they have electric razors
Mom I had 4 girls and I believe they started around 11 or 12.
Probably spring … if shes going out… i was 12. I have dark hair.
I would let her shave because it’s noticeable.
She is old enough does more damage to not let her shave it.
She is feeling the same way you would if your pits were hairy in a dress…right?
Once they notice it then time. My Mom said that 58 years ago
They start much younger now, but then they mature younger.
Shave when there is the need! Age shouldn’t be the determing factor.
11 or 12 is an appropriate time. 16 was way too old for that.
Oh, don’t make an issue of it. Show her how. Pick your battles, honey. You have no idea. Lol
When the kids are school started making fun of her… Bout 5rh grade ish…
Its noticeable and she’s insecure its time.
Show her how to care for and the use and let her do it
I have skin tags in my armpits so I use Nair…
I think it depends on how dark and how thick. It hurts their self confidence and may be bullied on not being racist some ethnicity have darker hair
As soon as it’s noticeable she should start
I started at 9 for my armpits same as my girls and 11 for legs . Girls can be really mean about this stuff
Don’t shave use a hair removal cream or wax…
I started at age 11 and taught my girls at the same age
When it becomes an issue to her, its time.
Let her shave. Should be about age but hygiene need
Get her a ladies electric one from the dollar store and turn her loose - she can’t hurt herself too bad. If she wants help, she’ll ask - or go to her friends. When she’s older she might switch and be able to handle the blade.
If you could afford it laser it.
If she feels uncomfortable it’s time to shave. Do it with her the first time. She will be fun of in school come warm weather.
I remember being twelve . It was important to me
She needs to shave, my daughter was really young,
Damn after 16 is a bit old to start. I was 11/12… I’ll let my daughter’s tell me when they are ready. Which is usually around 11/12… teach her… that’s your call tho…
If she feels insecure about it then it’s time to teach her. Help her build up her confidence and not be embarrassed about it.
I was 10, luckaly it was agreed that better to shave, then feel singled out insecure.
If they have hair under their arms they are old enough to shave!
Remember how you felt? Let her shave.
When I noticed the other girls in gym didn’t have hair on theirs. I asked my mom and she said no. I did it anyways. I didn’t often go against my mom but I couldn’t stand being the only one
Let her shave. Its not worth the embarrassment for her
Let her shave. Why make her uncomfortable?
11 is i old enough ,when they start getting concious about there bodies
My daughter started at 9 or 10
Age has nothing to do with it. If it’s there shave
They can begin shaving, arm pits, when hair begins growing there. As for legs…wait until she’s and adult.
Soon as needed no specific age why put a child thru humiliation from her piers
I started shaving at 11 with a disposable razor,
Girls are maturing faster, yes help her feel good about being a young lady.
If she is self conscious about it it’s time.
Hun, if she starts sprouting feathers she’s not a chck:joy: anymore, she’s a chicken time to shave ⚘
I started by 10 years! Just teach her safe ways and let her begin! Best wishes!
OMG. Let her shave! No age requirement!
Let her do it now. It will set her up for good personal hygiene moving forward.
I let my daughter start shaving once she hit puberty
If it’s noticeable… Now is good … Buy Nair… And show her how to properly use it. Save her the embarrassing moment!
Teach her now. You will be doing her a loving service and boosting her self esteem
Let her shave, teach her the right way.
Let her shave, won’t hurt anybody!
Let her shave. No differents if she shaves now or later. She needs to learn one way or another.
Let her shave it. Show her the proper way
Give that girl a razor!!
Please let her shave…she will better about herself!
Oh yes! Show her how to do it best.
Whenever she is ready!
let her shave it will make her feelbetter about herself
Definitely let her start shaving!
When my daughters started they’re period they were allowed to shave below knee n armpits
I taught my daughter to nair ans wax
I was 11 and so was my daughter
If she feels ready than she is ready
I was 12 when my sister n law taught me to shave my legs
I taught my daughter at 11
Let her shave. Buy her a electric shaver
Take the opportunity to show her correctly so she doesn’t do it with out the right information
Let her. This is Kelly on my husband;s page. If she is asking it it is time for her to feel confident.
Let her shave!!..but take the time to show her.
I would let her teach her how to do it
The summer before she started middle school
Get her some Nair. No shaving. Insecurities are horrible.
Let her shave her armpits. Don’t want her to stink
If she is asking then its time.
Shave it you have hair .
She is ready where she is asking, there must be a reason.
I was 11 kids made fun of me for it I have dark dark hair and alot of it. My mom taught me was super soft toned when teaching. Have her run a bath and sit on the edge with you in shorts as you show her on you what to do and have her copy that’s how I learned
Let her shave, why have her embarrassed.
Teach her how to shave, it’s time.
She needs to shave pls don’t let her get embarrassed
Shes ready you just have to show her
Let the girl shave, man! Teach her, buy her what she needs.
11 is a perfect age.
Let her shave. It won’t hurt her
she is ready when she is ready, let her do it
Now… don’t make her wait…
Other kids notice and are not kind!
Let that girl shave!!
I was 11. My daughter was 9. Wish I’d have been 9.
I believe when your daughter wants to, is when you let them. My mom made my sister and I wait and I remember getting picked on. I was a cheerleader in middle school with arm pit hair and my teammates teased me for it. I think it’s ridiculous to force girls to wait. Shaving doesn’t do any harm to your body. But the emotional damage of being picked on does.
My daughter is 13 and she started shaving about 12. I left it up to her. Now she shaves mostly whenever she feels like it. I don’t pressure her one way or another.
I also buy the Schick razors for her. They have the built-in soap bars and she just has to swipe it to shave. It also doesn’t cut as deep as other razors (in my opinion), and keeps her from accidentally cutting herself.
I started shaving at 11
Buy her a good razor and go full steam ahead
If she is insecure about it , it’s time
She is ready if the need is there do not let her be embarassed
Get her a good safety razor.
I would allow her to shave. Give her good instructions.
I started at 11 or 12.
I was full of dark leg and armpit hair.
I did it myself without my moms knowledge.
I wish now that my Mom would have taught me how to.
Teach her how to do it properly, before she goes on and does it on her own.
Good bonding time between you and your daughter.( seriously )
I had boys so I didn’t have to worry about that.
But my Granddaughter is turning 10 in a few days and has already started her cycle, so I’m sure next up she will want to shave as well…
Be glad that she wants to take care of her personal hygiene. This is part of it.
She’s ready…help her to do it safely
Let her do it. I remember what it was like for me. (Embarrassing)