When do you know to stop trying or caring? My husband and I have been together for a few years and married for a few months. We have a baby together. During pregnancy was rough. I didn’t get treated great but I dealt with it. I work my butt off. I worked full time until the day before I had my kid. And even now I went back a month after having my little one and work full time and long days. I get no help. No help. And if something like the dishes isn’t done I get yelled at saying the whole reason the house is a mess is because of me. I do all the cooking and cleaning and work longer days than my husband. I change all the diapers. I do all the feedings. I do everything. But it’s all still “my job” so if it’s not done, it’s the end of the world. I’ve asked for help and don’t get it. Or if I do, it’s done with attitude. I get treated as if I’m a total idiot and get yelled at if I don’t want to do something with friends on my days off because I’m tired. He also likes lots and lots of pictures of other women. If they’re friends, I told him I don’t care. But it’s only girls he’s slept with, no one else. I’ve told him it hurts my feelings, and I feel hurt, but he won’t stop and says it doesn’t matter, and he doesn’t care. He even almost ended our wedding because I didn’t want one of his past flings there. I get past is past, but sometimes there’s a limit. Especially when you’ve tried to be friends with them, and they only talk to him. My feelings don’t exist anymore to him. They are invalid or “stupid.” I don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve also opened up about having postpartum depression, and now that’s used as a weapon too. As soon as a fight breaks out, it’s an instant, “you just need help.” My heart is breaking every single day.
Leave him fuck that noise…that just wait until a day he goes to work and pack what you can and leave…
This is when it’s over. Right here. I’m sorry you’re going through this
Just leave. Your not a damn maid! He doesnt respect you!
Girl. Go. It’s been over.
It’s done with you deserve so much better than this
I read 1/3 of your post and knew you’d had to leave. You’re in appreciated, go! He sounds like trash anyway.
Don’t waste anymore time with him. Sounds like you are pretty much doing it alone, so you might as well be alone. Sounds like you would be happier.
You and your child deserve so much more. He needs to LEAVE!
It’s time to leave. He sounds like a horrible person! Please run as fast as you can.
Its over, you just don’t know it yet
That sounds abusive to me. Run!
Get the fuck out chick, come on now! If you’re doing it all on your own now why keep the shit baggage?? Tell him to step up or step the fuck out the way.
Leave! I’m sorry but I would have done left by now. Sounds to me like he’s a big ass coward. F him
If you’re doing it all on your own anyway then what good is he?
Marriage is a partnership, teamwork, if your teammate is bringing you down you need a better team mate.
Screw his best friend
I’m so sorry u are going through this it’s tough having kids and trying to maintain a relationship if he doesn’t see that u need a break for ur own mental that is not fair if he’s not treating u like u should be treated or valued then the timing is based on how much longer u can take the mistreatment and disrespect u are worth so much more than that and if he just feel that oh it’s ur job then what is his job isn’t it to provide protect and respect… u are the only one that can say it’s time but I’m sending positive vibes your way girl ugh mom life is tough ur mate should not make it harder
He sounds like a piece of shit. Run away. Fast. Save your heart for someone who cares!
Kick him to the curb, honey. No real man would treat you like that.
I’d file for a divorce. You deserve better than that. Seems like you could leave, you do it all on your own anyways.
Get rid of that scum bag fast.What jerk,who does he thinks he is?Run, don’t need this,life is too short to be in this situation.
Kick his sorry ass to the curb
I think you already know the answer to your question you are just afraid of change and all the things involved with a relationship ending which is a normal feeling I left a DV relationship 10 years ago it’s hard but rewarding in the long run
Please leave this piece of sh$t!!!
You need to leave him. I’m normally one that says try to work it work it out, but he honestly seems like a lost cause
My baby daddy was like this… I left after it kept getting physical. Don’t settle for less than you deserve girly. I don’t care who you are. NO ONE SHOULD FEEL LIKE A BACKUP PLAN OR 2ND CHOICE!
If your not happy then leave why stay and torture yourself that way!! That’s not love he sounds like a bitch…
You’ve given your answer. Pick up your baby and walk. There’s more beautiful side to life than that waste of oxygen.
Walk out now,he is not worth it,carma will eat him up in time.
Awe I’m sorry. It’s never easy, and you always wish and hope for things to work out. You will know when the right time is to leave because your feelings won’t get hurt anymore and you’re heart won’t break everyday. Leaving is easier said then done. So try and think about your happiness and do those things that make you feel better. Bring the kids or get someone else to watch them! Hire a nanny/housekeeper, and then put yourself first. Either he’ll push you away and you’ll know it’s over, or he’ll change, but either way try not to be sad and go forward!
Girl, just like everyone has said you & your baby deserve better! You are doing everything alone anyway. You are doing a great job. So my advice to you is to leave and never look back. There is a man out there that will treat you both so much better than your husband ever could. No one deserves to be treated that way it’s over
Postpartum depression is real . maybe you need to get help but you don’t need his exgirl friends in your face. You wouldn’t be the first to get a divorce. My ex would go dancing without me . There is life after divorce. You need to be happy for your child
Honey it’s done and over. Hes pushing you away because hes too much of a coward to admit he wants out. I know it sucks because part of you still loves him and hes the father to your child but your health and happiness are important too. End it now. Before it gets worse.
What you are describing is emotional abuse. It’s not going to change, you now have not only yourself to take care of, you have your child to take into consideration. My advice would be to end it now.
If your doing everything then why do you need him? He sounds like a shit bag! Hes abusive and a skin hound hog. You deserve better. Your child deserves a happy healthy mom
I would say pack up and leve its already over you and your child dont need him u can make it on your own hes not worth it
Hes an arse! And doesn’t deserve you! Leave him!
Ditch him. You’re being used.
Um. To the left. Put all his stuff in a box and walk the hell out. You have money and you work hard and you are doing it alone anyway. Bye Guy Bye.
Girl I think you already know what you should be doing no need to ask here. You deserve someone who will treat you so much better. Know your worth.
Pack the baby all r articles and tell him done. Or just tell him to leave.
You already know the answer. Get you and your baby away from that toxic human.
Not trying to be mean, but why marry him if it was already so bad. I’d leave now before it gets too late
You married & had a child with this poor excuse for a man why???
Kick him to the curb. He sounds awful and abusive & if you’re doing it all anyway just get rid of him & take the child support. Document everything you can & consult a lawyer. Seems like you’re doing a superhuman job & I hope you get help from many worthwhile people along your life journey.
If you can be on your own and support you and your child on your own without him and be happier you’ve answered your own question
Leave. Pack up only what you need and get out.
Girl… go! You will be soooooo much happier on your own with your baby!
Take your baby and get out. You deserve more
And you are with him WHY??? Mental Abuse is as bad as physical Abuse. It is obvious, he is not ready to settle down into married life. Pray about it and seek help before it’s too late. Be strong & be blessed sweetie
ur husband sounds like a little bitch. kick him to the curb. you deserve way better in life, with or without a significant other
You deserve so much better!
This is abuse, verbal and emotional. You are worth way more then this. It’s time to move on.
When you can imagine them with someone else and it doesn’t bother you
Sounds like my former life, with my EX husband. Trust me, he will never change. Don’t stay for the baby’s sake, either, I did, and have 2 adult children with relationship problems and “daddy issues”. Get out now. You’re already doing everything, so going solo will not be a hardship. Take time to get your head on straight, don’t jump in to another relationship right away, and realize that life can be enjoyable. Sounds to me like you can do it, and you definitely owe it to yourself.
As if you even married him… yuk… run away and don’t look back!!
It’s time to leave and find your worth again, I know it will hurt to start over again but it’s better to leave now then to stay in the marriage and show your child that it’s okay to treat others the way your husband is treating you or to be treated the way you are. Your child needs a happy mama remember that.
The very first sign of disrespect is a preview of whats tp come. Run.
Just leave his sorry ass and do what you have been doi g all along taking care of business
PPD is something you need to get help for! That is something you can do for yourself and your little one.
As far as your husband is concerned…he is verbally and emotionally abusing you. Abuse is not something that will get better on it’s own, so it’s time to leave, both for you and your baby!
If you’re doing it all, do it alone…
Would he be willing to do counseling? I would also recommend getting help for yourself for the post partum depression. Can’t help anyone else in the family if you’re not 100%. Remember when you’re on a plane they say to put your mask on first before you help anyone else. Put your mask on girl. I will keep you in my thoughts you can work this out. I would hate to see a family split.
Hes trash you deserve way better he needs to help more period and stop using your mental health as reasons to run you down a real man wouldnt do that you need to just leave his ass get you a better man a guy out there will love you to death an spoil you an that child you do not need him move on from him you will be happy again one day just need to let go of that trash
Obviously hes not adding to you. So you dont need him. All hes doing is taking your happiness and everything else and your baby needs a happy mom and you’ll be better off without a POS
Sounds like my life and that’s exactly why is over. It’s mentally and physically exhausting and not the actions of someone who cares about you.
Time to take care of urself, ur kids need a happy mum and ur doing it all on your own anyway. It’s the same but heaps less bloody stress
It’s not post partum. He is treating you like dirt and abusing you. Get out. You already know how to take care of yourself and the baby by yourself. It is only going to get worse. Sometimes things cannot be fixed and you need to walk away before he beats you down any more. You do not deserve to be treated that way and he doesn’t deserve you. You are too good for someone e like him. You deserve better!!!
Done, get the flip out run don’t walk
Omg kick him to the curb seriously!
Hire a housekeeper to come few times a week also
You’ve already proven that you can do it all by yourself! Imagine how much happier you’d be without him & his mean words and actions toward you. Love yourself instead
If you’re doing everything alone then you need to be alone.
If he’s not helping you, then he’s a hindrance… He’s only 1 more person for you to take care of… get out now!!!
I had a boyfriend for18yers now it is over because of his family ,I was at the hosp.with his mother for seven hrs and his grabbed my arm so hard she left a bvruise on my wrist that was the last straw
Damn girl… Run… run fast
You can’t change a narcissist… the last thing you want is for your child to get older, witness this behavior, and think that’s how a “normal” marriage/relationship should be.
Don’t stay for the child, I did and my son it 40 now and still traumatize!!! Leave!!! Run fast. The child will be fine.
Your husband sounds like a narcissistic asshole. YOU DESERVE SO MUCH BETTER RUN!!!
Leave. He sounds abusive. A relationship is 50/50. It’s communication and talking as well as comprising. If the dishes are not done then the other person steps up and does them or offers to do half. A relationship is where everyone’s feeling are talked about and taken into account not used against each other. A relationship has no yelling but, plenty of talking with respect.
You deserve so much better than that I promise there’s men that will treat you the way you deserve to be treated
Yes leave mine ended up abusing my girls we were together 11 yrs and it was non-stop exactly the same things you are speaking about. Leave now!!!
Time to put him out!!
If you can do everything yourself, You are more then capable to do anything & everything yourself! Sounds like hes just there as a dog
Divorce his sorry ass yesterday! You can do better than a little fuck boy.
Honey walk away today. You’re dealing with severe emotional and verbal abuse.
I don’t usually advise divorce but in this case I think you can be happier without him. I don’t think any of your feelings are post partum related either, it just sounds like he is a burden. He sounds lazy and abusive. Fuck him and his dishes. Go find your own perfect little apartment or house and you’ll be a lot happier. I promise.
Sound like you are already doing it all by yourself anyways. Leave him
I had one of those too. I got my own place and moved on with my kids and grandkids last year. It is less stressful and I am happier. When I left he thought he was coming too but I told him I was done. Now every weekend he visits bringing gifts and thinks he can spend a night. When a women is done she is done and he still hasn’t got the message.
Why did you even get married??
You would be happy and less stressed with out him. He sounds good for nothing.
Why’d you even get married? I’m sorry but seriously walk away you don’t want your kids to seee you get treated like crap
Sweetie don’t let this miserable piece of shit treat you like your nothing pack his shit and put it out right along with him
It’s time to leave don’t wait 25 years get out now
Leave !! You can do better on your own. He is the type that likes to make you miserable. Hes not going to stop and then your child will grow up in the middle of it
I think you would be happier alone with your child - one less person to wait on!
Honey you don’t need him
Hr will only drag you further down
Find some place for you and your child where you will be safe
You are making it on your own now without his help. It may be just at first but you will have peace of mind and no stress
Please don’t stay with him especially if he is violent
Praying for you and your precious child
Sounds like a toxic relationship. Leave
This is an easy answer for us but not so easy for you…you need to take your baby and leave. Period. Try rereading what you wrote while pretending it’s another woman. What advice would you give her?
get out of the toxic situation. you dont deserve that
If you’re already doing it all by yourself, then do it by yourself, you dont need him, and you dont want the kids to see him treat you that way and grow up thinking that it’s ok… run girl run, as fast as you can
I’d walk now honestly.
Honey, you need to leave him.
Run now! Leave! This is an abusive relationship.