When did your child stop believing in santa?

I Believe In Santa :christmas_tree:

I’m 33 and still believe in Santa! Lol not really but you know what I mean, yes I’m an adult but Xmas is still magical to me and always touches a warm part of my heart.

My kids are 29 and 34 they believed at least until about 13 14 I think. Santa sent a letter with there names got this through a magazine. Made them believe for quite awhile.:christmas_tree::christmas_tree::snowman::snowman:

My mom always told me as long as you believe Santa will come. I believed in Santa right up until she passed and even as an adult he came every year. :heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart:

When my oldest who was about that age said he knew Santa was fake I said well then if you don’t believe in the magic of Christmas Santa no longer comes and leaves a gift for you because you don’t believe he can’t see you. I also said if you no longer believe you must not tell anyone because then they won’t be seen by Santa as well and it would ruin it for them. They are grown now but no one ruined it for anyone else and they still get a little something from Santa

I’m Married to Santa if you don’t believe you don’t receive

My son is 16 and he just stopped believing a couple years ago. He always asked why other kids didn’t believe but he nvr stopped until like 2 yrs ago. It made him happy believing and we let him as long as he was happy. Luckily no one ever made fun of him. He was a happy kid and a good kid so we didn’t want to ruin it for him. Just let him believe if he wants :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, we as parents enjoy lying to our children about the “magic” of the seasons…myself included but at some point we owe it to them to tell them the truth. I told mine about age 8, as I hate being lied to and wanted to install truth telling in them.

They will know now :joy:

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I told my children
I don’t know if he’s true or not.
But I do know - when you say out loud you don’t believe in Santa. …you stop getting presents from him🤷🏻‍♀️
This way my older kids. Said nothing to the younger ones.

I think I was like 11/12 who the hell cares. Just don’t get caught, I heard my mother come in once.

My dad still does the Santa claus thing and I’m 28. I go with it because it brings him joy despite what anyone else thinks. I dont remember when I stopped believing. My dad also makes me a eater basket and says look what the Easter bunny left you. I dont even live with him. Do whatever you want.

We had this conversation unexpectantly with my grand daughter at the same age. Unfortunately an older cousin (other side of her family) :pleading_face:squashed her enthusiasm,:cry: by teasing her and calling her a baby.
I simply apologized for not having the :santa::mrs_claus: Graduation conversation with her sooner.
Gd: :flushed: Graduation conversation?
Me: Yes, we all believe in Santa, and Christmas and the joy it brings everyone, including mean ol Patrick​:smiling_imp::child:t3:. Your old enough now to be a Christmas helper with Nana (me​:upside_down_face:) mommy and daddy, and all your older cousins​:slightly_smiling_face:.
Gd: What do I do?
Me: Your new responsibility is to keep the magic, joy, and happiness so special for your little brother, and your younger cousins, and friends.
Just like we did it for you before you were old enough to Graduate, and help us😍.
This family is growing, and Nana needs more help than ever. I’m getting older, and slower, and I need a nap almost everyday now​:yawning_face::yawning_face::sleeping:.
Gd: Ok Nana, I can do that​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

That was it. She is just so excited with her new "responsibility":wink:.
Now she is my official baking assistant for the 100’s of cookies we make for family gifts. I made her a special Santa’s helper apron for the event! We even branched out to popcorn balls last year for "the little kids":smile:. Last year was a huge success.
In fact she just brought up “her plan for Christmas” our last face time conversation. We haven’t been in the same room since March 10th?
She came up with this plan.
I would bake the cookies in small batches in my kitchen, (with lots of naps :smile::laughing:). Mommy will get the cookies from me, and will bring them to her.
Then we will decorate them via Face Time and box them up. (I guess I’m keeping some?:grin:)
Mommy will be in charge of delivering them to each house.
So that’s the plan this year :smiley: !!

Idk I always thought it was weird to lie to your kids about it at all. :person_shrugging: I just didn’t bring up Santa or Jesus. Instead of Christmas, I celebrate Yule but that’s my personal preference.

Always tell them the truth even if it hurts. My kids and every kid I nanny are told straight up that he’s imaginary and mom and dad work hard and buy all your gifts! My parents always told me they were santa and he don’t exist. Be realistic and truthful, not fake and phoney!

That’s a hard one to answer. All kids grow at different levels, some believe way into their teens, some kids get figure it out, before they even start school. I would say, don’t tell him, until he lets you know that he knows. My kids were quite abrupt about it, they were like, we know you do the Santa thing mum, whilst rolling their eyes :joy:

We taught our kids since they were 2 that we buy the presents for Christmas and tell them where it originated the real Story of St. Nicholas But we also told them to respect other kids that believe in Santa


My 15 year old brother he doesn’t believe in Santa but my 14 year old daughter does

My kids just turned 9 and 10 and this is the first year they stopped believing kinda breaks my heart a little they also stopped believing in the tooth fairy this year as well so i guess ill be keeping my teeth money lol i am very greatful i got a good 10 years of believing especially with how rough the world is these days

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I thought my kids believe all the way into Jr High, they would say things that lead my think so anyway. But one day one we were talking about Santa and Christmas and one of them said “mom we know you’re Santa, we’ve known for years.” I was shocked and asked why they hadn’t said anything,to which she replied “because we know that it was important to you”.
He might already know but likes how special it is for you.


When my kids get older my thoughts are to show that Santa is a spirit. A spirit of giving and that they can be that for others. I am honestly excited for the transition as much as I am to continue my role as Santa. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I buy all the Christmas presents, my kids know that. On Christmas day morning, they get 1 big gift from Santa. I never understood why people would tell their kids all the presents are from santa. They get the one big gift from Santa and I plan on doing that even when they no longer believe in a literal Santa.

My 6 year old told me he knows santa isn’t real the other day :frowning: x

don’t know what u all try to do…Santa is Real

Teach your child not to car what others think and they will be fine

I always told my daughter even when she she stopped believing you better always believe in Santa if want a Christmas present

Mine is almost 10 and he still believes. And sorry not sorry, with the world how it is now, I’m letting him stay a child as long as possible before he’s out into this crazy place.


My daughter I’d almost 11 and still believes! And to cover all the santas we see everywhere, we’ve explained that Santa asks adults who grew up responsible to be his helpers because he can’t be everywhere at once. She’s suspicious of the tooth fairy and we never did Easter bunny


When I told my son he was 10 and had already heard from friends he wasnt real, so he was kind of on the fence. So we just told him. I told him now that he knows we make the magic, it’s his job to help make magic and keep the magic alive for his baby sister and other kids who still believe.


Keep your kids away from Google ! My child asked Google if Santa was real … Well of course Google said No !


When I asked if Santa is real from my daughter years back I said, " I will always believe in the magic of Santa Claus" and I always have. The Claus will always have his place because Christmas should be about the magic of being joy to people it may be the only joy they receive all year.

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My daughter asked me when she was 5 if Santa was real . I said “well, he was “ off we went to the library to read about the history of Santa . I told her to please not tell her friends , and she didn’t . Then she thanked me for buying all her presents . Funny thing, after that she didn’t ask for much lol!

My 9 and 10 year old still believe. I think my 10 year old know but plays along for her younger brother. Hopefully when they do find out it will give us a little more credit. We sure deserve it.

I would say wait until he tells you he knows. Don’t push the subject. If there aren’t younger children in the home maybe just stop referencing Santa.

When I explained it to my daughter she was around 8-10 she had someone at school tell her. And I told her that it wasn’t true that santa was very much real and standing in front of her. She still tells me how much she loves that I’m santa and she will never stop believing in me. So in all actuality he/she is real being as we parents are santa and we are very much real. My daughter told me she liked it more me being santa then she did the thought of a stranger coming down our chimney in the middle of the night. And at 16 she still writes letters to santa to tell what she wants and that she will always believe

My kids found out young. I’ve always told them its the spirit of Christmas (bc it normally doesn’t take long after school age to find out) The spirit of time with family, friends, and for caring for others. They’ve never questioned it. They’re also know that some kids will believe and some won’t… and that it’s fine either way and not to correct them. They go back and forth on if they believe, I don’t correct them.

My daughter is 10 and still believes. Last year at the end of her Santa letter she signed off with l
“Love and the utmost belief in you” . Sniff. I’m keeping that one forever! She hasn’t even gotten suspicious

I still use the mom and dad buy the more expensive gifts and Santa buys some. Just because some kids at school don’t get what they really want and for another kid to tell them that Santa got them the latest consoles or shoes is heartbreaking and shattering. He also noticed grandpa dresses like Santa every year for his special appearance, lol. My 11 year old still believes :heart:

My kids believe, my oldest knows that its alot of momma magic going on in reality, but she keeps a good Santa spirit going.
My bonus kid wasnt really told about santa, her mother said it was an evil effigy & gave some weird ass reason for santa to be an evil entity stealing your kids ( I literally dont know what’s wrong with her I try not to interact with that much crazy)
Last year at christmas we had to keep the bonus child from telling my youngest, it’s okay for her to not believe but dont ruin it for those that do🤷‍♀️

My daughter was 9, I told her a beautiful story that he did exist a long time ago, and that since there are soo many kids in the world that when kids turn 9 they take on the task on being Santas Little Helpers, that includes helping choose presents (except hers), wrapping presents, decorate, and the most important was that I told her she couldn’t say a word to anyone because not everyone will learn at the same time. I even made her put her right hand up to take on the task.
It was so beautiful :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

I taught elementary school for years, and most 2nd and 3rd graders still believe.
My own 2 boys were much younger, in kindergarten and 1st grade. My oldest asked me if I was Santa Claus. I asked him if it mattered if I was. He said no, as long as he still got presents! So, we pretended to believe, and had a great time with it. My daughter was several years younger, and she did not find out the truth until she was in about 3rd grade.

I still believe & I will continue for all my grandchildren, & yes they all still make out their list, 2 older ones they don’t, but one is going to be a new mommy, and she will go back to believing, but it’s my enjoyment when the little ones are already making out their lists for Santa Claus.

My daughter was about ten when she told me she knew there was no Santa. I told her if you don’t believe then you don’t receive. She’s now 34 and will still tell you there’s a Santa Clause!

My ten year old doesn’t believe anymore as of this year. I said I’ll never admit it. But she’s ok with it I think. Seems chill about it :joy:

Just let them go with the spirit. Mine are 22 & 18 and we never talked about it really. It casually went from Santa to spirit of Christmas

Never taught my son about Santa other than saying he was my helper to make sure he was good when I could not look.

My son’s 5yo. We keep on telling him that Santa doesn’t exist because we don’t want him to expect physical gifts every Christmas but he still insists, saying “no. That’s not true. Santa is real”

I guess it’s up to your kids up until when they want to believe :slightly_smiling_face:

My daughter told my sister “I know Santa’s not real but don’t tell Mama. She still believes in him”!

My 9 year old still believes and I told my son at age 12

Mine will be 10 in January and he still believes.

I’m 30 and my parents still say from santa. It’s the magic of Xmas

Mine is 13 and just now told me she doesn’t believe snymore

Both my kids were 10

Never- in our house we believe. My kids figured it out around 12 but when they came to me I told them in our house we believe it’s the magic of Christmas :blush: it’s definitely more fun and enjoyable like that :christmas_tree:

Dearly Moms right about when she read this post over my shoulder :rage: thanks for the spoiler alert

We dont tell self made things to our children…

My 13yo still believes wholeheartedly. My 9 and 7yo know the truth, but 13 still writes notes every year and tells her siblings if they are being bad that Santa is watching! I’ll let her go until she wants.

Leave him alone when he is ready you will know it

Our daughter started unbelieving around 11 years old. But went along with it until last year (age 12) lol but our almost 8 year old still believes and the 13 year old helps and goes along with it for her :heart:

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