I’m getting ready to go do my third covid test, three day’s in row… it’s not that bad just uncomfortable and burns… if you can handle giving birth you can handle a swab going up your nose lol
I give birth in less than a month and I don’t have to be tested!
We don’t know how long this thing will last, but in the meantime you should wait to conceive. It’s important to be tested when you go to a hospital because a lot of elderly and immunocompromised people go in and out of hospitals. Plus in some places, your husband can’t visit you right now if you give birth. So if you can’t handle it, plan to have a home birth or wait.
It’s seriously not that bad, iv been tested twice, my kids and two year old granddaughter have been tested and nobody complained.
The more people tested the quicker things get back to normal.
Delivered may 19th and was not swabbed at all.
You a pushing a 7 pound potato out of your lady bits…I think a swab will be the least of your problems
Can everyone stop being jerks and saying things like get a dog or that should be the least of her worries? Seriously y’all are women who SHOULD have a bit of compassion for someone dealing with a fear and trying to make tough decisions. I assure you, you have had fears that jerks would say stupid things like that about. You’re human, that’s how I know that true.
Anyway, in response to the post, I will be refusing the test because I already have sinus problems, I have done plenty of legitimate research into the whole thing to determine that theres so much BS and mismatched and inconsistent information that I’m simply not doing it. They’re not taking my baby from me because I will refuse separation if it is suggested. And anything else they try to bully me into, theyll be getting a quick no from me. Having a pregnancy and giving birth for the first time in amidst all of this crap is miserable enough, my fiance cant come to anymore of my appointments, theres added stress from every angle and it all sucks. But I am just ready to have my son home with me.
You wanna push out a crotch goblin but can’t handle a little nose swab?? You’ve got another thing coming let me tell ya
I had my baby 7 weeks ago and never got tested for covid. They just made sure we wasnt having my symptoms and if we would leave our room we had to have a mask on.
They won’t do anything but check your temperature. And if you leave the room to walk around etc they just want you to have masks on due to there safety as well …
My bestie recently got tested for COVID and it was a finger prick. She didn’t have to endure the brain swab. May want to check into that.
My 10mo was tested and was fine with it. I’d think if having a nose swab done is bothersome to you, you shouldn’t be having a baby…
I’m afraid too. Due in 10 weeks and no-one has mentioned if I have to get tested. My husband had 2 tests and said it sucked.
If you can’t handle a swab, are you sure you can handle all the blood tests and swabs they give you while pregnant? Or birth?? It’s really not that bad to be tested. A couple mins of being uncomfortable…
Every place is different. I’m a week from my due date and I don’t have to be tested. They did test me for the antibody when I did my glucose blood test.
I just don’t want them swabbing my newborn.
You can refuse the test
Probably not for a while. And it’s really not bad at all
Just refuse the test. The staff will just have to wear gowns and masks, etc. you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. I gave birth 4 weeks ago and they swabbed me, and they wore gowns until my results were back.
I heard they can’t make u get a test.
32 weeks and being monitered weekly for stress tests, they told me unless it’s a planned induction or planned c section they aren’t testing for covid. I think I’d honestly feel better to have proof that I don’t have it so if something did happen, I would know it didn’t come from me. I hate shots and tests all the same but they are necessary
If the covid test level of uncomfortable scares you, I’ve got some bad news on childbirth
LMAO… no woman walks out of the hospital saying “Labor and delivery were nothing, but man that covid test? Now I know I am done having kids…” stupidest post I have read in awhile. Congrats on that…
Ignore the comments I understand you fully and I too have anxiety with testing but from what I heard, they dont do the swab until your temperature is high
Honestly, the test isn’t bad at all. I’ve had 3 of them done. And I’ve had covid… and not to be harsh, but if that little swab is scaring you so bad that you don’t want to get pregnant, you might want to rethink your plans. That swab is nothing compared to everything you will go through during pregnancy and childbirth. Plus all the years after that.
Swabbing your nose scares u? Try feeling your vagina stretch 10 centimeters?
A lot of places are offering the saliva test now vs the nasal swab.
Where I live, they aren’t testing you before giving birth. I mean you could always have a home birth and not have to worry about all of that crap.
The test is nothing. I’m due in a week and a half and I’m definitely getting it done. If you refuse the test, they’ll treat you as If you have it because they don’t know if you do or not. Also your baby will be taken from you and placed into quarantine alone. I think you can get over a swab if you want a baby that bad. We as moms do what we have to for our babies.
I was tested for covid the night I was induced. No it’s not fun but it has to be done! You’re in for a rude awakening if you’re more nervous about being tested than actually GIVING BIRTH!!
I didn’t have to get tested
Covid testing is just uncomfortable for a few minutes and I’ve had it done twice for work. However childbirth is a bitch
i didn have to get tested if i didn’t want to. ask your dr if u have a choice
I just had a baby and they didn’t do a test on me. They don’t unless there’s reason to… I guess every place is different with this
I just got my induction date last week and my doctor told me I have to get tested 2 days before. But my spouse does not.
I’m pretty sure you can deny the testing. They might insist but they can’t force you. But in this scenario I definitely think it’s best to get tested before handling a new born baby that basically has no immune system built up. I’d fear birthing my child more than having to get a swab up my nose. Also they do it as a precaution because you’re gonna have tons of people helping you and if you have it and end up passing the virus to them then they will spread it to other families along with their own.
If you’re scared of a q-tip going up your nose, I’m not even going to tell you how many different people’s fingers get stuck up your V when your pregnant. And that swab going up is nothing compared to the baby that is coming out. You probably shouldn’t have kids
If you are ready to have a baby…a swab up your nose is the least of your worries…
So wait you aren’t even pregnant yet? Lmfao chill. The test takes like 10 seconds. I’ve had it done 4 times. You’ll be fine.
Have your baby at home bc its mandatory and not stopping.
That’s nothing compared to everything else that will happen or could happen lol
youre scared of a swab up your nose… the first trimester is worse than that test, let alone the 3rd, giving birth, AND postpartum… yikes
My biggest fear at the moment is me or my husband getting the virus not showing any symptoms and passing it to our newborn it a damn test that can save your baby’s life it only takes a few minutes and your done
You’re ready to give birth to a baby but won’t have a swab up your nose to check that everything is as safe for said baby as possible…? Maybe it’s not time to have a baby
You should see the epidural needle if a qtip is scary
Lol this is my face right now birthing a whole ass baby is something way worse than a covid test lol. If you cant get a test maybe rethink the whole squeezing a baby out your vagina hole thing.
The test is only %50
If you’re scared of a nose swab I have some bad news about being pregnant and all the fun tests that come with it.
How would any of us know the future
You aren’t ready to have a baby if you are scared of a nose swab.
Just wait until they check your cervix for dilation or if they have to break your waters at which point you desperately try to climb and crawl your 9 month pregnant self up a bed to get away from the doctor
Epidural needle is way scarier than a qtip
It take 10 seconds. Your contractions will be so bad you wont even care. Trust me. Just did it last week.
I’m delivering in Cleveland oh and I’ve only heard of 1 hospital doing it before delivery here, mine doest tho unless you show symptoms
If the test scares you, then I’ve got some bad news about the delivery process
Flu swabbed, strep B swab, CT scan with contrast with an IV fishing in my arm with no solid vein, 4 IV sticks for initial IV placement with a 16G needle followed by an art line placed bedside because a vein wasn’t found on either hand, Mag drip wide open followed by 2 more drips, 3 checks by the time I was being induced, and let me add bilateral pneumonia and severe pre-eclampsia upon being admitted and guess what I still hate flu swab and will not be covid tested. Just because someone is afraid and anxious over a painful swab does not mean they are not ready to have a baby or be a mom. So let’s support a mom not tear her down
Also I saw a few comments about postpartum. Everyone’s pp experience is different, I had horrible PPD and oh wait…I still hate and get anxiety over a flu swab. So if you can’t give advice without being rude and tearing someone down, just don’t comment.
I have to get tested 4 days before my scheduled csection
Our hospital didn’t test for COVID when we delivered. Also, if getting tested is that scary then pace yourself for birth!
They swab your mouth now not through the nose birth wiill be scarier then this
If that’s what scares you about pregnancy you should probably wait. . . . .
Trust me, I just had our 7th baby Monday morning… the swab is going to be the least of your worries lmfao. They’re not going to just stop swabbing for COVID until there is next to no cases of it, which will not be anytime soon. And trust me, when you’re in labor… you’ll have a lot worse things going on than a COVID swab lol don’t get me wrong, the swabs are uncomfortable… but the whole labor and birthing process is uncomfortable and painful. Just wait until they do a postpartum uterine massage or shove dry gauze up your swollen sore vagina to check for rips. Shit feels like you have road rash in your vagina and then someone took sand paper and tried to shove it up there
soooo much fun. I have videos of all of it being done to me from Monday morning. And watching them… the worst/most painful things happen immediately after giving birth. Like delivering a placenta that is bigger than your baby! (Happened to me Monday morning too!) seriously, don’t worry about the swab lol
I mean… I’m due in September because some of us were pregnant before this pandemic… and we are going to have to face it at some point…
I was told by my dr to get admitted to the hospital, even during labor, you had to have it done and if it comes back positive, my husband (it’s his 1st child, my 3rd) can’t even be in the room when I have her.
That has me more stressed out than the actual test, honestly.
I’m from WA and they only screened me before going into delivery. Didn’t get tested at all.
If you’re afraid of a nose swab dont get pregnant then. Having a baby is much much worse than being swabbed!
Such a big girl Abbie Cooper
I never had to get tested and I delivered my daughter in March. But now I believe they are testing
I’ve been tested 5 times since the end of april and getting tested again next week since I’ve had surgery and I work for the prison system it’s really not that bad all depends on who does the test! The one for the hospital I had was the easiest one! If you and your SO want to conceive dont let a test you will have to have 9 months from now stop you!
I gave birth May 28th and neither myself nor my husband was tested. We did not have to wear masks in the room, but everywhere else in the hospital it was required.
While the videos look horrific, child birth is probably worse than the swab. Definitely depends where you are but I bet itll be around until a vaccine is readily available which will be a long time.
If you can push a watermelon sized baby out I’m sure the test will be the easiest bit
They never tested me and i just had my baby in june
Honestly it was really uncomfortable for me because I have really bad sinuses but I have had a kid and am pregnant with my 2nd. Contractions are so much worse lol you’ll blink and the covid test will be done but contractions dont let up.
I plan on refusing it… They can’t do it without your consent.
That’s not the only thing they test you for while pregnant. If you get pregnant you basically will have a variety of tests at each appointment between blood work and others. If the flu swab bothers you you should probably do better research on pregnancy and parenting.
My 2yr old slept through his nasal swabs. My honest answer because anxiety can be triggered by the silliest of things that make no sense to others but it can be a dark cloud of fear for someone else. If you decide to start trying to conceive Take a deep breath and exhale you feel that fear coming, take your mind to a happy place that brings peace. Your body will go through alot of changes when your pregant and the older you are the more testing and blood draws you have. I have an irrational reaction to needles. They have always freaked me out but I didnt let it stop me from being the bomb ass mama that I am and am going to be. When i have to get poked or blood draws I clear my head and focus on why I’m there and why I want to be there. Don’t make a decision based on fear that is ruled by anxiety. Stay calm focused and find your inner peace it will help
If you don’t they will assume you have it. So they will likely not let you have anyone there with you for delivery. They will be in full PPE
Have you ever been pregnant before? I only ask because there’s this strep b test that is probably worse than the Covid swab.
It’s truly amazing what you can do and overcome knowing it’s for your little one!
My sister is due this month. She is more concerned of the idea that they can (and will) separate her from her newborn (and clearly her one year old) in the event she were to test positive. Scary times to be pregnant, in my opinion.
If you are afraid of a flu swab, good luck with labor