When did you transistion your child from a crib to a toddler bed?

When did you transition your toddler from a crib to a toddler bed? My toddler hasn’t try escaping her crib yet, but I have a fear that she is going to climb out of her crib and hurt herself. I am also worried about putting her in a toddler bed and her leaving her room at night. What should I do?


People if you don’t like my response please scroll past it … I put my kids in a toddler bed very younge about 1 year maybe a tad bit older. But it kept them from jumping in a crib climbing out and biting the rails. Both never fell out of their big kid beds and both have done amazing. I nipped the climbing in the butt before it ever happened.


We put a baby gate up at the door

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Both my boys crawled out of their cribs, that’s when I knew it was time for big boy beds. They never hurt themselves, it’s like instinct for them lol. If shes ready, take her with you to pick out her bed. You may have a way easier time with her staying in it if she picks it out

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My eldest got a toddler bed at 2 and it takes some rough nights but he got the handle on sleeping in it and not getting up

My son turned 2 in March, I bought him a toddler bed for my room because I also didn’t trust him in one in his own room. He does really good with it.

My son wasn’t an escape artist, but rather he was potty trained at 2 and needed to be able to run to the bathroom.
My daughter was in a crib until just before 3 and that was because she would climb out.

I went to a twin bed and skip the toddler bed. At first I gated the bedroom door but he climbed it and escaped the house so I eventually turned his door knob around and locked him in. Then he started to turn his lights on and play I found him sitting in his top dresser drawer tossing out his clothes so then I had to reach up and unscrew his lightbulb Welcome to toddlerhood. FYI this was all before he was 2

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My daughter was a year and half when we put her in a toddler bed. We didn’t plan too so soon but we found out we’re having another baby and wanted to use the same crib. Toddler beds are cheaper than cribs. Her toys are in her room and she is really good about staying in her bed and in her room! I still have a baby monitor in her room just in case!

My daughter learned to climb out of her bed once she started walking, it wasn’t as scary for me because her crib was right next to my bed and that was what she landed on but I changed it to a toddler bed when she was about 2 months shy of being 2years old because we moved and it was convenient. Likewise my sister is 5 months younger and my mom barely changed her bed about 3 months ago after she turned 3 years old, she never learned to climb out of her crib but my daughter tried teaching her, she climbed in and out of that one too, absolutely scary for us, I think that when your ready you’ll change it.

You can transfer them to a toddler bed safely at 15 months old :slightly_smiling_face:

An adult mattress like town beds or queen size beds are not safe until 2 years old :slightly_smiling_face:

When they started trying to climb over the side. :sweat_smile:

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My girl was climbing out of her crib right needle she turned 1. Was in a toddler bed after that and she is almost 3, just set up her twin bed in her room she sleeps alone in there. Get yourself a good camera monitor to ease your mind about what your babe is up to

Mine stayed in the crib until they could climb out. Which was about 2.5 for us.

My son got out of his crib during a nap and we immediately went out and got a toddler bed. I was crazy nervous that first night but he did amazing. Never once had any problems

Switched my daughter at 1.5 years old, when she started climbing out and it was such an easy transition for her. No getting out of bed, she just lays down and goes to sleep. I was prepared for the worst thlugh

I moved mine when he started to climb out of his crib

I got my exceptionally tall (her father is 6’5) 1 year old climber a crib tent. Its amazing, she cant escape. Her crib is a 3 in one toddler and full size frame and I plan in letting her have the toddler bed when she starts potty training.

18m. Then right before she turned 2 she went to bottom bunk to share a room with her sister. She did great!

My son just turned 2 when we transitioned him into a toddler bed. He did perfectly fine. Had to tell him to go lay back down a few times but other than that we haven’t had any problems with it.

We switched my son from his crib to a regular twin bed when he was about 18 months. No problem at all-he loved it.

When they climbed out of the crib.

Before a year old, when they figured out how to climb out. First thing we did is take off the one side, then have that open side face the wall. Would pull it out for them to climb in and out to get used to that. Then spin it face out for naps but face in at bedtime. Then start leaving it face out all the time. Then put the toddler bed in the same room and let them choose where to sleep until the toddler bed was a consistent choice, then took away the crib. A full month maybe of the “transition” but it went smoothly with all three kids being in the toddler bed before a year old.


As soon as she learned How to climb out the crib.

For my 1st and 3rd child I put them in a toddler bed at 16 months. For my 2nd kid, 18 months but I prabably could have done it sooner. As for leaving her room, I would just put up a baby gate. That’s what I did and it worked just fine

All bedroom doors should always be shut at night time (ask any firefighter they’ll tell you the same). All mine were out of the crib as soon as they started walking.

My son never slept in a crib. Always coslept. We moved him to a toddler bed at like 16 months maybe. He just turned 2 and we bought him a single bed a couple months ago and he sleeps wonderfully in it.

The first time my daughter threw her leg over the side of her crib, her dad went out to buy a toddler bed while I took the crib down.

When they could climb out of crib

My oldest was in his crib until 3 and a half with no issues or trying to climb out. My second turned 3 in April and still sleeps in his crib and will for awhile. He has never tried to climb out either. I never wanted to rush them out as long as they were comfortable. I have smaller kids though, my 3 year old only weighs 28 pounds.

When he was ready. Lol

Mine was 2.5. We would’ve switched sooner, but we didn’t have an opportunity to give him his own room until then and didn’t want him to have free reign if mine and my husband’s things if left unattended while sharing a room.

19 months… Never looked back

When my son started climbing out we took the crib rails off. He was almost 2 years old.

Roughly around 2 believe. I had her room FULLY baby proofed. Poor little thing lol pool noodles on sharp edges etc! Her room was right next to mine I set a baby gate in her doorway.

Mine will be 2.5 before I start transitioning him. I’m having another baby in just a bit and since he sleeps so well and doesn’t try to climb out, I’m keeping him in the crib until new baby is sleep trained then we will start transitioning big brother to a Montessori style floor bed- my husband and father will be building the rails to go around a mattress we already have.

My daughter was in a toddler bed after the first time she climbed out (about a year and a half). I was nervous she would fall out or something. Her toddler bed has the built in rails she fell of a couple times, found her underneath once lol but she was fine. Just put pillows on the floor. If that’s not enough then just put the toddler mattress on the floor so they can get used to it without falling out then put it I a toddler bed.

Went right to a twin bed at 11 months with my second and 13 months with my first

I went straight to twin size or queen size.

Make room child proof , put up gate at door. I went to twin bed in a corner. Big pillows at night until kids got used to it . In case they fell out . Also roll up a thick quilt and put under fitted sheet on outside edge will help stop them from rolling off bed

My 2nd was about 15 months was falling and climbing out and plus I was pregnant with 3rd so I needed the crib .my 1st didn’t have to worry so much she was probably about 2 when got out of crib .

None of my kids ever slept in a toddler bed. Each switched to a twin bed at different times. My oldest was almost 3. Just because I couldn’t afford beds. When I found a good deal I bought us beds. My middle never slept in her crib. Her father is a dumbass. My youngest was 18-19mos. We moved so he got a new bed.

My son never tried to climb out of his crib either so I left him in there until he was almost 3! I know that seems old… But, he didn’t mind it… I had peace of mind of him not leaving his room at night… Plus I have a video baby monitor… So, once he was potty trained at 3 is when we made the switch! He knows now he isn’t allowed to get out of bed until morning… Occasionally he does but not too often!

If you are worried about her escaping room put up a gate.

My son was 1-½ when we got him into a toddler bed. He doesn’t stay in it he kind of just entertains himself until he’s tired and then gets in bed tucks himself back in bed and falls asleep. He cries :woman_shrugging:t2: unless it’s a pain cry or it’s been “too long” we don’t get him. Hes a little over 2 now and I’m looking into getting him a full sized bed bc damnit I don’t fit in his toddler bed :joy:

We transitioned from crib to toddler bed around 18months. As long as you are consistent your little one will eventually understand. Our girl gets up a few times after we put her to bed, cos she wants extra cuddles but once she’s asleep she sleeps until the morning.
If we don’t go in and get her she will just come into our room. We keep a gate up at the stairs. Good luck!

My kids switched to a bed at 18 months and didn’t wake up til morning

when he fell trying to get out of the crib

I switched my son to his toddler bed just after his 1st birthday.
Hes a climber, was safer having him in out of the cot. He is now 18 months and crawls into his bed when we tell him it’s bedtime. And sleeps all night.

My son was only 13 months old when he would no longer sleep in a crib I know that sounds young but when I say he wouldn’t sleep I mean he would never sleep unless in a bed so we got him a toddler bed. It was a hard process I spent many nights sleeping outside his door but he slept great afterwards

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Keep your child in a crib as long as you can. And skip the toddler bed once you do put him in a bed. Just go right to the regular bed.
All 3 of my children were in their cribs till they were 4. They loved it and truly were not a big fan of the bed for a while.


We are getting ready to transition our daughter in the next month or two. We found a bed on Amazon that has railing almost all the way across with just a small break in the middle for her to get on and off the bed. She does good with naps in her toddler bed I am just not ready yet for her to be in there over night yet

My grandson had a habit of sitting on my lap reading a story and fall asleep. He was 18mos. Put him in a toddler bed for naps and in his crib at night. Until he climbed out of his crib. It taught him to come find me when he gets up. Pretty soon he just choose his firetruck

I switched my son when he turned one he got a big boy bed for his birthday. Even though he still sleeps with mommy and daddy its a work in progress :joy:


I put my son in his toddler bed around 14 or 15 months. He hated the crib and hardly slept in it instead slept with us but now he sleeps like a dream in his toddler bed. Saved me so much in sleep. I’m an extremely light sleeper so any time he would even slightly touch me I would wake up.

Mine was about 1 yr old because she was able to walk by time she was 9 months. She would jump around so I was afraid she would bounce herself over the rail. I out her in a low twin bed and put pillows along the edge and on the floor all the way around in case she did fall out.

The age of 3, granted they climb as fast as they start to walk. Keep your daughter in her crib until she can climb out, you don’t want her to physically hurt herself if she falls. If you can’t afford a toddler bed go directly to a single and buy side rails so she doesn’t roll out of bed.


Our daughter was 16 months, and she did soo good! Just take all toys out of the room, and if she gets out of the bed go in and calmly lay him/her back down and be consistent!

14 months we went to a toddler bed. She wasn’t crawling out of her crib yet but I knew it was gonna happen eventually so we made the switch early. She’s 2.5 now and still loves her toddler bed.

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We have co-slept with our one and only child from 2 months old.
We lowered our bed and it’s now just a mattress on top of box springs. He didn’t actually sleep in his own bed until we moved into a house from an apartment, and that’s when we turned the crib into a toddler bed.
We also do not have a rail on it, so I make sure to put a big squishy blanket by his bed, just in case.
He hasn’t fallen out of bed, not yet at least.
If she is starting to climb down from the couch by herself, it’s definitely time to transition.

Never. Toddler beds are a waste. Even for kids needing to go into a bed before the typical age of 3, they are unnecessary. Both of mine went to twin beds from their crib at age 2. They would have gone into full of Queen if their room was big enough

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My son is 17 months and he’s in a floor bed. We used to co-sleep since he was about 4 months to this last Sunday. He has done really good only waking up once at night.

My daughter was about 16-18 months when we took the side of her cot. She absolutely loved it. Yes she got out of bed a couple of time but I just put her back into bed and she was fine. I put a stair gate at the top of the stairs and left her door slightly open, I left the monitor on so I could still see what she was up to. She never got out of bed in the morning she used to shout for me when she was awake!

We used a baby lock on the inside to teach him he can’t open it. I laid with him the first few nights until he felt comfortable with me leaving. Set a routine for bed time and that helps with tears. Two books and then bed time.

I switched mine at 1.5 because I was about to have a second one
And I think my second one got switched close to that also because he climbed out
Get one of those things you stick over the door knob so they can’t open it
I tried using a baby gate at first so they could open the door but they climbed over that

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When it’s unsafe for the child to use the crib because they are trying to climb out. Just go to regular single. No need for toddler bed I would use a safety rail untill they figure out the edge of the bed while sleeping. Falling out once won’t kill or injure a child and then they know where the edge us in their sleep

My son just turned 3 and he is still in his crib. He has never tried to climb out. He just lays there and says “mommy I’m ready to get up now” lol the minute he tries to climb out is when I’ll make the switch.

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Every child is different as they develop at different speeds. My son started walking at 9 months and was able to climb up and down on the sofa by 1 1/2 so I gave him his own bed. My daughter, on the other hand, did not start walking until16 months so she stayed in a crib until she could get up and down on the sofa by her self. Nowadays I think I would skip the toddler beds altogether unless the crib converts to one. Just save your money and go straight from the crib to twin.

My son is 2 1/2 we’ve only just taken him out of his cot now, he never tried to climb out either. I was worried he’d fall out of bed, get up in the middle of the night/early morning and go out the back through the doggy door. He’s been in a bed for a few weeks now, hasn’t fallen out. I put a pillow down on the floor next to the bed so if he was to fall it’ll be a little softer. I also put a baby gate at the doorway once he goes to sleep to keep him in his room over night. It comes off during the day as I don’t want to stop him accessing his room through the day.

Before 20 mons for both of my boys…another resident was coming. They moved into a twin bed that had a rail down the side. It was originally the top bunk of a bunk bed set. When my boys were older, we put the bunk bed together. Daughter moved out when she wanted to be like her brothers…around 20 months too.

We skipped a toddler bed. We just transitioned our oldest son to a regular queen bed when he turned one. He did perfectly fine.

My daughter was about 18 months. We had a mini crib and she was outgrowing it. She never climbed out but we had caught her a couple of times with her foot on top of the rail. When we transitioned, the first few nights she got up but after that not much.

We switched our daughter to a toddler bed at 18 months. She always hated her crib and it started becoming dangerous. As soon as she woke up in the morning, she would kick her foot up onto the rail to try to climb out. She sleeps so much better since we put her in a toddler bed.


Around her 2nd birthday. She never tried to climb out, and we got a single bed with guard. She went into a ‘big girl room’ as her brother was due soon! :slight_smile: X


Studies show kids sleep better in cribs until age 4 or so unless they are actively trying to climb out. They feel safer in there so no reason to transition early.

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I let my twins get their toddler beds at two however I wish I would’ve baby proof the room or didn’t realize how much they would be climbing and destroying things and ripping posters off the wall stacking things to climb up I also had to buy the little locks for the drawers so they could not open them. They loved trying to take down the cable box and smash their TV with random things lol

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Mine was close to 2, when she escaped her crib. Was checking in on her and caught her right before she hit the ground. Never liked a toddler bed so she got a daybed and all was fine.

22 months but went straight to twin bed. First few weeks were heavenly because he thought he was still in the crib and would wait for us to get him out in the morning :joy:

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My daughter never slept well in the crib so we switched her early, at 19 months. She actually did surprisingly well with staying in her bed and sleeping. We always kept a gate at the door. I’m a light sleeper so I heard if she got out of bed.

Both my kids were 18 month but only because I needed them out of the crib for the next baby lol. My son is 3 and in a queen because we already had one and didn’t want to buy a new bed. My daughter is two and in a toddler bed but she tends to get out and sleep with her brother. They share a room.

My oldest never tried to get out of her crib, and got out of the crib when she was about 2.5ish, when her little sister came along and needed the crib. The second started climbing out at 18 months old

My went straight from his crib to a full size bed at 15 months. We bought the crib that would convert to the toddler bed but he was a big baby and toddler and didnt fit on the toddler mattress anymore.

As soon as my son started climbing I switched him. Like when he was in his play pin I’d watch him. If he was climbing up the sides trying to get out I was like yep it’s time lol you yourself will know when the time is right hun. There no specific age or time. Just when you feel its right.

I switched my son from his crib to a todler bed when he was around 1 . His crib turned into a toddler bed. He loves it but still climbs into my bed in the middle of the night

As soon as he could escape from it I change to the the Toddler bed…think he was around 15 months… He has a gate on his room so he can’t escape in the night. X

We decided to put our oldest in a toddler bed when she was a little over one. But this was due to a few reasons: we got a free hand me down toddler bed that she instantly fell in love with and she has a little sister (a year younger) who she would wake up by crying if I didn’t notice she was awake from her nap the instant she stood up. By putting her in the toddler bed she was able to get up and come to me when she woke up and she liked that a lot better. Then we put them both in brand new matching toddler beds when they were 2 and 1 and put them right next to each other. They love them and are free to get up in the mornings and come crawl in bed with us.

My daughter was about 8 months old when we put her in a toddler bed. She was already trying to escape her crib and we didn’t want her to flip herself out of her crib which was what she was trying to do. We put a baby gate up at her door for a while. After that, when she woke up she would just come and wake us up. She was walking at 9 months.

I converted the crib to a daybed when my kids were about 18 months or closer to 24 months nd stayed with it like that until they outgrew it

When my son started making his way out of the crib we got a toddler bed. But only you can make that decision.

At 19months because I was about to have my second child. With my second she was 22month because we moved.

2 years old. Put a babygate in the doorway if you are worried about her wondering

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My kids slept in crib till 2 to 3 depending on the kids. Then went to twin bed and stayed in their beds.

I switched my son approx 1.5 yrs when he started climbing out, and it just became unsafe.

He was 11mnths because he started to climb out of crib. I put him straight into a normal single bed

My daughter had just gone 1. She started to climb though and I was scared she would fall x

I put my son in one when we was two. I made sure the house exit doors were locked and left his open so I could hear for him when needed

Baby gate in their doorway will stop them wandering but you can still hear them.

18 months for both my children. Niether ever tried to escape their crib. They don’t get out of bed now unless told to. They are 2 and 3.

We put the crib mattress on the floor by age 2. Then by 4 she got a twin bed we got her a bed tent and she loved to stay in it.