When did your daughter start shaving?

My daughter has very dark, very long leg hair. I showed her how to shave safely and gave her the option to shave if she wanted to. She shaves very sporadic. I didn’t want to make her feel as though she had to but I didn’t want it to embarrass her or give other kids a reason to make fun of her.

Girls mature at different ages. When under arm hair starts growing and is visible, it is time to allow shaving in my opinion.

My mom had the rule that I could shave when I started my period, or when I turned 13. Whichever came first.

If you’re worried about her having a sharp razor at a young age maybe you can try nair? I’m 30 and just tried it tonight for the first time and it got me thinking about when my daughter has to start shaving… I might just have her try nair first until I trust her with a razor. Obviously as long as we test a patch of skin and everything is a-ok

Let her shave, hair in arm pits is gross to see, someone might embarrass her, if the hair on her legs is noticeable then shave them too, some girls mature faster than other’s.

Iwas 12. Took dads razor and shaved wslked out and told my mother she omg. Now youll have to do.it forever. I think for a wedding its ok. I know how i felt at that time. Would never wear short sleeves or shorts

I taught my oldest daughter and niece when they were in the 6th grade. They were both self conscious about their hair and we were going to a wedding so I bought them good razors and creme had them throw on their bathing suits and I did one leg for them they did the other.

I let my daughter shave when it started bothering her. Not an age thing. She was really hairy and a boy made fun of her hairy pits. She asked to shave I said sure. Why give her confidence issues?

Please teach her how to shave. NO ONE should feel insecure because of unwanted body hair if they can simply shave it off

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I started at around 12 its different for everyone …i think she can start now …i have five sons so honestly id be lost to …lol…good luck mama

If she has it, let her shave it with your help until she gets good at it.

I started shaving when I got armpit hair.

my daughter was 2 years old and she had HAIRY legs looked awful with the little white tights and she was right it was time to shave

I am scarred for life for many reasons including…my mother would not allow me to shave legs or underarms until I was 16. Horrifying adolescence.

That is nobodies business but yours and hers. What somebody else thinks is irrelevant. If she is self-concious about it, it is time to ease her mind. I would advise her to not talk about it to others, because someone is bound to say something negative and hurt her feelings. Just shave and quietly go on about your business.

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Now if you can see arm pit hair get her a shaver

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Let her shave. My 7 yr old has to shave her legs because her hair grows so dark and so fast. One of the boys in her class was making fun of her when school started because her legs were so hairy.

I started at 13 but if the hair is noticeable teach her how to shave

That’s about the age I let my daughter start. I don’t think there should be an age that they can start. When they have started changing and the child feels comfortable with taking those steps, let them do it! Especially if she has hair and is uncomfortable about it!

Nothing to do with age some mature faster than others. If she has hair on her armpits let her shave

I was in 5th grade when I learned to shave. All of my friends started to do it and I started to get really self conscious about it.

Once the hair starts growing in, let her shave it. Would you not shave your hairy armpits? Just explain to her and do it together as a bonding time!

11! She’s puerto rican and black we had no choice lol I got her one of those hand held electric razors with like 5 heads that glide over curves and bumps and it waterproof for use in the shower.

My mom wouldn’t let me but I decided to shave my legs one day when I was about 11 years old. After that my mom let me shave.

I was 16 but that’s been 51yrs ago. My granddaughters started shaving around 10 or 11. That’s because puberty hits at a younger age. So when puberty hits, so does shaving. The legs aren’t as big a deal as underarms. Not only because it’s more noticeable, but the smell. Dormant time also.

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Let her shave it. I was her age when I started shaving. I had to bc I was hairy, and it is embarrassing to have under arm hair visible to the naked eye.

I would say once a girl has started menstruating she can shave. If she can handle dealing with that she can handle a razor.

I started shaving at 11 by myself bc my mom wouldn’t let me and I really really wish she was there to teach me. Shes getting to an age where people will notice and make fun. Of she wants it, it’s for a reason. Trust me.

My daughter is 13 and she comes with me to get her armpits waxed that’s the best way to go

Let her shave, I have twin girls who started with an electric razor at 9, my oldest also started at 9, and my middle child started around 12 (hers wasn’t as dark or noticeable as the others).

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This is a different time, in my opinion. To me, shaving is a great part of personal hygiene. I would talk to my daughter, explain some facts, then allow her to do it. It will make her look very clean, esp it is for your wedding. I wouldn’t put any malice just about cleanIiness and good hygiene. I had a lady boss who was from Europe and we, employees (at that time) we didn’t like seeing her in her shorts with her very hairy legs, with a tank top and she keeps raising her hands and her armpit is so bushy. So gross! I was told that, some European women don’t shave.

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I was 10 years old and my mom let me start with an electric shaver until I learned to control a regular shaver. They sell good electric shavers online for inexpensive prices that work well (I had to buy one recently).

Some girls need to shave early than others if it bothers her let her shave specially under her armpits

Let her shave! Some girls get a lot more hair younger then others. There is teasing , let her shave. I did with one of my girls and it was a good decision.

Get her an electric shaver so she want have scars on her legs later in life there are some good ones out there but yes please let her start shaving kids can be cruel

Let her shave

My mom said no snd I was 14! So I just did it and she cried and that was the end of that

I encouraged my daughter to shave as soon as I saw she needed to because I wasn’t putting her thru that

I started at 11 and will be allowing my daughters to do the same

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The time is now. Dont make her continue to feel self conscious,embarrassed and humiliated at the changes in her body. If she wants to shave an has hair to actually shave, let her. She doesnt want to look like a boy. Time to show her how to be feminine.

Oh please let the poor girl shave. If she has the hair and wants to shave, it’s time. It’s not about age !

My 10 year old has been shaving her pits for a year now. She’s too nervous to do legs yet, but I told her when she’s ready we will do it together.

My daughter kept pressuring me to let her shave her legs at the age of 12. I instructed on the art of shaving her legs. The novelty wore off in a hurry when she figured out it wasn’t a one time thing. Lol

Absolutely let her shave. Its one thing to hold off on legs, but not armpits! That’s cruel. Its not 1960 anymore.

My mom shaved my armpits til I was about 13 and I wasn’t allowed to shave with a razor on my legs, only electric razor to the knee…til I was 16

Shave on …
Great teaching moment about skin care and taking care of her body
Mom & daughter moments :heart:

I work in a middle school… i’d let her shave

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My DAD bought me a razor when I was 12 because I kept using his. My dad passed away 31 years ago and I am turning 67 next week. It’s an injector razor and it’s getting hard to find blades, but I will use it forever.

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If they have armpit hair it is time. Little girls dont have armpit hair. It is not a big deal and 5th or 6th grade is a good time to teach
Them. They have maturation classes in 5th and 6th for this reason. Their bodies are changing which means she could be having a period soon as well

I don’t even remember when my daughter started shaving it really didn’t make any difference to me. She never asked for help I just realized she was shaving her legs. No big deal I don’t think.

If she’s scared of getting cut she can use nair or electric shaver.
My daughter started at 10 with an electric shaver

Get the really good razors that glide easily and teach her to do it . I feel like they have done so much better with things like razors in the last decade or so

I was 10. My mother shaved the armpits for me but I took over after that. Nowadays I use Nair on my legs, but shave my armpits.

Awwe let her shave. She wants to not be embarrassed. She’s showing interest in good grooming for herself.

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Let her do what makes her feel good about her self every one is different each person should be able to there self raised 2 daughters as different as night and day

I started shaving on my own at 9. My mom wouldnt let me but that doesn’t stop kids. Teach her how to shave so she doesn’t knick herself to bad

I started shaving mine at her age because the hairs was so dark and looking horrible. My older sister taught me how to and it’ll be ok.

9 or 10. She was cursed with thick black hair. Looking like her dad lol

My daughter started at 9 but we gave her a electric shaver instead of a razor

Teach her how to get it done…it will give her tremendous confidence! It is something I will always remember!

My mother wouldn’t let me shave even when I was 16 it was embarrassing. If she feels ready teach her how to shave.

Bottom line is if she has unwanted hair and access to a razor let her go to town…nothing she does now will change the growth of her hair or change the amount or growth she will have…

If its bothering her, it’s time to teach her. Make it a fun learning experience for her and you.

My daughter started the summer before 6th grade. She was 11, 12 now. My daughter has blonde leg hair so not really a big deal, but her underarm hair was getting noticeable!!

I shaved at age 11. Mom didn’t know until i was done in the shower. I used shampoo :joy::joy:

Mine also but this is 2021 and girls have sex at 12. Sorry but let her shave

When it starts bothering her, it’s time. You need to help her for a little while, then when you now she knows how to safely. Then let her on her own

Of course she should shave at least her armpits, she will be made fun of relentlessly. What about her bathsuit area? That will be an issue also. She will hide and have serious body issues if you don’t allow her to take care of this issue.

Nothing wrong with letting her shave. Mostly her arm pits. Scared she’ll herself get a cheap electric one… many kids get bullied for stuff like this… dont let that happen, because you feel shes too young… being bullied is bad

Mine were like 5 but they had hair coming through their tights… they are both very hairy its dark colored…

I started in the 2nd grade a few times for school things like picture day etc (when I wore dresses) not Consistently until I was in the 5th grade. My biological oldest daughter is asking about it (5th grade and 11) so I might have to get her a hello kitty razor and bite the bullet and shave her. I’m not ready for her to grow up yet, today she was talking with a friends of ours son and you could clearly tell … they be crushing … no just no

For her first time shaving, why don’t you just make it easy and simpe and get her a small electric shaver,? That’s what I did with my first daughter and it worked out fine. Now a days they have a recharable docking stand, just pick it up and shave.

I let my start about twelve years old. If she has body hair that is a little too much, it is just fine.

I would not worry about her age. If your child is self conscious and is embarrassed about her under arm hair then it is time to help her learn his to take care of it. Age is only a number…

Mom let me start shaving when I was 13 only with a electric razor.

If she is uncomfortable now, shave it off. It is just one of those things that are starting a lot earlier than previous generations.

Armpits when I was about 10, going on 11, because my mom told me to. Legs, around 12, because I was self conscious around my peers in the locker room.

Teach her how to shave, it will be a good bonding and trust moment. Just because your mom did things differently or more old fashioned doesn’t mean you have to. Everyone’s body develops differently, so if she feels she’s ready then there should be no problem :wink:

I was 11 my grandmother bought me an electric razor

My daughter started at 10. She has dark noticeable hair.

Get her Veet depilatory cream. Directions are simple. No cuts.

Let her shave, don’t force her to keep hair that she is uncomfortable with and she should have a say when it comes to her body and what will make her feel best in her own skin. Be supportive and excited for her hitting this milestone.

I started shaving at 11. When the hairs start showing is when is a good time to shave. And who cares.

I was shaving by 10. I danced ballet and have black hair. I hated the way it looked on my legs. I would say start shaving underarms as soon as hair shows if that is what she chooses. If she’s ready to start let her! 16 is way, way too late.

I little razor and soap is all it will cost to build her confidence. So why not?

Wow my dad would not let me shave or Pearce my ears til I was 16 my daughter was 12

She has noticed and she will feel better about herself. If I had of waited to 16 I could have styled them and my legs hair also.

My mom showed me how to shave when I was 10. So, I’d say she’s plenty old enough.

My mom told me 16 but I did it at 14 because situation was way out of control even my mom realized it was inhumane not to let me shave all that hair off :person_shrugging:

If it will make her feel better about herself let her. Show her how. The best razor for not cutting or nicking is the Venus. The head moves so it doesn’t cut or nick.

This is personal hygiene, if she feels she is ready she is ready. Its her decision

I shaved my armpits at 8 because the older boys in the neighborhood started to make fun of me because they could see the hair when I wore a tank top. I shaved my legs in in the 6th grade. Seems pretty normal timing to me.

I have a 9 year old who is already a woman. She started at the same time as her 11 year old sister. Just depends on the girl.

Let her shave if she feels insecure about it I did when I was her age

Let her shave. If there is hair and she is self-conscious it is time.

If she’s uncomfortable she should get to shave

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Sounds about normal age to me…my daughter was about 11 when she first showed interest

Let her shave… I wasn’t allowed to shave until high school and I was traumatized…

She shouldn’t have armpit hair period, that’s when u start shaving, when it starts to grow…

Oh, for crying out loud…I remember when girls that shaved their legs was like advertising they were “loose”…I am 84 yo. Shaving the arm pits and legs should not be an issue about morals, it is really damaging to the girl’s self esteem to be self conscience about hair showing, and I think you should let her shave if she wants to. What is the big deal?

If you do let her shave, give her a course on the safe way to shave…

When my daughters had hair that was noticeable that’s when I let them start shaving.