Leave his ass. You may hurt for a lil while. But it’s better then staying and getting hurt the whole time your with him untill the end. Save yourself some pain and wasted time.
Pack his shit and kick him out. It will NOT get any better.
Yikes. You know what you should do. You don’t need a thousand women telling you what you already know.
If it is too hard to do it with him then do it all without him.
Ugh u poor thing! Run! You deserve so much more!
It will only get worse. Leave now for yours and your kids sake. I stayed in a marriage that was verbally and mental abuse. My kids grew up to hate their dad. Because of the way he treated us. You deserve much better
Hunny. That’s emotional abuse. Get out. You don’t deserve to be treated like that. Your not his slave. Pack your bags and tell him you leaving and not coming back.
Get out now. The sooner, the better. It will be hard in the beginning but what is there to lose except that toxicity. You’re doing everything alone anyway. I was in a similar situation and am much happier months later. Leave him and work on yourself and taking care of your little one.
I’ve been married for 32 years. It takes 2 to make it work. I really believe in the marriage and working things out but in this case, you are practically newlyweds. Honey, this is the best it’s ever going to be. If you stay, it will only get worse. Only you know if there is anything there worth staying for. Good luck.
Doesn’t sound like he contributes a single thing to your relationship. You’ll be better without him.
Sounds like hes a mommas boy who did everything for him…grab that lil one n leave…you deserve better knowing you got your child out of bad situation
I’m guessing this isn’t new. Why is it only a problem now? Why was that treatment ever acceptable and what changed? There’s so much more to this…
Get out now he is never gonna change!
Bye Felicia
All the way
Honey its gonna hurt but break his heart and tell him no more hurt your done you dont need him to raise your baby hes shown you he dont care let him go run like the wind be free you will feel good get a small place. For you and the baby thats all you need that way you can keep up with things and feel great about your self no one needs that crap around them or their baby one day you will find the best person for you
He sounds abusive. You’re not his maid, and your feelings aren’t “stupid”. They’re valid. I’d have a suitcase waiting for him and divorce papers. I don’t think he will ever change because it sounds like he immediately dismisses everything you say and doesn’t respect you. Sorry to say it but it sounds like he’s using you.
If ur asking it’s probably already over. When I.asked myself this question I knew.
I’ve been dealing with the same bs my entire relationship. If I didn’t have my horses I’ve had sense I was a kid I’d have left long ago kids or not
This is an extremely toxic, and mentally abusive relationship. Get out now.
Stop letting him get away with being a POS, no one deserves to be called a husband when they dont act like one. Im pretty sure you know the answer to your question. Sucks that you married him. I hope it works out and you become happier. Let us know when you get a lawyer and divorce papers. I’m sure you’ll have plenty of support.
Get the hell away from that pos. What is tolerated, will continue. Don’t be miserable. Never look back.
With my x I had all with what you say verbally and mental abuse not good get out while you can.and mine was with an alcoholic. If I counted a dollar in dimes and tell him he’d say count again.
Its easier said than done when it comes to walking away but you need to let him know if push comes to shove you can do it on your own. He can either straighten up or ship out. My husband used to make me feel the same way. I finally bossed up and told him if I was going to feel like a single mother I minus well be 1. I never let him see me weak after that day and showed him with my actions that I was dead serious. I too suffered from postpartum but I had to lift myself out of that depression day by day until I was able to control my emotions and realize I deserve to be happy too. Long story short I’ve been with my husband for 16 years and we still go through our ups and downs but we got through it.
Send him on his way NOW!
You’re in an abusive relationship. Run!
You need to leave. Now. Go.
A person will only treat you how you allow yourself to be treated. Stop allowing it. If that means leaving, so be it.
I’m sorry to tell you but he has done everything but tell you to leave. He says he doesn’t care what you think and keeps pictures of girls around. Do you think he would tolerate this from you ? Accept the facts and move on. Raising a child is hard, but raising a child with someone who makes you feel like dirt is worse. Somewhere out there is a man who will treasure you. Don’t settle for less.
Not sure why you would marry a man that would insist on having a woman he slept with at your wedding… but what is done is done… make a plan, start saving money and file for a divorce. If you are having PPD issues seek help but don’t tell him anymore about it.
He’s not who you or your child need!
Dont let him treat you like that get out away from it.
He had no respect for you or your Baby
I’m sorry your going through that. It’s mental, emotional and psychological abuse . get out . normally I’d say the stress of getting married and the new baby … Things will settle down, try to work it out. But not with this. He is abusing u. I’ve been there and done that with my 10 yr olds father/sperm donor. It won’t get better, it will only get worst. Now that your married and have a child… He feels like he has u stuck in a net, and that your not going any where so his true colors are showing… But please grab your baby and run. Get away from him . your doing all the work any way. He isn’t helping u. So get away. Sounds like u can easily support yourself and your baby without him. And the difference is that u won’t have to be abused and belittled while doing it. And id almost guarantee your post partum depression is caused from him. If not caused solely by him, he is making it 1000 times worst by the way he treats u. Get out and I guarantee your post partum will either go away completely or it will at least diminish to an easier level for u to deal with it… But please get out, as fast and as safely as your able to. Good luck momma
So you are working full time, raising baby, taking care of the house…you need him for what???
A real man would step up…
He sounds like a abusive grown child…
I know it’s hard but you are already doing it…he obviously needs you more than you need him…
You already know this…yes it hurts but you can’t change him…
Don’t tell him till you are ready to walk…have all your peas in a row…get a place…get a truck…do it when he is out…take couple days off work and go…leave him a note
I am doing it all…so why do I need you…good luck…you have this…you can do it because you already are…you will find it so much easier without the stress…from someone who’s been there
Why be with somebody if you are pretty much alone? I would rather be single and not have to hear all that
It’s sad but true…HES A DICKHEAD! Please don’t let him control you. Nobody owns anybody! You deserve SOOooo much better. Best of luck to you and your baby
Honestly you have tried everything. It will only get worse as time goes on. Verbal abuse is so much harder than physical abuse my personal opinion. In my opinion I would see if you can get someone you are comfortable with to watch the wee one maybe overnight so you two can be alone. It might start an argument but try to get him to have a conversation giving both of you to say or ask what’s on each other’s mind (yes I know it’s a hard thing to do) or you can write out all the concerns that you have or feeling. Lay everything out and if he doesn’t want to help or show a change with what ever time line you want to set let him know that the relationship will end. If you ever need someone to talk to please feel free to PM me. I wish you the best of luck. Just know that you or the child deserves that. And It can impact the baby as it grows and sees what you are put through. I am so sorry you have to go through this.
It sounds so over. He’s mentally abusing you too. That can hurt worse sometimes. Your doing it all without him all ready. It will hurt at first but them you’ll be better off. It’s time to go. If no one has told you. YOU ROCK!!
Alright he’s a piece of shit and you just need to leave, put his ass on child support with no remorse! First of all love is a challenge but it’s not disrespectful. You know in your heart what he’s doing to you is not right & your feelings are true. Don’t let your kids see that shit, it’s not healthy for any of you! If you keep on letting him do this to you he’s going to keep on disrespecting you. It’s going to be hard at first yes, but it’s going to be worth it in the end if you leave him. There are good men out there. He’s just not the one. I’m sorry you’re going thru this. Stay strong
Sweety get out of there. You are basically living a single life as it is. You just have a room mate and not a husband. A husband would take part in everything.
Honey i would leave sometimes they needed to see what they have by losing it and if he doesn’t care after you leave then he just doesn’t care
You should have seen it coming with the treetment you received before getting maried!
I woulda let him end the wedding and walked away then and there…
I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. I think that you already know the answer, though. You don’t need validation from us. Do what’s best for you and your child. Call a family attorney. Figure out what your options are for annulment vs divorce, and child custody. Good luck, Honey. I’ll be praying for you.
Sorry, sounds like my ex. Time to let him go. You will be so much happier.
Bye, MFer! It won’t get better
He doesn’t give a shit about you.
And then you will look back and wonder why you let this happen.
Wonder why you stayed so long.
I will put this as nicely and bluntly as possible. RUN!! Mine has been that way since I had our daughter 9 years ago and its getting worse and we will be married 11 years next year. I should have ran and I stayed and now starting to have panic attacks and crying for no reason!! It’s literally destroyed me.
If youre doin it alone may as well be alone why torture yourself
Go while u have the chance cos it will get worse
This was painful to read
He’s a dick don’t deal with that mental abuse. And cheating if he’s still hung up on "looking"at ex girlfriend.
U would be happier single parent
Hes not in it
Ur working by urself to keep it together
No more chances…and dont look back
What do you get from this “relationship”? It seems very one sided. I would leave.
Leave. If you’re doing it all alone, you may as well truly do it alone and be less miserable.
Oh hell no! Marriage is a partnership. Everything doesnt dall on one person. Of you believe it’s time to leave then it’s time to leave. But dont stick around if you dont thinks its gonna get better and if your being disrespected and unappreciated.
Do you have a truck? If so, run his ass over. If not, message me and I’ll send you enough to cover a rental. Goodbye Earl!!!
Sounds like it’s already completely over. No women deserves to be treated like that during and after pregnancy. He obviously doesn’t respect you at all. Move on. Yes, it’s hard but it gets better staying will only make you more unhappy. You & your baby deserve better. If you don’t do it for yourself do it for your baby. That little Person deserves better than having his mommy disrespected and not appreciated enough and loved.
a relationship is over when there is no contact from one of the partners and you are certain they do not want contact
Love your self, and realize you are WORTHY of so much more then he is offering you. You need to get away before it destroys you
You are in an abusive relationship get out for the sake of you and your baby
He is right, You do need help, Someone to help you move out. You’re already doing it alone might as well be alone. You will be much happier. He’s already said he didn’t care why stay.
Honey, please, please, please get out or kick him out. Don’t wait. Do it now. I’ve lived through it. If you stay it gets worse. You have more kids and he continually gets worse.
Wish I had followed my own advice and lived my own life.
Its will be harder to stay and try to make it work than to just leave. And leave before your child ever even knows you to as a couple. That way too if he chooses to not be involved you know now and can protect your child of potentially another abusive relationship. When your pregnant a man should see you as one with his child…because you are!!! It will only get worse mama…honestly this is the easy part…wait until that baby wants to come home and live life too. You will want to enjoy that nit be worried about someone screaming over dishes…nor does your child. You can do it. And do it now before you end up pregnant again. Its harder to do it alone with an asshole than a alone with your happiness. And your not alone…you have a child who is right there with you every step of the way.
Personally I would leave. It doesn’t sound like there is anything positive in your relationship worth saving.
I’m always shocked at everyones first thought is to leave. Maybe yalls husbands friends are telling him to leave you…talk to him get help. If that doesn’t work then seek other options. The first answer isnt always to leave. No one cares about marriage anymore. Its sad
And if you have ppd get help!!! Especially if you are or truly want to leave. Do not suffer in silence. It too will only get worse. But honest its probably just the way he treats you. Set yourself free. Helo yourself. So many resource available to single mothers in all areas. Just Google the help you need and get it. No shame.
U ask for it u married him
Tell him to help you or get out. A guy that won’t help his wife, isn’t. A Man He’s still a little boy. But he does mead. Help.
You married an asshole.
Aww hun, I was gonna share with him. Then reading the second half of the post…this guy seems he likes to take advantage of his living situation that hes being taken care of 100% not to sound crass but the guy seems like a d bag and you could use some change and a breath of fresh air hun.
Why are you with him?
Sound to me you be better off on your own. You didn’t gain a partner you gain another Asshole. Honey you only need one!!
Leave and divorce his useless butt.
He isn’t treating you right he’s openly cheating on you. Your not fine with that but your “dealing with it” no hun get your baby and your belongings and leave his sorry ass.
Get rid of him u deserve so much better good luck I’m praying for ya!
Just run! He sounds very emotionally abusive. You dont need that.
Kick him to the curb , he’s an ass
Past time to get out of that abusive relationship. It only gets worse. Help is available. GET OUT.
Leave him. If he doesnt respect your feelings even if it is post partum depression and he doesnt have a care in the world than maybe it’s time u love yourself and that baby of yours and leave. It’s not worth the pain and heartache and you really dont want your child seeing you two fight constantly. U need to get away before it ends up in domestic abuse. I went through something similar and I finally realized that I was not happy and hadn’t been in a long time and my kids were seeing the pain. Kids and even babies can tell when ur not happy. U need to think what makes you happy. Do what’s best for you and that baby and if it means leavening than leave.
Don’t say a word to him, get a lawyer and Get Out!
If he cheats on you or is physically abusive, then you should seek a divorce if you can’t reconcile. But if not, keep fighting for your marriage. Set boundaries. Don’t let him walk all over you. Set conditions because you deserve to be treated better. But you don’t need to divorce over this.
Well I think you know it’s done and you’re wanting someone to give you a reason to stay but you have listed a ton of reasons why it should be over. If you don’t feel loved or respected and he continues to do what he wants no matter how you feel- what are you fighting for? What are you holding on to? People show you who they are and sadly we want them to be better or different. That’s not how it works. You are going to be much better on your own. It will seem like you can’t or won’t be able to do it. He might say you need him but you know that’s not true and that happiness is just on the other side him. If you really think you are depressed go get help. Your mental health is for you and baby. Anyone who throws that in a new mother’s face is a straight piece of shit. He should want you thriving and ok especially if your struggling. This dude sounds like a ass.
You can do this. You don’t need to be put down and mistreated.
You unfortunately chose a bad one and even married him after he showed you he has absolutely no respect for you or your feelings. It will only get worse leave.
This breaks my heart for you. Being a new mother is a special time in your life, but he’s making your life hell instead. My advise is to hire a lawyer and protect yourself from being stuck in an abusive and loveless marriage.
Honey I’m so sorry. This must be so incredibly difficult for you. Because you have a child together I would give it my all so you don’t have any regrets and once you do or if you already have and he is aware of how you feel and he’s not willing to change, then I would leave. Have you tried writing him a letter? This would be something he could read over and over again. He wouldn’t have a chance to get defensive and can’t interrupt you. Life is too short and there are plenty of men out there that will treat you the way you deserve. Don’t waste your time with this guy if he’s making you feel so horrible. You wouldn’t want this for your child would you?
Oh man it’s way over girl…I couldn’t imagine me ever staying if my boyfriend even had a past fling on any of his social medias letalone liking their things…I would be G O N E. He has absolutely no respect for you and he does what he wants because he can and you let it happen by sticking around.
You need to leave him now. It won’t get any better, he is mentally and emotionally abusive. It will only get worse
You have a job I hope you have your own bank account start putting money away start going through your things and getting rid of what you don’t want since you’re the only one doing the cleaning I doubt if he’ll notice you might even want to rent a small storage unit and start moving your things to it and then when you have enough money to get your own place leave take the baby and file legal separation papers you don’t need this I would file for divorce and child support and when the judge asked why say when your husband sits there in front of you and stares pictures of other women and talks down to you and treat you like crap and expect you to work and be a housemaid to and doesn’t lift a finger what good is he. You better off without him.
This is not love. This is not committment. This is not partnership. This is narcissistic abuse. It’s not normal and you don’t deserve it.
Please don’t stay.
He won’t help you…he won’t talk with you or listen to you…you work full time inside AND outside the home. He almost called off your wedding because you weren’t comfortable having someone attend that he’d had a fling with. He’s adding nothing, only taking. My gut tells me you’re young. I was in a similar situation a looking time ago. You can’t love, plead or therapy someone who acts like that into doing right. What you CAN do, with all the strength and perseverance you’ve been throwing his way, is make a good life for you and your baby. And if you do that you’ll be stronger for it, and only accept the best. I’m in my late 30s, my husband is in his late 40s. Combined we have 8 kids…the little one just 5 months old. Not everything is perfect. But we are partners and teammates. We add to each other’s lives, we don’t just take. Move on. Make your life.
Maybe you do “just need help”
Help from lawyer to get tf out.
He thinks he has you locked down because you had his babe. That is not so. Leave and require coparenting therapy in your custody order.
Omg I know exactly how you feel! Your story is Identical to mine! Honestly kinda scary how much our stories are alike! Praying for a better life for u and ur little one!
Leave before he gets physically abusive. That’s next. Don’t try to stay because of your baby, he doesn’t care.
Leave his ass. YOU deserve better off
Get out my sons dad was exactly this way also physically abused me has a drug problem and hasnt been around other then small peruods of time bc hes beat me up multiple times and me ajd my son left hes currently looking at prison time this time bc the last time he hurt me pretty bad … Get out now hun before its 2 late started out as mental abuse i was his slave !!! Iv had our sons bed throw at me baskets full of clothes amd other crazy things too
Honestly, it should have never started. You knew he was like this when you married him. You need to leave him.
Time to get out love so sorry you should be enjoying your little one not having all this stress best of luck
Sounds like your already doing it all alone with an extra body to clean up after and he’s treating you like sh!t. You already know what ya need to do. Do you want your child to think that’s the way a man is supposed to treat a woman? Because if you stay, that’s exactly what you will be teaching your child. It’s easier to do it alone without all the added b.s. of an ungrateful a$$ constantly bullying you. I’m speaking from experience. I did it with three babies alone for years. Much happier without all the crap
Honestly mine cheated on me on and off for two years. And barely helped with kids or anything. Always sorry. My own fault for always taking him back, but I think it was the financial reasons I stayed after like the 5th time. Eventually he wanted to make it work and he was serious, and changed his ways for a long time but my love for him by then was too far gone. Every little thing he did started to irritate me. Even when he wasn’t really doing anything. I also had 0 desire to want to do anything sexually. I became such a bitch to him, but also during I told him on numerous occasions I was no longer in love with him, but he refused to leave because he was “in love” with me and wasn’t giving up lol. Guess that’s a lesson learned for him. Can’t cheat 20 times or however many unconfirmed times and expect the girl to love you. You can only give so much. Get a hobby. Most men are douchebags.
Unfortunately you’re in an abusive relationship. My biggest regret was not that I had a child with a monster, but that I wasn’t able to leave the situation earlier. I wish I was stronger to nip it in the bud but I wasn’t. I left when my son was 3 years old, now he’s 9 and unfortunately he is still abusive to me. I hope you get out of it soon. Your feelings do matter and you’re definitely not stupid.