When is the best time to take a pregnancy test?

You can start at 10dpo

When you are late :woman_shrugging:t4:


At least two weeks afterward and first thing in the morning.

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Implantation occurs 6-12 days after ovulation. That is when your hcg starts to rise. If you want to know true ovulation track it with basal body temperature charting.

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I tested a couple days before my missed period. Always in the morning with a first pee! Good luck

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Take your temperature before you get out of bed in the morning. If you temperature stays consistent you are pregnant. If it drops you are not. Otherwise, pregnancy test a day or two before you expect your period.
Dollar store pregnancy tests are just like the ones they use in the ER and a very accurate

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My husband always has me wait until Iā€™m ten days late. Otherwise Iā€™m an emotional mess if itā€™s negative.

I think it depends on how your period normally is.

Both times I tested on the day I was due to get my period but it hadnā€™t started yet. And both times they came back positive. The second time, it said pregnant almost instantly.


So 14 days after your period starts your fertility last 3 days 15 16 17 th day after that your bodyā€™s still going then boom but if you live your life on dates itā€™s never going to happen honestly just enjoy life with your partner and enjoy sex xxxx


14 days after sex on a urine test. 10-14 days on a blood sample test.

At home pregnancy tests CAN pick up as soon at 11 days after conception but I recommend getting the digital, they CAN detect 12-14 days after conception if youā€™re doing it early so thereā€™s no questions. Crossing my fingers for you!! edit as I did more research on it

I think u dont have to worry if it happens you became pregnant ā€¦thats ur husband anyway ā€¦

I usually wait for a missed period to test depending on your periods are they regular or irregular

Donā€™t take a pregnancy test until the day your period is due (if you donā€™t get your period ). It is most accurate the day of your missed period . If you take it too early you can get a false negative! :slightly_smiling_face:

If you have a dollar tree near by, pregnancy tests are, you guessed it, $1.

On the 28th as soon as u wake up.

Oh an trick. Put your legs up above your head against a wall an stay that way as long as you can after intercourse. Dont even pee till your done.

They have pregnancy test that give you results before you miss.

We tell our patients itā€™s best to wait 2 weeks after a missed period. This is because many women have what is known as chemical pregnancies in the first two weeksā€¦ the egg is fertilized however it does not implant properly or it does not continue to develop properly and this causes a delayed period. Delaying the testing for 2 weeks saves a woman from undue heartache of believing she miscarried when it was not actually a viable pregnancy in the first place.


If you miss you your period, 2 weeks after that, as soon as you wake up. otherwise it will just show up negative.

A week after your first missed period.

Past your missed date.

Depends on ur last period, but normally calculate when ur next period would be due and add 7 days onto that. Thatā€™s when u test again.

Iā€™d wait until August. If you test before then you could get a positive on a non-viable pregnancy then get your period :cry:

when you miss your period

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I took one the first day of my expected period, came back positive :blush:

I was about 4.5 weeks when I took a test and it was positive right away. So im guessing it was only 2-2.5 weeks after I ovulated.

I tested positive 11 days after I ovulated. Iā€™d wait at least two weeks and test first thing in the morning.

I knew I was pregnant before I took the first test. It came back negative at the clinicā€¦ It took 13 days PAST my expected period to show a positive on a pregnancy test. So my adviceā€¦ Test once a week if you think you are.

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Iā€™d wait a week or 2 after your missed period just to be sure

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Is it true morning is the best? I was always told the first pee in the morning is best. Lol.

I have always tested 5 days before my period should start

I had a positive test at 3 weeks xx

Depends on the testā€¦ some are accurate in as little as a week

You can start at dpo 10 but probably wonā€™t get a faint positive until dpo13.

Mine was positive 26 days after conception.

Test after expected period if your late. Morning pee

If and when you miss your period.