When did your daughter start shaving?

Let the girl shave maybe supervised at first. Making her feel uncomfortable or embarrassed is not good for the girl confidence.

It’s not about age. If her body is telling her it’s time to shave than she should shave

Let her shave I had three girls and they all started to shave when they wanted to it is her body.

Mine was around that age …when they start getting embarrassed by it then it’s time to shave…

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If she has armpit hair and is self concious about it, you should absolutely teach her how to shave. I started shaving at 10 once I hit puberty.

Let her shave now. It’ll boost her self esteem and she won’t be embarrassed

Teach her to shave. My mom taught me at about 10/11 I did the same with my girls. I will do it again when my youngest is of age.

When she feels self conscious about it, teach her the correct way to shave.

Why does it have to be an age thing ??If there’s hair and she’s uncomfortable about it…let her shave !!!

My goodness—why does age matter. If it’s there it’s time to start.

If she is showing insecurities about it, its time to let her!!

My daughter was 11. She uses the battery shavers.

If it is noticeable let her shave. I don’t care who old she is

How about using Nair hair remover it’s clean and easy. No cuts. Works great leaves skin smooth and silky

If it is that noticeable, it time. This comes from a 75 year old who admits that girls are growing up much faster now days. If it bothers her , its time. Buy her all her own supplies and show her how, she’ll learn quickly .

Try a lady’s electric razor first. It’s easier to operate and gentler on her skin. If taken care of, an electric razor will last a long time

I have 3 girls and my oldest who just turned 11 started to this past summer

All my girls started shaving around 10-11 it’s normal. I had them put on a swim suit and get the tub, I showed them how to properly shave, and how to get the back of the legs and knees.

If she has under arm hair. Let her shave if she wants to

whats wrong with shaving? its teaching her personal hygiene, but why shave I just use a cream and it comes right off in the shower

My girls started at sound 9 or 10. If she is self conscious you should really teach her

I started shaving at 11 with my moms help. That’s a good age to get girls learning how to start taking care of their hygiene.

Discuss it with your daughter, if she is feeling embarrassed or insecure then let her. Give her instructions. Make it a rite of passage moment, just like when she starts her cycles.

My youngest daughter was in 4th grade when she started shaving her legs. The kids on her school bus were making fun of her, calling her Harry n the Hendersons, and she didn’t want to go to school. I think if it is a social problem they should be able to make the decision, and mom you should support her and teach her how to do it safely.

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I would let her shave… show her first, then let have her do it herself

I started shaving when I was 9

If the hair is there make it bare.

My daughter been shaving since the third grade when she started to get teased she asked me it’s just hair

Let that child shave. I have a granddaughter who is 12 and bigger than me. She made her own decision.

By all means, if it is showing, she will have much peace of mind if she can shave. Don’t make her wait. Everyone is different.

Either shave or get her hair cream for her legs. Let her shave her underarms

I was eleven and didn’t think hairy legs were attractive

As soon as it gets noticeable is my feeling. Think I was 11 or 12.

Let her shave. She will feel more confident about herself. It’s really no big deal and she is no longer a small child

I started at 11 years old. I think that is a good age to start.

As you should know, girls develop at all ages. If you see hair under her arms and on her legs then get her a safety razor and help her the first couple of time.

Why not let her shave get her an electric shaver!

Try Nair the hair removal cream if shaving is too much.

I had a friend whose mom did that I taught her how screw the being embarrassed

Teach her but let her know that once you start shaving that she will be shaving for the rest of her life.

Get her a Flawless brand razor and she want cut herself

I started shaving at 13 my daughter was 12

Was probably that age started out with electric razor

Let her shave already. It’s obvious she’s ready regardless of her age.

Asked my mom to show me at 8. If I hadn’t asked, I don’t think she would have got me a razor

Mine wanted to at 12. I had her do the suger rub to get rid of it. She started using a razor at 15.

Only reason women shave is because years ago the razor company created a marketing scheme with pink razors aimed at women to make more money. This “hairless is beautiful” is a ploy that has brainwashed women to this day. It’s sad really

They should shave when they need to not by age

I think you should let her shave!! She could start to get teased and her self esteem could go downhill it’s not worth it. I would let my daughter!!!

When her leg and underarm hair became noticeable and she was self conscious about it…I think about 12

I say if she already has visible hair teach her the proper way to shave

As soon as the hair was noticeable.

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If it’s that bad she should already been shaving , girls judge other girls an make fun of them , so get her shaved pls

I taught my daughters when they were going into 5th Grade/ Middle School

When a child becomes self conscious
As parents it is our job to help them become confident adults and not b concerned about a specific age

Let her shave if there is something to shave, it’s embarrassing for her

Since her dress will show hairy armpits please let her shave. She will be forever embarrassed to see herself in pictures.

I was 11 and I cut myself up the shin about 3 inches, I have a 3 inch scar on my leg

When the hair is noticable and they ask about it then it’s time.

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As soon as her legs were hairy. Don’t make her self conscious. Pride is a good thing.

If she’s self conscious about the hair let her shave. Teach her proper techniques. Let her decide if she wants to or not. Tell her what the options are.

It is not age ,it is how she feels about it

My 10yo shaves underarms, but we haven’t started legs yet (hair is still fine/fair).

This question is easy. Let her shave, show her how and maybe an electric to start with.

Most young pre teens do shave Nowadays. She may get bullied if all the other Girls do . I think it will make her more confident


I was 12. When I started middle school.

If the hair is showing and she dislikes that then let her shave. She at the age most girls start shaving

If she’s uncomfortable with it, let her shave. I started shaving about 13, just after my period started.

Our daughter started shaving at 9 years. Kids teased her in school.

It’s different for each child but please don’t let her get teased by other children because you’re waiting to late.

Under are hair should be shaved when ever it arrives.

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I started shaving around her age. Help her pick out the razor and teach her hope everything works out the best

I agree, let her shave…if you dont let her, she will go behind your back and do it anyways

Get her armpits waxed and she’ll never wanna do it again

As soon as I had body hair, I shaved and I was 11yes old.

Once she starts getting noticeable hair under arms I would teach her to take care of it. Whether you use so.ething like Nair or a razor

I let her shave when she wantwd.to. It’s her body if she feels the the need to remove body hair, that’s her choice. I showed her how to do it and she’s been shaving since she was 10.

If she is not comfy with it let her shave it.

If you have to ask this question, you know the answer. Teach her how to shave!

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I started shaving as soon as had hairy legs/armpits… 9-10 years old. I just had an electric razor. Actually I’ve never used anything but an electric. Safer then regular -no cuts.

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Let the child decide…her body her decission. After all it doesnt really matter. If it will make her feel better let her do it…

It’s just a shave…no big deal. If the child feels self conscious,let her. What can it hurt…

My daughter started to shave at 11

My daughter stated at 9 she had to she was very hairy legs and arms .

If it bothers her,it’s time. As a mom of six… each child is different.

Let her shave if she is already having hair where she don’t want it…

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Started when I was 12 because I was a majorette and wore little outfits.

When you see your daughter beginning to change, it’s way past time. I was 9 yrs old and had been raped @ 3.5 yrs of age. Guess what, I knew a lot more than what my mother told me. I needed someone to talk to, not the kids in the ally.

There’s no set age, but when the hair grows and you’re becoming self conscious about it, it’s time to shave. No big deal.

When the child has enough to shave. And monitor how often.

As soon hair appears, they are old enough to shave it.

I was aloud to start shaving between 6th and 7th grade summer.

Once you see hair under the arms or on the legs, it’s time to shave. You don’t want your child to be laughed at.

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11 is when things start to change. If it’s actually visible then yeah help her shave it or better wax it

Teach her. Think of how you felt. If you felt being unable to shave till 16 was unfair, break the cycle. Teach her if she feels she’s ready

OMG… so how long was you “arm pit” hairs when you finally went to the groomers? Asking for a friend…

Sydney in the Disney show Sydney to the Max did an episode on this. Might be good for you 2 to watch.

My daughter hasn’t yet at 10 but I was 10 or 11 when I started

It was always considered time when arm oit hair and leg hair were noticeably long enough to be considered something any normal adult would shave.

My granddaughter is 10 and shaves her pits