Who is in the right?

If the taxes were in the other corner… would you feel he was wrong? He can’t force you, but you’re only as good as your word & you’ve changed the dynamics of that friendship as well

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Who has custody? That’s who claims them unless there is a court agreement in place

Yup. Your wrong. He’s not untrustworthy. Your actions show that u are. You can’t go back on your agreement just bcos he has a job and u don’t and want to save for down payment! It’s not a change “all of a sudden” hes pissed and rightly so. Don’t make agreements if u have no intentions of following thru.


You’re only as good as your word and you cant just say F the agreement and go back on your word because for whatever reason, you don’t have a job anymore; that’s not his fault nor his problem. Hes rightfully mad because when its convenient for you, you tried to cancel the agreement and everyone knows that if rules were reversed, youd flip your shit too. You couldn’t even make it to your second time of giving him the 1000? That makes you untrustworthy. Imagine if this agreement was legally binded, as in you signed to agree to this, you cant just go back on your word because it was convenient for you.

You’re absolutely in the wrong. He can get a court order to be able to claim the kids too even if he’s not the custodial parent if he’s helping to support them. Many parents do this with their custody/support agreements in court where they either alternate years, each claims one of the children every year if there’s more than one child and things like that. If I were him, I’d take you to court to get the legal right to do so since you can’t keep your word. He’d make out better that way than getting $1000 from you and you’d make out worse.


So next year when you still don’t have a Job and it’s his turn to claim I’m sure you wouldn’t care if he didn’t give you anything right? If it was his year to claim now you wouldn’t have went back on the agreement. You’re selfish.


What he spends the money on is none of your business dumb or not. You are so wrong to just change it last minute because you’re jobless. Selfish

If the situation was turned would you feel wronged how he does? Probably. Give him the 1k and move on. You’re the one not working, it doesn’t have anything to do with him.

How would you feel if he was the one going back on your agreement. I think your the one in the wrong.

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If the roles where reverse and he told you he was t gonna give you the money this year bc he don’t have a job and wants to save you would be mad too I don’t think it’s crazy to think he would be upset y’all have an agreement honor it


You are only as good as your word. If he did this to you, you would be big mad. You stated it isn’t that much so then what’s the problem? Give the man the money you agreed too! It’s not your business what he spends it on, but tax season brings out true colors in many people. You trusted him enough to have kids and file your taxes and he’s done his part now you do yours. This will cause coparenting issues and if he was so irresponsible why allow him to file them for you? Sounds like some greediness and obviously missing parts in OP but your word is who you are.


Your wrong , you made agreement now changing it


Your wrong you backed out of what seemed a fair agreement last min


Is this agreement a mutual one, or one from the court? If it’s not something the court said you have to do, then he can’t report you.
who has custody of these children? Do they live with you or him? If they live with you, you have the right to claim and don’t need to give him any of the taxes.
But think about it, if roles were reverse, would you be upset you changed your mind last minute? Are you going to let him claim the kids next year? You each should probably claim one child and be done with it all.
If you haven’t been to court, Sounds like it’s time to go to court and get custody arrangements, That could also add child support depending on the arrangement too and even have it written out who claims the kids each year.


You are wrong…however you should each claim 1 child every year…problem solved


Unfortunately you are in the wrong. This is why I had it written into my divorce agreement that my ex claims our two oldest children on his taxes and I claim the two youngest children on the taxes. So neither one of us can go back on anything.


You had an agreement. It doesn’t matter what he spends his money on it’s NOYB. Palm to forehead…


If this was through the court then you have to. If not you do not, just remember next year you will not get money. Does he pay child support? If not he never gets to claim them. Also he can’t just take a kid to live with him so he can claim him


Legally there is nothing he can do. The IRS does not care about agreements even when written. The parent who has custody of the children gets the credit in a dispute. If you want to claim your kids every year you can. If you feel bad that you went back on your word then let him claim them as you agreed.


You are totally the bad guy here. Sorry. If he was doing this to you you’d be in here complaining about it and saying how unfair it all is. An agreement is an agreement is an agreement. Sorry.


You would be just as mad if it were him that was backing out of the agreement if it was his turn!! You don’t need to worry about what he spends his money on! Next year I’m sure you’ll be all about this agreement again! So yes, you’re wrong and messed up for going back on this agreement you both had.


Well. Imagine if it was his year to claim, you have no job and really need money, and he decides to back out and not give you the 1000? You’d be upset too. If you weren’t working and he was, it seems he was also the one financially supporting the child. Even if he is irresponsible.


If the children are physically with you more during the year, and you can prove it (school records, medical records, witness statements etc) it doesn’t matter what any agreement, custody papers or verbal, says. IRS law over rules family court and you can claim them every year and keep all the money regardless of any agreement. If he reports you to the IRS they will tell him their laws supercede other laws when it comes to how you claim dependents on your taxes.

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He’s nuts. Don’t let him push you around. Quietly consult your attorney. Do not discuss this with that idiot.Do what you attorney says. Go back to court Amend the child support. Get all you can from this freeloaded. He’s just using you.


You’re in the wrong. Child claims are $3,000 this year, highest its been in a long time, so actually, you still have more than you would of in the last 2 previous years. You cant make an agreement then all the sudden change it when you want too… This is what starts court procedures. & a lot more heartache for your children to go through.


Let him report you… the kids live with you, he doesn’t have the right to claim them if you can and plan to do so. And there is no law that says you have to give the other parent any of YOUR money when you claim the kids on your taxes.

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Oh. Time to get a parenting plan…

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That’s why all this shit should be included in the custody agreement…that way you or him can’t change things

He can’t do shit about that! Don’t give him a dime.

Unless someone here is a lawyer, I’d skip all this armchair quarterbacks advice and see a lawyer. There are laws that you both have to abide by that a lawyer will know. You don’t want to mess around with the IRS. The IRS has been known to screw even people who are in the right.

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It sounds like a dumb agreement but you should hold up your end for now and maybe talk to a lawyer.

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If it was visa Versace you would be upset too. Stick to your agreement. Who cares what he wants to spend money on if it belongs to him.

I’m sorry but… Has anyone even asked if they are married? I mean, not to be an ass, but if they’re not married and the child/children were born out of wedlock, most generally the father has to fight for his rights/paternity, and even then usually only gets child support ordered and reasonable visitation. He is not entitled to any of her return. Anything given in the past was a gift. If she is the one with custody she is the one entitled to do whatever she wants and needs to do with her money. I get that there are rare times when this isn’t the way it goes. But the father will have to have it in black and white from the courts that he is able to claim the child himself before he is entitled to anything.

Was that a verbal agreement? If so then ur not in the wrong if it’s on paper ur definitely in the wrong

If they live with you, then….

Qell it’s ur 3rd time not wanting to give him the money ur wrong sorry not sorry

You should just alternate years on who claims the kids one takes even one takes odds that way it keeps it simple

Live up to the agreement

You could just both take a kid from now until the oldest is 18 then just split it after that