How old do you think kids are ok to be home alone, while both parents work during the day? I have a 10 and almost 12 year old.
It’s super hard to make that decision because you worry so much. First, it would depend on the laws in your state. I live in Texas and it’s at the discretion of the parents as long as it’s reasonable. So I’m a single Mama and my family couldn’t help out much and once my oldest son was 13 it was kinda left to us. I worked nights so that was particularly hard for me. My kids started staying alone while I worked at 13, 10, and 5. When my baby baby turned 2 he started staying with my other older children. At that time my oldest was 15, my daughter was 12 and my other son was 7. I had a police officer report me to CPS who came out and investigated and determined that my children were fine at home alone. They had access to food, a phone for emergencies and they knew who to call and my neighbor was aware they were home and she had my phone number as well. The case was closed and that officer was informed that in Texas there are no age requirements for a child to be left at home as long as it’s safe, within the child’s ability to act in an emergency and there is access to a phone to call 911 or someone else if needed.
I didn’t leave my kids home alone till 12 and it was briefly…now that they are older I’m ok with it for a few hours…but I think it depends on their maturity and where you live
Per the state age 11.
I began having mine stay home alone at 9 and 10 in the day time . They are all 13 15 and 17 now and alive and well hahah
it depends on how mature they are. but 12 is a ok age.
I was around 12 when I was left at home all day
My kids were also very responsible from a young age so it definitely depends on the kiddo .
Mine is 11 and she stays home by herself she has a phone and we live in a rural area and our neighbors near us keep an eye out
I think it depends on the kids and home. All kids are different.
Times sure have changed…I was babysitting other kids when I was 12
Depends on maturity of kids. I watched my brother during the day at 12. But there was no way my mom would have left the middle brother to watch the youngest at 12.
Depends on the child honestly. My boys are 10 and I trust them at home alone for short periods of time. As long as they know your rules and you know they will follow them is the main thing. Check your state laws too. I’m in Virginia and they don’t have an age that kids are aloud to be home alone but some states do.
Mine is 10 and we’ll let him sit for a few hours at a time. We let him do it a couple of times here and there at age 9 too but only because my mom/his grandma lives in the same apartment complex as us and is in the unit literally directly across from us. It takes like 15 steps to get from her front door to ours. But now we don’t worry as much.
My daughter is 12 and doesn’t get to be home alone. I don’t feel like she is quite mature or responsible enough. Every kid is different, some are more responsible at a younger age than others and some just aren’t. I would do what YOU as a mom feels is right.
My 9 year old stays home when i pop to the shop if he dont want to come
I was left all day at home when i was 9
State of Illinois says 14 so that’s what I’ve followed.
I have seven kids I started at 10 because my kids are usually quiet and they stay to them selfs
13 probably. Definitely not 10. My neighbor does that, the kid forgot his key and got locked out flipped out and cried at my house. He has a 5 yr old sister. A 10yr old should absolutely not imo.
I’d say probably ok depending on how independent they are? But I’d have a neighbor that could be an emergency contact…you just never know
It depends on then maturity levels. Do you think they are mature enough to be home alone? I was young but I don’t think I could trust my 10 year old for more than an hour.
My daughter is a very mature 11 year old and we live in a very small town plus my mother in law lives across the street. I’ve left her at home alone but for no more than 2 or 3 hours max. She also has a phone and knows all of our neighbors (I trust them)
It really depends on what you think your child can handle
Depends on how the maturity level of the kids are and state legalities. I would suggest baby sitting classes (if there are some in the area and if the state allows it at that age) even though they are not babysitting (12 year old maybe) but they would have a safety background and whatnot.
When my daughter was 13 I let her “babysit” her brother who was 11 while I worked night shift. Not much responsibility except making sure he went to bed clean & on time. But I think some states have specific laws. If not I think it’s all about you knowing your child and judging if you think they are capable.
Some states have laws and most states if you are able to make your own decision still can have cys called if under 12. I personally for your own sake would wait until 12&14.
Depends on the chili butt legally the age is 10 years old here
Depends on the laws where you live. Where I am, there are certain ages allowed for certain amounts of time.
I was . I leave my 11 yr old by himself. But you are going to have your offended unfortunately. Do what you need for your family and is the best for you.
If not responsible for another sibl8ng and they are mature I would say 12. Major stressor happen when you add siblings. My brother and I wrote left for 5 hours a day I was 12 he was 10 and It was awful
I had a conversation in Tn with Children’s Services and asked this question. Their response was when they know what to do in case of emergency. There wasn’t a specific age.
Depends on child. I used to stay home when I was 9/10 but I was very mature for my age. I also had older brothers and one was 11, and the other 15 at the times but we al kept to ourselves. We knew what to do if someone broke in or tried to hurt us.
They can take the baby sitting course when they’re 12. They’ll have the certificate, Teaches them everything. Made me feel better about leaving them at home. When I have to
It really depends on the kid.
I was home alone at 10 but this was 17 years ago, so it was a different world back then. I think it depends on the laws where you live
I was 11 and baby sitting
So my son is 12 and I still do not leave him for more than about 4 or 5 hours max. I worry way too much about him choking, or a fire, or some kind of emergency happening and me not being there… but that’s just me and my anxiety…it really depends on how mature your children are… is the 10nyr old gonna listen to the 12 yr old, are they gonna fight? Those would be my main concerns with kids that age together alone.
In Texas I believe it is 12?….
My boys are 15 and 16 and I still don’t like leaving them at home for extended periods of time, yes they are mature and have access to a phone but this day and time you never know what can or will happen.
My oldest is 8 & granted he’s autistic, I don’t even allow him in the yard by himself yet. I definitely wouldn’t allow him to stay home ALONE in 2 years
It definitely depends on the kid, but I would say the average is 12. Start off with short amounts of time like 1 hour and see how it goes. Increase as time goes on if they behave responsibly.
You have to figure that one out on your own. Every kid matures at a different rate. I was left home alone when I was 6, but that was 1991-92.
My 10-year-old is not mature enough yet to be left alone for more than 20 minutes.
Never lol my kids do insane stuff when I’m here lol I’m terrified of what they’d do when no adults are around lol I also would trust my 5 year old home alone before my 14 year old at this moment
Depends on the child. My 12 year old son is very responsible and I leave him alone,but only for a half hour or less…still have a hard time leaving, and it’s very rare as we homeschool,so if I run to grab my kids lunch ,he will watch his sibling . And he’s like a little parent I don’t think my other son was able to even get off the couch:joy: they usually play a video game…so I know they aren’t getting up:woman_shrugging:
Depends on kid, neighborhood, how close work is to home etc
Check your state laws
It depends on the kids really
I was a latch key kid at 7. I didn’t start leaving mine home alone until she was 10 and only for short periods of time. She’s 14 now and officially can watch herself! You have to trust them and trust your gut!
Depends on your child. I would trust mine at that age.
You have to check your state law. Usually its 13 or 14. Any younger I personally wouldn’t be comfortable leaving my kids alone.
In New Zealand the legal age is 14
I called the police station in the county I live in and I was told as long as they know there address in case of an emergency. My kids have been staying by themselves since My oldest was 13. They are now 15 and 13. Also my mom is litterly 1.5 miles from me.
Really depends on your state laws and your child’s mentality. In Arizona there is no minimum age for a child to stay at home as long as they can feed themselves go to the bathroom by themselves and have an emergency plan in place they can actually technically be left at home I wouldn’t advise leaving a 6-year-old at home by themselves but I do leave my 12-year-old home usually no more than maybe an hour or two at most and occasionally I’ll leave a minute home with my 7-year-old for 10-20 minutes but it really depends on your state laws and your child’s maturity
I just started letting my kid become a “latch key” kid last year when she turned 13. This year she asked to stay home for the summer while I work. I was reluctant at first but she will be 14 in July and she’s very mature for her age.
It depends on maturity mostly. And other factors.
My 11 yr old stays by himself for short amount of times. With his phone and neighbor knows I’m gone. No cooking allowed so couldn’t do an all day thing. And he calls me if he feels uncomfortable or anything. My 7 yr old would not be allowed by herself at 10 or 11 as she has a lot of food allergies so it would be too risky.
Earliest would be 15 for me
I was babysitting my newborn cousin alone at age 10. It comes down to maturity, trust, and location. If you feel like your kids are able to stay home without getting in any trouble and safely then go for it.
Judgment call on your part … there is no set laws in which a child can stay home alone at a certain age.
Some states have a minimum age it’s legal.
My 9yo stays home alone for several hours during the day. We live in a good neighborhood where she knows all the neighbors. We’ve gone over what to do in a fire, severe weather, medical emergency, or break in. She’s has stayed by herself for close to a year and it’s really helped her develop independence.
Check your state laws I’m in Kansas where kids can be left alone at 6 (which is terrifying) but as long as there over the minimum age and mature enough you should good
A lot of factors go into this. State law, maturity, do they have access to a phone, good neighbors, have u done safety drills, do u live in a safe neighborhood, can u or family be there quick if something happens, do they feel comfortable, do you have rules about the stove and front door etc,
Depends on the kid. My kids are 12 and 7 and I trust my 12 yo to watch the little one. He has been for a couple years now. Not 8+ hours because it’s never come to that with our schedules. But now at 12 if needed to I would have no issue
I wanna say i was about 8 (for short periods of time) by the time I was 11 I was watching other people’s kids.
Depends on maturity. I was in 4th grade and my brother was in 7th grade when we started being left home alone.
I’m going with now days and times it depends on there maturity level & the neighborhood…
Do they have good neighbors in case something happens that will help .do they have access to a phone whether it be cell or land line …
Taking all those things into account plus most states now ok it for 12-13-14 yos to have babysitting jobs … shouldn’t be a problem mine stayed by their self at that age but maturity plays a major role in it
I stayed home alone on a busy highway house out in BFE and nothing ever happened to me lol
it depends on the child and the maturity, you can’t just judge on age alone
Ask your local fire department. When I called mine they said aged was acceptable for short periods of time, less than 4 hours, depending on maturity level.
I think this is very individual and depends on the maturity of the child and your state and local laws.
I think it has to do with laws first and 2nd how mature they are. I was baby sitting my nephew’s when I was 12. But I know a lot of preteens who are way to immature to be left alone. Better safe than sorry.
I was babysitting at 10. Had my own paper route at 11. Depends on the kid and how they are. Where you live. How far from home you work (a 5 to 10 minute drive versus an hour) etc. Some areas have laws for how old. Others don’t.
My 14 yr old has been since she was 12. Not for long periods though. But my soon to be 12yr old, I won’t leave her home alone. Maturity levels are different.
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M0re Info. M0re Info.
I get paid over $ 108 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 12988 a month doing this and she c0nvinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
More Info …
Depends on maturity my 11 year old daughter I leave home but she’s pretty mature for her age has teenager type mentality and the looks to go w it
I been staying home since 10 don’t open the door for no one if you need anything call me it really is simple
good times
Depends on maturity and for how long. I leave my 14yr old with our 7yr old but not for long periods of time (anything over 3hrs) or in the evening.
It depends on the maturity of the child/children.
Some are more mature and some aren’t, if an emergency happened how would they handle it? Fire? Incident (they or another sibling hurt themselves) personally I’d say 13+
I was 9 and was allowed my own door key and would let myself in by 12 I was full on watching my siblings the entire day.
First things first, check your local and state laws. The age varies from state to state with what is considered legally old enough to be alone.
That aside, you can’t ask us when it’s okay to leave your child(ren) home alone. We don’t know your child(ren) and each child is different. It varies depending on maturity level.
I’m in Maryland. Here, a child over the age of 8 can be left home alone. If under 8, they must be watched by someone 13 or older. My youngest daughter is 8 (will be 9 in June) and I would NEVER leave her home alone, for any amount of time. She would burn the house down. My oldest two daughters though, I let them home alone at 10, while I would go to the store or run a few errands. I also made sure they had phones, with service, in case of an emergency.
So pending your state laws, it really depends on their maturity level.
I agree it depends on the kid.
10 and 12 for the whole day ?
I will say NO
I wouldn’t try it till 13 or 14. And that would depend on how late in the day you work. How far you live from work. And if there are neighbors they could run to in an emergency. You should also check the laws in your area. There may be guidelines for that.
Totally depends on the kids
I started at 8. Lol. Just tell them to keep the doors locked and don’t go out while you are gone. Call if an emergency or need something.
It really depends on the kids. Some kids have the maturity to follow the rules and watch out for each other, some don’t. If you have a neighbor you trust who can be available for emergencies, it would probably be fine if both kids understand what they are allowed and not allowed to do when they get home.
Each state is different on their laws…I would recommend calling your local police department or fire department to find out for sure. My current state is based off maturity level and not age my previous state was 10 years old. Laws differ from place to place.
Depends on maturity, my oldest did it earlier but he knew what to do if anyone tried to break in. And he knew my number
Legally, depends on the state.
After that comes maturity and responsible. I know some 12 yr Olds I would trust over some adults that I know.
Depends on the child &, your environment. I would let my oldest stay home alone at 10. Not all day but a few hours. I won’t let my current 10yo stay home alone even a few minutes. She could take of herself. But my neighborhood is awful.
Each state is different. All depends on how mature they are.
Check your state laws and also make sure your children are mature enough and also they need to know how to use the microwave and how to use a phone incase of emergency. You will need to set rules about not opening doors to anybody and to say my mom or dad (whichever but not both) are in the bathroom or cooking or etc and that they can’t come to door but tell them to not open the door whatsoever under any circumstances or going anywhere without permission during the day and you’ll need to periodically check on them.
Also for the people who say no to the children staying home most daycares do not accept children after a certain age but there is summer programs up to a certain age (like in my town it’s until grade 6 so age 12 there’s no summer programs after that age group so most parents let their children after 12 stay home alone while they work)
Honestly it depends in how responsible your kids are. Are both of them pretty good together. Honestly no judgment here. My daughter stays at home or she will during summer but I work 5am to 1230 and dad leaves for work about 7am.
I think it would be ok for the 12 year to watch the 10 year old, would definitely get the oldest CPR training and babysitting courses, Legal staying home age is 13 I think maybe just certain places but definitely old enough.
Check your local and state laws
Truly depends on the child, my son is 12 and I just recently let him stay home by himself while I went to work… of coarse he had rules, no going outside, no using the stove, he had an alarm set on his phone for every hour to call and check in with me.
I was about 8 when I stayed by myself. I hitchhike to N. Y. City when I was 14 years old alone. I l I bed in a foster home at the time and Noone kept a eye on you or wondered where you were.
Lot of factors to take in to account. How mature are they? Are they well behaved kids? How far are you from home? Do you have a neighbor that could check on them during the day?
Definitely depends on the child
I stayed by myself when I was 10 years old, mom and I lived in Wichita during WW2 and had no chouce. Finally mom asked a nearby teen to stay with me but that didn’t last long as she tried to talk me into going downtown to meet soldiers! But I refused to go and she was pregnant by age 15 years, I was a responsible child, ran the vacuum, dusted everything every Sat, and washed all the dishes. It depends on the child!