I had a tubal ligation done AND my husband had a vasectomy…needed to be sure no more kids
I’m having my other tube tied… I’ve only got 1 anyways since I had an ectopic last year and my period pain didn’t change at all nor do I have any phantom pains. It also all depends on the person. Everyone’s body reacts differently just as all drs perform surgeries differently and have different outcomes to them
Get your tubes completely removed. It is super simple and easy recovery.
It really is easier if your Husband was to have it done. The healing time is alot faster and it really doesn’t change anything afterward, only that you won’t have more kids.
I had my tubes tied and went into a hellish battle with menopause a year later… snip his tube not yours!
My husband got Vasectomy and it was so much cheaper and he was only down a couple days. But In the end I had serious problems and had to get hysterectomy
I would definitely look up pros and cons for each procedure and decide from there! From my perspective with the knowledge I have, it would be a vasectomy. They’re far less evasive and i don’t see them having the potential to mess with his hormones like it could with you. But like I said, I haven’t done much research on either sides so there may be more cons to vasectomies than I know
I have known 2 people who had their tubes tied and still got pregnant.
You went through birthing your children, right? His turn. Period.
He should definitely have a vasectomy way less invasive and I’ve had nothing put pain and problems since my tubal 15 years ago
Vasectomy. You’ve pushed out those kids. It’s his turn to take one for the team
I had a tubal ligation and it was terrible. I had a lot of pain, heavier periods and cramping for many years after. Unless it’s done at that time of a csection a vasectomy is much better.
A tubalization you have to wait 5 years to make sure it took I know a woman 5 years later got pregnant had it redone when that baby was born 5 years later she had twins she told the next Doctor you better do it right for your paying child support it took finally
Vasectomy. Statistically speaking 1 in every 2000 men that have the procedure will most likely get someone pregnant however with tubal its 1 in 200 women will most likely get pregnant which can commonly lead to an ectopic pregnancy. Those numbers are for the UK, im not sure about other countries.Vasectomy also has less risks, faster recovery and less invasive.
Do both! Vasectomy was not successful for us after 6 years
Tubal ligations are more expensive and a much more involved surgery. If you ask me, you’ve put your body through enough birthing your children while he’s skated with no physical cost. It’s his turn.
You the woman have been through enough having the babies etc.
No the man should have the chop.
Oh! Woops i forgot he might loose his manhood…
Why not both do it? It will be double security
After tubal ligation you can have painful periods heavier periods for a long time. Vasectomy is easier
Vasectomy my hubby had it done and was sore a couple of days back to work In 3 would odf been 6 weeks if I did
Go for the vasectomy. It’s riskier with that tubal ligation. Because there’s a chance the tubes can become untied then you could still become pregnant. With the vasectomy it’s one day, a little discomfort and then back to normal. If he does make sure he uses a condom. He will still have leftover sperm after the vasectomy for a few weeks.
For you it’s a major surgery and for him it’s an outpatient procedure that he can return to work from in a day or two, so there’s that. I’m also of the opinion that since you have already carried and delivered at least one child he can handle this one.
Vasectomy is an out patient procedure with a 3-6 day down time while tubes could lead to 3-6 weeks down time. Also I don’t know about now but 16 years ago my husband vasectomy cost only $650 and the tubes without insurance was in the thousands.
You popped out the kids HE should get the vasectomy… Plus his recovery if far less painful and much easier. He should… Mine did !
Hubby needs to go !! It’s easier for him over you . Females it’s major surgery. Now a women can go in for tubal cauterizing and that’s in office and easy
For you it’s a big deal. Long recovery, cutting in to your fascia and muscle. For him, a couple days on the couch and an ice pack. Back to work Monday. Seriously. He needs to man up. Also cost less for his
I had surgery two years ago and I still hurt but my body has been through hell make him get fixed we go through enough
It’s less invasive for the man, out patient procedure, versus a tubal ligation, mayor surgery, 6-8 week recovery, depending on the woman’s body and how it heals after surgery.
Girl, when my husband has his vasectomy this happened:
- Requested 2 days off work as the procedure was on a Thursday
- Went to the doctor’s office and the one microscopic snip was done in like 1 hour
- They put a BANDAID on it! No stitches!
- Can home and put a pack of frozen peas on his junk
- Went to work the following day because he felt fine
- Counted every time we had intercourse 20 times as that was the golden number when his swimmers should have been gone.
I had to have a hysterectomy 3 years later so that kinda sucked for him in hindsight, but it made sense. The vasectomy was cheaper, less invasive and recovery was nothing!
Yours would be the more risky If they both work, both are effective because it is effective if it prevents pregnancy. But he must follow all instructions of your doctor. He MUsT return for as many sperm counts as requested to be sure the procedure has for sure cut off the sperm for up to up to a year to be sure the tubes haven’t reattached. After a year - maybe less- then it has worked.
Time for hubby to take one for the team Less invasive & faster recovery! I know a few men who have had it done & didn’t even need paracetamol when the aneasthetic wore off. Complaints of slight discomfort & the fear of hurting them while healing at most.
I told my husband I suffer to have the kids so when the time comes he’s the one getting fixed. It’s a hell of a lot easier of a procedure for a man then it is for a woman.
He should do it. After all, tube tying is a painful and major surgery for you, and you can’t get pregnant without sperm, but he can get a vasectomy and go back to work the next day.
His is easier and can be done in the office. Yours requires hospital OR and anesthesia.
Vasectomy …done in office… in and out within 2 hrs and only a little bit of discomfort. …a tubal ligation is usually under anesthesia and is about a 2 or 3 days out of work.
You have it done. Quick and easy had done o Thursday back to work on Monday. My first husband had a vasectomy and then at 37 years old he died and took it with him!!!
He will recover faster than you. His can be done in the doctors office versus you would be having outpatient surgery
I had a tubal with my last c section but 12 years later I have complications from the procedure and just had an ablation(4 weeks post op) after having an unsuccessful D&C over the winter. If I continue to have problems then I will need a hysterctomy, I turned 42 3 days before my surgery.
It’s risky either way but I think instead of arguing about it why not both of you get it done problem solved
I feel like this why do they always think we did to do it ? I feel like they’re like O I can get out here and have kids and she won’t be able too .Not fair for us !
Either way you go it’s a chance your taking… I’ve had my tubes tied for my last child it’s been 28 years already thank God…
I had a tubal which forced my body into peri menopause and still had to take fricken birth control to regulate my stupid periods. I vote vasectomy
I heard horror stories about tubal so was like nope, not happening. My hubby got the vasectomy. I carried and gave birth, he said it was the least he could do.
Outpatient, took about 30 mins. Awake the whole time, just numbed. Said was only uncomfortable once when doc pushed the glans out of the way and upward. Sat on ice for 24 hrs then we got to go at at like bunnies for the next week. This was to drain the pipes and make sure he was shooting blanks. He has a itty bitty scar along the ridge line of his nutsack. Can barely see it. Pretty good trade off!
Eventually, I got a uterine ablation to end evil periods. Win-win all the way.
vas. done in dr. office, wear jock strap for two days, no heavy lifting, occ. can be reversed; lig. major surgery in hospital, insurance may not pay as considered not necessary, not reversable, and any anesthetic or major surgery could have major problems. let him man up or from an RN
DONT GET TUBAL!!! I would not recommend it!! Of course not all women have issues I’ve met 1 person who had no period issues all the rest including me its terrible!!!
It is cheaper , easier and less risky for a man to get a vasectomy.
A woman has to be put to sleep- risky enough- to have tubes tied and burned- then reawakened. She must then recover from abdominal surgery. This is expensive with a higher chance of infection, done in a hospital setting. She is under stringent post op instructions to not lift for a period of time post op.
A vasectomy is done in a doctors office, inexpensively, post op care instructions are Tylenol and a bag of ice.
NO comparison!
Hubby gets the vas.
His is a much easier and less invasive procedure…snip snip, cap those babies off, and a couple stitches and have an afternoon kicked back on the couch with a frozen bag of peas!
Vasectomy same day surgery and easily reversible if needed
Vasectomy is a less invasive surgery than tubal ligation. Probably cheaper too
Him getting snipped is a lot less down time than a tubal.
Both get done if neither does not want to have any more children
Vasectomy! Hubby had one, was in and out in about 30 minutes and went back to work! You would have surgery!
We made our decision many years ago after discussing both with our OBGYN.
Vasectomy easier on men than it is for a woman to have a tubal
I had my tube tie 17 years ago but I seen the man get it done may still get a woman pregnant so if u sure u finished get your tube tie u have a better chance not getting pregnant. But who say if he gets it done that may not get pregnant
Vastectomy I had a tubal ligation and ended up in ICU for a week. It’s much easier for men quicker recovery. My husband has never lived this down.
I had my tubal less than 12 hours after my last child was born. I had her on Wednesday at almost midnight and surgery at 10:30 am on Thursday, went home on Friday and was packing up to move on Saturday. I guess it depends on the couple and it should be a decision that they both agree upon.
I had a tubal. I’ve had it for 22 yrs and it has never given me problems. But I say do both… why should we be the only ones to get fixed… ii’m just saying.
He needs 2 get fixed bc its easoer leas time off work and easier 2 reverse of ya change ya minds
Both neither are 100%
My experience is my husband danced around on the decision; finally did the tubal ligation cause I knew I wanted no more children with this man🙄 No big deal; out patient and scar is inside my belly button☺️
Vasectomy. My BIL had one and it was no problem at all.
This is something that the two of you need to decide and not on this forum.
He should get the vasectomy. No big deal.
How do you get pregnant after a tubal? A piece of the tube is REMOVED and the ends are burned together to prevent any chance of them growing. There is a space between the two sections of tube. How does the egg get thru without a tube? You pregnant ladies must have just had your tubes tied. Which can be very temporary.
If you dealt with birth control and birth of your children, he can suck it up buttercup. “Show a pair” & man up.
I had my tubes tied and burnt during my third c-section. Its been 22 years and no problems or surprise babies lol
I had the tubal and got pregnant a year later!
I had my tubal and baby and went home the next day. Idk hmmm with a vasectomy it is same day but up to 6-8 wks and you can still get pregnant
Me and my husband are having the same problem
You carried and birthed the babies…he can get the snip snip…
You gave birth its time for him to pony up. LOL seriously though it is not as invasive for a guy than a woman.
Women have a higher risk but I choose that for myself. My husband doesnt have kids I have 2. Married 24 years now. Boys are grown and we are happy grandparent’s
Almost 40 years ago, I had a tubal ligation because my husband said that no one was touching him. A vasectomy is a much easier and safer procedure and can be done in a doctor’s office instead of a hospital. Neither is foolproof but my son and his wife (who is expecting their second child) have talked about it and he is the one who is going to get fixed. The only problem I had when I had my tubes tied - ambulatory surgery procedure - was that I had to be put under (which is always a risk). Funny thing is that, several years before that, a man in an office I worked in had a vasectomy and was so thrilled that he did everything but show us the scar. He was back at work the day after. I was out of it for four days.
Vasectomy because it can be reverse but once you cut your tubes it’s over.
I had the tubal ligation
I have 3 day periods again!!!
The Hubby needs to take one. Much easier for a man.
It’s major for the woman and a snip for the man.
Vasectomy. Easy procedure and recovery.
My sister inlaw got pg 2x after my brother inlaw had a vasectomy. And yes they’re both his dna test proved it
He needs to step up. It is harder on you.
It’s easier on him than you!
Do both!! Be extra sure…
depends who don’t want more kids
He’d have the faster recovery time
I dont know why everyone is saying a tubal is such a big deal, had my baby and tubal and went home the next day. No issues, that was 16 years ago.
Vasectomy is easier and less recovery time
Tell him to man up and get that thang snipped.
Vasectomy is quicker & cheaper
Time for hubby to take this one.
Vasectomy much easier!!
Vastectomy. He don’t. Even go to sleep.
The bandaid is like a dot
Vasectomy is easier to reverse should you want more children one day.
Vasectomy all the way. Vasectomy has a 1-2% chance of pain after recovery while tubal ligation has a 30-40% chance of ptls (post tubal ligation syndrome) which is basically where you get the procedure done and it sends your body into menopause or even in the mild spectrum hormonal problems. Tubal ligation is something they have to actually knock you out for and fill your stomach with co2, you’re more likely to die from the procedure than a man is from a vasectomy, which is a really simple procedure and recovery is much faster. The only real cons to a vasectomy over tubal ligation is that it can take up to a year for his semen to be sperm free so he has to get it checked until the numbers go down
i think all men that just sleep around and give babies to women should have the surgery.
Vasectomy is office visit tubal is major surgery and hospital stay.
After our fourth kid I got my tubes removed. It was a one day thing, home same day and I was perfectly fine within two days. Was not a big deal. And if your tubes are removed you can’t get pregnant, vasectomy sometimes fails. so totally y’all choice. But if you guys ever think you may want kids later on for some reason…my husband had a vasectomy after our second daughter, had it reversed and we had two more before I had my tubes removed.
Easier and cheaper for the vasectomy. You did your part he can do his. My ex-husband never got a vasectomy, we had 3 girls, he had 2 boys with wife #3… if YOU don’t want anymore children, get the tubal. If YOU both don’t want anymore children, have him get the vasectomy…