, both positively and negatively. Also explained what other options could possibly be out there.
I don’t think theres a specific age. Ik a lot of people think that you shouldn’t care what others think, but kids can be very very mean. As long as you do it before they start getting teased for it. Cause although you shouldn’t care what people think, it’s not a fun position to be in as a preteen!
My mom didn’t let me until I was 12.
My daughter is 2… but I started shaving in 4th grade.
9 just teach her how to do it safely
My daughter was around 9/10 when she started…we started with Nair and she didn’t like it.
My 10 year old (almost 11) just started shaving. My 8 year old will probably need to start shaving sooner. She’s harrier and it’s darker
Whenever they ask to shave domt stop them from shaving If you have to help her so she dont cut herself
I was about 12 when I started
If she isn’t comfortable shaving use Nair.
If she is a gymist she should
Whatever makes her feel best!
Let her shave LET HER SHAVE!!!
Yes mom, please let her.
I would let her for sure.
Nair is the way to go
Do it if she competes
My daughter started shaving at 10 almost 11!
When your daughter becomes uncomfortable about how she feels & looks. Every girl is different, please listen to them.
I think it would really depend on you and what she’s comfortable with. I know I was about that age when I started shaving but I only shaved my lower leg for a while.
If she’s asking it maybe a good time to teach her. Every body is different and grows differently. Especially when it comes to this timeframe.
My daughter is 11 she is blonde can’t see the hair at all but she is on swim team and it’s a thing, she has been swimming since she was 5 and at 10 I let her shave . My mom didn’t let me shave until I got my period she said there was no reason.
My daughter was 8. She’s a competitive cheerleader and if she didn’t actually have very bushy hairy legs I wouldn’t of let her do it. But. I could totally understand why she was so embarrassed. She doesn’t keep up with it though. She is almost 10 now and She’s shaved probably a total of 8 times.
If she is asking you then I’d say yes, before she starts taking it upon herself and doing it without permission. It’s better that she’s learning from you, to avoid hurting herself. There is nothing wrong with letting learn… talking with her first and asking if there is any other reasons why other then sports on why she wants to shave would be a start, but by all means you are her parent. It’s totally up to you…
It depends on the Child & their Reason for wanting to do this. My older daughter was around 12 or 13, had fair hair, green eyes, & light colored leg hair. My younger daughter has dark hair, green eyes, & dark leg hair. Not only was her leg hair dark, It was longer on the front of her leg. I saw that it looked a little “patchy” & asked her if she had tried to shave her legs. She Said yes, because she was embarrassed when not wearing jeans in summer. So I took her & taught her how to safely & evenly shave her legs. She was 7 years old at the time & has been shaving them ever since. She is now an Adult with kids of her own. Do what’s best for each child, there’s no set age limit.
I was 10 or 11 and I asked my mom if I could shave. She bought me an electric razor and I used that for awhile, then started using a regular razor. I think that was so I wouldn’t cut myself, but even as an adult and 30 plus years of experience, I still nick them occasionally
I was around 10. I’d explain to her that once she starts she has to keep up with it or it will grow back twice as thick. But 9 is an ok age. Especially if shes really hairy.
Honestly if she’s mature enough to understand that they get put away after use and the steps on what to do when shaving then I say go with your instincts. I would still at her age ask her for the first couple of times if you can show her and help her till she is comfortable doing it herself.
I was 8. But if she’s old enough to ask it’s cuz she’s self conscious… then obviously somebody has made her feel bad about body hair. Talk to her about her feelings and let her know that it’s okay to have hair but respect her wishes if she still wants to.
My daughter was around 9. She was getting picked on for her hairy legs and wore leggings even in the summer. I offered it to her a few times before but one day she finally said she wanted to do it. It was an instant confidence boost in her.
My mum recommended that I wax before shaving, started that at 12 and wished I kept up with the waxing. Started shavkng at 14 because my nana didn’t want to wax me lol. I was living with her that year. I say do it for 2 simple reasons 1)she’s already feeling the insecurity of the hair. 2)its just hair. I do recommend waxing or sugaring though, stays away longer and after time, really thins out to almost nothing.
15 these girls grow up way to fast they have nothing to look forward to when they reach a certain age but then again girls with nails done at the age of 12 is a little much
I can’t remember when I started…but it’s a personal choice. There’s no harm in her shaving her legs. She can not shave when she isn’t competing if she chooses that. If she feels self conscious about it, I wouldn’t want that to distract her from her performance.
My oldest will be 15 on the 19th and still doesn’t want to shave her legs. She has very blonde hair though. We did buy her an electric razor to start but she’s not ready and no one seems to care so…
Mines has had armpit hair since 7. She is 8 now, I shave it for her. She hasn’t asked about her legs yet but I would let her. Just tell her once you start shaving you get hairier. Mines just had a few under arm hairs now it’s a lot.
Let her. It’s better that she does it with your guidance, if she does it on her own she could cut herself with the razor, and we all know how much that sucks.
I was around 10 and so were my daughters. If she is asking due to her feeling embarrassed might be a good time to start.
Wax; my daughter is 11 I’ve showed her in the past couple months. Its boost her confidence.
I didn’t get “permission”. I just started doing it when it started bothering me. I was around 11.
I started when I was 11. I got picked on quiet a bit and since we had moved to a new city and school my mom said it was ok. If your daughter is asking, let her. You can still talk to her to make sure she is ok though in case anyone has been picking on her.
I started shaving at 9. I also started my period at 9. If u can trust her not to shave a chunk of her leg off, I would say she should be fine.
If she’s uncomfortable, then let her. For me, it wasn’t when my mom let me, I just started doing it when I needed it.
Age is not the issue.
It’s the hairy embarrassing legs. She needs to feel good about herself .
Doesn’t matter if she competes or not.
I let both of my girls shave their legs very young they were very hairy and they would cry whenever somebody would say something about it
I remember my mum let us use the hair removal cream then once comfortable would then use a razor.
My mom let me shave early due to my leg hairs being so dark. I think I was around 9 or 10
Don’t worry about what’s “normal”. Do what works for your daughter, it’s her body.
Daughter was 9 she was very hairy and could tell it was bothering her when other kids starred when doing swimming lessons and dance class
My daughter is 12 and we’ve only used Nair. She likes it
I was 9. I had already started my period amd then started shaving my legs. I didnt ask permission either.
Considering her sport I think it’s fine. When I was about to start junior high is when my mother told me I needed to start shaving.
When they start to feel insecure about it I guess. It’s best to let her feel good about herself
My daughter just did it for the first time. She’s 12
In her situation, yes. She’s not doing it to be “cool” but rather asking with valid reasons.
Not a big deal, I think my daughter and I were both about 10 when we started shaving, but we weren’t in competitive gymnastics either.
My daughter started shaving around the same time she got her period. Shes 11
Everyone develops differently so whenever it becomes time to shave but no later than 12
I’d wax them that way not prickly
Me and my 2 oldest girls, we were 10 when we first started shaving
Why not buy her some hair removal cream, once she has shaved her legs she will have to continue doing so
- But we did Nair bc she was afraid of the razor.
Think it all depends on when they are responsible enuf go hold a razor and when they really need to
12 or 13 is when I was allowed to shave.
Just do it for her if its what she wants.
I think it’s a good reason to start.
When ever she wants to start.
My mom allowed me to start shaving when I started my period.
Mine is 10 and I bought her Nair just on case, but she’s not interested
My daughter is 10 and if she ever notices enough to ask I’d let her But ya I’d let her is asking
When she asked. She’s 17 and might shave them once a year.
I was almost 10, I’d let her.
There’s not a “normal age” it’s whenever YOU want to allow her to
11 years old and started with nair
I have 2 daughters ages 10 and 16 now and my 10 year old started at 8 and the 16 year old at 10.