When to start babies on solids?

Depends on what your doctor says. Every baby is different.

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Not before 6 months, no solid foods. I knew of someone who started putting rice in their baby’s bottle at 3 months and if you saw that child now adult, is unbelievable obese. Has serious digestive problems etc.

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All you people being rude to her should probably realize this is an extremely young mom who is very naive to all this stuff. But you’re perfect I’m sure. :roll_eyes:

Talk to your doctor hun. Not Facebook. All you’ll get here is rude comments from perfect moms.
I ran into the same issues with my boys. My doctor told me start out once a day as a main meal(like dinner). She said to do that for about a month and then increase to 2 meals. And to only feed a tablespoon at a time.


My son is 3.5 months and i give him a tsp in his 6oz formula. And he sleeps 8-10 hours a night now cause hes not hungry

Never. Unless ok’d by his pediatrician and if so, I would ask the doctor. Facebook isn’t the best place for medical advice


Stop now if you baby isn’t able to sit up unassisted they aren’t ready for any solids

Umm never!!! He’s too young and it’s not a food that should be introduce to baby due to allergic reactions.


u shouldnt be giving foods till about 6mths u should be striclt formula or breast formula if doing 4 oz up to 6 oz . if babys showing signs being hungry and not getting enough

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Talk to your child’s pediatrician. Google and other mommy’s will say a handful of all the same things, but a doctor who is educated and personally knows your child is really the one to advise you on the appropriate steps for YOUR kid.

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Well I started giving my son cereal in his bottle when he was two weeks old and he’s fine today :blush:… just make it thin not very thick a little bit but not real thick and plus just give only one oz to start then gradually give a little more each month… and plus give 2-4 Oz’s of formula after feeding her/him … but don’t overfeed …it will help them to sleep longer especially overnight…but only give rice cereal right now when your baby turns 6 months then introduce the oatmeal cereal…and the jar fruits…I used to mix it with the fruit once they got a little older…

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I fed mine from the day I brought them home. I’d say what your comfortable with.


I gave mine in the morning, but some old folks say give to buy night before bed

Research open gut. Please don’t give that baby anything besides breastmilk or formula before 6 months.

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Due to doctors advice my son had an oz but he was 4months and ready

Never unless it is absolutely needed for medical reasons.

Chat with your doc. When my son was 3 months we started adding cereal to his formula in the am, afternoo (lunch time) and before bed because he wasn’t satisfied with just formula. His doc said it was ok. For the ppl saying never, clearly you lucked out with a perfect kid right? Pfft smh. So hateful in this group


Puree it if you plan to give it as a solid. Will be much easier on baby’s digestive system, and you can use breast milk as the liquid base, or formula if that’s what you’re using for bottles. 3mo is typical time for jarred foods, so def go with puree form, and don’t give anymore than what fills a small baby food jar.

Every child is different. If you feel that your child is not satisfied with only a bottle, then what I did was introduce one teaspoon of baby oatmeal into his bottles.

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Umm never!!! He’s too young and it’s not a food that should be introduce to baby due to allergic reactions.

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Never! Only if dr instructs you to

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Start out with rice cereal at 6 months

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I’m pretty sure if people used to give their kids water before 6 months and give them whiskey for coughs and teething that oatmeal won’t hurt as long as her doctors says it’s fine


Why are people always in a rush to get their babies onto food? It is dangerous to introduce food before 6 months. Their intestines arent strong enough to deal with it before then.


Don’t YOU have Doctor do not ask these kind of questions of ANYONE but your babies doctor!!!

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Not oatmeal. Mixed grains baby cereal. Oatmeal is going to give baby gas something terrible.

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It all depends, ask your doctor!

Nothing till their 6 months. Come on now


I still can’t understand why this page allows mom shame. Ridiculous

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I wouldn’t. My pediatrician recommended not to start any solids until at least 4 months, but between 4-6

Never! Not recommended until he can sit around 6 mo

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Got damn…my therapy group is a lot more helpful and encouraging than most of you hateful bitches on here. And it is a group of women as well. Never seen so many women bring each other down. So sad.

Start with rice cereal not oatmeal mix with milk are formuler

Oh an I used a bottle

No you don’t give your baby anything under 6 month their digestive system isn’t developed enough to digest anything other than breast milk or formula, unless recommended otherwise by a health professional


Damnnnn lol ive been giving all my kids gerbers since months :joy::joy::joy:

I would talk to the child’s doctor before feeding such a small infant food.

I personally didn’t give my baby foods until she could sit up alone cause its a choking risk. And there bodies can’t handle the food yet. Thats what I was told by WIC and a doctor and a nutritionist. Talking your babys doctor would help. :sparkling_heart::gift_heart:

I’d say when there hungry :thinking:

Every 30th of February!!!

What? Why? That’s to young.

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Um 3 months from now.


I gave my little guy cereal at 3 months … nothing wrong with him or giving your child cereal at that age ! I gave him it once a day & sometimes twice, it never helped him through the night but he was generally an awesome sleeper to start off with :slightly_smiling_face:

I gave it to my oldest at 4 months once a day during her dinner feeding. and she had no problem. Just use rice because it’s easier to digest. You also dont have to explain to these people why you do it or if your doctor gave you the okay. That wasn’t a point of your question.

Not at all unless needed to thicken milk for medical necessity and don’t use rice. It has traces of arsenic according to my daughter’s G.I specialist

In the UK midwives used to recommend a few teaspoons of baby rice at bed time to help them sleep at the age of 3 months. But they have changed the recommended age to 6 months . BUT all babies are different. Larger babies are more likely to need a couple of teaspoons at around the 3/4 month Mark. Trust your instinct and pick up on your babies cues. Us mothers are always learning something new every day. Don’t let the haters get you down. Your doing great x