When to start babies on solids?

You shouldn’t, but ask your doctor first.

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I gave mine once at nite,so they would be full an sleep all nite,I’m 61 an mine are fine… fine


Recommended by some pediatricians at 1 month for acid reflux… But it’s a tablespoon. I’ve always given oatmeal and rice at between 1 -3 months even when my girls didn’t suffer from acid reflux. They say it can give them digestive issues, constipation or bloating but none of my 5 girlies experienced that. They also ate purees at that age as well. I’d start out slow with just a tablespoon at a time and see how your baby does. But it does work wonders for their acid reflux!

Talk to your pediatrician

Oh an I used a bottle


I started with rice cereal in my daughters bottles when she was 6weeks old cause shed eat an 7-10oz bottle every feeding. So i put in the rice and it dropped to 5-7oz bottles every feeding. You do what YOU think is best for YOUR baby. My daughter is perfectly fine now. I started baby food the day she turned 4 months old.


I gave it at 3 mths with my daughter. 2 mths with my son as he always seemed to be starving. But I used a pacifier instead of a spoon so they sucked that stuff right down.


2 months for my 4. Same with baby food. Severe reflux peds orders and it worked!!


I didn’t but ask the doctor.

I fed my babies at 3 months formula don’t feel them my kids are 40 and 34 never hurt them!


Dont let anyone tell you how to raise your child. My older 2 I started around 3 months and usually gave them a little bit in the am and maybe a little before bed. My 1 yr old we started around 4 months and gave it in the am usually but she was a big eater came out of me and ate 2 oz and ate 2 oz every feeding right away.


Don’t Feed Your Baby Solid Food Before 6 Months – Health …


Each person and baby is different. My brother needed oatmeal in his milk because he was not getting full on liquid/milk. He needed something more to be full


You should not be giving your 3 month old oatmeal. Ever. Please read the pediatric guidelines on what is safe and recommended for babies before you harm yours.


Rice cereal would be better.

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Never :woman_shrugging:t2: it has no nutritional value and unless directed by your doctor due to a medical condition like reflux it actually isn’t good for their digestive systems to have anything before 6 months.


Never! 6 months is recommended although some pediatricians start at 4 or 5 months. Their stomach isn’t fully developed until 6 months. So I waited with my girls.


Ask your dr. My son was eating cereal at 2-3 months because he was so effing hungry literally 24/7 that he was a monster. Finally feeling full he turned into the happiest sweetest boy and still is. Because I started him on cereal early he was introduced to single food early as well. Never had a problem but always check with your ped :+1:t3:


I gave my son one bottle of rice cereal before bed each night and he loved it. He was about 2 or 3 months. Slept all night too. My daughter didn’t like it so I had to get up every few hrs with her.


i know i’m old & young people are different today…but i always feed cereal at night to help them sleep better…as i said my generation did things differently…so just my opinion…


Never until hes 6months AND showing signs of readiness.


3 months is way too soon for anything other than breastmilk/formula.


Every baby is different do what you think is best for your child! :two_hearts: 3 Months is Definitely the time i would start it in the milk


No way that young. It can cause him to have stomach problems.


If your doc has approved it, twice per day.


Why are people so much in a rush to feed there babys food. :thinking:


My child’s doctor said four months old and when they start acting like they want the food. I would start with baby food. I would rather go by what the doctor tells me than a bunch of people on fb that aren’t qualified to say…


Not unless dr approved. Baby’s tummy isn’t meant for anything at that stage other then breast or formula


I would stick w rice at this age…I fed all my kids rice cereal by the time they were 4 months my oldest is almost 16 all my kids are fine 15 years ago we started at 4 months…Only u know what’s best for baby and when…If you’re unsure about anything call the pcp…


3 months??? I’m sorry, but you’re nuts. That’s too young!


Wait till he/she is 6 months


Um, never. There’s NO nutritional value for them. Babies shouldn’t eat before 6 months. And food before one, is just for fun. Meaning… you don’t feed them food to fill them, just to introduce it to them. With all due respect, everyone saying that all babies are different and some need food earlier. That’s actually not true. Not 3-4 month old baby NEEDS food. They need breast milk or formula.
Some kids will take a liking to food earlier than others, but that doesn’t mean they NEED it. There’s A LOT of information out there if you want to look more into it. But cereal at 3 months is unnecessary and unhealthy


just formula or breast feed at that age every 2-3 hrs unless cluster feeding

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ZERO TIMES!!! No food other than formula or breast milk until 6 months. Oatmeal is just a filler, but keeps babies from filling up on nutritional formula/breast milk. I can’t believe they even sell infant cereal still. Babies do not have the ability to digest oatmeal, rice cereal or ANY food until at least 5-6 months. Feeding baby food too soon can lead to a lifetime of digestive problems. And most parents only feed it to their babies so they’ll sleep longer at night. Sleepless nights are absolutely worth the effort to give babies what they need and none of what they can’t handle.


My son started eating foods (puree)at 4 months he’s now 9 months and has 3 meals a day and 2 bottles


:joy::joy::joy::joy: man i can’t believe my two huge sons survived :thinking: . Anyways, if formula or breast milk won’t satisfy your baby ( like it didn’t my almost 9 lb boys ) then your pediatrician will recommend cereal . Mine did ! All babies are different . Some don’t need it … others do . But praise Jesus my child’s DOCTOR doesn’t believe in letting babies be hungry ! I only speak from experience :woman_shrugging:t2:


My daughters pediatrician said no more then 3 times a week but my daughter also had bad acid reflux

My daughter started eating solids at 3 months. :woman_shrugging: and shes a year and perfectly healthy. :sparkling_heart: but when I started I would only give her one tbsp a day then after like a week I upped it to 2, 2 times a day. :relaxed:


Never. I started my boys on banana and avocado after 6 months. My youngest is 4.5 months now and I couldn’t imagine giving her anything but breastmilk. She had to have antibiotics 2 weeks ago and it broke my heart. It was upsetting her tummy so badly. Cereal provides no nutritional value and feeding solids too early has been linked to a myriad of digestive issues including crohn’s disease.


I always gave it to my kids 1tbsp in their bottle before bed. But definitely talk to their pediatrician first to make sure it’s ok. Different peds will tell you different answers for certain reasonsz

Never unless a doctor recommended it.

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My oldest started eating rice cereal and apple sauce at 3 months. By 6 months he was eating scrambled eggs. 9 months he was eating pancakes and hashbrowns.

Never. You’ll be filling her belly with empty calories. She needs nutrients from breast milk or the formula.

You shouldn’t be giving solids to a 3 month old.

Ask your babies pediatrician. Not other moms. You will get 500 bazillion different answers. My kids pediatrician said it was fine at 3/4 months if they showed signs of being ready. But some pediatricians will say 6 months as a general rule for all kids regardless of signs or not. Go by what your pediatrician says is best.


My baby has been eating rice and oatmeal at 2 months and nothing is wrong with her! She is 8 months old now and weighs 17lbs perfectly healthy! And ests baby food and sometimes table food!


No solids until 6 months. Rice cereal and oatmeal are just empty calories anyway. Wait until 6 months and start feeding them veggies.


At three months old, all that’s needed is breastmilk or formula


I would feed her it in the morning and then before bed with her bottle or maybe your breast feeding I did with mu kids and they are fine sometimes they are more hungry and need more than just milk believe me it won’t hurt them.


Not until at THE LEAST 4months.

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Um not until 6 months…


Never unless your pediatrician recommends for reflux.


It’s an old wives tale that it makes them sleep longer. You either get lucky and your baby’s a sleeper or not. My first wasn’t a sleeper my sec was ok and my 3 month now has been sleeping through the night since 2 weeks. Breastfeed only. No solids till 6 months even then milk is baby’s main source of nutrition.


Ummm you bloody shouldn’t be unless advised by the doc


The Pediatrian will recommend it if needed for reflux. They don’t like them to have it until little bit older cause it’s thickens the milk

Not till at least 4 months should u start solids

Too young for that…

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I started my kids at 4 months and mixed their fruits and veggies with cereal…


0 times a day until she is about 6 months old


Never, until 6 months

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Good lord, go ask your pediatrician not a bunch of strangers on the internet :woman_facepalming:


I didnt make my sons thick just enough to stop him from drinking 10oz in one sitting

They dont need it.
If you are going to insist on giving baby any type solids before 6 months, do NOT put ANYTHING in a bottle as it is a choking risk.

I would do some serious research on no food before 6 months and make an informed decision yourself.


Once a day we did before bedtime and made it runny so baby can suck it off spoon. And u start with rice cereal mixed with breast milk or formula.


Usually you start with the baby rice cereal. I started my babies on cereal at a month’s. If you want to send me a message i can explain some dos n donts.

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My son had no problems with regular formula until after someone made him a bottle with oatmeal cereal in it… It jacked his little belly up at 10-11 weeks old and he had to be switched on to the most expensive formula there is, gross Nutramigen. He’s two now, and he still can’t drink regular milk. I just wanna help you be aware that this is a possible consequence of giving stuff like that too early.

My Dr told me to mix some In a bowl when my son was about 3 months old before his night feeding because of his severe acid reflux he was only given a baby spoonful. And the only reason I did it my baby still woke up 3 times to eat.

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Rice sweetie, oatmeal is to hard to digest. And I always only fed rice in the evening and just 3 or 4 baby spoon full.

Sooooo many perfect moms on here. Its crazy. Stop being such judgemental know-it-all’s and try to remember you were all first time moms once too with questions.

To the OP
That is too young. My daughters pediatrician gave us the ok at 5-6 months. Talk to your pediatrician first! Good luck mama. And ignore the rude comments. Thats why i dont post on here. There will always be at least one “perfect mom” and will rip you a new one.


Never. Not worth the gut issues


At 3 months old? None they should not start cereal or baby purée until at least 6 months


never, gut isn’t ready and baby more than likely isn’t hitting all milestones for food.


Ask dr, it depends on each child, my dr let me at 2mon baby cereal in bottles

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Wait… I’m sorry is this seriously a question…


You don’t. It’s pointless.

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You shouldn’t be at all! Until they’re 6 months plus


My Doctor told me that I could start feeding my son at 3 to 4 mnths with the very basic (stage 1 baby foods and rice cereal) because my son is needing more and also he could hold his head up very well at 2 mnths old. Ask your doctor. As for all you mothers saying it is too soon, either your child is not ready or you are not ready. Don’t push your agendas on to other parents with your rude, ignorant comments.


In all honesty I wouldn’t until she is about 6 months. You can ask her doctor if now is a good time to try it.


No need to be rude and post rude ass memes. Remember the first time you were a mother- did you know everything?? No. Don’t be an ass. You can give a helpful opinion or shut up. So rude :rage:

If he/she has acid reflux, give him/her about a teaspoon of rice. Oatmeal can be harsh on the belly. I found it so much easier and thinner to get a coffee grinder. And if the doctor thinks oatmeal is best, use the coffee grinder for that too. Good luck!

Just a teaspoon a day unless you feel that your baby is still hungry. Make sure it’s very runny and I do recommend doing with the last feed before bed. Helps them sleep longer :blush:

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Try rice it’s easier, mix some on with his bottle


I would follow a doctor’s advice.

Never, lmfao. My goodness, do you all just listen to everything your pediatrician says? Without researching & making your our decision sometimes? Just because they’re a pediatrician you guys just take their word for everything?

Your child shouldn’t be eating anything but formula or BM for the first 6 mo. of life for many reasons. At 6 mo. you can start BLW which is better than traditional weaning for many reasons. Even after 6 mo. BM & formula are still your baby’s go to for most of his/her nutrition.


I gave it to mine before bed. If he’s holding it down and not having any problems with it then I wouldn’t worry about it. I started mine around 3 months and they are grown and always been healthy. And slept through the night as well.


Never unless told to do so by a medical professional.


Not until the dr says ok …there are reasons and I swear I’m so tired of explaining them on this page :roll_eyes:


Rice at 5 mo. Formula or breast alone until then.

We are starting my 4mo on stage 1 baby food. People don’t understand the difference between solids and baby food lol. I wouldn’t offer oatmeal for a long time as that is solid food, they have a lot of milestones they need to hit before solids.


Not untill they are 6 months

0 times a day. No solids before 6month.


You can do it when you feel your child is ready. I gave my kids rice at 3-4 months and oatmeal by 5 or 6. Rice we did in a bottle which helped with reflux issues. Rice causes more constipation issues so oatmeal is the safer route when they get bound up to switch it up. It is thicker so I’d wait another month or so unless they catch on quickly to eating with the spoon.if your child seems to choke with it then stop… they are not ready. You know your child. Doctors give you a guideline to follow and say 6 months for food. We also did baby food by 4 months. And whole milk by 10.5-11 months. Good luck!!!

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Once a day and very little at that

Never at that age. Of course that is unless the pediatrician says otherwise. With one if my kids, we were instructed to do things different than the normal. My other 3 kids didn’t get anything besides bottles until about 6 months.

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No. Good grief this page is stressing me out today. The stupidity is real.


Look at you judgmental people, every babies different. She asked how often, not should she or not. If you cant say something nice don’t say it at all


I’d call the pediatrician to ask her/him if it’s ok and at what amount.


Started weaning both my baby’s at 3 months old and would give them porridge in the morning as breakfast about 4 or 5 small spoonfuls to start with.

Never??? Babies can’t have until at least 6 mo

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In Australia we begin feeding babies solids at 4 months if the baby is progessively ready for that step. My message to this mumma, the only stupid question is the one you never ask. Sad some people would rather be derogatory towards a new mother rather than helpful, particuarly disappointing for it to come from other mothers. :’( Come on ladies. Get your shit together.