tell them before grade 6 or your kid is going to get made fun of. my one kid found out cause I questioned her on her thoughts and my other kid choose to belive kids at school…
My daughter questioned it when she first started school but when she turned 7 she asked Santa for a tablet and she freaked when she open that stocking that Santa was real it was a good Christmas that year
My daughter questioned it at 9 and 10, but knew at 11 it wasn’t true.
My middle child at the age of 4 was told by one of the teachers at the church school Santa wasnt real
We quit believing around 6 but we didn’t want to say anything because what if we were wrong and ended up with no gifts.
I use the old if u don’t believe u can’t receive line:sweat_smile: then I throw in and I’m not buying u gifts to makeup for what u could’ve gotten… works like a charm!!
We dont do Santa in our home - I mean, we recognize him as a character in a costume (like Mickey Mouse, or a Disney Princess) and the kids still think its fun, but a 4th or 5th grader would definitely be made fun of by their peers for still believing. You can go ahead and tell him yourself, but if you don’t, a peer is definitely going to at some point.
9 and 5. 9 year old told my 5 yr old and couldn’t lie when he asked
My girl will be 12 and so far still believes in the magic. Hope no one ruins that.
Santa brings them 1 or 2 presents that are on the cheap side. The rest are from mom and dad. Santa didn’t spend his money, mom and dad did
I still believe im 26 moms just one of his elves with her elf magic
My son still believes and he’s 10. Let him, I will not tell him. He did question me last year and all I said was what do you think? he answered yes it ended at that.
I told my son around age 10 he said thank you for all the Santa gifts. My daughter hates Christmas to this day…
I never let my sons believe in Santa
This is not the year to end Santa for our kids, no matter how old they are.
Let them believe as long as u can I battled myself on this one for too long don’t rush the innocents they have left
My oids never really believed i told them from jump he wasnt real and i never really believed either
My 3sons were about 10, 8, and 4 when we found out a family wasn’t going to get anything for Christmas and they were twins 2, 3, and 6 the boys found out and went to their “dad” and said we know you’re Santa can you take our gifts and return them and get them their Christmas. So “Dad” was sovproud of the boys and had them become Santa explaining that Santa was a feeling and the boys went with them and picked out the gifts,wrapped them and even remembered mom and dad. They had a Christmas just not the “best Christmas ever” I had planned.
My son was 11 and my daughter 10. They came to me and told me. Last year we wrapped all their gifts and will continue.
My kids were still 10 and believed
I always told my children Santa brings presents on Christmas but remember mommy has to pay Santa for them
I told my kids 21,16,15 &9 if they stop believing Santa won’t come so they may pretend but they say they believe. Lol.
My 12 yr old still believes , she has never said otherwise. Yet anyway
My son is 12 and still believes in all of it. And if he doesn’t he has never let on otherwise
When theyre old enough and start questioning im going to tell them the truth.
In my whole family we never believed and neither did my kids, but we never told the kids that believed, that he wasn’t real and I’ve told that to my kids too
Mines 11, he asks questions and is on the fence though.
My 21 and 19 year old stopped around 9 but I’ve always said, if you don’t believe, you don’t receive and they’ve played along thus far, lol
This year…she is 11 we had to tell her. But we told her she has to keep it from her younger sisters(5 and 6m)
I told my kids once they r 13 Santa no longer comes cos they r to old after that, told my eldest once she found out that they have to keep quiet for the younger ones and not spoil it
My son will be 12 in October and still believes
If it comes down to it explain about Santa and invite him to become an elf!
My 10 year old grandson still believes.
My children are late 30’s still believe Hehehe
I told mine the truth around age 8
My daughter stopped last year when she was 9 she said Santa, Easter bunny, tooth fairy are all fake stop lying to me. She is told not to ruin it for her younger brother.
The “spirit of Santa” is always real.
Mine never believed in … Or the easter , or the fairy. Why? They don’t exist and never have. Its absurd to me.
Whenever they come to you and tell you that they know he’s not real. Mine are 8, 6 and 2 so it won’t be any time soon.
What? Santa is not real? Who said?
My 9 year old said “your santa, arent you!” I said you really think I can afford ALL of these gifts gave him something to think about
To be honest I believed till I was 13 and all my friends knew already but refused to let the magic die for me not all kids are a-holes let the magic live as long as u can
You telling me santa is fake???
What?? There is no Santa???
11 and the kids in her class told her. She was devastated
My daughter was around 8 when she informed me that she knew I was Santa. My handwriting gave it away for her.
My kids have never believed in Santa. They know the true meaning behind it. They’re 4 and 5. I don’t lie to my kids. All tho they won’t give up dinosaurs are still alive
WHAT!?!? Santa isn’t real??
I’m 56 and I still believe!
In my house if you don’t believe he doesn’t come and that goes down from my forty-two-year-old son to my two-year-old granddaughter. And everybody in between and there’s about 40 of them. I still believe and he comes every year for me
Let him believe as ling as he will…this world is full of disappointment…Santa is Hope.
Spirit of Santa is extremely real
I went through the same thing
Those who don’t believe, don’t receive
My daughter is 10 n half still believes
My son is 11 and just asked me the other day if Santa was real and said mom please be honest. It broke my heart but I told him the truth and told him he had to believe in the spirit and magic of Christmas. Kids can be so cruel so as much as I didn’t want to tell him I didn’t want him to get made fun of in school for still believing. He promised to keep it secret from his little brother and anyone else who still believes.
My other son is 9 and he still believes so I will hold onto that as long as possible.
Keep it alive as long as you can. That’s part of the magic of being a kid.
My daughter believed until she was 12
My oldest figured it out in kindergarten because of some 6th graders, my middle 9(on the spectrum) still believes and my daughter 6 does as well. Big brother 12 soon plays along and helps me pick out some of their gifts he also enjoys helping set them up if he’s still awake
My daughter was 10 and my son was 11
I still believe in the joy of Christmas and st Nicholas was a real person.
Ya we lie to our kids and expect them not to
Mine oldest is 11 and still believes
My oldest was 10. She happened to dig in my closet when she wasnt allowed to and saw the same wrapping paper that was used on Santa’s gifts She’s 12 now and has been helping wrap Santa’s gifts for her 2 younger siblings. She still has fun with Santa but it’s a different way now and she doesnt mind.
I’ve always told my son he’s fake.
Well my family are 44, 41, 39 and we all still believe
It is the spirit of Christmas that counts.
My daughter was 5, she just knew it wasn’t possible, but be careful because The kids that don’t believe in Santa Claus once they start school they tell the kids that believe in Santa Claus that there isn’t one
I will never forget when I found out that Santa wasn’t real. I was like 11. I found my gifts my mom had hid with the tags to me from Santa. My heart was CRUSHED and I felt betrayed like they hid it from me for so long… but i never looked at Christmas the same again. It’s still my favorite holiday but it never felt as magical as it did before I found out the truth… I would let him go and believe as long as he wants to… when he finds out he finds out and when he comes to you asking for the truth give it to him then. I wouldn’t spoil it beforehand.
11 for both of my girls
Same and my son is 9 too
I figured it out kinda early but played along. I realized that Santa and my dad had the same handwriting and used the same Christmas cards from the Price Club
I made it to like 11-12
My daughter was 5 and she asked me if santa was real. I said well honey it’s like this, if you believe santa is real, when you wake up Christmas morning there will be toys under the tree. If you don’t believe then there won’t be any under the tree Christmas morning. Do you think there is a santa claus? She said yes. Lol
I thought I was the only one who said if you stop believing, he stops giving you presents. My oldest was 14 and still believed. We were quite poor but I am sure it was their belief that made Christmas happen. There were some years that I had no idea how it worked, but it always did. Seeing that made me believe😁
My boys are raised to believe that Santa delivers gifts people (like mommies and daddies) save up to buy. I will not let my boys think that they are less or better than a kid who got a nice or a crap gift. The boys are told that Santa makes some of the gifts but it is on instruction and with money received from whoever is getting them the gift. This helps them appreciate the giver and the gift more. I do still go out of my way to make the spirit alive by decorating and letting the boys prep Santa’s cookies and milk… Dad just eats them after the kids go to bed.
My daughter was almost 3 when she told her older brother (7) that Santa wasn’t real. She had seen one too many costumed Santa’s!! I just listened to the conversation. Big brother told her that Santa was real because he was “a spirit that got inside mom and dad at Christmas and made them buy all that stuff”. I never made any comments on that conversation, but the magic of Christmas was still there even if they didn’t believe in a real person flying around the world in a sleigh pulled by reindeer!
When my grandson found out last year he was almost nine, he was so mad we had been lying to him. Then when he found out about the Easter Bunny he was really furious. I’m talking full blown melt down
I saw this years ago and it’s still how I plan to handle it. My 7 yr old still believes right now.
My son just turned 12 and still believes. He doesn’t pay too much attention to not believing. He doesn’t go to school talking about Santa to any of his friends or anything but he def still believes. Or atleast he did last year. And I wont tell him any different until he decides to ask.
When my son was 10 he asked me if Santa was real. I said yes he is because I saw him at the mall, outside of the grocery store and at the bank lol He said he knows he isn’t because he saw all his gifts in my closet. I told him he’s only one man. Do you really think he can get to all the houses in one night? He needs help too. All he said was seriously, mom?! I said yes. I believe what I want and you can believe what you want. I just left it at that lol I also showed him a pic I had of me and Santa at my old job lol
My older son learned at school from classmates and my daughter learned at a religious education class. The catechist mentioned that your parents are ‘Santa’s helpers’ but that parents are the one bringing the magic of gifts bought through him. — she figured it out real quick then, but i was crushed with a bit of heartache with both children losing the magic to believe in Santa, the Easter bunny, tooth fairy, etc. They keep it quiet with their younger siblings though.
When they directly asked me if Santa was real? I told them “When you stop Believing, Santa stops bringing.” Then I asked them what do they think? And they told me they believed all right! Haha!
Wait! What?!?! Santa is REAL! Im 33 and I’ve seen santa!
I caught him last year too!
Mine are 22, 19, and 16…I’ll never tell them…and they just pretend right along with me. I have no idea when they actually figured it out but we operate on the premise of as long as you believe Santa comes…none of them have ever confessed to me that they don’t believe and Santa comes every year. Christmas is whatever you want it to be in your house. There is no right or wrong answer. I can’t imagine any child being mad because you chose to live in the magic.
My kids are 9 & 7. Im still playing toothfairy and santa amd easter bunny. Im waiting every year I think “this might be the last year of magic”
One more year please.
They are only innocent believers for a short period of time.
But once I am asked, I will tell the truth. Neither one can lie to the other or keep secrets so once one knows they both know.
My 14 year old still believes
My husband and I got separated when i found out he was having an affair with another woman:sob:, when i confronted him, we had argument and he broke up with me:sob:, i tried all i could to get him back but all to no avail:sob:. I cried all day and helpless looking up to God to help me with the problem in my marriage. All I need is my marriage to be restored back, we’ve been together for years and he has done nothing but cheated and lied to me. but I know it’s something that can be fixed I still love him the same way when I first met him. However I decided to seek help from Priest Andrew, he reunited my marriage back together as it was in the beginning. now my marriage is perfectly fine and I know there are lot of people out there who have different kind of problem in home, marriages and relationships. Here is Priest Andrew email: priestandrewcureservice123@gmail. Com
and whats app him +2349064356977
Yeah he is playing you he knows
Growing up has never come the easier way. It comes with lots of challenges like lost marriages, lost love, financial and job problems and so many more, but still there has always been a solution to every challenges that we face in life. Life has been so difficult for me these past few months and I had given up on myself knowing that I will not find love or true happiness again. Two months ago I found out I was pregnant and I was so happy and excited to have my own baby and I didn’t even call my boyfriend. I just wanted to take the results to him and show him face to face and share the good news together. But when I reached his flat I saw his car parked outside and knew he was home so I went straight to his room. When I knocked, he allowed me to enter because he wasn’t expecting me at the time, but when i opened the door I nearly fainted because I caught him ready handed with another woman in his house. I looked at them and closed the door and ran away, he followed me saying his sorry and the woman is just a friend and nothing else but I knew he was lying and I walked away. I reached home and cried a lot until i told my best friend everything and she told me to fight for my man and not loose him to another woman. She gave me Sir Marere contact +2348109805184 email is: marerespells@gmail. com and told me Sir Marere will bring back my boyfriend to me and love only me. So i contacted Sir Marere and told her everything, he made a love and binding prayers for me and in 1 day of the prayers my boyfriend came to me with that woman I saw him with and knelt down and begged for my forgiveness and told the woman that am the love of his life and he doesn’t ever want to see her again. The woman walked away and that evening my man came back with a baked cake and gifts and flowers and asked for my forgiveness again and promised never to hurt me again and I told him that we are having a baby, he cried and smiled with joy and happiness. We are back together and so much in love and waiting for our baby to arrive. Thanks so much Sir Marere your prayers indeed work. You can call or whats-app Sir marere on +2348109805184 Email: marerespells@gmail. com incase you are passing through the same situation. Don’t be discouraged by what people may tell you that even don’t know the situation you are going through, all that matters are the results so feel free to contact him.
Charlotte Sunshine share the way you explained it.
I don’t tell my kids. When they ask if I believe in Santa I say yes because I’m still a kid at heart. My older sister ruined it for me when I was like 7 because she’s a bitch and I don’t want that for my kids. My oldest is 13 and I’m sure she knows, and my ten year old too, but I don’t want to ruin it for my youngest two, 8 and almost 3.
If you don’t believe you don’t get shit in my house lol my kids are 17 & 14 lol
My daughter 8 still believes, miss 13 said I know it’s you mum. Having said that I was telling youngest on Christmas Eve last year go to bed coz Santa is coming, I showed them the Santa tracker. Miss 13 was like holy shit I’m going to bed. I said I thought you didn’t believe in Santa & she’s like I don’t but he’s on his way lol
When my child asks I just reply with what do you think. So far this has worked because he still believes.
Let children be children.Let him believe in what he wants to . Teach him to be an individual and not a follower. That way he will be tough and not caring what others think . Let them be bullies all their lives if they so choose. Santa is real ,he might not wear that red suit but you are the Santa. You bring the cheer ,the joy and that feeling that someone cares .
I think my 9 year old niece still believes. I was devastated yesterday my 5 year old playing with his 7 year old friend outside was showing her a toy and said "santa gave me this’ and she replies with ‘santa isnt real everyone knows that’
my daughter is almost 3, and I didn’t even teach her about santa. all her presents come from me. parents teach kids not to talk to strangers, then they go to malls ect…and put their kids on a strangers lap and say its “santa clause”. you really don’t know who is under that suit
I did a slow transition with my youngest.
From the get go, I told her Santa was represented by a character but he is in all of us. She fell in love with giving and always knew that it was a sacred fable and not gospel. There was no disappointment or breach of trust…or lies.
The minute you stop believing, is when you stop receiving your presents my children were told. My children are now 29, 27 & 20. They still believe in .
My step daughter is going to be 9 this year and still believes and we do everything in our power to keep the magic alive for her. This summer she kept asking about her elf (elf on the shelf) and if she was going to visit her soon because it’s off season lol