This may sound silly, but it’s a big concern for me… When will they quit testing for COVID when you go in to have your baby? I have extreme anxiety with being tested and even hate the flu swabs. My SO and I are looking to conceive, and that’s the only thing that scares me.
some places are doing different types of tests the testing center by me only did in your nostril area not the super far back one.
Depends on your hospital
The hospital I delivered at only took my temperature and asked if I had been around anyone that has tested positive for COVID. No swab test. I delivered May 2nd.
You are well within your rights to refuse a test
Look into home birth.
I just had a baby on June 24 and my water broke, so at the hospital I refused the test because what is the point then I was already at the hospital.
They just told me that because I denied the test my baby wouldn’t be able to go to the nursery which was fine with me.
I gave birth at the end of May and was never tested. Unless you have symptoms I don’t believe many hospitals are testing just because.
I recently delivered a surrogate baby. I was not tested. They only tested those who were scheduled for C-section or Induction. Call your hospital to see their policies.
To be a little blunt there is tons of testing when your pregnant. Blood tests, urine tests and more. Maybe look into a midwife that doesn’t do as much of that. The swab isn’t really that bad and lasts a few seconds of being uncomfortable!
I work in a hospital and let me tell you getting a swab up your nose for ten seconds is the least of your worries. Being positive for Covid is worse than giving birth and not knowing whether or not you do or don’t have it and possibly passing it to others.
I was not tested, had out girl on June 16th. They took out temp ever 6 hours that was all
I recommend reading up on all of the testing required and offered during pregnancy. If you think the nose swabs are bad, wait for the checks during your last few appointments! I’m not saying you shouldn’t have kids but it takes some flexibility and a lot of loss of control.
My daughter had her baby April 7th and they didn’t test her. They took her temp and went down the symptoms list to see if she had any and that was it.
I have no idea… My niece went to be induced and they did the 30 minute test…they have her pitocin and when her test was positive and they swabbed her again and sent her home… they got that back 3 days later and it was negative but she was pretty freaked out … I want another baby asap but I don’t wanna try until this is over . I had my son March 30th… and as much as I loved our time as a family alone… I also love to share that time with family…
I delivered in May, and we didn’t do a swab, just temp, and standard question screening. Now I’m not sure if you answered yes to any of their questions what would happen, but I did tell my obg prior to giving birth I had a bad cough but I also that I also picked back up smoking ( big no no I know, save your lectures ) and nothing came of it
I just had a son in June, they never tested me
I’m not sure but recently I got tested. It’s uncomfortable but not horrible. Just something they do as a precaution! Good luck mama
My best friend gave birth this past Friday in NYC and she was tested as well as her husband when they were admitted.
I honestly wouldn’t worry about it. I know easier said than done but for me, the cervical checks were WAY more uncomfortable I dreaded that part of my prenatal appointments towards the end. Once you’re nearing the end of pregnancy, you’ll do just about anything to get that baby out lol
FB doesn’t know the policies at your hospital. Ask your doctor.
I had to in order to have surgery 2 weeks ago, they just swab the inside of your cheek.
I work in healthcare and have been tested 6 times at work. Its nothing compared having a throat swab in my opinion, gag. Just relax and don’t tense up its over quickly. Its a breeze compared to childbirth.
Honey, I don’t see the tests going away anytime soon
I just had my baby in may and they didn’t test me
I just had a baby last week and was not tested… neither was hubby. Ottawa Canada
Is this for real ? You can have a baby but cant take 2 second swab test ?
It’s not smart to conceive right now. We don’t know when this thing will get better.
Lol girl your worried about that … lol worry about a fucking contraction. A nose swab will be the least of your worries. Plus you get your blood drawn tons of times. And have all kinds of tests run on you just with having a baby in general. Pleaseeeee. Lol
I sadly believe this is a the new normal. That as we have “flu season” we will have covid their isn’t anyway to get “rid” of it. So I foresee it is here to stay sadly.
30 minute test? what is that? they stuck a thing like a large qtip up my nose for 5 seconds. I tested negative where are you getting tested?
My hospital does a rapid test when you go into labor. I promise it will be nothing compared to birth lol
I have not personally been tested but I feel pretty confident when I say child birth is obviously more painful
If you can give birth, you can manage the test.
When people stop doing the wrong thing and the numbers go down to zero.
I deliver July 27th and have to have the test done on the 24th then isolate myself until we go in.
I’m due next Tuesday and they are not doing the test. I’m okay with this, bc if I was to have it they would separate baby from me
I’m sorry but if you don’t like the idea of the swabs, you’re gonna hate an internal if you need it
My 11 year old recently had a biopsy, for her medical condition, they tested her. It was 100 times better then I thought it was. She said it was way easier then the flu.
The swab for Covid is nothing compared to childbirth, cervix checks, epidurals or c-sections.
So… You are not even pregnant but you are concerned?
In portland if you have a preterm baby you have to be tested to go into the NICU.
My hospital did not test me until I went into labor and the test was nothing compared to the contractions. It was not that bad it was very quick like a little tickle made my eyes water but was not nearly as bad as I thought. But They will not let you hold your baby if you refuse the test .
Soon as I was admitted because my water broke I was swabbed. No choice. I gave birth beginning of June & im in Hawaii.
In the state of Ohio you can decline the test
You can refuse the test
It isn’t that bad I’ve had it done. They stick it up your nose then in your mouth…I’d prefer to know if I have it first before conceiving.
I was never tested. And sounds like you’re iffy on even getting pregnant… how can a simple nose swab scare you away from experiencing the most beautiful thing in the universe? Sounds like a cop out. If u want to bring a child into this world u better put your big girl panties on and buckle up, there’s gonna be worse aches n pains than a nose swab.
In RI if you refuse the test, You won’t be able to deliverer your baby at certain hospitals. Like Kent Hospital is covid free, so if you refuse the test, they act like you have Covid and send you to a different hospital which sees mothers who are +with covid. I’m pregnant but not due until Dec but that’s what I was told by my Obgyn. However, things are always changing, so things could be better/worse by then. Praying better
Declining the test because it stresses you out has to be the most irresponsible and selfish thing I’ve ever heard in my life. You should be ashamed of yourself.
You’re going to be poked and prodded a lot worse than a nasal swab while pregnant and in labor.
I had my little girl in 2018 so before covid. I had to swab for mrsa, vrsa and strep b. So heads up you’ll still get swabbed. If you want to get pregnant unfortunately there are lots of uncomfortable things you will have to deal with. But it is so worth it!
Honestly the Covid test is nothing compared to childbirth.
They don’t do the painful swabs in most places anymore. Lots of them do a mouth swab or a swab that’s just right inside of your nose
The amount of pokes and prods and tests that come with being pregnant…not to mention the actual birth… and your scared of a nose swab?
If you can’t handle a covid test, I’d reevaluate if you can handle pregnancy and a baby🤷🏻♀️
I had huge anxiety about being tested. But I had to be tested to go back to work I worried about it for weeks n almost quit my job bc that’s how much anxiety I had about it but I went and got it n it wasn’t even that bad it will be the least uncomfortable thing you go through on your journey to having a baby.
You can refuse the test but as far as I know you have to wear a mask throughout regardless? I could be wrong
Being pregnant you will be probed, things will be going up your private area (as well as lots of people seeing it). You will also get numerous tests and needles… no offence but one little nasal swab to test for a deadly virus is nothing. plus some people can have the virus and have little to no symptoms, it’s called protecting yourself and those around you.
Girl, you wanna have a baby and you’re scared of a Q tip up the nose?
Just deny one if you don’t want it
How could anybody even predict this? You’re asking how long the pandemic will last?
Honestly, the nasal swab isn’t that bad. It’s more uncomfortable than anything really. That was the least painful part about being pregnant. I’m not sure where you’re located but where I live, if you didn’t take the test, you didn’t deliver in the hospital.
How are you more afraid of a nose swab than pushing a baby out of your body or getting a c section??
I just had my daughter yesterday in the state of Oklahoma and they only took my temp and asked questions. No testing was required.
Jeez, if you aren’t ready for that, you SHO ain’t ready for someone to have their arm up to the elbow in your naughty bits, repositioning your baby before birth lmao
Don’t take one. You don’t have to take a Covid test if you don’t want too. Surprisingly enough as of right now we still have the RIGHT to say NO.
Theres a new spit test so no more nose swabs I heard
There’s nothing bad about it. Just have to withstand the uncomfortable feeling. YOU’LL BE FINE!!!
I just had to have the test done today for another reason but it doesn’t hurt and it’s no where near as bad as child birth it’s not really that bad at all honesty it itches more then anything that’s it
Oh hunny. You are going to have TONS of tests done while pregnant. I also dint see the covid test going away anytime soon.
I just swabbed lightly in both nostrils for mine it tickled lol i didnt have the “brain poke” test.
How can you handle giving birth if you can’t handle a q tip up the nose…I’m confused.
I’m with you!
But I love giving birth! I’d rather give birth than have a q-tip shoved to my brains I’d rather give birth, than go to a dentist.
That nasal swab is nothing in comparison to anything you’ll have done while pregnant or actually giving birth . You’re scared about the wrong thing
don’t know where you live, But as a M/B nurse/RN, all women that come into the hospital to have a baby, is tested. So if you don’t want to be tested, & this is not debatable, Then have your baby at home, because as far as I know, with the world wide nursing group I am with, every mom that comes into the hospital is tested, Now in certain areas, the new born is also, Also a little FYI, if your SO has a temp, he will NOT be allow in the hospital. Mine hospital delivers over 6,000 a yr, & we have anywhere between 1-3 positive moms daily, Thankfully not sick.
No hospital can make you do the test even if it’s required. My friend just gave birth a week ago and denied the test. They just treat you as having it. Basically she had to wear a mask any time a nurse or doctor came in the room but not during active labor. I will be induced in less than 2 weeks but it’s not required at my hospital in MI.
Only way I’d be scared is if I was positive cuz I’d be thinking they would separate me from my baby. But don’t fret unless you have a aggressive ass nurse it really doesn’t hurt
You can tell them no
It isnt that bad. If you’re giving birth them you should be able to handle a nose swab IMO
Why not get tested? Do you really want to take the risk of infecting your dr and those nurses and your new baby?! I’ve had two nose swabs before delivery and yes it’s uncomfortable and it sucks but be considerate of the people around you.
The nose swab is the least of your worries when you’re about to push a baby out. They poke you with many sharp needles and such lol
Believe me childbirth is more painful I wouldn’t worry about the swab.
Just had my baby this past May and at least in Michigan, they did not test myself or my husband unless we were having symptoms.
Having a q-tip rammed up your nose is far less painful than pushing a human out of your vagina.
Probably until there’s a vaccine for it. All hospitals are different
If you’re giving birth, that swab is the least of your worries
If it is going to bother you to have a swab stuck up your nose you better wait to have a baby.
I totally get the fear. I am due next month and have to get one a couple days before my scheduled csection and its literally the only thing I’m nervous about lol
When the pandemic ends.
My girl twin was tested Covid 19 when I had to take her to the ER for swallowing a coin. It was simple and she didn’t even flinch.
Why the nose swab when you don’t get an answer for over a week. Why not have blood drawn a week before your due date and checked. I’m with you 100%. I hate the nose swabs and I’m due at the end of august. They can poke me and take all the blood they want that would be fine by me
Just tell them you refuse the test. You can literally refuse anything and they can try to talk you into it just simply say NO
They didn’t test me. All they did was check both of our temperatures as we entered labor and delivery and asked us the list of questions— have we left the country, are we experiencing symptoms, do we know anyone or come in contact with anyone with the virus… etc
I have given birth and am pregnant again and I am terrified of the covid test that gets stuck in your brain as well. There are different tests now so don’t be afraid. You’re allowed to fear what you won’t, don’t listen to the jerks commenting on here. Yeah labor and birth and all of that is the worst pain I’ve ever felt. But I still fear the up your brain covid test as well.
I live in BC and we arent testing for birth:) thank god cuz i see so many nightmares happening. I cant say anything for the states as its very different there:(
Tammy Lawrenson are u getting test xx
If that’s your biggest worry you’re in for a rude awakening
Depending on your hospital. And if child birth doesn’t scare you a little nose swab shouldn’t. It’s not even that bad it burns for a minute and your eyes water. Wait till contractions kick that swab will feel like nothing. I just had a baby five days ago in Ohio and I was tested two days before going in.
And no the test doesn’t go up your brain…
If you are going to wait to conceive until you don’t have to take any tests, I suggest getting a dog.
I would be more scared of ripping in my private than a swab up my nose but that’s just me. I had a CSection so that was just as rough
I do home birth beautiful experience and was really helpful with anxiety to be at home.