When did your child stop believing in santa?

My child is 10 and I finally just told him the truth. He wouldn’t quit asking and questioning the whole thing so sadly I finally told him…:disappointed_relieved:

My oldest just turned 12 and he asked me close to being 11 if santa was real and I told him if he stops believing he wont get anything…and he has never asked again haha…he has never second guessed our elf on the shelf either…I’m not telling him hes on his own figuring it out… if he does know he sure has us all fooled

My daughter was 9 when she asked me if Santa was real, I didn’t have the heart to lie to her so I told her he wasn’t but she could still believe he’s real if she still wanted to. She just smiled and said “Oh! Well I still want to believe he’s real” …now she’s 19 :woman_shrugging:t2:

My daughter is 9 she just figured out the tooth fairy then she figured out the rest and I couldn’t lie to her so I came clean. She was a little upset but we talked about how santa started out as a real person who brought gifts to those less fortunate and thats what we need to continue. I also told her that we need to still keep the magic alive for her little brothers but she gets to be on the fun of being santa with us.

I broke the news to my daughter when she was 10 only because she seen Santa riding a motorcycle and got hit by a car and I couldn’t get her to stop screaming and crying so I said Santa is fake that’s just a man dressed like Santa she went home told her brother and sister

My son is 19 and still believes in Santa. He actually really believes. I have heard him have a debate last year with his friends about it. I have even tried telling him and then random things would happen, like he got a letter from Santa in the mail. Or someone left a bunch of presents and food at the front door. He tells me even if Santa isn’t “real” the spirit is and that is real enough!

My son stopped when he was 12 and told me he knows I’m santa and tooth fairy. Now he is 14 he still laughs at his younger sister but encourages her that there is santa and tooth fairy. Mostly he tells her not to sit and wait for them she must sleep and let them do wonders or they won’t show up… I think I haven’t done a bad job for someone with adhd but so smart.

Never told my kids that Santa wasn’t real.
(they are 28 & 30) When they would ask I always told them once you don’t believe then there’s no presents from Santa. They’d say really Mom and I just would say take the chance…never ever said no such thing. Of course as they were older they knew.

I told my son in January before he started high school (12 years) as I feared him being teased, he said he already had a suspicion and wasn’t heart broken thankfully.

My kids , 27, 23, 22, 21,18 still make believe for their two younger siblings who I’m sure don’t believe but won’t say anything because they like that I still act like he is real

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Let me tell you something. I personally do not make my children believe in Santa. But they do want to write a letter and all that. I don’t want to make them adore him, so I don’t encourage any of those traditions, but they do, so I respect their choice. But I would never ever tell them that Santa does not exist. They will know from someone in school and in that moment their heart will be broken and their innocence will be gone, there is nothing to repare that. Don’t be your that pery, this is going to happen anytime at school, and we cannot protect them from that…

As Mexican, in my childhood I had gifts from the Magic Kings in January 5th night as it’s a Catholic tradition. I was a believer of their magic until I was 12!!! I wrote my letter, I went to the parade to give them my letter, I put my shoe under the Christmas tree and woke up early in the morning to see if I have got the gift I asked. My parents never took that illusion from me, it was someone in school and there were no way back…

When you feel he is really ready and “knows” we told ours. Yes santa is real he is magic. And now you get to be part of the magic. Just like an elf. Now remember how much fun believing in the magic is, so make sure you dont tell your brother or sister or friends because they aren’t old enough to be on the magic team yet. Something along those lines.

When my son was 4, he just randomly told his Sunday School class that Santa wasn’t real. And when the other kids yelled that he was real, my son said, “my parents told me he wasn’t real. And they don’t lie. “
We hadn’t even talked about Santa… I had a few parents come talk to me… :woman_shrugging:t2:

My oldest is 11 and still believes. I will let mine believe for as long as they will. I still remember my brother ruining Santa for me when I was only 6 years old (had just turned 6 too, my birthday is December 23rd) he kept telling me Santa wasn’t real and I kept arguing he was, so he took me to the top of our stairs and showed me our parents carrying in the presents from outside. I remember being so crushed in that moment.

I was pretty sure my 11 year old daughter knew what was going on. So I told her that the magic was for the older people who knew to help the younger ones still believe and had her help me pick her younger sisters gift. But the Christmas eve came and we were out looking at lights when a plane flew over and I made a joke saying it was Santa. My 11 year old started balling tbat we were not in bed so we would miss him… Apparently she still believes :thinking:

My bigger kids 11 & 13 know but they still have a little glimmer of hope that he’s still out there. I honestly say let the magic live for as long as you can. It’s nice to believe in something nice and magical if it makes you feel good

I told my son at 9, after christmas, because he was asking me bluntly, and I felt wrong lying any longer, and he was mad at me for telling him. He wanted to hang on to the magic.

My daughter was 9 when she started asking all the questions and on Christmas would look at me and smile when a gift said from Santa. I just told her she didn’t have to believe if she didn’t want but Santa only comes for believers!

My eldest knew when he was 9… So we taught him about the real magic… Every year he chooses someone who needs something and anonymously gifts them that. Plus he has to help keep the magic going for his little brother. :sparkling_heart:
I myself found out when I was very young (hid away to see Santa) and I never told anyone because I wanted the magic to be real for them.

Mine are 21, 15, and 11. My 21 year old was 10, 15 year old was 9 or 10, and my 11 year old says he does but I know he doesn’t he just doesn’t want to hurt my feelings. My 15 year old still plays along too and I’ll never tell them. I know, they know but why ruin it.

It can be very embarrassing for them at some point in school. I see it happen ever yr, there is always that 1 kid… We celebrate Christ, so our kids were not taught to believe in Santa.

Mine is 12 and I think he stopped believing last year. I simply tell him that if kids at school don’t believe they don’t get gifts from Santa. But those that do get gifts from Santa.

I just told my 11 year old. He said he had a feeling since he was 8. He was still a little sad to know the truth though. My daughter’s 9 and I have a feeling she knows but they continue to “believe” for my sake. Lol

I told my now 10 year old last year… He was 9 and getting made fun of. BUT I also told him that Santa helps to keep the spirit of giving, in Christ’s name, alive. And I urged him to keep on believing in everything he couldn’t see.

Don’t tell him! I told my son at 11 and he said I “ruined his life” he’s now 14 and he goes above and beyond for his little sister and brother to believe for as long as possible. His friends will eventually mention it and he will start observing.

My daughter is 8 and believes. I don’t consider it lying to her by letting her believe. She has asked me if i still believe and i say yes because i do. I believe in the magic of Christmas and Santa and all that. She hasn’t asked me specifically if Santa is real so i don’t plan on telling her. If she asks me, then we will have a talk and I’ll make it a fun one.
Do what you feel is right for your family, i don’t think there’s a right way or a wrong way.
My daughter has a friend who doesn’t believe and she knows that but she still believes and I’ll let her believe as long as she wants.
As far as mall Santa’s go i just say they’re Santa’s helpers. She’s asked about that because she wonders how he can be at the mall when he should be busy getting ready for Christmas.
She has an elf on the shelf she believes in too.
I’m kinda blown away by all these comments saying they don’t want to lie to their kids. Give me a break, letting them believe in magic isn’t going to ruin them. :woman_facepalming:t3:

My 9 year old still believes. He even chats with his “elf on a shelf” yearly via Facebook messenger! I love this magic and hope he continues to believe!

They have a cute way to tell your child that santa isnt really what they believe but its doesnt crush them… Look on Pinterest how to tell child about santa… Its what we will use for our daughter when she is older… Its lets them know santa isnt one person but rather everyone who has christmas spirit, and now its time for them to be santa, they will have to buy a gift for someone without them knowing so to spread the christmas joy. As christmas is a time for giving and loving not just getting… Hope that helps, also i was 10 when my sister had kids ( we have a big age gap lol) so ive “always” believed.

I’ve always told my children that santa is spiritual… Since Santa can’t be in every home all at once that parents are the secret elves that help Santa… don’t worry about. If they believe leave them. They’ll be gone in a blink of an eye…

My boy figured it out at age 11. He has remained steadfast that he still believes because he knows he gets more from both Mom n Dad and Santa. He’s smart but he’s no fool

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My daughter totally still believed until recently she said “mom i know your secret.” :rofl::rofl: i said i have no secret lmbo. Then i asked what she was asking santa for. :rofl::rofl: She is 11. I want her to be a kid as long as she can. Kids grow up too fast.

My oldest asked if parents are Santa when he was 9. I told him no and made all kinds of crazy things up. Lol. Hes 11 and still believes. Im not telling them otherwise

I’m an adult and I will always believe in the spirit of Santa. Let him believe as long as possible and then tell him the spirit if Santa will always be real.

I told my son when he turned 9. It really upset him and I regretted it after

My 8 year old still believes in Santa and the tooth fairy. I’m not very good at keeping them alive… but she doesn’t seem to care that the tooth fairy had the same dollar mom did… or Santa couldn’t possibly come down a chimney. She still talks to her elf on a shelf like it’s her best friend lol

Mines almost 16, he still believes…I’m not sure why, but hey, I’m not going to ruin that little last piece of magic for him

?last christmas my 8 year old told ne he knows the truth and thanked me

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I told my son the real story of Santa Clause, that he was a real person that lived centuries ago that gave toys to kids in his town. Not the magical fat guy that goes down chimneys.

Our son had his doubts and we always told our kids- you have to believe in something, why not a jolly fat man who brings gifts. When he was 12 he had heard all the kids talking and so he set up his video camera on the stockings- it recorded all night. The stockings were empty and poof on camera full. Kept him believing for another year. Mama slipped up and left a Cabella receipt in a box of waders and I was busted at 14- no wiggle room.

My kids know Santa is not real. We talk about the history of Santa. I’ve told them they are welcome to believe in the magic of him and the joy he brings.

My son is almost 8 and still believes. I was 7 when I stopped believing. So I’m glad he can still hang on to that a little longer.

Personally I think by 10 it’s time to tell them. Most kids stop believing much younger and the last thing you want is his friends making fun of him.

Mine told me that they felt grown up when they realized the truth and loved to keep what we called “the secret of Santa and the Tooth Fairy” for those who still believed. We talked that if they were not real people then the spirit of them was as real as if they were and keeping the secret was one of the good “white lies” that were soon discovered.

My 9 yr old still believes and I’m not telling him differently of all the crazy and real stuff In the world he can have this forever.

It’s a good year to let him know santa cant travel due to risk covid19 exposure but he’s not real anyway so not to worry about him getting sick :person_tipping_hand::innocent:

My daughter was 8 when she told me I was Santa. My son that’s 10 would still believe if she didn’t tell him otherwise.

My son just turned 10 and still believes! :heart: but now I only give a few presents listed from Santa.

My older was in 5th grade when she wanted to know the truth. My younger daughter let is think she believed until 8th grade even though I we knew she didn’t believe in the other “legendary figures” anymore

My granddaughter was 32 last year. At lunch she said I sure hope Santa comes down the chimmney with a new Apple laptop for Christmas this year. I thought I would throw in a little humor. by the way Santa did.

I have a son that didn’t stop believing until around 11, one son was 9 and the other was 7. I think it all depends

My 10 year old still believes in Santa and the tooth fairy :woman_fairy: my oldest by time he was in 2nd grade he started asking questions which I was honest and told him the truth

I know my 11 and 8 still believe. I suspect my 10 year old knows the truth but he doesnt say anything to ruin it for his brothers or the fun of it.

I was ten when my cousin told me that Santa was my mother and I wouldn’t tell my daughter because she is autistic and won’t understand

Mine is 10, but starting to get suspicious…I told him that when he stops believing he will stop coming, so I am hoping I have another year or two…

I told my kids they became Santa and had them help with the younger siblings and other family members when I ran out lol that is what the spirit of Santa is, seemed to work well they were excited to be elves n shop wrap n set up Christmas eve…

My daughter is almost 11 and she still believes in Santa and the tooth fairy. She does have a younger sister though, so that might make it more believable

My youngest son is about to be 12 and my oldest is 14 and they both believe. My daughter is almost 20 & has been a big help with this belief. We keep the spirit alive as long as we can in our home

I told my son when he was 13, because I didn’t want him to go to Jr. High not knowing. He was totally surprised, but accepted it with grace.

My daughter is 9 and recently stopped believing , many of her classmates didnt believe last year and that didnt stop her! It wasnt a life changing even that she stopped believing, she’s more excited to help make Christmas just as magical for her little brother who is 3. It’s a sad and happy moment to watch them grow!

Our daughter will be 10 in December n still believes… our theory is that there is so much negativity as long as she wants to believe we’re fine with it afterall it’s a spirit of Christmas


I am ready for my son. I want to tell him that Santa Claus is the embodiment of the ‘feeling of Christmas/Yule’. It is hard to describe to young ones, but Santa is easy to understand. So Santa is real, he just changes as you get older.

My kid is 12 and if she doesn’t believe she still acts like it - so we go with it

My kids have always known bc I never made santa a real thing but rather a fun pretend thing. We love santa things especially movies and the magic feeling of it though.

Maybe he thinks he will get less presents. No telling what the word on the street is these days

My daughter was 8 when she told me she knew it was me…probably the most devastating news I ever received…the magic of Christmas is lost when they stop believing :pleading_face:

My kids now in their late 20s to late teens still believe in Santa and the magic of the season… I’m sure at this point their belief is for my benefit…and that is the magic of Christmas​:heart::heart::heart:

Mine just found out this year. She’s 13. It lasted way longer than I expected but I’m glad it did. Let them keep the magic as long as possible.

I had it ruined for me otherwise I would have believed until adulthood but my parents thought it pathetic that a 16 year old believed in Santa so it was ruined now Christmas is just another day and it doesn’t give me any joy I will not ruin for my son

Mine is 13 and idk if she still believes or not but she has younger siblings that do so…I think they just eventually figure it out on their own

My son was 10 last year and asked me about Santa. I told him that Santa is a spirit that lives in everyone and when we give to others we become a Santa to them. Then we picked up some Christmas Child boxes at church and filled them with items for a child in Central America. I told him that he was now a Santa to those children!!!
Side note: a few weeks later he informed me that no matter what I said HE still believed in Santa!!! :woman_facepalming:t2:

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I told my kids as long as you believe, he will come! And since he brought one present (always the best one) we never talked about it again! Lol

My daughter was 13. Now she helps me play Santa and fill the stockings. She loves it!

My oldest was 12 although he kinda thought, I think he continued trying to hold on to that last bit of childhood

I told my granddaughter if you don’t believe (she already telling younger kids there was no santa) you won’t get toys for Christmas, only clothes. She said she believes… also you never spoil it for others.

My children knew believed We label all their gifts…yes we had them write their letters to Santa but we explained that they would else three items on their list but not the entire list

Well mine pretend they do and they are 22 and 31…I have always told them "you do not believe you do not receive.":grinning:

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My son is 9 and still believes.

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Mine were little, like 7 but it wasn’t some earth shattering news. They took it fine. Kids are far more resilient than we give them credit for.

My 12 year old still believes, or at least says she does. Of course I told her years ago that when you stop believing in Santa all you get for Christmas is socks lol

My kids are 11 and 9… Both still believe in Santa… For what it’s worth, your children are only children for a short time… Let them hold onto the magic of Santa and the magic of Christmas for as long as possible…

I was 10 when I found out, right after Christmas, by a friend’s parents. I was devastated. I haven’t told any of my kids yet, I don’t want to.

I have 10 year old twin boys. A year or 2 ago they were suspicious (well 1 in general) who refused to believe at that point. His brother was really trying to hold out hope. All I would say to them when they ask is “what do you think?”

My children are 14 & 11. My 14 year old stopped believing when he was 10. My 11 year old still believes.

My daughter is 9, 10 in December and still believes. Let them believe as long as they want. Being an adult is overrated.

I decided when my daughter turned 10, if she asked me if Santa was real, I’d tell her the truth.

I tell all my kids I still believe. My oldest is almost 18 and youngest 11. The 11 year old still believes “just in case” :rofl::rofl:

My son was 10 but still pretends for his younger brother

9-12. My almost 12 yr old still believes, or at least she let’s on that she does. Ive always told them that Santa is the magic of Christmas.

My son just flat-out asked me right about when he turned 10 I told him and he thanked me for not lying to him :person_shrugging:

My mother in law asked my son at 8 if he still believed and he said, “Nah, but Mom does!”

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You may get one or two more extra magical Christmas mornings… but even when they stop believing (mine are 22, 20 and 16) there is still plenty of Christmas magic. It’s just different. You can focus on helping the less fortunate and on buying truly special gifts instead of big piles under the tree.

Let him believe.! It was ruined for me from a very young age, 7 or 8.

My son learned on his own in school around 9 or 10…hes now 14…my daughter is 7 and is in special ed and she still believes

My children are 50 & 40. I never told them. I believe in the Magic of Christmas.

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My son is 9 he still believes in santa

Youngest are soon to be nine and ten. I think my oldest knows there’s no such thing. I have overheard him and his sister talking about it lately and they’ve asked me. I tell them if you don’t believe, Santa won’t come. I don’t want to spoil the idea

My daughter is 10 and still believes

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We told our kids ,its what you believe in your heart when they questioned

I was around 10 when my dad told me he wasn’t real

He should tell his friends if they make fun of him “well maybe ur bad every year and that’s why u don’t get nothing lol” :joy:

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