Who should pay the babysitter?

The parents of course.But,how many kids do u have that she thinks she can’t handle them ?

Tell her you don’t have money for it or pay the babysitter.

? Seriously hopefully you paying grandma too…


They’re your children!!! Your responsibility!!
So clearly it would be you that pays for them being looked after.


She serious? Aren’t they your problem? :joy::rofl: you should pay your MIL for agreeing to watch those kids, wonder why they didn’t get invited :joy::rofl: I wouldn’t wanna watch them if they paid me. TF

Sometimes I wonder about people if.your going.out you pay for a sitter whoever’s minding your kids are providing.unwith a service no more rediculous questions case closed

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Surly this is a troll…

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You are the parents, it is your responsibility to pay. Absolutely no discussion about it.


You shouldn’t even be asking that question they’re your kids and you want to go away so you pay

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If you are a loving dedicated grandma it shouldn’t be a problem you’ll love it extra bonding time


Pay the sitter. Just because YOU FEEL like she should be able to handle it, doesn’t mean she can. Be glad she asked for help rather than getting distracted with one child and an accident happens with another.
I am still trying to figure out why this was even a question. While you are at it, pack some snacks and a few activities.


I watch my grandkids all the time WITH NO PAY. Grandparents shouldn’t be paid to watch kids. I would never want money to watch MY GRAND KIDS. That’s stupid af! If your mother can watch them all weekend then your MIL surely could watch them, there should be no difference.
Is she sick, disabled, frail or what?
As a mother herself she can’t handle kids??? But it sounds like she shouldn’t be watching them at all if she can’t handle her own damn grand kids…

You. Your kids. You pay

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Definitely you without question. Why would you even think otherwise. I mean really? If I was your MIL I wouldn’t watch them at all and make you pay someone the whole time. By the way… your kids weren’t invited???

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If your mom can watch them without help then take them to YOUR mom otherwise pay for your MIL sitter bc she asked for the help or stay home & watch them yourself since they wasn’t invited for obvious reasons


You, your children. And good for MIL to realise that she needs help


why the hell should your mother in law who is kind enough to watch your kids overnight so you can go to a wedding pay for help. they are your children youe responsibility

I’m about to leave this page, more rude people say stuff than people who actually care… i have learned in life though that rude people are very loud and make themselves known.

Are these question legit cause everytime I read a new one it’s becomes more pathetic then the last


Your the parent. You pay shouldn’t of even been a question ???


They must be heathens if they weren’t invited


You pay. She is helping you, it gets harder as we get older to be with young kids all day and then have to give them bath. Forget


You are. She’s doing you a favor so you can do something. Why should she pay out of her pocket when she’s already doing you a favor??? She’s raised her kids, she has her own life to live now. She could have said no in the first place!!!


Wow some really horrible judgy people here as always… I do personally think you should but I’m saying this in a nice way as there’s no need for rudeness :roll_eyes:


You. Your MIL is doing you a favor so you can attend something personal. It’s not for you to decide what she can handle or not.
Or you could just hire a full time sitter for the evening.


Your MIL could have said no all together…

Why would you wonder who pays for your childcare?

See you went to your MIL for free childcare in the first place- am I right? :woozy_face:

You should pay
The older you get the harder it is to look after kids
It’s very tiring
How old is she
Does she have health issues
She must need help if she is asking for it so I really believe you should pay
She is probably too proud to say she needs the help
It’s not an easy thing to admit help is needed.

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Comparing your mother to your MIL is the start of your problem!!! Pay the sitter!!!


It is not her responsibility it is yours. She is doing you a favor.

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Why would she be responsible for paying?!


You. How can this even be a question. Maybe you should just have your mother watch them since you seem to have an issue with providing help for your MIL to watch them.


I would not go to a wedding where my child was not welcome. But you should pay the sitter as well as at least offering to pay your MIL

You were invited to ur cousin wedding and ur kids weren’t??? Wow…and u actually are goin the wedding…sorry to say but whrrr my kids arent invited im not either…plus u want someone else to pay for helpin look after them…CALL UR MOTHER

I hope this is a joke. They are your kids!!! You should pay your mother in law and the helper for babysitting your kids. And just so you know, kids can be a handful. Maybe you should just stay home and keep your own kids.

Is this real? Someone is helping u & telling u cant do it all being honest and u think she should pay for someone to help her with her grandkids? She coulda said im not capable and ud have to pay a sitter whole time…sooo


Seriously? You need advice for this? I know that sounds judgey, but she’s doing you the favor of watching your kids for free! You should be respectful enough to just do what she asks. Sorry babe, but I have to pay

You should. They’re your kids not hers she’s raised hers! And it’s hard to be a caregiver for kids when older.

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You need to pay for the sitter. Your kids. Your responsibility. Be grateful you can even go! You know how many weddings and funerals I’ve missed that I didnt have to go out of state for? Fuck you’re lucky. Pay the sitter. And get your MIL a nice gift as a thank you. Dont be so ungrateful.


What kind of question is this??? Your kids your responsibility. U should be thankful that they will be looking after them after all they’re not their kids and not responsible for them! Otherwise take them to the wedding with u. Some questions are just silly I am sorry.


I think if she stays overnight with your kids anyway you should pay for someone to help her during the day if she says she needs help


Really? Of course YOU. they are YOUR kids. Not hers. Seriously :roll_eyes:.


Umm, YOU! It was your choice to attend the wedding, your choice to ask your mother-in-law to stay with your children. If she needs help, your choice to find someone else or pony up! Why is this even a question? :roll_eyes:

You!! They’re your kids!! She is helping you out even having them at all!!!


I seriously wonder about some of the questions I see on here! Most are common sense and make the poster look totally incompetent! You should pay or stay home!


Seriously??? YOU, of course!!
She’s doing you a favor!
What is wrong with you?!

Definitely you. And don’t compare your mom and mom in law. 2 totally different people with different experiences and pasts.

Who had kids? That’s who pays.

These are your kids.
It’s your responsibility.
I have babysat many of times for my grandkids. If anything you should be giving her money. For snacks, an outing or maybe a movie. Even if she does not accept it should be offeded.
Wanting her to pay tsk, tsk.
If I were her i wouldn’t even take care of them for you.

I use to have to pay my mama to watch her grand. I think you might want to try humble pie.

What?? I don’t have grandkids yet but my bf does. I’m only happy to babysit. Should I be asked to take them for an entire weekend, my answer would be no. I’ll keep them in the evening and overnight, but the day is mine. I still have a life and things to do. Why should I pay out of my pocket because I’m trying to help someone? You should be grateful she’s keeping them for even a little while! Wow.

It’s yours. Seriously I’m surprised you even asked

She is already helping you out. Stop being ungrateful and get her the damn help she is asking for. And pay for it, too.

Is this seriously a question?..THEY’RE YOUR KIDS…I cant even cope anymore with the stupidity

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I’ve paid my youngest that is 16 to watch her nephew so I can got to the store and not have to bring him. We always pay for the help one way or another. Even when my mother has Gigi weeksends I give her money to do stuff with all her grandkids. It’s just out of respect and love.

You should be paying. And be thankful you MIL is around and willing to help.

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And maybe you should pay your MIL for her time also


You are responsible, your children.
She is helping u out!!

YOUR kids…YOUR responsibility…YOU pay.

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My Grandkids wear me out!!! I don’t watch them overnight much, but if I had to do it very often; then I would need help. Get over it. You can always take them with you and pay someone to watch them while you go to the wedding only. How fun would that be. Pay for the damn babysitter and make everyone happy

You answered your own question, you pay and not all grandparents are made the same or have good health. Instead of shaming or comparing, accept each one with the strengths and flaws and plan accordingly in the future. Enjoy the break and have fun. If they miss a bath they won’t die, some things need to be let go when not at home or with you. It’s grandma’s! :slight_smile:

Wow you need to ask that?
You of course .


You wanna go play … you pay


You should pay you MIL.

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FFS. You of course!:woman_facepalming:

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Wow people, she asked for advice not judgement! Wouldn’t it be nice if we were all perfect; if you can’t be kind, at least be quiet.


Why is this even a question? Lol newsflash! They’re your kids!


You. Believe it or not, as we get older it isn’t as easy as it once was to take care of children. That’s why women at a certain age can’t have any more. Why didn’t you leave them at home with your mother for the weekend for free?

What the fuck??? :rofl::rofl::rofl: These are YOUR kids. YOU had them they are YOUR responsability! You have the audacity to even ask that question, after she’s doing YOU a favor??? You can’t be serious?!! :rofl:

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You should. They are your kids.

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You…should pay of course! Maybe even throw your MIL some money or at the very least take her out to a dinner or something to say thank you for helping when you don’t have to.

If your MIL offered to have her grandchildren she wouldn’t need assistance, if she did I would have just paid for the babysitter, grandma was not up for the job of taking care of the grandchildren.

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If i were your mother in law I would tell u get them looked after for the full thing after that post bloody cheek

You are responsible!!

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Lol… you omg they are your kids. Shes already doing you a favor.

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Your kids, your responsibility to pay for their care. You probably should be paying the mil to. :rofl::rofl::thinking::thinking:


I have no idea why ppl gotta b so rude. Yes u should pay for the sitter. She is helping u out. Besides giving her the help she requested it will also help keep the relationship between y’all good. I have had kids and watched my grandkids…sometimes u just need some help. Not a big ask in my opinion

You should be paying for it without a doubt.

Seriously? Be thankful that you have a MIL willing to help at all. You should pay for sitter, not her. Go and enjoy your time away

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Nobody else should pay for care for YOUR kids.

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Lol really? U should pay…


Really?? They are your kids…your responsibility. How is this even a question?


Omg this shit is insane are you for real??? Grandparents should always be compensated for watching your children…I swear people these days are insane always wanting something for nothing. Makes me sick you should be ashamed of yourself

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I agree that the mum should pay but all this she/gran/nan is doing you a favour be thankful bs is ridiculous! Spending time with your grandchildren is a blessing! What happened to grandparents wanting to spend time with their grandchildren? I’m so glad I had wonderful doting grandparents who loved spending time with us.

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I just wish i had someone to watch my kids for a few hours lol you sound ungrateful I’m a single working 50 hours a week mom i pay a sitter for me to work i get no weekend away or free time so be glad she’s willing to help and just pay a sitter to help her maybe she’s having some health issues she hasn’t shared yet or maybe she’s getting older and tired idk but stop being ungrateful

This is laughable…your kids you pay. You should never expect free babysitting just bc it’s family.

A question at this level is unreal. Of course it is your responsibility.

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This can’t be a real question… You made them, you pay for them. Entitled, spoiled ass…


If anything you should be paying your MIL too! So what if she’s taken them before she’s telling you now she’s going to need some help. She could have said no all together. Entitled much? I find that to be real disrespectful to even consider.


I would pay the babysitter just so I know my mil had a little help better safe than sorry even grandma need a break

Definatly you. They are YOUR children who need tending. Shes already raised her kids.


It is different for different adults and the mobility of the adult.
Can she kneel
Can she pick up the children
You want freedom you need to be responsible for the inconvenience of your MIL.
Your mom and your MIL are different.

Wow so entitled!! You should be happy you have a MIL that is willing to help you at all!


Easy, stay home with ur kiddos


Wow … your kids you pay

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You! Can’t believe you even asked.

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I can’t believe this is even a question. Wow. I think you should stay home and take care of your kids yourself. I would hate to have a DIL like you.


Your kids your responsibility. I actually am appalled you would even think that your MIL should have to pay. If I were her I wouldnt help at all anymore.


You offered the help you should pay for it. End of story.


You going away, you should foot the bill. You should be extremely grateful that your MIL is babysitting at all, a privilege I never had.

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Just pay for w.e. needs to be paid for so it doesn’t cause problems later on, and if she needs help, maybe she does, maybe it’s taken a toll on her now she is a grandmother more energy to be used you know

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