When do I draw the line with the other parent?

Tell him to suck a bag of dicks! Tell him he wants to see him he and his other children can come to you and he can start sending some money or you can ho to domestic relations and force him to pay! Then your poor child will no longer be his dirty little secret. I hate that crap a child deserves parents that love them! If his family wants to know about him then the phone works both ways. But by no means do you send that child anywhere alone with him or out of state! Its easier to keep and fight for wjat you have than to try and get back what you lost!

He made his choice a long time ago, block him and change your number. Speak with a lawyer and see if your state has laws on parental abandonment, since he’s had no contact with your child for a long time. If he tries to go through court to get his name on the birth certificate and visitation rights, you may be able to completely block it due to him abandoning your child

Keep to yourself, and never speak to him again! Your child WILL benefit from this. Be honest with him. Tell him his dad lives far… it’s his fathers responsibility to visit him! If he’s not willing to travel to see his child then it’s not your responsibility to do anything!

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You don’t owe him a damn thing. If he’s not paying child support, you can pretty much bet that his deadbeat ass wouldn’t do a paternity test or sue for parental rights. That costs money. He’s no father. He’s a sperm donor. Don’t even waste your time on this creep.

Why are you still in contact with that idiot.? If he left you when you were 3 mo and never wanted to help you pay the child’s way, why are you still even having a conversation about your son? He’s no rights to your child. There many men that That could fill his shoes. :woman_shrugging:

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Do not respond to angry demands. Do not agree to put a child on a plane alone. If your ex wants to be a part of his son’s life, he should come to you. The same goes for any of your ex’s family. It sounds as if little effort has been made to help or include you or your child in the family. These issues must be resolved before any lasting ties are made. That goes for any issues on your part as well.

After reading this and taking a moment to ponder so as not to leave a knee jerk reaction of a comment I can say it like this. This guy is not the kids father. That dude is a sperm donor at best and should be treated as such. He helps this mother in no meaningful way. He left her on her own during pregnancy and had another family. And from the “meeting his siblings” I’m wondering if he had kids back to back in the two years he dissapeared or if he already had this family and got this woman pregnant on some side action type deal and bolted because he couldn’t tell the family he already had. No name on the birth certificate, no true or meaningful involvement with her son, and no financial assistance means he has nothing to stand on to be demanding anything. He can get bent for all I care. This woman will find a guy who will treat her kid like his own if that’s what she chooses to do and if not they’ll still be fine.

*Edit- I reread and now understand that it’s the new “Baby mom”. He’s definitely a prick by allowing the other one to think that he had no children before her smh

Unless you were married at the time of birth… its YOUR CHILD regardless if he is on the birth certificate or not. (In michigan) he would need to sue for paternity, end up paying child support. If his family wants to know how your son is, they can call, if they want to be a part if his life, they will make an effort. You are not obligated to take his calls. Let them go straight to voice-mail. Make a separate, not on your phone, recording of the messages. Keep a collective record. Keep a log book of calls, dates, times, gifts that may have been sent etc. Let his “record” speak for itself if tge time comes.

I am all for fathers being in their childs life. That being said, you should take the proper route and file the paperwork for paternity testing and get the ball rolling. His father has a right to see his child as well. If he doesnt want to, he can tell that to the court. You should not be making that decision unless that child is in danger around him. Men deserve to be parents too, and children deserve to know both of their parents.

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Firstly, congratulations on raising your baby alone for 2 years! Secondly, do not send your baby to see him. If he wants to come and see him then he can come to you. It’s not like you are stopping him, it sounds like he needs to make an effort! Just because your child is a secret doesn’t mean you have to live by this. He walked out on that baby and you need to stay strong and explain to him that if he wants your son in his life he has got to take responsibility for him too! He can’t just dip in and out when it suits him and his new family, that isn’t fair on your son or yourself! Don’t let him bully you, be strong and do what you feel is best for your son but don’t EVER feel bad for not going out of your way to accommodate people that don’t have the courtesy to support you or your child. This isn’t fair, I know that, but unfortunately it sounds like it’s an awful situation. Good luck and please, stay strong!

Screw that assclown. He can’t demand a damn thing! He will have to take you to court. The courts will order a DNA sample and if he is the dad he will owe child support from date of birth till that day and monthly till the child ages out. TELL HIM HE WANT SOME COME GET SOME👊
He clearly doesn’t care or he would say call anytime, come by anytime. People do t keeps kids a secret wtf. Pretend you moved

If your son wants to know about the sperm donor when he’s older fine. But the sperm donor is a dead beat… move on baby girl… you’ve raised your son…

I suggest you don’t send your child to him since it’s like sending a poor young kid to a stranger

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Contact courts and have his parental rights terminated due to abandonment, or tell him child support $400/ month for 12 months for 18 years. You owe him nothing. And anyone who wants to see my child has to come to me, and there’s no way I would put an unattended child on a plane


You’re too nice. I wouldn’t do squat for the loser! Put his ass on child support

Oh hell to the no no. Girl cut this sumbitch off. Your son deserves better than that man is.

What a complete jerk. He’s to young anyway to fly by himself.

Lollllll what an self entitled idiot.
Just send your kid on a plane to someone they don’t even know? Yea ok bud. :woman_facepalming:t4:

Are you for real your son is a secret to his new baby mom he pays nothing he doesn’t see your son and he’s demanding you keep his family informed tell him to grow the fuck up grow a pair a balls and stop being a deadbeat dad and also he should be paying towards his son he jumped into bed with you and had the fun now it’s time he took responsibility for his actions and his son stand your ground

You don’t need to do shit for him! If he wants to be a parent he needs to step up and be a parent. You don’t owe him or his family anything! They have phones they can ask. if they aren’t trying after this long you shouldn’t either. It’s his responsibility not yours don’t stress don’t do it. Oh and he’s not even on the birth certificate so unless he starts treating you and your son better I would block that shit all together not worth the stress of being treated like that by an asshole who does nothing for your son. Ignore him!

Tell him to F*** off.

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My husband and I got separated when i found out he was having an affair with another woman, when i confronted him, we had argument and he broke up with me, i tried all i could to get him back but all to no avail. I cried all day and helpless looking up to God to help me with the problem in my marriage. All I need is my marriage to be restored back, we’ve been together for years and he has done nothing but cheated and lied to me. but I know it’s something that can be fixed I still love him the same way when I first met him. However I decided to seek help from Priest Andrew, he reunited my marriage back together as it was in the beginning. now my marriage is perfectly fine and I know there are lot of people out there who have different kind of problem in home, marriages and relationships. Here is Priest Andrew email: priestandrewcureservice123@gmail. Com
and whats app him +2349064356977

Cut off ALL contact with him. Tell him you are moving and block him from phone and text messages. If he try’s to contact you by mail, have someone write on the envelope “moved, return to sender”. Let your family and friends know about you not wanting to have any contact with him. If he doesn’t pay child support, there’s no record on file. Your son is young enough to forget him; do it before the real trouble starts. You can make a new start and you need to do what’s best for your child; they don’t need to be dragged through a “shit show” for some loser!

If he’s not on the birth certificate, doesn’t participate in any aspect of the babies life, doesn’t pay any support, and has only seen baby a few times, tell him to go fuck himself and cut contact. Dude sounds like a deadbeat pos anyway

Fuck all that, that big Nope for me. Peace out loser

Who the hell does he think he is making demands like that!? I’m sorry but that made me mad as hell. Draw it right then and there and tell him to piss off. He doesn’t get to choose when he gets to be a dad or when it’s convenient to him and you son should NEVER be a secret. Draw it right now and tell him straight up NO. You don’t send a damn two year old on a plane ALONE. Out of his fucking mind

Oh hell no. Sister I would already be receiving child support. Don’t let that dead beat man get away with it all, you are only enabling him to continue to be an asshole and this is a disservice to other women.

Change your number. U don’t have to put up with that shit. He obviously made his choice.
Best part is if he takes you to court he’ll be forced to pay child support so he’ll never do that.

Tell him to go to hell.

Id delete and block change contact details.

He isnt on the birth certificate so theres really nothing that can be done. Hes not there so fuck him. You do you all on your own

When u get the courts involved…dont just do shit bc he say so take his ass to court or be sorry later

Tell him to go f*ck himself. Let him take you to court if he wants to see your son. You don’t owe him or his family a damn thing.

The real question is why YOU catering to all of that bullshit?

Sooo for everyone saying deny your son his dad I completely disagree. Your child will hate YOU when they are older from keeping him away. Don’t let him leave the state or go with him unsupervised but tell him if he wants to see him and he a part of his life he has to put in that effort. My bd is a POS and I know that but he’s still her dad. So I let him call and talk to her whenever he wants … Which is like once every three months. And I let him come see her whenever he wants with supervision. Like at my house or mall ect. Which is like twice a year to take fb photos :joy:. It is rough on me now but when my daughter grows and gets older SHE will realize who’s around and who’s not and who puts in effort and who doesn’t. And when she wants to call him I let her and he NEVER answers. Which she gets sad we get ice cream or something then she’s fine. But point is she won’t hate me when she’s old enough because she will see in her own time that I’m the shit and he sucks and isn’t worth her time. She’s only five now and is already like yeah I don’t want to talk to her dad’s first name he didn’t answer when I called him. Or no I’m busy playing he can call later … So even at such a young age she already knows. She even says my boyfriend now is her dad because he’s the one that does stuff with her shows up and takes care of her. And she did that on her own choice. You let your baby dad show his colors to your child. And let them hate them. You just support your baby and do the best you can to mend the pieces.o

Nope. Nope to all of it.

Umm this douche bag needs to grow the fuck up! No way in hell would I put my 2 year old on a plane to meet some guy he’s only met twice at his demand! His family his responsibility to update them in the child’s life unless of course you are close with them and want to. You’ve got options take his ass to court for support and a consistent visitation schedule, tell him to pound sand, make the trip and let the child get to know his father.

He cannot demand shit. He is not on the birth certificate so unless he pays for a paternity test to establish he is the father and then go to court to get visitation (depending on state it is unlikely because he hasn’t been there and your son doesn’t know him). Cut all communication, change your number. No good parent would put their 2 year old on a plane nor would they keep their child from their new S/O. What is he gonna say to her if you’re son showed up out of nowhere

Lol fuck him that’s what I’d say. He wants to be daddy he needs to prove it and not by sending a child that doesn’t know who he is amon a plane by himself especially at 2. Wtf is he smoking

Let him take u to court if he wants to be an asshole to you. If he cant come at u peacefully then all bets off.

This is not a father

Nah. Fuck that guy. :no_good_woman:

I would contact a lawyer first just in case he starts shit. But tell him not to contact you or get a new number. If you son wants a relationship with his father later in life that his choice.

Girl, fuck him! Get his address and file for child support. He won’t see nothing until you see some consistency and effort. Next time he text you, no matter what he says! Just text back…“STFU”

He wants more he can take you to court
He deserves :fu:t3::fu:t3::fu:t3::fu:t3:

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Nope. The line should have already been drawn. Its not your responsibility to make sure his family updated, nor if it your responsibility to keep your child a secret, nor is it your responsibility to make sure dad sees your kid. Tell him to fuck off, I would not send your son. If he is a secret to the baby mom, then your ex doesn’t need to see him either. If he doesn’t like it, he can bring you to court.

Ignore him… screw him.

Tell him no way no how.


Why are you even bothering to answer he’s calls ? He has no respect for you or your child…leaving while your pregnant? If he’s family want to know anything about your baby they should ask or he should tell them that’s not up to you not your family…I wouldn’t entertain speaking or having anything to do with this person …your better off continuing to do what your doing you deserve better so does your child

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He’s not on the birth certificate and he doesn’t really give a s*** he wants you to do everything ignore him block him have nothing to do with him end of discussion and when your son is old enough let him know who is that is and tell him you’ll find him that’s that if you wanted to see his child he would have established paternity he would have started paying child support he’d make regular visits don’t put them in and out of your kid’s life to f****** your kids head

He needs to pay child support. Done!


It’s a horrible situation you in, for you and especially for your son. If he does not pay any support and hasn’t really bothered to see his son AND to top it all, hasn’t told his girlfriend or wife he is already a dad to a precious little being, I would tell him to take a hike. If he wants to see YOUR son, he must come to you, visit him in your home. That little angel doesn’t know him, how scary to go off with a stranger.
As for updating his family, sweetpea, if they can’t be bothered to contact you to enquire or make an effort to visit little one, WHY on earth should you go out your way for them!?
At the end of the day, the decision is yours and you have to think about what’s best for your son and no one else.

Tell the father if he wants to see his son that he should get on a plane and come visit him. Make him fight for visitation then he will have to pay support. My guess is he won’t do either

The best advice I could give you is simply end all contact. If he would like to go through the proper measures to get visitation and so on, he can do that through the courts. Go to the courthouse and file for full custody on the grounds of abandonment. With everything you just said, full custody would be awarded to you without hesitation, immediately.

tell him to leave you alone or go to hell he is being a jerk

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Tell him to take a flying leap and then put him on child support, he doesn’t have to be in the birth certificate for that cause they can order him to do a DNA test. It will not give him visitation rights, if he wants those he had to go to the courts and price he can be trusted with the baby and most men like that won’t even bother. Block him if you have to but don’t play into to his demands because they are just hot air.

Tell him if it’s that important to him to step up his dad skills . Tell his other childs mom about the one the you and him have together. And if his family hasn’t tried to in babies life screw them they dont deserve to know your baby

You should cut off all contact and pretend like he never existed. Do it now

Girl cut him loose, you’re a good mama! And you and baby don’t deserve that toxic treatment. It sounds like he’s coming at you from a state of shame and he’s taking it out on you. Don’t even humor that. If he wants to have a genuine relationship with his son then he needs to respect mom too. Some men do this so they can throw their hands in the air and say “well she’s being a bitch I can’t even see my own son” that way people pity him instead of shame him for not prioritizing his son. Save the text messages save it all. Try not to have conversations through calls. Save and record everything. You go right ahead and draw that line girl.

DO NOT send him. The father is not on the birth certificate, is not paying child support, walked out before the child was even born, he has no rights. You can send him information if you wish and allow phone calls to your child from the father, just to allow your son to know his father, but other than that he really has no rights to much else.


I’d be getting child support. And if there isn’t a custody order in place and you send your child there, he could easily keep him and never give him back. Nope, I’d tell him if he wants any kind of visitation to take it to the courts.


Go to court and get him legally obligated to pay child support, you didn’t make the baby yourself and you are entitled to the financial help. Let visitation also be controlled by the court. Judging by what was said, his visits will be very limited if he gets them at all.

He’s probably whupped by his current baby mama and that’s why he’s telling you what to do and being all manly and tough. First of all he can step off. Second of all, I’d take these ladies advice. He can’t tell you what to do with your son. Period.

Stop playing games with your ex,if he has to hide him away from some people something is up.You are the one that is responsible for your son.And I don’t think any air liner would allow a 2year old to travel on they own

He drew the line himself 2 years ago when you were pregnant.

Keep records of any contact you have with him, including having his message printed out. This way you have a hard copy of it. I just wanted to throw that in there.

I would first makesure to call at the wrong times and hope th gf answers. Im not lying for anybody

You don’t need to do anything and he sounds better off without the dad

Oh wow you rock, him I have no words :no_mouth:

He should be making the effort not you

Don’t call or answer the phone

You’re the fool for not putting him on the child’s birth certificate. Haul his ass into court and do a DNA test, he won’t hiding anything then

Girl, you don’t have to do shit!!! He’s not on the birth certificate, no DNA establish, no child support and no court ordered? In my book he don’t exist!!
If he want to see his son than court order need to be in place and back pay child support !!!

Ignore him get the courts to tell him to piss off you can’t pick and choose when to be a parent. Your son is better off without him. No loss. If he gave a shit he would have been there for him from birth. Tell him he keeps his shit up you will have the courts take him for all the child support he never paid see how much he wants to see him then.

Hell with him you didnt need him all this time

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Say sorry no WAY!!!

Tell that mf dueces bitch and kick rocks plain and simple if hes not taking care of your son then his gets nada in regards to your son fr

Girl fuck him…period…