If you feel it’s too early for shaving you can get her some sensitive skin Nair! It goes on like a thick lotion & wipes off with a wet cloth or shower rinse.
Help her and teach her the correct way to shave. Body image is very important. She will probably do it anyway and could cut herself and get hurt.
My daughter is 11 and she has been shaving a couple years. Tbh I was unaware that she had been shaving- then she broke her leg and when that cast came off . If your daughter is old enough that the hair makes her uncomfortable then she is likely old enough
If she is feeling insecure, I would allow her to shave. She needs to feel comfortable in the skin she’s in.
I bought my daughter one of those “flawless” razors that you can’t cut yourself with for her 10th birthday. I could tell she was starting to be insecure about the hair on her legs and under her armpits. She even told me she hated wearing shorts and dresses to school. I will hold out on an actual razor until she’s about 13/14 but I think the ones like that are totally appropriate at whatever age they begin to show insecurities about it.
I would say if it bothers her let her. I started shaving at 10. I had thick hair and i hated it. I still hate my body hair. I dont get embarrassed by it I just hate the feel. My kids are 10, 8 and then 5 months. Neither of the big kids have showed a desire to shave.
Definitely let her. My granddaughter started shaving after she turned 12. She is in middle school . A lot of her friends are shaving their legs as well. She’s changing, going through puberty so she needs to start doing things, wear deodorant, shave her legs, etc.
I think once they’re asking it’s time. I had to start at 8. I definitely got my ankles a couple times but I was so Harry I’d of been laughed at.
When you daughters had noticeable hair and were self conscious about it they learned to shave
Let her shave. You want her to feel good about herself. Odor will start to build, shaving will help with that, too.
Allow her to shave it just keep in mind she is still a child and offer her advice and support
My mom wouldn’t allow me to shave until I was older. I belive like 13 or 14. My friends made fun of me at summer camp because of my under arm hair. My daughter was visiting her grandmother this past summer and my brother pointed out to my mom her under arm hair. My mom asked her if she wanted to shave it. I’m glad that she taught her how to do it. I didn’t notice and I want her to be comfortable with her body .I am Glad that my mom helped her at a time that I couldn’t be with her. She was visiting for a few weeks while her dad and I worked.
By all means, let her shave! Get her an electric razor. It would be horrible for her to be in a sleeveless dress at your wedding with noticeable axillary hair! She will be modified!!
I only allowed to shave my underarms when I was 10 during the summers. I snuck and did my legs when I was 14 because at the time I had more hair on my legs than my boyfriend
I think our moms were under the belief that it caused more hair to grow. However young girls starting their cycles earlier around 11 as well. If she has hair then I say it’s time. Let her feel comfortable in her own body mom.
I wrote a note to my mom at about 10-11 years old telling her I was shaving my armpits bc my bestfriend would make fun of me for having long hair under them. I was scared to ask so wrote her a note and slipped it under her door and told her I would teach her and let her know your there cuz I wish I wasn’t so scared to tell my mom! I was more embarrassed then anything cuz it was new to me and I felt like it was too grown up for me at that age. Teach her and educate her on how and what to use and itll be okay! Kids grow up
I’m 69 and I wanted to shave my legs when I was 11 all we had fo a shaver was a double edge thing don’t even know what it was called.lol anyway know one to show me how to do it I cut up myself on my ankles and knees bad . My mom never had hair on her legs so I don’t think she shaved but anyway my point is show her how cause she will do it anyway, yes I know shavers are much easier to use now.
I got my daughter her own razor when she was 10. Noticable hair and when she shaves, it seems to cut down on the body odor as well.
If she is feeling insecure about it, let her start shaving. Everybody develops at different stages. I didn’t start shaving until I was 12/13 but didn’t need to until then.
I started shaving at the age of 12 only because I didn’t like it. I have fairly light hair and it’s not thick even now at 37. Now my mom was all for it an showed me how to shave an what to do if I cut myself. My mom didn’t have me shave above the knee as I had less noticable hair and I still don’t because it’s very fine an light now.
Just a suggestion, I dont have children… but when I was old enough to start seeing hair on my body and was feeling different at school in the changing room (played a lot of sports) I grabbed my dads face shaver and shaved my legs dry… If I were a parent I would talk her through it and allow her to shave… the right way…
Not to mention I cut myself horribly… just show her the ropes, shes old enough
The Schick intuition are virtually impossible to cut yourself with and might be a good option.
Personally I believe that it’s important to teach our girls that their body is theirs so if they want to shave- cool. If they don’t? Cool. If they want to shave when they have an event and then not again til summer swimming ? Cool
It’s a great way for you to discuss body autonomy with her and making choices that make her confident and comfortable in her skin.
Whenever mine asks, I won’t make a big deal of it. If she’s uncomfortable and wants to shave, I will let her shave
My daughter was 9. Monitor and teach her. Its all about making sure she is doing it right and it will do wonders for her self esteem. My daughter has dark hair as she is is part hispanic. And on her legs it was VERY noticeable.
What does age have to do with it? If she needs to shave let her shave.
Don’t do that to her I was made fun of with my hairy legs , I was 12 I did it behind my moms back and if anything it shows her to have a very healthy hygiene !
I started at 11yrs old. When it becomes noticeable & she feels some typeaway then by all means teach her how to shave!She is old enough to notice… She’s old enough to learn.
My daughter is 9 and has been shaving her underarms since last year. It started when I noticed a sour smell on her even after a shower. Shaving and a new kind of deodorant have made a huge difference. To this day she hasn’t shaved her legs as she doesn’t have much hair on them.
For sure the underarms I would allow if it is long, dark, noticeable. For the legs though, keep in mind that once she starts, she will have to keep doing it frequently. I allowed my daughter to once she was starting middle school. She had light hair but very hairy legs. She was glad I made her wait once she realized she’d have to keep it up. It’s normal for girls to have hair on their legs, and I’d try to make her see that there isn’t anything to be embarrassed about, especially not at her age.
Let her shave! My mom wouldn’t let me wear a bra when I really needed one because I was “too young”. It scarred me for life. Don’t let her be embarrassed.
My girls started in 4th & 5th grade. I too wasn’t allowed to shave until I was older. 13 I think. However my youngest daughter was SO self conscious that she refused to wear skirts or shorts even in the summer & we have pretty hot summers. I finally decided that it wasn’t worth her feeling down about herself. So I would shave their legs the first couple times, and then made sure I watched them shave them a few times (all of this done with them fully clothed and sitting on side of sink or tub), and made sure the razor was never brand new until they got the hang of it.
Every body and everybody matures differently. It shouldn’t depend on the age but rather the development. My daughter is 12 with no noticeable hair but my niece was 8 when she started developing hair and 9 when I taught her how to shave.
Start out with an electric razor just for safety’s sake. Walmart has several options. Have her practice with a regular razor using an inflated balloon with shaving cream on it until you feel comfortable letting her practice on her legs.
Let her shave. My Mom wasn’t going to let me at 13 and my hair was thick. My aunt bought me fishnet stockings (yes I’m that old) for Christmas and as soon as she saw my hairs hanging thru the netting she let me shavr
If she feels ready and body hair makes her feel self conscious then let her shave. I have two daughters and my oldest ask to start shaving at 11. But now that she is approaching 13 she is not as self conscious as before and only shaves when she wants to. My other daughter is 11and does not feel the need to shave. Start her on electric and then show her how to use razors.
Some people are hairier than others, me being one. I think when a girl starts her period and starts going through puberty is a good time to learn how do you other things like shaving.I had a big sister (3 years older) she and I started our period around the same time, me being 11 and her almost 15 so we learned together. Made it an easier transition for the both of us.
Let her shave. It’ll make her feel good about herself and as the old saying goes “It’s hair, it’ll grow back” !! LOL
I started shaving at 11!! If she’s starting to get self conscious about It then let her shave!
My daughter is 12 and shaves her legs, she has thick hair like myself and I remember begging my mom to allow me to shave. She doesn’t have armpit hair yet but I would let her shave.
I have very sensitive skin, and if I shave even with an expensive razor and shave cream, my skin gets so irritated. I stared using Nair for sensitive skin. It is great fir first time shavers so they don’t cut themselves.
Personally I feel like the right time is when they have noticeable hair and it is causing them embarrassment or they are uncomfortable with it. I have never understood why there needed to be an age attached to shaving. When there is hair there and you don’t want it - shave it off. It’s a really fun bonding activity for a parent to take her child to the store to buy the necessary items and them please show them how to use a razor properly. I shaved my legs with no instructions and I still have scars on my ankles 50+ years later.
I developed very early. It is super hard for a young girl to not be allowed so shave when it’s actually necessary. I was in 4th grade when my dad actually told my mom it was time to let me shave my legs and that summer I shaved my under arms. Don’t let her be embarrassed by it kids are mean and they pick and it hurts!!!
If she has noticeable hair and it bothers her it’s time show her how to it right.
I showed my daughter how to shave her armpits and her legs when she was 10 1/2. She was a early bloomer
I was 10. My mom bought me a lady razor and some lady shaving cream. Took me into the bathroom and showed me how to shave. Within a week I was doing it by myself. I was feeling insecure about my leg hair and wearing shorts. We lived in FL at the time.
I started shaving in 6th grade. So around that same age. My daughter is 11 and is asking for the same thing. We are going to make a girls day of it. For Christmas I made her a hygiene box with razors, shave gel, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, loofah, some body spray, brushes, combs etc… and she was so excited about it. She wanted to wait until winter was over to do the shaving.
If you are nervous about her using a regular razor just get her an electric razor nobody is going to be feeling them so it doesn’t need to be skin close shave just not visible and an electric shaver is the perfect solution for that.
I have an 11 year old as well and we let her shave. We get her the disposables. She tried the one with the soap on them and she didn’t care for them. We are also letting her experiment with makeup at home only none to school quite yet
Definitely let her shave. Especially with the fact she has arm pit hair. There are so many things that kids feel self conscious about, you can easily eliminate one by supporting your daughter.
Maybe just have her start with her arms? That’s what my Mom did with me at about the same age. Then I took it on myself to start shaving my legs. Just let her know, once she starts shaving her legs, there’s no going back.
Let her shave. She needs to feel comfortable in her own skin.
I started shaving at 12 my sister taught I came out of the bathroom with toilet paper all over my legs I think my daughters were the same age but we’re smarter they didn’t cut theirs legs up like I did
Use nair or teach her to shave because if she is in middle school they change for gym classes and if some other child she’s it she could be teased but then she could try to shave and cut her self because she did not know how u know how other kids can be I was not shown and tried on my own and I got cut still have the scars
My daughter came to me at 10 yrs old and asked if I would show her how to shave the very dark hair on her legs…I was hesitant, but could tell it was important to her, so I let it happen…
I think I would try something like ‘Nair’ first. It would be easier on her skin, less chance of ‘nicks’ and cuts. I know there are safer razors these days, but my Mom always told me that shaving only makes the hair grow in thicker and heavier. (As usual, she was right)
My oldest daughter wanted to shave at 8 bc her friends were and I told her she didn’t need to shave yet, so instead of waiting til I thought she was ready she went behind my back to her aunt and she let her shave and then they let the cat out of the bag and I found out, supposedly I wasn’t suppose to know. I was upset at first bc I am her mother and that was something that I was suppose to teach her, and her aunt didn’t even ask me. I got over it and she has been shaving ever since, but she didn’t start puberty til she was almost 13. So in my personal experience, I say she is ready since she has visible and noticeable hair. If you don’t let her, she will do it herself or go to someone else. Just my personal opinion and from experience
I was 8 when I started shaving. I was very hairy and I felt self conscious. If she feels she’s ready help her, guide her and support her.
Let her shave. If she already has hair under her arms she is obviously physically maturing. Plus you don’t want her feeling humiliated at your wedding because the style of dress shows arm pit hair which is not appealing in our society.
Growing up is hard enough without feeling insecure for any reason , if it helps her feel better about herself let her do it, kids bodies mature earlier now than in our day , support her but guide her also
Shaving with an electric razor is the way to go. If the hair is that noticeable, she will also be ashamed to wear a swimsuit. There is no set date that is to early to help a young girl feel confident. If she hasn’t started her periods, that may happen soon. Make sure she has supplies and knows how to use them.
I think that is the right age to start her especially if it is noticeable. And she feel she is ready especially with the wedding coming up you don’t want no embarrassing moments for her.
Let her shave! It’s needed when it’s needed! Show her how and make it fun!
Some girls just mature alot faster. Teach how to do it…let her know once she starts it will be a forever thing. I don’t think there is really an age to start. If she feels insecure for sure she needs to learn.
I was 10 when I started developing hair and 11 when I started shaving my legs and armpit. My showed me how to do it and would check on me to make sure I didnt hurt myself. They didn’t have the ones that dont cut you like they do now. I suggest getting her one that is less likely to cut her
I think it depends on the individual. Apparently she should be shaving if her hair is that noticeable. Make it a mother daughter thing and explain and show her how.
If she’s bothered by it then it’s definitely time. It’s already a lot going g through puberty. Might as well show her how to properly shave. Otherwise she’s gonna either feel like crap or do it herself and want to hide it. Neither are good as she should feel completely comfortable coming to her mom for these important moments.
My mom made me wait til Jr high! I snuck razors and cut my legs sooo bad!
My daughter is 11 and when she started noticing the hair on her legs at 9, we use the veet stuff that comes with the plastic razor thing so she can practice without cutting herself. She likes it better than actual shaving.
My daughter is really pale with black hair. I let her shave as soon as she asked ( like 8 or 9) I got her an electric razor and let her use regular. She did cut herself a few times but it is a learning process. She is 14 now and chooses not to shave her legs very much ( she is in dance but her tights cover it) but her arm pits every day.
I let my daughter at 11 with an electric razor. She’s in middle school and I didn’t want her to get made fun of. I remember being that young.
My girls were 10…except my five year old, she snuck a razor for her legs.
If she thinks it’s time and if she has noticeable hair then I don’t see why she can’t start shaving. At least she came and talked to you about it and asked for help instead of doing it behind your back
My daughter blonde as she is had really dark noticeable leg hair. She requested to start shaving at 11. She was playing volleyball and was self conscious about it so I taught her how.
My 3 young ladies were around 12 and I bought them nair for their legs and they use a small ladies personal trimmer instead of razor for their arm pits. I always hated that I started shaving so young and now have course darker hair and must keep shaving constantly
Good advice from Rachel and Jenny and Kacie and the rest of the ladies… Great ideas. I remember the first time I shaved my legs, and I should have started a few years before I did… It was in the early 50’s
Please let her shave, if she has visible armpit hair and it makes her uncomfortable let her shave.
If she is uncomfortable and self conscious about it, let her shave.
Definitely let her shave. It will make her feel more comfortable about her body.
12 is when I did…but let her shave her pits for that wedding. Don’t make her feel uncomfortable or embarrassed…I started shaving before my mom knew…
I have 3 girls and they all started shaving at different ages…2 were ready by the age of 10 the last didn’t care until she was in high school… lol if they are self conscious about it… it’s probably time!
The longer you wait the less hair she will have to shave in the future. I started when I was young, and I hate shaving now because it is so time consuming. My mom started when she was a few years older then I was, and has a single strip to shave.
My daughter started around 12 but it’s when she asked. She doesn’t even shave every day and she shaves when she wants to wear a dress or feels like it.
Puberty starts early sometimes. Good hygiene is so important for girls. I got flawless for my granddaughter. It’s easy doesn’t hurt. She’s 12, got her period at 11.
Let her shave! It bothers her,makes her feel uncomfortable. She must feel so insecure!
If she has body hair and is uncomfortable let her shave. If it doesn’t bother her don’t make a big deal about it. Kids will let you know when they are ready.
Only shave the lower part of the leg so you don’t have stubs on the tops of your legs. I never shaved mine on my moms advice and never got much hair on the top and what is there is soft and light
This is actually not such a big deal. I think she should be able to shave she should be able to make that choice for herself I’m sorry your mother made you wait till you were 16 but that’s the way she raised you. You have a choice here however my advice would be to let her do it
I was brought up with it being an age thing. But raising my daughters it was when they became self conscious about it. My rule was I’ll shave their legs and under arms until I felt they were responsible enough.
girls mature earlier these days. if the hair is there, let her shave it
Shave now. Who cares what others say. I helped my 3rd grader shave her legs. Dark hair and the word torture she received. Never regretted it. Empowered her.
We had our daughter blonde hair. Start with the nair. It comes with a razor type tool. So she practiced until she felt comfortable with a real razor. Started as soon as she felt uncomfortable with her body hair.
I was embarrassed in the 4th grade when a boy called me gorilla legs in front of the whole class. My mom told me I couldn’t shave so I snuck and did it anyway. Maybe if she is feeling this way she could shave just for this time and see how she feels later.
I helped my daughter shave her legs this past summer, shortly before her 9th birthday. She’s got blonde hair on her legs but it’s very noticeable and she was feeling self conscious of it (she’s one of the youngest in her class with an August birthday) so we did it but not doing it through winter. No underarm to shave though yet
If she’s got hair she doesnt want… than it is time. My mom did not forbid me.from shaving. But she did try to tell me that once I started shaving I couldnt stop. I would be shaving the rest of my life. To me that sounded like no. I resented her for it being 13 years old and being a freaking sasquatch when all the other girls were clean and shaven and smooth. If she is expressing the desire… let her. And it’s not true
You can stop shaving after you start. Its fine.
Let her shave. Explain to her that once she starts, the hair will come in thicker and she’ll need to stay on top of it. And show her the proper way to do it so she doesn’t cut herself and/or cause discomfort. Shaving is a rite of passage…we all have to do it eventually, but puberty dictates when it starts for each individual. Perhaps, she’s an early bloomer…
You must already know the answer to this ! How did you feel ? you just talked about it . If your daughter is self conscious about the armpit hair or her leg hair , don’t let her feel bad about herself . “ Help her “become the well groomed young lady. Help her and guide her to get what she needs to groom herself than teach her how , or she will become ashamed and withdraw , this is important to her just like it was to you . You want her to be able to come to you with things that are important to her .
If she has hair on her armpits, I think it’s time. Girls mature at different times but I would start now
My daughter was around 11 when she was ready to shave. We got her an electric shaver so we didn’t have to worry about her cutting herself. That gave her some “experience” Then after about a year, we moved onto the real deal.
I’d deffiently start letting her if she is starting to feel uncomfortable about it. I’d deffiently show her correctly how to shave her legs so she doesn’t hurt herself.
If it was my kid I would get it lazered off. I went though a lot because my parents didn’t teach me nothing that they were embarrassed about so since lazer can eventually thin the hair I would do that
My daughter had to shave at ten she had long black hair on her legs we decided to shave them or braid them. She was very uncomfortable