I’ve been breastfeeding my child for 9 months and I am ready to go back to work. I know doctors say breastfeed until 9 months, but I am wondering if i should do longer.
1 year when they can start milk
Do what u feel comfortable with if ur comfortable pumping and bottle feeding go for it. If your comfortable going to formula do it. It’s your baby and your body mama.
I did mines longer, but I’d pump and freeze the milk. My lil one drank it till he was over the 1 & 2, I’d cook with the milk when I’d make oatmeal for him. That’s what I felt like doing though, just do what feels right for you.
You do whatever you are ready to do
My first i could only breastfeed for about 6 weeks due to surgeries I had after but for my second, I went for about a year. There’s no right or wrong. But my kids are happy and healthy. If you’re stopping before 1 year though, you have to supplement with some formula to ensure they’re getting all their nutrients. Otherwise, you do what you need to do.
it’s entirely up to you Mama, and you are both ready to stop
Fed is best. Always remember that. Breast milk, formula, cows milk- FED IS BEST. You do what’s best for you and baby.
Go as long as you want. Even if you don’t want to day pump you can breast feed morning and night for a while longer it’s up to you
They usually use formula or breastmilk till they are 1yrs. If you want to stop and do formula that’s great it just can be difficult when they’re used to the taste of breastmilk. My daughter only likes the ready to feed formula when I supplement cause it tastes better apparently lol.
Do whatever is right for your family. Babies main source of food should be breast milk/formula for the first year. I breastfed my youngest for 3 years. Formula fed my oldest for 13 months. It’s up to you. Good luck!
Do what you feel comfortable with. You can stop whenever you feel like stopping
Even if you decide to start cutting back on breastfeeding some, you may make enough to breastfeed when you are with baby once or twice a day. With all the bugs that baby will encounter at daycare and the pandemic, giving baby the immune support of breastmilk may help them stay healthy. Just something to think about! You obviously have to make the decision you think is best for you and baby, though.
You should do what works for you and your family
I thought for sure 12 months is how long one should breastfeed for. 9 months is great. A year is usually the goal. And if you don’t give breast milk baby should get some sort of formula. Unless you have stocked up on breastmilk? I’m sure you’ll figure something out. Good luck.
You can go as long as you and baby want to. I chose to stop at 12 months because I wanted my body back and my lo was falling asleep on her own without nursing. I did it very slowly for months.
I breastfed my 3rd child her last feeding before bed until 12 months. At that point she was a good eater, drank from sipping cups and had been sleeping through the nights for months.
You will either need to introduce formula or finish out the next 3 months.
Bring it up at your child’s next physical.
Formula or breastmilk til one. Then whole cows milk. You can pump or you can transition to formula. Whatever you want to do is fine. They’re equally valid feeding methods.
Depends on you and your child. Baby # 1 Bottle/formula only. Baby #2 BF 16 months. Baby #3 BF 18 months. Baby #4 BF 28 months. Each one was different. Good luck!
I nursed my youngest for two years, but i knew he was my last and i wanted every moment I could get
I always thought it was a year but honestly doing it for even just the 9 months is great. You will, however, have to switch to formula for the next 3 months until baby is ready for whole milk.
If you’ve produced for 9 months then you will probably keep supply for awhile. I have been breastfeeding for 16 months now and I work. Sometimes I can only do it once a day but I haven’t seen a change still! Kind of freaking out about how I’m going to make it stop!
I was told when my milk dried up after three months with my second kid that the most important time of feeding is the first couple months. The first month to be exact. And to not ever be upset if you can’t because that’s why they made formula. A lot of woman can’t even breastfeed and we’re lucky if we can. Honestly I’ve had five so far and only have milk for 5 months with each. And my mom had to give me cows milk with sugar because she couldn’t feed me. Your good. Do what is comfortable for you. You could feed just before bed if you decide to and your breasts will
Adjust. Hugs. Hugs hugs.
My advice is that you do whatever you feel is best. And don’t let anyone make you feel bad about trying to do what’s best for your baby. I made it to nine months with my older two kids and ended up having to do formula for medical and personal reasons but I breastfed my youngest until he was 19.5 months old. Totally up to you momma. You may could try doing half and half just to see how baby does with it.
I went 2 1/2 years with my first, 18 months with my second and almost 3 year with my last. It still has a lot of benefits no matter how long you do it. But do what works for you.
My goal was always a year, but it’s whatever works for you. My youngest refused, I mean REFUSED a bottle. So she went strait from boob to sippy with whole milk at a year old.
Reccomendation is till 2 best till at least 1 since at 9 months they still need mostly breast milk or formula
There is no age your breastmilk is bad for your child. It is always healthy!
your breasts will adjust to your work schedule–nurse before and after work, first thing in the AM and bedtime. Depending on how long your hours are baby may be ok with solid foods while you are gone. If needed you can pump for the caregiver to feed baby–or you can use formula if pumping is too difficult for you. human milk or formula is necessary for at least the first year. Human milk is best for the first two years when possible–or you can buy toddler formula for after 1 year. Some babies do ok with whole milk after one year.
Its up to you mama. You can stop when you go back or continue and pump at work. When my kids were that old I would pump once at work ( mostly to relieve the pain) then just feed them while at home. I supplemented with formula while I was at work.
I went 27 months with my daughter. Any amount of time breastfeeding is beneficial to baby! There are still nutrients and antibodies in it that benefit toddlers. Do what you feel comfortable with
That’s up to you and when you want to stop
I did until their 1st birthdays and then stopped. I cried.
The WHO says you can breastfeed up to 2 years
I stopped the first at about a year, but he’d been weening himself since about the 9 month mark and by 1 he was turning into a biter
The other two were very brief for other reasons.
It’s whatever you and the baby feel comfortable with.
There are no set rules and if someone tries to pressure you one way or the other they can go pound sand
I only nursed my daughter for 8 months when she started biting badly. She took to a bottle instantly so I let her call the shots
I breastfed my 1st until he was 10 months old, my 2nd until his 2nd birthday and my 3rd is 18 months and still breastfeeding. I had an old Indian OBGYN and she said breastfeeding is beneficial until 2 and then regular milk has more nutritional value.
The answer is entirely based on what you feel would work best in your family/ situation. My sister hated it and was pressured by family to the point of major stress and depression. When she stopped at 6 wks, her wellbeing and her ability to care for her kids drastically improved. I struggled physically with it, but it is personally very important to me and has been a strong source of comfort and nutrition for my son who has digestive issues. I’m still nursing at bedtime and in the morning and if he’s sick or super needing of the comfort and connection. My son is 3 1/2. Look at what works best for you, your health, your schedule, your baby, and your baby’s needs. You will find the answer, and if others don’t agree, whatever you choose, know that you are making choices you think are best for your family and they can suck it.
I breastfeed my second daughter 4 years. I had to act like i was sleeping in order for her not to want the boobie. It worked.
Personally I didn’t breast feed past 6 months cuz my kids were biters also I did both breast and bottle so it was an easier transition
I dried up with both of mine around 8 weeks when I went back to work… going to give it my damndest to go longer with my next one. I was always told to switch from formula to cows milk at a year and since formula replaces breast milk one would then think logically that you should do the same with breastmilk. But it is up to the mom and her ability. I got severe post partum when i dried up the second time. The first one was more of a choice because he was 7 weeks early and so little, i was nervous he wasn’t getting enough and switched to formula but i think i was drying up but dont really know for sure. Obviously id never starve my baby because I want to breastfeed, there is nothing wrong with formula, used it with both, but there is a connection with breast feeding that i wasnt ready to give up and had no choice with the second one. Started pumping at work, couldnt do it enough long enough and eventually after a short period wasn’t getting hardly anything. It destroyed me and made me blame and hate my work. So basically bravo be proud you did 9 months i mean seriously damn congrats… and if you can continue to great, if not dont be hard on yourself and formula is perfectly fine.
Whenever you are ready. There is no right or wrong answer.
When the start to bite.
I didn’t breastfeed my first and he gave up his bottle at 15 months on his own. My second I breastfed until she was 11 months. My third I breastfed until he was 22 months. You just never know. Do what is best for you and your family. If you still want to then pump during the day and breastfeed at night.
There is no right answer- you have to do what works for you. Every child is different, every mama is different. You will figure out what’s right for you and your baby! Best of luck!
You are the one that knows whats best for you and your child. If you want to keep breastfeeding then do., if it gets to be to much you can stop. Either way you are doing a wonderful job
Breastfeed your child as long as you can, don’t let anyone pressure you to stop sooner than you are ready! I breastfed my older daughter, she was about 3. We were in the process of adopting our second child and I wanted to be able to breastfeed her too. It worked. I loved every minute of it!
Fed is best. Always remember that. I only breastfeed until I feel ready to switch to formula. I don’t punish myself when I do choose to switch. It’s hard enough being a mom, nobody should feel shamed to formula feed. Do what’s best for you and your child.
Do it as long as you and your baby can, and then keep pumping. It’s never going to hurt to keep going as a way to supplement with solids. Mix it in with baby food, cereals, in a sippy cup as they get older. Fed is always best no matter what, but I believe every mom would agree they’d love to keep providing breast milk as long as the body is able.
Go as long as you can and feel comfortable with. Sure breast is best but not always possible in modern society
I try my best to make it until one year and then they are on their own lol. But 9 months is a great run. It’s really hard and stressful to do when you go back to work.
Do what works for you. If you can and want to stay home and continue nursing, do it. If you want or need to work and can pump, do it. If you want or need to work and cant pump, nine months is amazing and theres no harm in switching to formula.
Go as long as you feel you need to! My little is 19 months and nurses before naps and bed time. I’m planning to nurse until she’s 2.
I remember when I was pregnant I said I wouldn’t go past 1 year… and here we are.
Breastfeed until you both don’t want to or it becomes overwhelming to adjust to a work and feeding schedule.
I did for 8 months, went back to work with early morning and bedtime breast feeding supplemented with breast pumped bottles during the day until he was a year old. Worked like a charm.
Totally up to you and what works for you. My oldest I breastfed for 6 months before I had to stop for my own well being. My youngest breastfed over 2 years and we stopped when she self weaned.
My oldest i breastfed for 9 months second for 2m and that was a fight… she never wanted to breastfed so I pumped for 6 months and then dried up. Had to formula feed both in between.people made me feel guilty at wic and the lactation group but I felt in the long run it was better for both of us …less stress
Do whatever feels right for you and the baby, just try and let go of the mom guilt either way
You can breastfeed as long as you and the baby are able. Honestly up to, I believe 3 years is what is said, with 6 months as the minimum. But as long as you and baby (no one else) is comfortable, is what is right. Don’t let your spouse or others tell you it’s time to stop. As long as you are producing milk it’s acceptable. Also pumping is helpful.
My tourism 6months and he really only wants the boob when he is tired (naps) during the day, and at night and his early morning(4:30am) feedings.
Probably the unpopular opinion here but fed is best. Breastfeed/pump as long as comfortable or able to. For me here is how my kids break down. Kid 1, fed for 3 months, straight A student, goal orientated but not the healthiest. Kid 2, fed for 6 months, lucky to be a B-C student, skinny as a rail and quick witted. Kid 3, fed for a year, too young to know what kind of student she’ll be but she’s healthy and happy. You have to do just what feels right for you and your child.
It should be a personal decision. It’s up to you how you feel. We all have different views on the topic. But we don’t walk in your shoes.
i went 18 mo but some women go as short as 3 mo and as long as 5 yrs depending on what country they live in. its each to their own really.
I.did not go back to work, so I breast feed for 22 months.My daughter was a super busy baby who.walked at 8months, got.out of her crib at 11months and undid her car seat.The little quiet time I had with her was when I.nused her, because she was always on the go. Of course I had tapered off a lot but I loved the quiet moments together.
Six months I was ready to drink again and she started day cAre
I breast-fed for 11 months my son went right on to milk from a cup
It’s really up to you. I wanted to go a year but my baby decided at 10 months she was done.
Breast fed for a few weeks (maybe 2) and my kids are fine and never sick so… (those comments are weird and crazy) lol I guess it doesn’t matter but when you’re done you’ll know
Lol. Darling. You are created to produce milk for 40 years. Like back in the day, before formula. If you were a woman, and you couldn’t do the job while nursing a baby…you weren’t required to do it. As a nursing mother though, you were probably nursing more then just your own . Death and disease takes new mothers too. No one has promised you that what you have now will always be your resources. Protect what you can control. Even if we have a famine…you can still nurse a starving baby. Dark I know. But these are getting to be dark times again. What do these babies eat when formula stops. Do you know how to make that from scratch? Your boobs do. Which is their purpose. Not fun bags. Food bags.
I went back to work after 2 months but was able to successfully breast feed for 19 months while working full time and pumping
Do what you are comfortable with and want to do. That baby will be fine.
You should go as long as you are comfortable with. Also pumping can also help while working.
You can breastfeed until they’re 5 for all I care… do what works for you. Some people only breastfeed at bedtime … your body adjusts.
I did three for 10 months. To each her own.
I breast fed until 14 months while working
It is clearly a personal preference; some go three years & up ; some go a few months …some not at all …
I shoot for a year, generally if you did formula it’s for the first year of life. With my second baby, we’re going on 2 years.
Its however long you want. I breastfed for over 2years.
If you baby has teeth, and can transition to food It’s time to stop.
I did for a year till weaned to a sippy cup no bottles
I breastfed til 18months and worked full time
it is entirely up to you and how you feel and how your body handles it…
I breastfed for the first 2 years, I pumped
2 years old. She is 24 now and never gets sick!!
Whatever your more comfortable. You can always pump
Go with your gut feeling. That will never fail you.
Go as long u are comfortable with
As long as you and baby are both HAPPYYYYY is how long you should do it
Well kids need milk or formula until 1, so 12 months is best. If you want to switch to formula the last 3 months that’s up to you.
At one you can start whole milk.
Do what is right for you!
Do whatever feels right for you and yours
Your baby, your choice
The WHO recommends breastfeeding for 2 years. If you stop before a year, you then have to buy formula until 1 year. I personally would breastfeed/pump until at least a year because its free and I also dont like the smell of formula. My baby is 5 months. I went back to work when he was 4 months. Weve been doing fine with nursing at home and pumping at work.
You’ve done good momma! If you are done you are done.
CDC and the World Health Organization recommend 6 months up to 2 years. One year is a good long term goal.
I wasn’t able to breastfeed mind turned out good oldest died 3 years ago 50 years old , young will be soon be 51
I breast fed till my son was 2, when he started unbuttoning my shirt. My daughter about 1 year, she wasnt getting g enough
I breastfed til I went back to work then BF at bedtime and in the morning for another couple of months.
I always did entire year just so then they can go from breast milk to regular milk