When to start potty training?

When did you guys start potty training. I was thinking of starting my daughter around a year and half and hopefully having her potty trained by 2.


Lol good luck forcing your kid to toilet train.


Stop forcing yah poor babies to grow up !
Some kids dont tsin till there 4/5

Some kid do it naturally before one

Not when mum “want to train them” you cant force your poor kid.

They will let you know when to start trying


Both my children were ready when they turnt 2, so I bought them a potty and they took it it really well. Both potty trained by two and a half. I would wait until the child is ready, 1 and a half, I feel is too soon, but every child is different x

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I found the best time to do it is in the summer time when its not so cold, and they’ll let you know when they ready good luck

No you do not wait til they are 4 or 5 thats lack of parenting period idgf who thinks different. All 3 of my kids who are 863 all was potty trained before 2 without force I just paid attention to thw signs of them needing to go id take them or id take them every 10 to 15 mins and have them sit on their seat they dis very well I have a daughter and 2 sons my baby boy whos 3 has been pee free for a year or so now he might potty in his bed at night but thats my fault for letting him chug water before bed


I had my oldest potty trained at 1 yr my second daughter at 2 and took my son until he was 3 and half all kids are different in timing when there ready just stay parient and don’t get mad at them for accidents once you do start They may just not be ready yet :wink:


1 years old is a start. My son was 2 when learned. You’ll know when your child is ready. But yeah don’t wait until they’re 4/5…:neutral_face:

Cora Becker i am not wiping a 4 year old😂 my son poops more than me😂 but 4/5 seems extreme.

Lol good luck sweetie enjoy

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Start potty training when THEY are ready. Which is usually anywhere between 2 to 3 years old.


I wouldn’t give yourself an expectation like “starting when they turn 1 1/2” my son is 18 months and doesn’t show any interest at all. Now by the time he’s 2 I expect I will start encouraging it more if he’s still not showing interest but all kids are different.

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I started at 2 and she is 2 or 3 months in and mostly potty trained and wearing undies except at night

Ive always believed in waiting till the kid is ready but i read a book on potty training in 3 days and the author basically said your in control. Not the kid. You can potty train at any reasonable age. If you want to give it a try at 1 and a half then go ahead. Just stick to it and dont get discouraged.

One especially if she’s going to daycare

Don’t rush your baby. They’ll be grown before u know it. Train by example. She’ll get there. Lots of encouragement. Year and a half is so young. By example let her watch and learn by Momma. You got this

I tried at 1-1.5 not luck at all. She would pee sometimes. She had the idea just wasn’t ready. So at 2 she had a better idea of what to do. we took a weekend (3days) and we took her diaper off and made her go to the bathroom every 15mins. Now before we tried this at 1.5 she just peed on the floor or in her undies… It was a mess. now at 2 she wanted her diaper on when she had to pee. And we would say go to the potty. Then at bedtime put a pull up on. Successful in 3 days potty trained all day only undies. No pull up or diaper is a must.

No and no daycare takes a child round here anyways id assume most if the child isnt potty trained by 3. But I mean my son just turned 6 I couldnt imagine him in diapers or any 4 or 5 year old

My daughter was fully trained at 18 months my son was fully trained at 3 depends on the child

My daughter was 3. I tried to push her earlier and it was a hot mess. When she was ready she came up to us and told us and that was pretty much that. My younger daughter is 18 months and hasn’t shown any interest just yet but she’s always been a little earlier just because she wants to be like big sister. So she might show signs earlier. We shall see.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. When to start potty training?

My oldest(she’s 22 now) was potty trained by 18mos. My 2yo is killing me with this currently

Put a onesie on backwards or a footless sleeper on backwards until she outgrows the stage. She won’t be able to get out of the stuff as easy if it’s backwards


She’s ready go buy a potty and watch what she does my mom potty trained all of us by 16 months, and no more diapers , try putting training underwear on the coth ones ,


Put on a one piece pajama backwards. Cut the feet out. She can’t reach the zipper or snaps


We had to put my nieces footless sleepers on backwards. She couldnt get them off thank goodness!!


I started potty training at a year old for both of my boys and by 16 months they were fully potty trained.
I never bought a kids potty just put them on the actual toilet so they weren’t afraid of it in case we were ever in public and didn’t have a kids potty handy.

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I put a potty out in the living room and whenever she’d start to go id put her on it she was easy doing the same with my son but he refuses to poop in the potty still he will walk right over and pee in the potty but will even ask for a pull up to poop im not pushing it too hard id rather him adjust at his own pace then back track later

Onesies with a pair of overalls worked for my kids

I used duct tape on night time diapers :rofl:


Start with training pull ups and reward her for got potty

My son did that we did onesies with pants on them to prevent it at night!

Or try cloth diapers at night time. With a backward sleeper.
Good luck.

Put onesies on, overalls

My daughter was doing that and I switched to pull ups and it stopped.


She’s ready to potty train.
Put the diaper on backwards at night.

I potty trained my firstborn at 15 months. She picked it up quickly. Loved the pretty panties I bought her for being a big girl

Zippered pajamas with the feet cut out and put on backwards


Backwards so she can’t grasp the tapes— onesies work for some… I have 6 kids, a lot of the fascination with the ordeal is your reaction. Try to not overly react one way or another, and she may abandon the behavior. Good luck! :purple_heart:

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Jammies backwards!!!

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Yes you can potty train that early!! I had 2 children that showed interest that early and by 18 months we were diaper free 24/7. And for night time buy footed pajamas and cut feet off. Then put it on backwards. Problem solved for night time.


Put pajamas that zip up on backwards. And this is very normal where they take their diapers off and yes play in their poo.


Onsies put them on backwards at night. If you see het undressing put her on a potty chair. She can be potty trained that young.

Duct tape!!! Lol it works my grandson was the greatest poop artist ever …got tired of washing walls,cribs,and sheets and shampooing carpets

Try putting the diaper on backwards

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Put her nappy on backwards


Lol MINES DOING THE SAME . They say they’re ready to start potty training

Footed jammies backward. Or safety pin the zipper. Those were the only things that worked with my grand daughter.

I had a boy potty train at 11 months I had another not potty train til 4yro. It varies per kid. Try her on the potty and see how it goes. Put her there every thirty min after a meal. Also if you find the one piece onesies that pull up and not zip or snap those help, also putting onesie on backwards so kiddo can’t get the zipper or snaps. They will play in or even eat their poop out of curiosity. It happens! No worries mama!!! You are not alone!!!
(I am a mama preg with baby number 8, 6boys,1girl, baby on way unknown yet)

Put it in backwards taking a diaper off isn’t a sign of readiness it’s a sign of swamp ass :woman_shrugging:t4:

Duct tape it on her. She will be fine :grin::rofl: totally joking…

Put her in onsies. They usually can’t get the snaps undone to get it off.


I don’t know but I’d try putting a cloth diaper with pens like we had to use on our kids

You can definitely potty train this early. Mine was trained by 15 months. Get her a potty!

Put on backwards over all or use suspenders

Start her now!i started all my 3 daughters at 8 months.
For example, took them to the toilet with me. Repitition. Making them aware of the surroundings.flushing the toilet and the noise it makes so theyre not scared of the sound.describing what i was doing. ‘Mummys doing a wee on the toilet’, pointing out toilet paper etc…even turning the light switch on/off.
Then as they got older, id sit them in the toilet, and still explain what was going on.
First daughter toilet trained by 14 months.
Second daughter prefered the potty method, so id take the potty into the toilet but still describe what we were doing.
She was toilet trained by 2yrs,but stayed in pull ups at bed time til she was abt 5-6.
Third daughter caught on quicker having 2 big sisters to watch/follow.


She’s old enough start training her

Put sleeper suit on backwards.

We put the diaper on backtrwards and even used duct tape around the diaper (not attached to her) at night. We tried potty training but she wasn’t ready-she just wanted the control.

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Perfectly normal. 1 of my kids did this. And the other never kept on clothes lol. Take the advice from others. Try a safety pin or put her in a onesie with the snap at the top so she can’t get to the zipper.

My daughter started doing this when she was 1, so we started putting her on the toilet, extremely surprising to us she was fully toilet trained by the next day, and has not had any messes, she is 7 this year.

Diaper and zip up onesie on backwards. If all else fails put tape over the tabs.

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Okay we are going on a year with this habit, cut the sleeves of a sleeper (zip up) and put on a small t shirt

My soon took his off so I switched to pull ups and hasn’t happened again since

Put onesies on her. Backward zip up pjs at night.


Start right now. At least get a potty and put it in the bathroom and let her sit on it with clothes on. My daughter was 18 months when we started. I read an article about some kids in other countries being potty trained BY 18 months so I started as soon as I read that. My mom bought her a potty at 14 months so she was already use to seeing it and was sitting on it every time I went to the bathroom and she came to hangout with me. I did the three day method which lasted a month because you’re supposed to start over If any changes or stressful situations happen in the household.

Potty trained both my daughters at just a year old. My son on the other hand took his sweet time. But I would start to pity train for sure, she isn’t to young at all!

Put her diaper in backward and her sleepers or onesies. It’s possible to have her potty train this early just not very common!

She knows what she wants. Start now. My Daughter was done by 11 months. Try the pull up diapers. Double the diapers to put one on one way than put the second one on backwards. Just trying to give ideas . Good luck.

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Put it on backwards. Only way I could keep diapers on my eldest when she was that age

Start potty training

When my daughter was that age she would take her nappy off
Her favorite place was the supermarket
She would just take it off and walk away
Then I would have to back track to find it

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Duct tape it on. Or you could just go ahead and potty train her. I’ve seen kids as early as 6 months use the potty. I went by the signs with mine. If I remember correctly break them when the signs are in the knees.


Taking a diaper off isn’t a sign of readiness to potty-train at all. It’s just a new discovery. Put a onesie on or pull-on diaper.


Yep. My oldest was like this. Was fully toilet trained during the day by 18 months and dry at night by 2. I took her constantly taking her nappy off as a sign and would sit her on the potty when she pulled the nappy off. At night I did reverse onsies so the zip was at the back so she couldn’t get it off.

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She is ready to potty train, my daughter was trained by the time she was a year old, I put her on the potty at 6 mos so she would be used to the potty, so it was really easy for both of use


Mine went through a phase where I had to go back to onesies and basically clothing he couldn’t escape from. Yup I remember that.

When my daughter did this she was potty trained

Put some zip up pajamas on backwards where she can’t get it off. :grimacing::woman_shrugging:


I have to layer my 2 yr old she just turned 2 last month with feetie Jammies then a zip up sweatshirt put on backwards plus a t-shirt on top if I just put things on backwards she literally just squeezes little by little out through the head of the shirt she’s also ripped her jammies off before hulk style🤦‍♀️


My older 2 painted EVERYTHING… including themselves… with poo… frequently

Putting their diapers on backwards helped for a short time… then I slapped some duct tape on the tabs :roll_eyes: while on backwards…

My youngest never did that… but she did insist her potty chair had to be in the middle of the living room and would poop while watching tv… in front of EVERYONE… lololololol

Older 2, I basically had to delay the inevitable :woman_shrugging: plus making them help me clean it, deterred it after a while.

Start potty training and use the backwards pajamas thing at night and see what happens. Hood livk

I put my son pampers on backwards or he will take it off right away

Mine was ready to train at about 15 months and we put it off because of our long commute. She didn’t have bladder or bowl control. She pushed the issue herself at about 18 months so we got a potty but didn’t push it. She was trained fully in about 4 days before two years old. Get a potty and see if she will go. Keep pull-ups handy even if she does though. Simply because they don’t have the body control. And #2 is harder for them. Get a potty with a built in stool so they are semi-squat position.

I get pamper 360 they don’t come off east

My brother was getting potty trained before he could talk. He would pay his front if he had to pee and back side if he had to poop

My 8 month old grandson takes his diaper off. And I know he isn’t ready for potty training. Potty train when YOU know your child is ready. There will be no frustration for and definitely no frustration for your child.

Put onsies on backwards zips at the back.


Every child is different. I have 4 they were all potty trained before they were 16months. They were 11months, 13months, 13.5months and my youngest was 12.5months. But I also know some kids that were not ready till they were 4.

Get the footless zippered pj put on backwards

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Try a pull up at night? Since they don’t have the tabs and you have to pull them on. Just a suggestion I didn’t have to deal with this. Good luck mama

Put a towel on the bed and pull up nappies. It may do your head in but it’s normal

Duct tape will fix it!!

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Time for training pants

Put that diaper on backwards :joy: worked for my son.


Put training underwear under her diaper she’ll pull diaper off and still have supportive underwear and they are very hard to pull down especially if they are wet and it will save everything else from getting wet you will just constantly have to rinse and wash those and it will help her potty train I used them for my youngest I will see if I can find a picture since I’m not sure what they are called

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We used duck tape, after putting diaper on backwards. Then pinning clothes with old fashioned diaper pins. Good luck.


We use the 360 pampers for exactly this reason! My 21 month old kept getting out of his diaper. Thankfully he isn’t a Poo-casso! I’m sorry you’re dealing with this! Good luck mama!


Put underwear over them-also I swear that’s why onesies are popular. Snaps are tough for 1 yr olds. Good luck


One of those pajamas where the hands are in mittens… kind of like the ones they have for newborns so they don’t scratch themselves?

Start potty training in the day. Don’t fight it; try different things to see what works for her. I started potty training my first when she was 17 mths as her baby sister was arriving 2 mths later. She was daytime trained by age 2 and fully nighttime trained a bit after 3. Just introduce the idea and put her on the toilet after meals. and throughout the day. It’s normal for babies and toddlers to take off their diapers and clothes. Try putting on sleeper with zipper backwards, or a sleep sac.