Let her shave, it’s obviously time!
Let her shave! Especially If shes uncomfortable.
I was about your daughter’s age.
Let her shave. Teach her.
I think I was about 12
Let her it’s not going to hurt her
If SHE thinks it’s time, it probably is.
Let her shave, everyone matures at a different pace. She will avoid being bullied and have more confidence in herself. Buy her an electric razor to start with. As she grows older let her decide if regular razors are what she wants to use.
Just let her shave. Its not a big deal.
I agree,let her shave.
It’s up to her, let her decide
As long as she knows once she starts it’s ongoing…
But I was around 11 as well
Let her shave kids will say sonething.
My step daughter uses Nair.
My granddaughter started at 11.
It’s up to you two… go with your heart…
Give her an electric shaver.
I started in 6th grade
Get her a safe razor.
Teach her how to shave.
Shave it. Just not legs
Good lord. It’s just shaving. If she’s hairy let her shave. Why is this even an issue ?
She should shave when her appearance says she should shave. Not every body matures at the same speed. I didnt have to shave until I was 17, my sister at 13.
I agree with Cathy!!!
My daughter started at 11
So teach her her how and let her shave . I’m not sure what the dilemma is.
Shave it when it shows up like you stated!!
I starting shaving about that age
Now! Otherwise she will be ridiculed by her peers.
If she feels ready then she is
I started shaving around 11
Nair/waxing can be alternatives to shaving
Let her shave. Not gonna hurt her.
If it’s noticeable,it’s time.
Let her shave. My mom wouldn’t t let me. I stayed so embarrassed. Made fun of.
Age doesnt mean crap anymore. Why would you embarrass your daughter
Um when she wanted too …
My kiddo started at 9
At 12 my mom told me if I had to ask i was too young. So I stopped asking and started shaving. If the hair bothers her or she gets bullied for not shaving it can really lower her self esteem.
Let her shave but make sure you remind her once she starts she can’t quit. My daughter was around 10 when she started shaving
Let her shave if she is uncomfortable with hairy pits. Not harm and she will feel better about herself. Insecurity in young women needs to be smashed. Let her shave her legs too if it will help build confidence in herself.
If the hair is showing it’s time to shave.
11/12 …they came to me…asked …talked . Showed …
Spare her the embarrassment.
Let her care for herself.
Good grief let her shave
Wow how awesome all positive supportive comments:heart:
Yes let her shave:heart:
Let the girl shave stupid!!!
Let her start shaving
I have three daughters (all in their 40’s now). I found that when the hair bothers them it’s time to shave. The age wasn’t the real issue; their feelings were.
I was about 12 and had the hair because of puberty so I started shaving then
My daughter started at 10 with under arms and bikini line. She’s 12 now and hasn’t shaved her legs yet because her leg hair is very fine and thin.
If she wants to let her theres no set time for when u should start shaving. I was 9 when puberty hit me like a freight train and by 11 I was regularly shaving due to it
I started at 10 when I was in sports.
If she’s 11 and wanting to that’s plenty old enough. 16 is a bit harsh and will lead to her peers singling her out.
Mine was 11 she had started her cycles. But she had very hairy legs and arm pits so it was needed
I was about 11 when I started shaving because my leg hair was noticable. In my opinion it depends on the parents and childs point of view. Personally if my daughter felt uncomfortable I would give permission for her to shave her legs and armpits but explain once she starts she’s going to have to continue because it will become more noticeable
I started at 11. My middle school gym class had shorts as a uniform and I got made fun of for having hairy legs.
No one taught me so I just taught myself.
I suggest teaching her, it will save a lot of blood
I started with nair around 10. Shaved at 11 because I told my dad I wasn’t going to go on vacation if I couldn’t. Personally I would let her if she’s feeling insecure. Show her how.
My older daughter started to shave around 12, my younger one just turned 12 and I’m still nervous with her using a razor… so I have to supervise
Maybe instead of shaving you could get her the shaving foam that takes the hair away that’s what my mum started me on until I got used to a razor and stuff now I just wax and it’s so much nicer xx
I was 11 and everyone else was so she let me shave to the knee lol
My oldest started using Nair around 9. We don’t keep up with during the winter, but in the summer about once a week is all she needs. I wasn’t allowed to shave until 12 and I got made fun of a lot because of how dark and noticeable my hair was. I started with Nair so there wasn’t the chance of cuts.
Talk with her…I have dark hair(brunett) and I started shaving around her age(10 or 11). But an open honest talk seems like it might help yall together…
My sister started at 9 and she has already begun puberty. My mom allowed her to start when the hair came in. Its a boost of confidence for them as starting so young is overwhelming. She doesn’t shave all the time like a grown up because it doesn’t grow as fast as ours yet. So she only shaves when she needs to. Let her do it.
I was one of the last of my friends to start shaving and I was embarrassed. If it’s noticeable, I’d say let her learn how now. I’ll let my daughter do it as soon as it’s noticeable and she asks me.
I feel you answered your own question … If shes feeling insecure bcuz it will show when it is easy to remove and make her feel better about herself why ask if its socially ok when she is the one you are concerned with. Yes teach her to shave and make this very easy and not shameful in any way…
I just taught my daughter on Christmas. She turned 11 in September. I noticed hair everywhere and asked her if she would like to learn. She did. Got her hooked up with a good razor and shaving cream (so she could see where she has shaved) and taught her to shave everything but her public hair. I told her she could wait for that as she had no need to shave there.
I say whenever she starts getting self conscious about it. My daughter was 10 and had really black hair on her armpits and legs and started getting teased. A few years later we found out she has pcos and that was the reason for the early thick hair.
Let her shave…teach her how.
no age limit. Prepubescent
when they get hair and are comfortable shaving. My daughter is 13 and hasn’t started her cycles yet so she doesn’t have any hair and doesnt shave
but my 15 year old daughter started shaving at 10 when she started her cycles.
Mine started at 12 and 11… I waited till they said something about feeling insecure about it then we went to the bathroom and i showed them how its done. With the explanation that once they started they had to keep up with it…
I think middle school age is reasonable.
Nair or hair removal cream would work better and last longer then shaving an safer in terms of her not cutting or nicking herself… I start shaving when I was around 12 and im almost 30 and I still nick myself almost every time
I’m probably gonna let my 8 year old start shaving this summer. She became alittle insecure about it last year and actually asked if she could. She’s hairy like her daddy. I just dont want kids to pick on her cuz they can be cruel.
I begged my Mom at 9,she refused. I got a hold of a razor at 10 still have a scar. I would say let her when she asks🤷🏻♀️ Trust me if it bothers her it’s time.
I started when i broke my leg in 7th grade. My hair turned dark brown from my cast. My mom supported me i think my grandma got me an electric razor so i wouldn’t cut myself. Im planning on supporting my daughter whenever shes ready
When I was 12 I asked my mom. She said no. I did it anyway. I wasn’t asking for permission what to do with MY body I was asking for motherly help and guidance
I started shaving my armpits at 10 & my legs at 12
I was 10…talk with her…be open but if she is uncomfy and it’s something that she is wanting to do to be more comfortable in her body and around peers…let her know your there and help her learn…
I was around 10-12 yrs old when I started to shave. I would talk with her and decide what is best for her.
I was too embarrassed to ask and so ended up sore and uncomfortable, would’ve done the same if I’d asked and been told no - teach her how to do it safely and comfortably, this was she can come to you judgement free if she accidentally cuts or ends up with an ingrown hair
I started my daughter off with Nair for her legs at the age 11 then slowly introduced her to a razor. The reason I let her at that age is because she started becoming insecure about herself and not wanted to wear shorts in the summer time. She has yet to grow hair on her armpits so that will be another step to accomplish one the time comes.
When they have hair that is noticeable just do what you think is right who cares what others think is right or wrong she’s your child going to someone else for an opinion isn’t getting the child raised any better than you hopefully can
I was allowed to start using nair in like 6th grade and then started actually shaving in like 8th
I started at 12. But if she feels insecure let her shave.
I wasn’t allowed to shave until I started growing armpit hair. after it started growing my mother showed me how to shave properly, I was around 11. The same rule was applied for my sister but she didn’t start growing hair until she was 13 so that is when she started shaving.
Nowadays, I think it depends on the kid. If your daughter is in dance or competitive cheer or even volleyball she may want/need to start shaving earlier than others. Obviously other reasons can come into play as well… ex, my gf’s daughter was very hairy, with dark hair, other kids commented and made her feel bad, she started shaving.
My point… I just don’t think anyone can give a flat out age for this type of thing.
Regardless I think 16 is wasaaaaay too long to wait to start shaving.
My mother said if you can grow it… shave it!
If she doesnt want it there she will remove it herself
I was about 12 when I started shaving. My daughter has darker hair than I do, and she started around 10 or 11. Most people start shaving when they find the hair annoying. (My son started shaving his face at 13.)
Just let her shave her armpits so she wont feel uncomfortable wearing her dress
My mom didn’t let me and I was so embarrassed. I had to do it behind her back. I think you should use your good judgment. All females are different when it comes to that time. My personal opinion, let her shave her underarms if it’s making her insecure. She won’t be able to enjoy the event as much if she’s gonna be worried about it. It’s not like she’s doing something permanent. Good luck and congrats
I went with their feelings, if she’s insecure and you can fix it, then why not
Should try sugar wax instead of shaving
I had 3 older sisters so it was something I knew about. I actually got hold of a razor at 5. I was so embarrassed of my monkey looking legs. However that didn’t fly with my parents. When I was in the 4th grade my sister told my mom, “Will you get Robin a bra?” I matured early and started my period at 9. I think that was when I started to shave. Absolutely let your child shave. I got my daughter a shaver, shaving cream and lotion. It was a memorable sharing time. I walked her through the process. We had a lot of laughs.
My daughter was 11 when she started shaving. I showed her the correct way to do it. It’s a great mother daughter moment.
I started at 9/10ish
My twin granddaughters started at 11, they needed to.
If she has hair she should be shaving. Age doesn’t matter for this type of stuff.