Hey mama’s! My son will be 2 next month and I haven’t started potty training yet. He has actually peed twice a tiny bit in the potty, not empty bladder pee though. My question is what age did yall start? Should I have been started? Also so I don’t fall victim to comparison, any moms have completely healthy toddlers who don’t have any health issues causing it to take longer still wasn’t trained by 3? Also what tips do yall have that helped you the most? Thanks
Currently in potty training my toddler. I also helped my little sister at that time. We started about 2 introducing.
Put m&MS in potty have him shoot for them…mission 1 done
My daughter is 2 and not even considering it. She has zero physical issues, but doesn’t talk at all yet so I don’t know how to do it, so we aren’t.
They will let you no when there ready
All kids are different
The earlier you start the better. All that waiting til 3 and 4 years old is nonsense. My daughter is fully trained at 2 years old same with my son
Should of started already
I know plenty of people who’s children were 3 before beginning potty training. I wouldn’t worry about starting potty training until he is showing signs of being ready because if you dry and do it when he’s not ready it will be so much harder for you both. I looked after a child who’s mum said he was ready and he wasn’t, he never said when he needed to go or when he’d had an accident and it was very difficult. My little girl has just turned 2 and she just has a potty downstairs and she will sometimes ask to go on but doesn’t always do anything. I’m a childminder so with her being around kids of different ages she took an interest in the toilet and potty. I just ask her if she would like to go on each time she’s being changed and if she happens to do something she gets a little chocolate button x
My son is almost 3 and not budging. Ive literally had the potty sitting in the bathroom for a year. He will sit on it and mimic what i do but wont do much else. I can see hes getting there but on his time😅
Started trying to encourage but not force around 2. Got a potty watch, sticker charts, different potty seats to motivate. My sons just had no interest even by 3. Pediatrician said boys usually take longer than girls to potty train because girls want to please their parents and boys just usually have no interest until around 3.5yrs. Sure enough…my son is 3.5 and for the most part potty trained with few accidents during the day but still wear diapers at night. All kids are different though
Don’t force it. Let him find internist in it. My son showed interest 2 almost 3 yrs old. We knew once he was trying to pull his pants down and pee like his daddy. it def takes time. Also try to do a sticker chart. After he pees have him put a sticker. And if he looses interest in stickers give him some m&ms or some nice treat.
Every child is different. He will show signs when he is ready, but all you can do is try and be consistent. I used rewards for my older 2 girls. I have 3 girls. 13,11, and I have a 2 year old. My older 2 where potty trained by 2. My 2 year old i haven’t started with her yet as she is not ready.
I waited for my kids to show interest, and my 4 older ones all seemed to reach that point at age 3. Currently struggling with 5th and youngest. She’s 3 and she will go on the potty once a day but just doesn’t seem to care beyond that. Every kid, every mom, and every family lifestyle is different. If your child isn’t ready, don’t force it on them. It makes the experience stressful for both of you! Also, it’s not always a one and done experience. My oldest daughter took her diaper off one day and never put it back on. Zero accidents. My sons, however, were an entirely other messy story! Be patient with your child and yourself. You got this!
Don’t rush it. My daughter will be 3 on the 21st and last year I thought she was ready she would say when she has to go and she would go but then it stopped. If you think he is ready then just try keep asking through out the day do you want to try. My daycare will put the 2/3 year old in undies and that is how they get potty trained
I don’t potty train until they can pull pants up and down pretty well. That’s an important skill to hand down that gets overlooked. Motor skills. Avoid pants with buttons and snaps and just use pull-on shorts / pants and do those.
My girls were trained at 3, my son wasn’t trained till he was $4 boys are difficult lol
It all depends on the child they will let u know when they ready jist keep a potty out and they use it… But no lie boys r a lottle harder then girls from my point of view but again everyone is different
My oldest just turned 3, and we are beginning to potty train now. She hasn’t shown any signs of being ready until recently, and hadn’t been talking consistently until now either. But now that she’s talking and showing signs of wanting to go on the potty like mommy and daddy, we’re starting. She gets antsy and does a little potty dance when she feels the urge coming on and goes to sit on the potty before going in her diaper (she’s not in pull ups yet because they’re expensive and we don’t have much money to speak of). When we take her potty we take her diaper off for her and sit her down. Sometimes she pees, sometimes she doesn’t. we’re mostly focusing on getting her to sit there long enough to potty.
My oldest was 3 1/2 maybe even closer to 4 before he was fully trained. No health issues, just very stubborn
I heard a dr say a child kidneys are not full developed until about 3 so he said don’t make it hard on yourself and your child if you make it befor then you are just lucky
I was taught as soon as I could walk. My bf’s kids were taught as soon as they could walk. Our children will be taught as soon as they are walking good. Some people don’t train them until they are showing signs of them being “ready”. To each their own though.
Give it a try but all kids are different. My oldest two were trained by 2 but my youngest just fully trained a couple months ago and she’s 4. You’ll know the signs. Good luck!
He will let you know. You can encourage but don’t force. Forcing can cause him to get scared. The last thing you want is a constipated toddler because he doesn’t want to go on the potty. All the other moms telling you otherwise congrats for them. Every child is different.
I didn’t potty train my nephew until he was 3 years old because he was terrified of the toilet when I potty trained him I only used underwear and had him go potty every 30 minutes and he was potty trained in one weekend my niece was a lot harder to potty train
My son is 1 and we’ve introduced the potty. He will sit on it but won’t stay for long. We let him run around outside naked and pee on the ground and praise him when he does!
I waited until my boys told me they were ready to be big boys and use the potty…oldest was closer to 3 and my now middle boy was around 2.
Is he showing interest? Don’t push him, he’ll show you when it’s time. There’s really no set time for children. Some are ready early…
Both my boys were 3 when they were potty trained. It was so easy. I waited till they woke up dry 7 mornings in a row, then on went underwear, no more diapers. Not one bed wetting or accident. So easy. Not sure why but they both were great about it, they are 4 yrs apart in age.
My oldest was potty trained by age 2 and my youngest son was potty trained by age 2 1/2 .
My 2 sons were over 4 when they were started potty training at that point it wasn’t training though. They were ready and just started. I’ve always done child led potty training. My daughter was 3 when she potty trained
My oldest was trained right at 3 years old, although we started trying earlier. I waited until he could verbalize to me pretty well that he needed to go
Old school mother seventies and eighties 2 boys 1 boy girl boy all 3 all 3 were potty trained by one and a 1/2 years old I had no problem with none of the 3 children
I taught my son around 2 by peeing on a tree at my grandparents house, in the countryside. At home, in town, I tossed cheerios cereal in the toilet and told him he couldn’t shoot them! I’m sure fruit loops would work too! I don’t see anything wrong with starting at 2. That’s when they start to understand better anyway. Also, challenge him to not get his underwear/pullup wet. Make it a game. Little ones love winning!
My oldest was fully potty trained by 3 1/2 my youngest doesn’t fully talk yet and is 2 and still shows no interest of going to the potty right now
My son is 3 1/2 and just now starting to show interest. I tried since almost age 2 but it gets no where forcing. If anything it pushes them more into resisting the idea. I would start for sure now to see if interested. I’ll be honest ive cried over frustration in the past of my son just not even trying and we would sit in bathroom forever or come back often
My grandson is 3 1/2 and is a hit and miss with him sometimes I think he will go to kindergarten in pull ups:joy:
All my kids were potty trained by the time they turned 3
Mine was potty trained at 18 months. His favorite toy was ernie from sesame street.
I put ernie on the potty and snuck a bit of water in there
I said oh look ernie peeded in the potty can you? And that was it.
Can someone explain to me how in the world people are potty training by one years old? Both my kids were potty trained at almost 3, I couldn’t imagine expecting a one yo to pee in the potty BUT with my last that would be a dream, suggestions?
We just started potty training my 19 month old daughter, but she was showing signs of being ready and was wanting to go when I go
Praise and encouragement is the best way! Showing him that the potty/toilet is amazing, not scary, and not getting cross about accidents, but reminding where he should go to the toilet next time:slightly_smiling_face: stickers, reward charts anything like this is good. He’ll tell you if hes not ready, but I’d have a good number of days in a row before giving up till next time I.e 3-7 days. But also don’t stress if he doesn’t get it straight away or has patches of forgetting, these things happen especially if tired, distracted or unwell x
I’m on baby #4 and if I’ve learned anything it’s don’t rush them! If they aren’t ready it will just cause tons of stress to you and them. When they’re ready, it’ll be quick. My boys took the longest and they were 3. I started at age 2 and it was a nightmare. Every kid is different so don’t let “haters” tell you when to have milestones with your kids either.
My daughter just turned 2 July 1st. I’ve been working with her since about 15 month or so just showing her the potty and asking her if she had to go. Recently started using panties and she’s done very well especially when I tell her dont pee or poop on Minnie (her absolute favorite ). I always get overly excited and tell her I’m proud of her after she goes. I also give her a sticker for peeing and mini m&ms for pooping( she’s not a fan of going number 2 on the potty just yet)
We started right before he turned 2 he is now completely potty trained at 3. We did stickers as motivation he would get a sticker in the sticker book whenever he pottied in the potty and nothing when he potties in the pull up he really wanted those cool stickers.
I started bringing My 3 and every child family member I’d be in charge of for the day into the bathroom with me Every Time I had to go(yes,I kept myself discrete:expressionless:),and sat THEM on the toilet first regardless if they needed to go or not while making it such an awesome thing to do,as soon as they were able to sit still enough to not squirm so much they’d fall in.
Most of the girls(My own daughter included) were fully potty trained by the age of at least 4(with extreme leniency for the occasional accident because their brains develop the communication abilities between their bladders to alert when they need to go first before their actual muscles there are developed to hold it in long enough to make it to the toilet),far as the usual preschool ages of 5 or so though,a few extra changes of clothes with a box of sealable baggies and packs of baby wipes were mandatory until they could hold it and fully recognize and verbally communicate that “Need to go feeling” before an accident.
Boys can take a bit longer though because of their anatomy causing it to only take a tiny cool breeze to reflexively relax their bladder muscles…I was thankful as heck for my garden grown in fence lined backyard for when they were tinies.
In the KY. and Arkansas Springs’ and Summers’ temperatures,I’d just strip em both nekkid,apply the sunscreen,toss out the sprinkler and fill up the plastic pool,occasionally redirect them to the CORRECT “PEE-FRIENDLY” corner,and let em run.
My daughter was 3 and a bit and one day just decided to go, I bought her a frozen potty but she still wears pull ups when we’re out because she has a hand dryer phobia and won’t use public toilets
Honestly, we tried with my son around 2 and it just wasn’t working. We decided to wait till he really showed he was ready, he potty trained shortly after his 3rd birthday and in less than a month was day potty trained and was fully potty trained day and night by a month and a half.
My daughter we tried once again but once it didn’t work, we didn’t push and are waiting till she’s ready. She turns 3 in a month so really hoping she will be ready soon as we have a 1 year old in diapers and one on the way lol
I wouldn’t stress over when they learn: all kids are different.
Mine is almost 2 1/2 and we just started introducing the potty. We have one for each level of the house and so far she only likes to sit on it when we are also going to the bathroom. Sadly both times she actually went potty were on the floor.
I threw some fruit loops in the toilet and told him he had to ring them for real
it worked
I think every child is different, our son was 3 1/2 and our daughter was not quite 3. Our pediatrician advised to just pay attention they get curious or show interest in it, roll with it, but don’t force it either, or everyone gets frustrated.
Has he given indication that he’s ready? Telling you when he needs changed? I used the naked method with my oldest. I kept him close and put him on the potty for a few minutes every 20 Minutes. When he did pee it was huge fanfare. Every time. And he was completely day time potty trained by 2.5. my youngest has the idea. He knows what the toilet is for. But he’s delayed and doesn’t talk and I don’t expect him to be potty trained until he’s 4 or 5… he’s 3.5 now.
Mine started a little after she turned 1 but I wasn’t serious about it because she was so young so she just went in the potty occasionally, now at 2 she’s so good at going in her potty but doesn’t understand how to pull her pants down so she’s usually in a dress with nothing under it. I also know parents who are just starting to train at 2 and some with 3 year Olds who haven’t started. Just figure out what works for you.
3 with first one and 2 and a half with second one. It will happen . Some kids learn early Some late.
My son will be 3 in October and he still isn’t potty trained. We started potty training when he learned how to take his diaper off and go potty on/in things he wasn’t supposed to. Easiest way so far is leaving him naked when we’re at home so he has no choice but to go to the potty and praising him when he does. Haven’t gotten to learning to pull down his pants yet.
My son will be 4 in October and refuses to use the potty at home. He is potty trained at school and knows how to hold it in but he refuses to use the potty at home.
Perfectly healthy 4 kids, one as early as 2 1/2 and one as late as 4 1/2.
I believe our kids give us signs when they’re ready
I didn’t potty trained my son at all… Until he’s 4 years plus and one day he just decided he wanted to get rid of his diapers
I never pushed for it. My daughter had a potty that I would always ask if she wanted to use it since she was 18 months and the answerwas usually no. It wasn’t until a few months before she was 3 when she became potty trained and she did it on her own. My pediatrician said it was perfectly fine I wasn’t pushing her because it could lead to health issues down the road if they are not ready. I think I may have read that it isn’t until 5 years old until it concerns doctors but I could be wrong.
I started about 18 mos-2 and the was fully potty trained by about 2 1/2.
Honestly both of mine kind of did it when they were ready. My first was probably 2 and the second 2.5. I tried to start him at 2…it was not happening
2 is really young. Most aren’t potty trained until 3 or older. Especially boys.
We waited until she was ready and went at her pace. Started at 3 and fully trained by 3.5 and has never had an accident
My son is 3 and a half and only potty trained about a month ago. He wasn’t showing many signs he was ready and a lot of people told me the longer we left it, the easier it would be and they were right; it only took us two days and he’s only ever had one accident since. We’re yet to tackle the night times though! Mummy instincts will tell you when he’s ready, there’s no rush xx
I started when my daughter started taking diapers off at 9 months! Every time I went to the bathroom they would go with me so I bought them a potty and sat them down on it! They just started to go on it by the time they were a year old they were potty trained! Because they follow me in there all the time so I just took the diaper off and put regular underwear and for boys you can actually buy a water gun put toilet paper target in the toilet and you with the water gun and him with his pee pee! It’s fun and also teaching them to pee in the toilet!
The average age for boys to potty train is 36 months, according to my doctor. My twin boys were 3.5 years old and pretty much potty trained themselves. We didn’t have to go through the stop at every bathroom in every store we went to, and they didn’t have an accident either. Now, saying all this, we tried before this and failed miserably. When I finally waited until they were ready…it was textbook. Best of luck to you.
My daughter is 5 and is potty trained but still pee’s the bed. She was fully potty trained around 3 1/2 it takes time.
Not a mom but my own mother just started a routine. We would get up in the morning and both of us would use the potty. It started with her just sitting me on it to try and get me used to it, and gradually I would go. She did the tandem potty runs thought the day, and after a couple months I was fully out of diapers.
Do not let anyone do the comparison!! My (perfectly healthy) son just became fully potty trained, and he is 4 years and 8 months old. He had the day time down by 2&1/2-3, but we just got the night times down! Kids learn at their own pace, and it’s all about how well they learn to control their bladders. My son sleeps so hard that he wouldn’t wake up to go. He also wouldn’t pee enough right before bed, so he basically had a full bladder while sleeping. We tried everything. So don’t let anyone guilt you over it. He will get it at his own pace! No matter how long it takes, You’re doing a good job and you’re a great mom. Remember that.
sorry for rambling. This topic just aggravates me because people are so quit to mom shame when their kids aren’t potty trained by a specific age!!
ok so my son will be 3in November, i try potty training him he does the same pee a little but not often and most times he won’t sit on the lou, my other son is 14months and is potty training so well he cant even say potty but he will pull his diaper off and sit, i wasn’t trying to potty train him he saw i was trying to get his big brother to do it and now he does it better than the 2yr old. both are healthy normal boys they just are going at their own paces don’t stress about it, encourage him to use it but don’t pressure him, i bribe my 2yr old with chocolate i make him use the lou while saying the colors of the m&ms he eats.
My daughter is almost 3.5 and is potty trained during the day but still wears diapers at night. She has an occasional accident dirong the day because she os just to busy. Let him lead you! Get him a potty he can use on his own and just make it fun!
I started with both my daughters at 6 months of age. It is like a bedtime routine. They would wake up, i would take a nappy off and sit them on the potty for a few mins, after a meal and before bed. Instantly, they would prefer pooping in the potty rather than in a nappy, and my eldest been potty trained by 1.5 years old with a couple of accidents at night when she had either too much watermelon, or too much milk. I know there is a so called science behind potty training at the certain age, but i am all for the environment around us, if to be fair, and for the internal health. It is just my personal opinion and experience. Good luck! Consistency is the key!
My son is 3.5. We just got ours potty train. No health issues, completely healthy. He just refused to use the potty. It took us over a year of trying to get him on the potty but he would cry and hold it. 2 of my daughters were potty trained soon as they turned 2 in a mattrr of days. But my son is stubborn and finally oit of diapers. Except for bed time, he won’t go to sleep without one on altho i feel its more of a comfort thing because he hasn’t peed overnight in over a year. He wakes with a dry diaper
4 kids here! And one thing I’ve learned is that they will potty train when they are ready! If they aren’t ready and you try to force it, they will reject it even more. All I do is keep the potty available and in sight for when they are ready and often show it to them and ask if they want to use it. One day they will just go for it! And I always praise it and we do a potty dance to make it fun and they will continue to want to do it. I often bribe with their favorite candy also.
3 , he wouldnt use a potty , he went to reception and they said right take his nappy off and leave him , he will follow the kids i was like erm ok really , it worked he followed the kids , after a few weeks he was using the toilet , xxxx
18 months with both.
Boys are usually easier…I have had 6 kids.
I had mine potty trained by about 2. I started them at 1, and would have them sit on a potty chair with diaper on, and go from there. I had 2 sets of kids come close in age, and I refused to have 2 in diapers at the same time for very long.
2 with my first two, 3 with my third. Don’t force it, but always encourage it.
Train him outside! He will think it is fun!!
Always make a huge deal when he goes 1 or 2 on the potty. Have a mini celebration. Also, take the child every hour at first, slowly increase the time. Keep diaper or pull up off. Put the child in underwear. Accidents happen. Part of learning. Have the child help change themselves. In my experience boys can be more difficult with #2. Sometimes very difficult. Fun times!
Something to aim at like cheerios/fruit loops also wearing big boy underwear some favorite character
My mom had me potty trained by a year old. Boys are tougher I had my son fully day potty trained by 3. My daughter was fully trained by 2
I’ve seen some potty trained by 1.5 and others not potty trained until 3.5. my girl turned 2 a month ago and is still in the process. She’s perfectly healthy and “normal” she’s just stubborn as all hell and doesn’t like to quit playing
Every morning we go straight to the potty, same with after naps and before bed. Anytime I go, I take her with me too.
It’s fine momma. All will come in time!
I think it depends on the child. My first child hated being wet or soiled. He was potty trained by 18 months because he could not stand being in a dirty diaper. My second child could care less whether he was wet or soiled and wouldnt say anything. He took a lot longer to potty train and it was much more challenging.
I have all girls. I started my oldest at about a year and half. My twins are 16 months we just started a few weeks ago. Wev had a few successful potties and have started 2 learn that we go get changed when needed on the potty. They sit great most of the time. 2 is a good age 2 start. Have a male take him often and show him how its done if possible. Let him pee of the porch. Put cheerios in the potty and tell him 2 sink them. A potty his size identical 2 the big 1 will help. Take him every hour 2 sit on the potty for atleast 5 minutes. Small rewards and lots of praise when he actually goes. U got this. Consistancy is key and lots of patience. Once they start 2 learn look 4 signs like him squatting in a corner and pulling at their pants it means they know what they are doing just haven’t fully learned 2 potty in the potty yet.
My number one tip is: do not stress about it! My son is 8 and started to be interested in the potty/toilet around 2 and a half. Still worse pull ups at night until around 4. But each child is different. Try and make it fun without stressing
between 2 and 3 is typical for most kids. For boys having something to aim at makes it more fun and less messy. Have daddy show him how its done. Most importantly stay consistent, dont stress, and praise/reward him when he uses the potty. Allow him to pick out his underwear and make a big deal of his “big boy” pants. Dont get mad at accidents!! Training pants are good at night but my kids ultimately did better when they wore real underwear to experience real accidents. Good luck it will happen.
My son who is 25 now had the number two down but the number one took a until he was four he went in the bathroom with his two boy cousins who were 5 and 7 they went and he copied them and he was potty train he was 4. I tried all the tricks Cheerios in the toilet he look a me like was nuts. Good luck I think it is a good thing to have young male cousins around so they can see what to do.
Boys take longer to train.
I waited until my daughter was ready. She’s 3yo when I showed her a small toilet-like potty and asked if she wants to have it like mommy, and she said yes…and she used it right away. No sweat and not even a training. Always in their own time/pace.
My 3 boys were between 3-4 to be truly fully potty trained no accidents in or out of bed.
First and foremost, calm down.
Once mine started preschool and saw others going potty he did pretty good peeing. I actually had him started peeing in potty around 2 but wasn’t completely. He was dry at night by 3. But he had no interest in pooping in potty. We finally got him to stop hiding to poop got him to stand in the bathroom. Well one day I followed him took pullup off and put him on potty and made him sit there. He screamed about it for about 15 minutes before he realized that he had gone. Then it’s like all the light bulbs went off in his head and he said oh. Then he was perfectly fine after that. Did take almost 2 weeks for him to figure out u get on potty b4 u start pooping. But after that he was in underwear. Some kids just don’t get it. I was actually told some have anxiety about pooping in potty. Like they think they are loosing a body part or something idk. Personally I think if I hadn’t done that he never would have gone.
They are ready when they are ready, no 2 children are the same. I have 2 boys and a girl, the boys took longer but by 3 or 4 they were trained. The girl was trained by 2 1/2. Now my grandson lives with me and he will be 2 in October he has started showing interest in the big peoples potty and will tell in his way he has gone potty and sometimes start to remove his diaper. So its time for pull up. My other grandson is 3 1/2 and he is day time trained but my daughter puts a pull up on him at night cause he’s a heavy sleeper, most every morning he wakes up dry so he’s there. Just praise them when they do well and don’t use punishment if they have an accident, they will happen and punishment for having an accident makes them think they were bad. Just explain to them they need to potty on the toilet and not in their underwear
If they’re trying to potty, they’re ready. My daughter was just over 3 when fully trained. Lol it was my son’s paternal grandmother who worked at a nursery school that told her she needed to go in the big girl potty to be in the big kid room while we were on tour. That following Sunday she woke up and walked into the bathroom and the rest was history.
My first son didn’t stop having potty accidents until his third birthday. His grandma was constantly talking about how his father was potty trained by one year old. That’s when we started with our first. Now have a five month old. We’ll see how long it takes with him. My husband was always around older kids when his was little. So I think that helped.
When they can communicate to someone that they need to use the bathroom and can physically pull their own pants up and down…and then if they show interest!
I tried multiple times with my first starting a little before her 2nd birthday. She was doing great for like a week then just stopped. So I tried multiple times but she decided she was ready and was potty trained by herself before she was 4. Struggling with my second one and she’s going to be 4 in November. Putting her in regular panties just doesn’t work. The tactics I used for my first doesn’t work on my second. Still trying to figure out how to get through to her.
It’s up to them. I have 4 kids and they all started at different ages. The earliest was 1 and 6 months. And the latest was 4yrs.