I am so sorry your going through this. I start a divorce process he not worth sticking with and get a seperation. He not respecting you at all
Re-read what you wrote,then look your kid and ask yourself (Would I want my kid to be in a relationship like this)
Please message me. I want to share something with you.
He was an asshole before u married him? Please leave and move on. Seems like u can financially handle your bulls together with child support. U r worth more than that idiot
He sounds like he’s from the 17th century. Hunni, it’s time to update your man.
Talk to him and explain to him that if things don’t change your leaving. He doesn’t deserve you.
Good luck!
Listen to every single comment here. I was with a narcissist for a long time. It broke me, I had to leave as I became suicidal but had children to raise. Leaving was the only and best choice I ever made I loved this man very much, but he didn’t love me. He didn’t know how. And that will never change. It’s time to love yourself before it breaks you.
Oh girl, you DONT need him. Life is way to frickin short. Be gone and be happy… you’ll meet someone who treats ya right
Leave it’s past time
Stop giving in and stand up for yourself!!!
You obviously are a self sufficient woman who can tale care of yourself an your child. My advice would be to anul this relationship. He has no respect for you what so ever…move on honey you’ll be so much happier. Good luck.
Remember that your child will see and absorb the dynamics of your relationship, and come to mimic these behaviors in their own relationship and/or believe that this is an acceptable way for them to be treated in the future. I’ve been in your shoes, and leaving is the best thing I ever could have done for myself and my daughter. I want more for her than to think that she should be bullied, degraded, disrespected, and treated abusively in her own future relationships. I know it can be intimidating, but when you look at it in that perspective, it’s much easier to do what you know in your gut and your heart is the right decision, and walk away. Good luck to you.
You are worth more than that. Sounds like he’s a spoiled little boy, certainly not a man. You don’t need that kind of example for your child.
Leave him. Especially since you have a little one. You don’t want your little one to grow up seeing that and raised to think it’s okay.
Honey it is time to leave that relationship.
Plz leave. You’re being abused. At least when you’re gone you’re safe and alone.
Self-centered son of a b—check. If you do all the work, you aren’t being sexy and glamourous. Apparently he doesn’t see a need for him to be involved. He,s immature, self-centered and selfish. Don’t put up with it.you have nothing to lose
Move out you will find someone who will love you and treat you right
Well fool you…it’s easy LEAVE it’s called abuse
Leave. This will be a horrible way to bring up your child. He is obviously a narcissist and it will not get better. Find a Christian church and join. The love will be unconditional and you will get so much help and meet a wonderful man that will cherish you forever. Ask Jesus to take the wheel and he will.
Kick his ass to the curb! You are doing this on your own now with him. Make you and your baby happier by doing it without him! Good luck!
Get out! He’s abusive!
Girl, get that marriage annulled. Fuck him and his way of thinking.
Leave him now he is toxic for you. Make a life for you and your child elsewhere
If you have to ask this question on social media, then it is over. You’re not looking for confirmation, you’re looking for validation. Understand the difference.
He’d be gone! Neither you nor your child need that in your life.
Leave now even if you have to get state assistance
Youre being gaslit honey, run. Every single one of these women telling you to leave is 100% right. Put your gut and real feelings over your heart and hopes of a change MOST men never change unless god has taken them by the hands and guided them. Everything is a sign. A real man knows A REAL WOMAN’S WORTH!.
This is absolutely not ok… this is verbal, mental and emotional abuse. It’s easy to day from this side but you should really think about ring there anymore. Your child doesn’t deserve to grow up seeing mom treated this way. This is so sad to me, this is very controlling and narcissistic behavior. Huge red flags all the place. I’m sorry u have to go through this
I am so sorry you are going through this. I went through this as well when I had my son. My ex partner and I had been together for over 10 years and I hadn’t realised that I was being controlled and manipulated until I fell pregnant. Things got so much worse through the pregnancy (I realise now that my soul focus was not on him, it was on our baby and he didn’t like that at all.) to the point where I was fearful for mine and our babies safety. When my son was born we spent the first 10 weeks of his life confined to our bedroom because “Daddy” wouldn’t do the housework whilst I took care of our son, the house was absolutely filthy and I genuinely felt as if it was unhygienic to take my sons anywhere else in the house. I offered to do the housework if he looked after our son for a few hours but was met with abuse. I finally found the courage to ask him to leave and before he did he completely trashed the house, so much so it took 6 months to sort.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, it makes you realise how little a life you had before and appreciate the life you have now.
It was so so hard at the time, but I’m glad I asked him to leave when I did.
My son and I have been going it alone ever since and are doing well. The house is clean and tidy, I can wander around and put him down without worrying he’s going to get ill.
It took me a while to admit that I was actually being emotionally abused. And it sounds like you are too.
Your concerns are valid, your feelings are important, your emotions are understandable.
Please find the courage to seek help. Whether it be from family members or charities such as woman’s aid.
You need to acknowledge that you are being abused. It’s hard, but when you accept it, you can move forward.
If you feel like you need to speak to someone impartial please feel free to message me. I wholeheartedly understand.
I wish you all the happiness and bravery in the world for you and your baby. You are stronger than you think.
That’s abuse
So please leave
Your man is a selfish and heads up he was before you married him and before you had a child, and they don’t change just because there is a child involved and you were extremely foolishn to overlook all of this. So change it now. This isnt love or respect. Up to you if you continue to put up with this. You are basically doing it alone anyway. So you know what u need to do. Xxxx
Walk out of the door n never look back
He is a Narcissist. Run. Don’t waste your life on someone who doesn’t respect you. You deserve better. Know your worth.
Leave. You don’t deserve this kind of treatment!
If no one else respects you…you take that respect for yourself and your child and leave…just imagine never having to live with that amount of emotional n psychological wounding n abuse ever again…your mental health peace of mind is everythjng…leave!..wishing you luck n happiness, big hugs huni u can do this x
I had someone just like this and he ended up choking me and I had to call the cops. Now he’s being charged with domestic violence. I’m not saying this will happen to you, but the warning signs were all identical to what you’re explaining.
If your questioning it, its probably already over.
I wouldn’t have married him in the first place he obviously doesn’t love you or respect your marriage/relationship. Leave now and sense you have only been married for a few months you should be able to apply for an annulment instead of going through a divorce.
Talk openly with him. Maybe not working could be helpful
I had this for years it escalated eventually he is abusive it will do you no good to stay i would get my plan to leave together and action it for the sake of your child if nothing else. If you can’t leave get him out and then work on the plan of action when you have rested and have space to think. My ex did the same other women mattered not me he does not respect you. I’m now in a good relationship after years of healing and know now that what i went through there is light at the end of the tunnel unfortunately you have to go to the end to turn it on yourself.
Well best thing is to think abt yourself and the little one, even tho it hurts to leave him. You deserve better than that.
This is abusive behaviour, leave this man ASAP.
Sounds just like my life!
I’d leave. You’re working full-time (when you still should be on paternity leave) AND are expected to come home, take care of the child & home independently? He sounds downright ungrateful.
Sorry but you a door mat he wipes his feet on you every day he won’t change I know I was married to his twin took me 10years to leave my children improved I stopped being a door mat everything improved he is still the same having woman after woman in and out of prison don’t waste your life on this pig you are a good person you and you baby deserve better
Quit your job then leave and have help from your family
Depression is something that needs to be treated. The way he is treating, is making your post partum depression worse. TAKE ME SERIOUSLY BEFORE YOU HAVE MENTAL HEALTH BREAKDOWN. GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY!!! Getting help for your depression isn’t a sign of weakness. Its treating a disease. If you were diabetic, you would take insulin. Right? Well. Go get treated for depression. Make sure, if you get a prescription, that you also sign up with a therapist. Your not superwoman. You can’t do it all. Take care of you, Self care is important, for you and your baby! Good luck!
Get out this guys no good… Its supposed to be a partnership both chipping in on everything not you being a slave to him your not a possession your a mother and wife so do your child the biggest favour get out then sort everything else when your heads clear also get meds for the depression also great help on clearing your mind
Get rid of his ass don’t let him have that kind of power over you if you need help with depression get it also join a support group for same God Bless
It hurts my heart to hear this. I’m sorry. No decent human being deserves this. There are so many amazing people in the world out there. Your spouse is not one of them. I won’t tell you what to do, but I am praying for you and others in your situation.
Honestly I wouldnt have married him.
But leave and file for divorce before it becomes more then emotional/mental abuse.
That’s NOT love. Leave
if a man does not respect u send him packing n claim maintenance cos dats wat he is doing now if a man looks at ada woman with lust means he needs to b in da bin pack him upn u will be so happy n pieceful
Please leave, you deserve better
You get yelled at???..like doesnt right there give u your answer?..that will be the day my SO yells at me for anything…u are not a child leave n teach ur child this not proper behavior or a healthy relationship
You do everything anyway, leave him and heal yourself. Focus on yourself and your bubba. Xx
Tell him to wise up and to remember his wedding vows if he isn’t willing to help because you have a new baby in the house then he isn’t keeping his promise. Now if he wasn’t living there and passing comment I would tell him to piss off back home … I would tell his parents about his behaviour …if they are not sympathetic towards you then you know where his behaviour is coming from
Just leaving you deserve better .
He doesn’t deserve you
Just leave taking your baby with you
I want to give you a big hug
You deserve so much better honey.
There is no way I would put up with that. I left my husband last year for similar reasons and me and my children are alot happier x
Big Hug! You are already single.
Pack ur bags and baby and go, it sounds like your a single Mom anyway doing a fantastic job of doing it all so why be unhappy and live with that Pig u and ur baby deserve to be happy and loved and it doesnt sound like either is happening. Go be free and happy and make a happy life with ur baby
Divorce him. He is acting like your selfish… Mama your not selfish, your basically a single mother. He doesn’t care what your going through or respect you. You do not need that sort of stress or pain in your life, especially since the baby will pick up on your aura and baby will go through horrible phases. And you Are Not A Maid. YOU BOTH WORK, He needs to Step Up & Be A Man by supporting your needs and feelings.
It will not be a happy home if you chose to ignore what’s going on and forgiving him. To save you any future pain or stress or resentment & to keep you from hating yourself or your life, Divorce him. Don’t give an ultimatum. Do it for you and your child,since he obviously doesn’t care, he should not put up a fight. You don’t need that Bad Energy.
I’m so sorry that he doesn’t value you !
And that you are treated like less of a person because he is a jerk . I hope you realize your worth . And that you wasn’t made to be someone’s verbally punching bag
If you didn’t write this (someone else did) and read it what would you tell this person to do?
The only help you need is to move out. This is not your fault and he is disrespectful. If possible, please stop hurting yourself and leave.
His shot would be on the front porch, in grocery bags. Why should you move, the divorce, and child support costs should wake him up ?
When you have to ask that question, it’s probably over.
run as far as fast as you can,
Honey, it is never ever going to get better. In fact, it will more than likely get much worse. He has shown you the type of man that he is…even before you were married. What on earth could possibly change him? Getting married didnt. Having a child didnt. Do you think one day hes just going to wake up and say oh my god I need to change and be a better man! News flash: that doesnt ever happen and it wont in this case either. You have two options: put up with it and continue to live a miserable existence with a man who obviously doesnt truly care about you and raise your child to witness this and then it will inevitably fuck your kid up, or get the fuck out of there, be done with his lousy ass, and start living for yourself and your baby. Love may come again eventually, things may be difficult, there will be ups and downs… but my god, which is worse? You deserve better. You deserve more. Your child deserves better and more. It’s a hard decision. Its alot of change. Its alot of work. It’s just alot to leave your husband, move out, start over, etc. But it will be so fucking worth it in the end. He is just slowly killing you and your poor baby will eventually be just as affected. Do what you know in your gut you need to do and leave!
Sounds like u already know it’s over mama. Sorry he’s such an ass. Big hugs
Leave. He’s a narcissist and it will never get better.
Girl u r doing great. U r big girl. Leave this junk man. U can handle all .god bless u and ur kid
You don’t have to do it all, leave, be happy, it’s ok to let dishes pile up sometimes, there’s not a damn thing you should be guilt tripped over. As long as the baby is happy there shouldn’t be an issue, you got this
Honey. Run far and fast right now !
Sounds like you guys should have been done a long time ago girlfriend you and your baby deserve a man who will respect you and help you never raising their voice at you do what is right for you and your child and get out before it’s to late you got this mama stay strong and firm
All I can say is leave my friend, nothing there with staying for and you deserve so much more and so does your child. You want them to grow up knowing what a normal relationship is and what a happy mom looks like. Do yourself a huge favor and leave as soon as you can. I wish you all the best with this.
Get the hell out! What are you waiting for? Why do you continue to let him treat you like crap? He’s never going to change! You have a baby for God’s sake…leave now!!!
Girl reread this post and then ask yourself if someone was treating your child this way in a relationship how would that make you feel and what would you tell them to do? Leave! Leave that filthy rotten piece of garbage! He is the worst to you and you deserve someone who treats you like the sunshine out of your ass! You just got married and had their baby why would they not cherish you?!
Let him go. He doesn’t deserve u. Your child deserve a happy mommy and happy home life. It’s better to be alone than miserable. I speak from experience. Good luck. Stay strong.
He sounds like a narcissistic asshole. And I wouldn’t stay married to him if my husband was acting that way.
Go to your family or a friends now untill so he can have a reality check! If he wants to stay with you counciling.
LEAVE HIM…im not one to jump to leaving him. but… that being said it sounds like youve tried to talk and explain how you feel and he dont care even told you he doesnt… if you stay its going to get worse…
Go apply for sole custody and move on
Get the hell out now girl you don’t deserve this and your baby girl don’t deserve this
Get out of there. You and your baby deserve better
You’re rocking it!!! You dont need him!!! You doing all this is just the same as being a single mom… leave him cuz hes only there for him!!!
Hate to say this but you and your child/children don’t need to go through this, I’m not for divorce but you need to get out so you can be emotionally healthy. I’m sorry you or any woman or man who gets treated this way. Don’t stay because you have children, it just shows them it’s ok and exceptable and it’s not. Good luck on what you choose to do.
Please do yourself a favor and leave him.
He has no respect for you, you and child will be better off without him
Ask yourself how much longer u want to live this way and then that should help you decide what to do next. You want change but u know it’s not going to happen from him. So be the change!
I hope you don’t need us to tell you that you are in an unhealthy marriage. Husband doesn’t care about you Hon. Letting go is probably the best thing to do and child support. You can ask him to leave if you can afford expenses there on your own Or find a place you can afford on your own with child support. This is not love in a marriage and going back to work in a month after having your baby? I can’t imagine that. You don’t need us to tell you this is not a loving marriage and you need to sever these ties for your child and you. My blessings to you to make the decision right for you and baby!!
One word “LEAVE” … look I even made it large letters why are you asking us you already know the answer to the question… remember you only live once !!!
You need to leave. He very clearly is a narcissist and your life will always and only be on HIS terms, for the rest of the time you’re with him. It wasnt meant to be love, get out while you have a chance to, you deserve better!
Time to leave. And go get happy you and your baby. You got this girl.it won’t get better you have to make a better life for you.
HUGE RED FLAGS GIRL. You letting him walk all over you. You are the bread winner and he is not helping at all??? That’s toxic! He is not acting like a partner and trust me there are men who help without asking or bitching!!
There is no such thing as “that’s your job” if you eat food, you wash dishes. If you wear clothes, you do laundry. If you make a child, you take care of it.
Leave that BOY and find a MAN cause a real MAN will take care of things!
And maybe since you have PPD you should reach out to a counselor, and during those times he will have to pick up the slack.
If he’s like this now it’s not going to get any better think about what’s best for you and your baby it’s not easy get out now find someone that will appreciate you for you