When to start potty training?

I had the same problem with my daughter at that age. I put a sleeper on her backwards and cut the feet part off


maybe shes more curious?

Just potty train her. My daughter was potty trained at 19 months both during the day and through the night. She just wouldn’t keep her nappy on and I didn’t try to force her, we got a set of little stairs for the toilet and a potty just to see what she preferred. She would gesture that she needed to go and I would take her. Took about a month until she had no accidents but she’s done amazingly. Good luck :crossed_fingers:t3:


My daughter was a breeze to train she was day trained by 18 months fully trained by 24 months my son on the other hand is just 3 and refuses to pee in the toilet anywhere else lol but ( down the vents into the dryer ANYWHERE) but the toilet

I started potting training at 6 months, have not encountered this with my son. I’m so sorry wish I could help with advice

My middle child went through a phase where she’d take her diaper off. I’d go into her room in the morning and her and her bed would be soaked. I started putting her pajamas on her backwards (the zip or button kind without feet). Then she couldn’t undress herself.


Put on her nappy backwards and her sleep suit on backwards… Its potty training time :grin::blush: enjoy fun times ahead :rofl:


15 months is when I started with my twins because of the same problem. Let her follow you in the bathroom. It took a few months but they copied momma. Potty trained by the time they turned 2. They are now 10. My son was potty trained by 26 months.

Both mine wer potty trained by 1 Yr old, start as soon as they walking

I had My First to our Pediatrician at about 9-1/2 months. He said that when we came back from visiting my Uncle (out of state for several days) to start potty training. She had a move in his office. So a couple/few weeks later, when she gave her signal, I put her on her potty and sat besides her and talked her through it. In less than a month, she would head for the potty when she felt a move coming. She Hated having a messy bum. Then one day she tinkled while sitting there. She was So Delighted with the noise that she would head to the potty if she even thought that she was going to tinkle. She was also trained before she was a year to head for the big potty when she was going to vomit.

Put the diaper on backwards

My son did this, hes 19 now hes the most independent teenager(hes been smarter than me for yrs). He moved out the week he turned 18. Seemed like he just wanted to do on his own. This faze didnt last long for him. I taught him to go to the bathroom trash to take his diaper off was little less messy.

Put the pamper on backwards

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Zip up pajamas
Backwards so the zip is in the back. Cut the booties off so her feet are comfy.


Potty training or put on her onesie pajama backwards (zipper/button on back) so she can’t get to it and undo it


Onesy on backward through the night might help keep her nappy on. And I’d definitely suggest training through the day. Girls are worse for this for sure, Ive 2 girls and 2 boys :see_no_evil::joy:

Put a pull up diaper on they are harder to take off.

Have you tried putting on the nappy backwards? Or I had a friend who would put a length of tape around the tags on the nappy.

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Some children will train early but usually its at least 2yo. No harm in trying though if she can let you know when she needs to go.
Putting pjs on backwards so she can’t reach the fastenings will help at night and maybe pullups during the day .
Playing with poo is not something mine did but my grandson did…hes autistic …though it could be just curiosity.

It’s not a bad thing she obv dosent like nappies so a great time to toilet train her

Yes! If she can walk she can potty train. Potty training may be the only way to stop this. Some are ready early and a sign is refusing to wear a diaper.
I and my youngest daughter were completely potty trained by 18 mths

My son was the same way :joy: I even tried putting his sleepers on backwards and duck tape over the zipper or buttons but he still figured out how to get naked and play in his poop at night. He was potty trained way earlier than my first child. :woman_facepalming: good luck and just laugh and clean it up.

All of my children did that also. I unfortunately just had to get through that stage.

went through it… they grow out of it…

My 56 year old daughter was trained right around her first birthday…now my 2 boys took a LOT longer to potty train.

Put her in her pajamas backwards

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Put her pjs on backwards

My 2yr old went through this phase for months on end :sob: We needed to put him in footie pjs and zip them backwards

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I had to put the diaper on backwards with a t shirt onesie then regular clothes over the onesie… Lord that was a stressful time in our lives :rofl::rofl::rofl:… It does eventually get better tho :grin:

Had all of my kids fully potty trained before 2.

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Shes telling you shes teadu to potty train! Lol thats what my kid started doing when they were ready to start trying.

Try putting diapers and maybe even clothes on backwards to see if it helps


if she is able to take her diaper off, she can be potty trained.


My husband was potty trained at a year old (I was not so lucky with my own kids).

All my kids were fully potty trained before 2. All between 15months and 18 months. You have to be consistent. I also had the mind set no more diapers and only used undies. I did the 3 day naked method. Yeah they peed on the floor a couple times but they got the hang of it quick. At night I got them up once in the middle to go potty

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When you said a year, I thought wow really young, but she’s 15 months and doing all that, heck yeah start potty training her, she’s a very smart little girl and for the night backwards onesies will work for the time being…you got this, and anything it’s to be better than cleaning up poop- I would die!!! Best wishes

Onesies were the best thing that worked for my lil one for this exact reason she couldn’t undo the buttons so she couldn’t take her diaper off anymore win win

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Put her in onesies. Zip to the back at sleep time. Should slow her down enough for you to rest at bedtime.

Get footie pajamas with the zipper and put them on backwards

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The only other thing I can think of, if your not wanting to potty train (and I totally would) is a one piece bathing suit with zip up Jammie’s on backwards (cut the feet off if there footies)

Footless jammies on backwards at night and/or a sleep sack on backwards.
Rompers for daytime. I got some from old navy. Button behind her neck, can’t streak!

Girls are ready before boys…get her a potty chair!!

My son is 1 & potty trains

onsies n zip ups. shes to young still. they need to go already 2 hrs with dry diaper. u try now it’ll just be more of a mess

This is a common phase with some kids.

My son went to full time footie pajamas around that age :joy: he just wouldn’t stop lol but also consider starting potty training- could be a sign she’s ready :black_heart:

It’s a sign she’s ready to be potty trained!

Would pull-ups be harder for her to pull off with her clothes still on? Maybe consider starting to potty train?

I had onesies I cut the feet off of, and put them on backwards. Just because she’s taking clothes off and and diaper,doesn’t mean she’s ready for potty training. My almost 3yr old kid has been doing this since about the same age of 1yr. We’re trying to get the potty training down and it’s hard shit. We’ve finally learned the concept of him telling us, he has to go potty, and wants to potty. But it’s not all the time either. Kids go at their own pace, and you can’t force then to go earlier if they don’t want.

Try a pull-up on her and then put undies over them I started potty training my daughter at 1year and half and she almost three and fully potty train

She’s showing curiousity. It’s normal. At night put a onesie on her then pajamas on backwards (so the zipper is in the back. This deters most kids. My youngest could still get his diaper off without taking his clothes off. He’d pull his arms inside the pajamas & the diaper ended up in his pajama leg.

My doctor said they are not mentally ready until 18 months at a minimum.

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I’d put her zippy Jammie’s on inside out :woman_shrugging: she won’t be able to unzip them and it’s more comfy than them being backwards.

Sadly this is normal when my son was around that age he did the same but he would take them off when he went potty left clean ones alone I started having him throw them away he liked doing that but the poop ones… Never have I wanted to duck tape a child to a wall more

My cousin did this her mom put tape on her diaper before bed. My daughter was potty trained by 16 months so it is possible

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Mine I started when they walk.
Done by 2 plus nights

Try it and see how it goes. My mom said I was potty trained at a year old

Put footie jammies on facing backwards. Cut the feet out. Watch her try and unzip that to get it off lol

She is ready for potty!!

Mine was ready before she turned a year and I was out of diapers at 10 months. Each kid is different.

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Overalls or rompers. Target sells overalls that are super soft and they are made by the brand art class. My kids constantly just want to be naked and figured out how to escape a zippers onsie. Also carters is having a sale.

Put her diaper on backwards


I had 5 kids had them all potty trained through the day by 18 months. As soon as they started taking off that diaper is when I got to work! It can be frustrating at first but once they figured it out, The money you will save!!

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I started that young

With is a good thing couseshe don’t like diapers on easier to train try to get her to poop before going to bed on potty see what she does ,

My daughter played in her poop every single time she pooped, I mean rubbed it all over her body like lotion, in her hair and everything… it was bad. And my daughter is mixed so she she has really course hair and let me tell u the fight 2-3 times a day to get poop and the smell out of her hair. She did that for about 3-4 months every single day then she finally stopped. She was close to one when she started that.

Have you considered cloth diapers? She might feel more comfortable in cloth rather than a regular diaper. Also putting button up or zip up onsies on backwards so she can’t un-do it in the middle of the night.

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I putt tap on my kids

Put her diaper on backwards, and then put clothes that zip on backwards


I’m sorry to put laughy face mom , I know it’s not funny for u . I dont know the answer, kids are kids … maybe use duct tape on the diaper ? She sounds pretty smart though, shes trying to figure out what that is in her diaper, lol. I would definitely try to start sitting her on the toilet. Really praise her and if she goes poo let her flush n watch it go down the toilet. Make it a game maybe.


Put it on backwards always worked for me lol…

try putting diaper on backwards my sons twins was doing that well taking diapers off started putting them on backwards it worked for a while until they figured it out but they arent doing it anymore

turn the diaper around/put it on backwards… put a onesie on backwards to then dress your child


my youngest was pretty trained before he was 2. I tried him once and he liked it and would go on his own. you never know if they’re ready until you try. Good luck

My son didn’t get fully potty trained until age 5 my daughter was 4 when she was fully potty trained it’s a long process and requires lots of patience

Put her oneie on backwards so she can’t unzip it.


Are you using clip bottom vests? Seems to work for me, my oldest was nearly 3 when he got out of nappies and my 3 year old is really trying atm but he’s struggling takes time x

I put a pair of pants over my little ones diaper then a onesie over the pants

Pull ups instead of diapers? The ones you have to rip, not the ones with tabs. We use hello bello.

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My one niece I had potty trained by the first time when she was like 14 months…she was super easy, the only problem was we couldn’t find underwear or pullups to fit cause she was tiny. So she stayed in diapers and then just needed help getting on the toilet

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I have 4 kids and didn’t deal with this gl

My grandmother had all her children potty trained by 14 months. Lol
You can start. If she can walk, she can start. As for keeping her stuff on her, mini safety pins. You put them she can’t get to the clasp and she won’t be able to get it off.

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My daughter at 18 months has gone a few times on her potty and is wearing pampers cruisers 360 fit I’d say it doesn’t hurt to try maybe she’ll like the idea of a pull up but still piece of mind for you with a diaper and if you feel like your ready for the patience of teaching it would help drive you less crazy if you started the process of potty training

Put the diaper on backwards & add some tape. :joy: I had to do this with my oldest!


I would start potty training. All 4 of my babies were potty trained completely by 2 years old. As soon as they were walking I started training, my second daughter was really fast. But they never played in their poo so I don’t know what to say

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Potty train it will work

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Yes mine was 16 months old and potty trained

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I potty trained my daughter at 1 she was fully potty trained at 1and a half . She was ready .


Get a farmers almanac look for the Pic of the human body. When the dates are below the waste it is the easiest time to potty train and bottle break just saying


My daughter did this when she was 2, she wasn’t potty trained until after 3. We would buy footless onesie pjs and put them in her backwards…zipper on the back! Then she couldn’t get into her diaper!


Now by the sounds of it if the nappy is coming off try toilet training I didn’t toilet train until 2 but I never had one pull their nappy off. A friend of mine did it earlier for this reason and it worked


When my daughter was going through this stage I put a leotard on her, she couldn’t get it off. She grew out of that stage pretty quickly after that.


Put her in a onesie backwards. She can’t unzip it


I had to put my sons sleepers on backwards so he couldn’t get it off when he went through this stage! Lol

Question for you moms, my son doesn’t tell me or recognize when he needs to go. He can’t/doesn’t pull his pants down on his own. He will happily sit in a poop diaper unbothered. He really doesn’t even have any tells that he’s pooping, doesn’t hide or look uncomfortable. He is two going on three in a few months. What can I do to help him get into potty training?

I posted something similar in another mom group. But my almost 3 year old has been playing in and EATING her poop since she was 9 months old. She eats poop (we have to fight to keep her out of the cats litter box) she eats paper, fuzz, dirt, and her favorite (along with poop… is HAIR. ONG THA HAIR) her doctor keeps telling me she’ll grow out of it eventually but it’s been three years almost. We adopted her (she’s my niece) when she was 2 months old and since 9 months old she wants to eat everything that’s NOT edible. Like she gets so mad that I won’t let her eat her own feces every single day that she will go 2-3 days without eating a bite cuz she wants to eat her own sh!t so bad. I feel your pain. She has no interest in potty training either. We also have to tie up and put her pee pee diapers in the garbage can outside IMMEDIATELY after changing her cuz she wants to suck the pee out of them :nauseated_face:. She always smells like pee and poop no matter how much I bathe her. I cry myself to sleep every night cuz not only is it stressful and I feel like none of her doctors are listening to me, I’m so sad for her. Cuz she is a honest to god GORGEOUS little girl and it just breaks my heart that I feel like I’m either causing this or Is or something I could be doing better for her? She’s a delightful child and she keeps us rolling laughing and she’s soooo affectionate than she used to be with us and I just… hate this for her. :cry: hang in there mama. You’re not alone.

All 3 of my kids were potty trained by 15 day & night

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Duct tape works wonders :grin:

Make sure she has a onesie or clothing on.

Put the diaper on back wards