I’ve had two kids and didn’t have a problem with being tested for it or anything
So she wants us to tell her when COVID will be over? Girl, Just tell the man you don’t wanna have the baby yet🤣
I gave birth three weeks ago and was never tested…
You have the right to refuse ANY testing while pregnant.
Swab up your nose vs pushing a person out your bajingo?
I’ve successfully done 1 of those pain free…
The emergency c section was alot more terrifying that the swab
I’m due in 14 days and have to get tested this week.
It’s anyone’s guess at this point, but I doubt anytime soon.
I was induced april 29th it’s one of the first things they did when I got there
If you are scared of a swab how do you expect to go through labor and delivery?
I went into labor at 35 wks on 5/18 in the middle of the night and i needed a c section, that was the first thing they did before I was prep for surgery, in the middle of the surgery someone came in that i was negative. My nurse was rough, hopefully you get a gentle hand. The whole time we we’re there we had mask.
My Ob said probably not for awhile… I was hoping they would stop right about now
I had the nasal swab, my husband got to do the spit sample. Not fair!!
Covid testing is the same as a flu swab
You should be more scared of having an emergency c-section.
They can’t force you to be tested
I had a baby while everything was locked down, they didnt test, i didnt have to wear a mask, nadda. They didnt even ask if we had fever, cough symptoms, they saw i was in labour and was like oh just go, go do your thing, good luck.
Its not that bad! I understand have anxiety and being scared about it, I was too! But honestly I got strep tested and covid at the same time, and strep was worse. Plus, they can do a blood draw to test for covid as well if that’s something you’d be more comfortable with!
I am going to give you the same advice that all moms that have been through child birth will say. Child birth is way worse than a COVID test.
They are really doing it to look for the safety of the staff and your newborn baby if you give birth in the hospital. It’s worth it to give you peace of mind anyways in my opinion
When I had to get tested before surgery I just had to spit in a cup, so look into what form the testing will take.
Prenatal OB visits will be much more invasive than the swab, I hate to break it to you. It will involve vaginal swabs, trans vaginal ultrasounds, manual examinations, and obviously birth. I’d talk to your doctor about this before making a decision.
I was scared of blood tests. I know how you feel. Try not to stress . see if you can do some relaxation exercises.
They never did the swab test just the basic testing to enter the hospital when I went in for delivery. But you will have more test ran being pregnant than not. Might want to look into everything before getting pregnant if a simple nose swab scares you. You will also have IV and all during labor
It honestly was not bad at all I did my a couple weeeks ago and trust me once you start pushing your going to forget all about the test. My LO was definitely worth the test❤️
I would look into either getting another physician or looking into a midwife who doesn’t test for COVID. It’s your right to refuse the test, but it’s their right to require it, unfortunately. And to those self-righteous eye-rollers and folks laughing, anxiety IS a mental illness and is very real. Try a little more compassion and understanding. Kindness goes a long way.
Its really not that bad! Its literally a swab to the back of the throat and when your having contractions thats really the last of your problems
They waited until after my water broke to ask when i wanted to take it and everytime they mentioned it i became stressed out and my daughters heart rate would drop so my doctor told them to leave me alone and stated i was fine my entire pregnancy. But you can ask them to wait until after baby is born or you can go in a day before (if you have a scheduled induction and or c section) and have it done. Id just talk to your dr tbh.
A quick millisecond nasal swab is nothing compared to numerous blood tests, all the aches and pains, contractions and labor/having a cesarean.
I’d be more concerned about pushing an entire human out of your privacy or being sliced in half and having that human yanked out than a tiny q-tip up the nose.
I work in healthcare, we get swabbed every 2 weeks. I don’t know about many other tests, but here is my experience. The first swab was the brainteaser. They pushed it straight into the nasal cavity, twirl it for 10 seconds, then do the other nostril. My eyes watered and I felt like I had to sneeze. Others at my workplace experienced either the same or worse. Some got headaches, some nosebleeds, others just sneezed like crazy. I’m not trying to scare you, I’m just letting you know what the first test with the long qtip is like. The following tests were with a swab half of the size as the original. I’m not sure if they will have this test for you, and I am not sure if they will allow you to do it yourself. With this one we could do it ourselves, and we didn’t have to hit our brains. Just push up to where your nostril ends and move it in a wide, twisting, circular motion for 10 seconds. Repeat with same swab on the other nostril. It’s not bad, and it really helps that we are allowed to do it ourselves, under the watchful eye of our Infectious Control Nurse. Ask if they have a variety of tests, and if they do, see what one would fit for you.
I think currently at least it’s pretty standard for once you’re at labor and delivery (unless you have symptoms and then your OB may have you go to your regular doc to get tested just so they can take precautions), but if you haven’t even conceived yet then really there is no way to know if in 9-12 months it will still be something that’s being tested. Hugs! It’s hard with anxiety and the nasal swab kind of freaks me out too, but I’m pretty sure it will still be the standard when I deliver in October.
As an aside, just so you’re prepared they will also swab your butt to test for Strep B towards the end of your pregnancy. Not to scare you or anything, but for me knowing what to expect ahead of time calms my anxiety or at least let’s me have time to prepare myself.
Lol good news is you will be too worried about the tiny human that’s about to come out of your vagina or cut out of your belly at that point to care about a nose swab
I’m getting induced next Wednesday and I have to be tested Monday then self quarantine till I go into the hospital. But that’s the first they’ve ever mentioned getting tested.
I had my daughter april 21st when the hospital was in full lockdown mode and they didnt test me or my fiance. Just took our temp. And my OB only does if you show symptoms.
I gave birth in April, and they didn’t test me for covid. Just temper check before entering the hospital.
A lot of rude comments on here. Im nervous about the test too. And I’ve given birth before. I got an epidural before I felt anything, so I had a pain free labor and delivery. Something swabbing my brain doesn’t sound super fun.
You are actually CHOOSING to be a single mother? You have more problems than covid.
I think it depends on state. In Texas every pregnant mother is tested before delivery because some hospital are actually separating newborns from mothers who test positive.
I went into labor at 35 wks on 5/18 in the middle of the night and i needed a c section, that was the first thing they did before I was prep for surgery, in the middle of the surgery someone came in that i was negative. My nurse was rough, hopefully you get a gentle hand. The whole time we we’re there we had mask.
Testing is ramping up where I’m at. I was just told everyone delivered where I’m at will need to be tested at 38 weeks or you have to find another doctor. I’m 35 weeks and go in Thursday so I’m checking on that one. I’ll get it if they ask me to but I want to be prepared.
I’m currently 34 weeks and my physician has not onced mentioned having this test done. I’ve had a flu test before so I know what to expect, but if the right person doesn’t do it, it is quite uncomfortable having that apparatus stuck up your nose.
Labor is a lot more dramatic and painful than a q tip shoved up your nose.
They won’t stop testing until either Covid is under control or their is a vaccine and most likely, those will be the same. In other words, most likely when they have a vaccine.
You’re going to birth a human out of your body. And you’re scared of a nasal swab? Anyways. There’s no way to know when this will end.
They can definitely draw blood to determine results you don’t have to get swabbed
I’m a labor and delivery nurse and I suspect it will be happening for well over a year…it’s for the safety of you and your baby and the staff
I’m sure things will be different 10 months from now…
I didn’t even know they were testing before you had your baby.
I never had the covid test and had my son 2 months ago
They didn’t test me and I gave birth during the shut down
Its not bad at all they won’t stop doing that until its over
One of many tests you will have before, during and after…
The test just makes you feel like you have to sneeze
Wow if ur that scared don’t have kids because kids end up at the doctors/ER numerous times of their life and they will get swabbed poked and pricked. so if u don’t want to be cautious or safe over a covid swab to make sure u don’t have a baby with it then wait 10 years or so because there’s always going to be some virus around
Why would you not want to know if you have COVID?! Being uncomfortable for 10 seconds is nothing compared to labor. And they are doing it for the safety of the staff and the baby.
Mercy. All niceness- if nose swab worries you maybe birth needs to be put off
Either your belly will be cut or your vag wrecked
Has no one mention the swabbing of the bum ? You’ll be ok I just had my covid test done I am 6 months pregnant. I had severe anxiety about the test and I’m on my 4th child. The test is super simple just like a strep test. They swabbed your throat then the inside of your nostrils its hyper up worse than it is
Well I think peeing after u give birth is way worse than something up your nose. You will be fine.
I just went this past weekend to get tested just to be on the safe side it was just a mouth swab and i did it myself they just told me what to do and put it in a bag and gave it to them super easy ohh and i was negetive but it did take 3 days for my results to get back to me that might be an issue cuz im sure they want to know right then and their if you have it idk if this makes you feel better u can ask them if thats an option for you
The hospital will be testing for covid19 as long as the virus stays here . I have to get my test done soon because if I don’t then they will treat me like I have the virus and take baby separate from me and also put me where all the covid positive patient are at. I am due in August and I want to refuse it but like I said there not going to let anyone refuse it unless you want to be treated like you are postive
Whoever laughed react at this I hope you never have kids. Assholes.
In the end they can not legally turn you away or treating you poorly bc you do not get tested. Is it really the best option no. It will effect every single thing that happens after you refuse the test. They do not have to admit you onto the labor and delivery unit. You could end up waiting till baby is for real on it’s way and deliver in the er…alone.
I don’t think they they shove it in your nose anymore. The last few people that I’ve talked to that got tested recently got a throat swab.
Once you conceive your entire reproductive system is going to change and effect every other part of your body in one way or another. Getting a 10 second nose swab doesn’t even compare. At this point in the pandemic, in my opinion, it’s irresponsible not to have been tested anyway. The safety of your unborn child, yourself and those around you should be paramount.
Doesn’t sound silly at all. It is a concern of yours and all of your concerns are valid no matter how small they may seem to others.
If you see this and you’d like someone to talk to privately, you can massage me. I’m a doula.
You’ll go through worse with being pregnant. Maybe just dont get pregnant
Being tested for the flu gives you extreme anxiety? Maybe you shouldn’t become pregnant…you will have to go through every test known to man…
During pregnancy you will have been poked and touched and whatever else they want to check on the baby once you do all that a single test won’t worry you anymore. It sounds funny but it’s true
Good news! Being pregnant and giving birth will put minor procedures in perspective for you.
I gave birth june 16th & i denied the corona test. Hell nah
Not that bad my 9 year old is being tested before a sleep study so yea
Uh wow people. Being pregnant and giving birth isn’t that bad. I have high anxiety about being tested before birth in October… I plan on doing all natural birth again, but yes, that stick up my nose scares me way more.
Parenthood is NOT for the faint of heart…
I hate the swab and I have to get it every week for my job. It stresses me out so much and literally I almost always panic . So I feel where you’re coming from. I assume they’ll stop testing once everything is under control. ( like with a vaccine or something. ) it will probably be a long time.
Wouldn’t you want to know so you could protect your newborn?
Talk to your doc about the tests. What gives you anxiety about them? The waiting, having the blood drawn or swab go up your nose? Maybe they can work with you on it
I got tested I had my baby the week they starting testing every pregnant women before they go into have their baby. It wasn’t bad they just swob my mouth they didn’t do the nose one on me
My niece has to get tested tomorrow and she is going in for a scheduled C-section Friday.
You can always refuse the testing, and also not all hospitals test you. Some only test you if you have any symptoms
I had my baby last week, and was never tested. The hospital had the labor and delivery section blocked off. And very strict rules. Only 1 support person that was not allowed to leave until i was discharged and absolutely no visitors.
The nasal swab isn’t as horrible as people make it seem. I had it done. Piece of cake. It literally takes 10 seconds-5 per side. You’ll be fine!
I’m due in September and was told they are going to test me before my due date. My doctor doesn’t think this is going to change anytime soon. That may just be my hospitals policy right now though
My friend has her baby last month and had to be tested before she had him
I had my baby April 13th and wasn’t. Believe me there are far worse things and pains with pregnancy and labor and post partum besides that. So if that’s what your scared of then you might be in trouble lol. Besides the test is not like they show on facebook memes.
I just delivered two weeks ago and was not tested. Must be the hospitals deciding whether or not they want to test. My hospital only did a verbal screening plus temperature at the door.
If this is your first. Then the swooping will be a piece of cake… Good luck.
The test isn’t bad. I was nervous, it only last a minute.
Sit down and lay back because that’s not going away any time soon since the second wave is coming.
Most hospitals around here test if your going to be admitted
I’m due in August and my doctor has yet to mention about being tested before delivery
You have the right to refuse to be tested
I had my baby March 26th and I never got tested. Must depend on where you have it?..
If they do it during a contraction you won’t care about your nose lol
I’m 37 weeks and no one has said a thing about me needing to be tested
There’s a blood test see if you can request that instead
It’s really not that bad. It’s a whole 5 seconds…
I had my baby may 28th and wasnt tested
I had the swab test done last month and it wasn’t as bad at all as I expected. My contractions were by far the worst pain I’ve ever experienced in my life - and I’ve had c-sections so don’t know the horrific pain of natural birth. I told the nurse who administered the swab test that I would prefer a hundred swabs per nostril than one contraction!
Depending on where you live getting a test before birth is mandatory. I have to get one when I give birth unless things change by next year. My 4 year old had her COVID test done & she took it like a champ! If you can give birth you can take the test.
Why not wait? What a joke, who in their right mind would decide having a baby during the corona panemic?