So my fiancé and me was kind of forced to live with his cousin in a two bedroom apartment. The apartment is in his uncles name and it belongs to him not anyone in the house. The cousin refuses to clean or pick up after the multiple people he has in and out of here on a daily basis. Two of the men he has had over here peed all over the toilet and bathroom floor and I had to be the one to clean it up. My fiancé just had surgery on his back and is on very serious restrictions so he can’t do much at the moment. But even he has done more for the housework than his cousin even after his surgery. My fiancé refuses to say anything to him and says it’s my place and not his. He yells at me because he doesn’t want to be in the middle of it. I feel like he is totally ok with me being disrespected and unappreciated by his cousin. I’ve even deep cleaned and made the house looks wonderful and 3 hours later the bathroom has hair and water all the place and the kitchen counters are filthy because hos cousin messed it all up. I’m at my end with this and I just need some pointers on where to go from here
Time to move out! Your an adult.
You’re not forced to be anywhere. Take care of yourself first. You’re all you’ve got.
Go tell the uncle whose name it’s in or yell at the cousin and get on his ass till he starts cleaning his mess up. Don’t take his shit, kick him out if you.have too
Go find your own place! If your fiance can’t stand up for you then you need to stand up for yourself. You are not married yet, these are things gs that you need to pay attention to as it doesn’t get better with marriage
Well it sounds like your fiancé does not appreciate you or respect you either, you may want to rethink your choice of a life partner.
You have a place to stay. Cleaning the apartment is better than living on the street. If it is too much for you, move out
I’m sure he doesn’t mean to make you feel disrespected by his cousin. But he cannot control his cousin. Unfortunately you guys are staying there. It will cause problems if you confront the situation. It’s not your place to say he has to clean the place he is living in. I get where you are coming from. This has happened so many times in the past letting folks stay with us. It never ends well. Hopefully you can get a job and start saving up. Or find your own place.
Gotta find your own place! You can’t force people to change how they live especially when your living with them! Use this as motivation to save up and get your own place!
Forced??? Everything is a choice. Move.
I’d move out and leave them all behind. None of them respect you. If you don’t have respect in a relationship it’s not going to work.
If someone you’re going to marry is ok with you being disrespected, you’re marrying the wrong person.
Sounds like your “fiance” values them over you. He doesn’t care enough about you to place you 1st… Seems like a punk to me
I wouldn’t worry about it since it’s not your place and I wouldn’t go there or bother with it. Maybe get your own place and offer your fiancée to move in with you. If you don’t live there just avoid it.
Are you paying rent? If so you have a right to be pissed. If your living for free consider your cleaning services your rent
Move and get your own place.
Look for you own apartment and move, if your fiancé stays or goes is up to him!
Move. I understand that your boyfriend has had a serious surgery. You’re probably at the cousins because boyfriend can’t work while healing. You should be helping not complaining. Are You working or paying rent? If not, put your big girl panties on and pay the way by cleaning up and taking care of your boyfriend. As soon as he’s recovered move out. I feel like you left parts out. You were forced to live there probably because it’s free while your boyfriend recuperates.
confront him and start looking for a place and move
Talk to the cousin. Talk to the friends politely. Put up a sign in the kitchen. Maid is in vacation please clean after yourself. Speak to the uncle. D code if you really want to be in a relationship where only you care
I’d leave myself if my partner and I were not eye to eye on this until he can see I’m serious and make a change but if that isn’t an option for you then sit down with the cousin and your fiancé and explain how disrespected you feel by both of them. Provide detail examples to the cousin on what you’re talking about and call your fiancé out on his bullshit and lack of having balls to say anything in front of the cousin. Clearly state what changes need to be made and if they’re ignored than you don’t hold value to either one of them. That’s your que to go. You may be labeled as a controlling B*tch but oh well at least you’ll be a clean one!
I’d tell em to get the fuck out. I ain’t cleaning up for you guys anymore. Git …
He is ok with his cousin disrespecting you, because he is disrespecting you by yelling at you.
Something has to change. You don’t need to be there
Stop doing it… clean what you mess up and help the fiance out that is it nothing else.
This isn’t going to change. You’ll have to deal with it until you move out. The only thing I can think of to do, is to talk to the person who is making the mess! They can choose to change or not.
I wouldn’t even be helping/marrying your fiancé. What a “man” to let you fend for him and yourself.
Leave and get your own place
That’s descusting. &. So. Wrong I’d get. a. Court. Order for. Him. ,. The. Cousin’ to. Leave.!! Take. Pictures. To. Prove to your. Point. Cause. Otherwise. It. Might. Not. Resolve. The. Problem
Good luck
Find yourself another man asap
…we’ll start working savin money and moving out
Or how about instead of complaining how the OWNER chooses to live…you get your OWN place? You can’t move in with someone and then dictate to them how they choose to live.
My ex housemate was like this. He never washed up so I put all his dirty plates etc in his bed. He moaned like hell but at least washed up after that.
Do you have incomes coming in?? #MOVEOUT!!!
Pic his mess up put in his bedroom
Either you move out or dont clean. Spray the bathroom with heavy lysol till they cant breath till they get it. Since they are men, dont clean kitchen. Clean your own mess as you go. I’ll say leave a trace of “redness” in the bathroom shower and floating chocolate in the toilet bowl and see how they feel gross at it !
Leave them both and get your own place. Your playing mommy w 2 grown men
This situation sucks all the way around for sure… I don’t think your fiancé is trying to be mean or unsupportive, I think he’s trying to encourage you to speak up to the cousin for yourself since it appears that you’re the main person who has an issue with said cousin’s (lack of) cleaning habits… if you’re going to marry this guy you have to be able to talk to your future family members… best of luck
Get yourself your own place.
Honestly, you know the answer. You just wanna know your feelings are valid. If your “fiancé” doesn’t care and lets others walk all over you, it’s not love. There’s no respect at all, clearly. If you won’t or feel like you cant advocate for yourself then maybe I would consider leaving. No one deserves that shit.
You already know.
Accept it is what it is
Or move out.
Move to your own place… problem solved nobody is FORCED to be where they don’t want to
Some people are content to live like pigs. The men aren’t going to clean up after themselves because apparently their mothers have always done it… or their partners. Until now at least. I wouldn’t want to do it either, especially if they mess it up as soon as you clean it. My best advice is to get a job somewhere and put pressure on your fiancé to move into your own place. If he won’t move, go by yourself. If he loves you, he’ll follow. If he doesn’t follow, at least you’ll have one less person to clean up after. Let the guys live in their mess.
Are you paying rent? If so then I would call him b/c you are paying to stay there & so is the cousin so it shouldn’t be just you doing everything. If not then sadly you can’t do a whole lot. As for your fiancé, he needs to help confront the situation because it’s his family. He should be sticking up for you b/c you are now his family. If he can’t do that then throw the whole man away b/c he will let his entire family treat you like garbage. You know this is how he is so if you marry him that’s going to be your decision to marry into disrespect.
Open the door and walk out! You are a big girl, know your worth!
Home. Your own. That’s where you go from here. If the apartment belongs to cousin he is allowed to live however he wants to.
get your own place ASP
Get a job, get your own place and a new man as well.
Start looking for your own apartment.
Move out or stop cleaning up after everyone other then you and your significant other
If he is good enough to stay there,suck it up buttercup
I think I would be figuring out a way to get out of there.
,why clean up after a slob , Get your own place
I’d move out no way I could put up with that I’d rather live alone in my car…not even kidding
Living in someone else’s home complaining about the way they live, how’s this go get your own place you sound like a nagging bitch
Stop doing it. Easy.
Get out and get single. A man that doesn’t have your back isn’t a man worth having.
Seems like Yall need a new place to live.
Write notes that say clean up your pee and pubes please and put them all over the bathroom. Your fiancé probably doesn’t want to start problems with his uncles son because it would most likely be you and him that would be asked to leave if you started conflict. We don’t get to choose how clean and polite other people are, especially in their own residence. If you write notes it’s not specifically to one person. Your fiancé can’t defend you when it’s not his house and his cousin probably didn’t ask you to clean up the pee.
Use your big girl words and tell his cousin to get his sh!t together! Why bother your boyfriend whos just had back surgery when you should handle the issue yourself?
Move out be single problem solved
If thats how they want to live, fine. Move out
Go somewhere and get your own place.
Move and get your own place.
Where are u planning on living once you’re married? How were you forced to live there? Whats up with the wimpy,?disrespectful fiancé
Get your own place? Common sense here!
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Check This >>>>
My answer to the situation is how I handled it…I had just gotten out o the hospital and hubby and son argued over who was going to do the dishes. I was at the end of my tether and couldn’t stand it. I told them both to go to their rooms I would take care of it. They left and I pulled the trashcan over to the table and started slamming all the dishes into the trashcan breaking everything. They came rushing back and wanted to know what I was doing. I told them I was taking care of the dishes and they wouldn’t have to worry about doing the dishes ever again. They took over what was left. A few days later there was an argument over who was going to do the pots and pans. I came out and told them to leave it I’d take care of it. They both scurried to get to the pans before I put them in the trash. I did the same thing with clothes and items left lying around. If they cared about it they would have taken care of it and put it away when they were finished with it.
Stop cleaning after everyone and start saving money to move and speak up tell your cousin he and his friends are grown and need to clean up after themselves especially in the bathroom.
You are not a doormat, don’t let them treat you like one.
If this is the dynamics before marriage you need to consider this will always be a battle in the marriage. It’s up to you to decide. Not as a threat of leaving but off actually leaving the chaos and disrespect behind.
It is HIS cousin, so it is HIS place to say something. Sounds like he could care less about you. Better to find out now than later. Time to move on, on your own, and find someone that cares about you. You can do it.
Take cousin to a opsm he needs glasses if he can’t see filth his blind
That would be my ex fiance
How about out the door?
How are you forced to live somewhere? Do the adult thing and do what it takes to get your own place.
Tell the uncle about it. Its his place right?
Family meeting. But be careful if you have no where else to go. And it’s the cousins apt. His dad owns
It’s his cousin not yours and you cannot be forced, that’s kidnapping
Safe up and move out asap.
I do wonder just why you were ‘forced’ to live with your fiancé’s cousins apt??? Now as for the men peeing all over the toilet, unfortunately that is a man thing. If they don’t want to clean up after themselves, then you will ahve to, If you don’t like this situation, then leave
Time to move on fast
You said it’s your fiance’s uncle that owns it, I’m assuming it’s his cousins dad. That being said, as much as it sucks, not a thing you can do about it. You can day something to the cousin but if that’s your only place to live right now, it wouldn’t be your best option, as he might have his dad kick you out. So best thing you can do, is suck it up and work towards getting out of there. So you can have your own house and not have these problems. Until then though, kinda in a rock and a hard place.
I’d give the lazy oinker his walking papers.
It all come down to choice. You have one!
Don’t marry him. Run as fast and far as you can. If he wants to live in filth then you get out and let him.
Obviously you pay rent or the coysin woudnt have you there…move out on yoir own, even if its to a motel at first…being alone is better than being taken advantage of in any form.
Get one of your besties to help, set his cousin up on a blind date with for dinner there.
How/what “forced” you to live with him? Talk to the cousin about cleaning up. If he doesn’t start clean up his messes bring it up to the uncle. If nothing changes still then move out?
You’re basically living how it is to have a couple toddlers in t he house
I am not sure as to why you were forced to live in the situation you both are in currently. If you would maybe provide some insight( if not that is okay) As for the adult “men” urinating everywhere ? No, that is absolutely not your “job” to clean up after hogs . Yes, I said it . No one should be making an excuse for their nasty bathroom habits . If you are able I would seek other living arrangements if that is an option for you. It is his cousin, he should go with you and have a respectful conversation . Everyone living their I would encourage to pull their weight. Now, I know you stated your bf just had surgery.( he should not go against his restrictions). Is there a room or bedroom that you all have to yourself ? A separate bathroom? Do you think or feel this is their way of pushing you and your bf to leave ? Again, I am not sure what the circumstances are… however , I would encourage you to vacate that apartment as soon as you’re able to financially .
Move out as fast as you can. NOW. You are being used as a maid
I would lay down the law with your fiance that he needs to straighten out this mess not you. Then when he refuses and keeps saying its your problem, I would leave and never look back. But that’s me.
The fiancé would be my ex fiancé if he wouldn’t deal with the situation.
I don’t clean up after grown men. And if you yelled at me when I asked you to deal with the situation, I’d find a way to get enough $ to move out, alone.
Look for a place of your own. until then try and be loving towards your family member but don’t do any more then you should for you and your fiance.
Best bet is to move !!
It’s time to make a choice… You know what choice.
Either stand up for yourself or don’t but if he won’t stand up for you now, do you think he will after you’re married?
You weren’t “forced” to live with his cousin. Y’all made the decision to move in there, based on your situation. Where you go from here, is to your own place.
You’re the maid… and you’re the maid because you allow yourself to be the maid. Stop it. Stop cleaning up after everyone. Clean up after you. Period. I don’t care if you have to hover like you’re using a gas station toilet. Do whatever you have to do, and stop cleaning up after everyone else.
Find another place pronto!
Get a job and move out on your own i would run as fast i can from this situation