Who should pay the babysitter?

Smh Duh you pay, they’re your kids and you offered to get her a BbySitter.

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You should pay of course. You shouldn’t even be asking about it. Shame on you!

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Why weren’t your kids invited? If my kids can’t come then I’m not going :woman_shrugging:t5:

Honestly, if your MIL expressed that she needs help then she needs help. If she said she couldn’t handle it then you would have no choice but to pay for a babysitter. I’m lucky enough to have a mother in law that watches my children if we need her to and what I do is I give them baths before we leave so she doesn’t have to and as far as dinner I either cook them food before we leave or I order out and pay for it so that she doesn’t have to worry about it and she can just serve them dinner and also have something to eat herself. Whatever makes her life easier because she is doing us th favor. Maybe you could try doing the same and if not then i would say you are responsible for paying for the babysitter to help her. Just be thankful that you have a MIL that is willing to babysit because some MIL’S don’t.

You should definitely pay. There your kids. Be grateful that your mil is willing to do the favor overnight.

You… You’re lucky to even have a mil to help. We don’t have anyone here to help us. I would be glad to pay both if it was me.

I hope your MIL reads this idiotic post and tells you to stick it. She should never babysit for you again. You pay the babysitter and you owe her money too. Smdh

Isn’t it your idea to get her help? Than you pay for it

You should pay. You’re incredibly lucky. Yes it’s an extra cost but it will be worth it because you get alone time. :slightly_smiling_face: also just because grandma babysits doesn’t mean it should always be for free. Help her out every once in awhile. Good karma will come back to you.

Why is this even a question? :confused:

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Seriously👀 absolutely disgusted your asking…


Somebody’s got to be making these posts up…nobody’s that selfish,entitled and quite frankly stupid🙄


What in the what kinda question is this? Holy F ballz unreal!

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Lord have mercy :woman_facepalming:t2: Sounds like you need to stay your unappreciative behind home and take care of your own kids.


Pay for the sitter and buy your MIL flowers or a gift to show your gratitude.


If you are willing to do it, why not do it?

You should pay for the sitter …you are so ungrateful

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Ohh for the LOVE of god !! Your the one that asked her she wanted help in the first place then you went and got it for her so stop being a piece of shit and pay the baby sitter you useless cunt

Not everyone can cope at the same level … just saying …

You are the parent, the kids are your financial responsibility.

You should pay your babysitter and be glad your mil is willing to cover what she can and you don’t have to pay a sitter for the entire time


Sounds like too much of a hassle period. I just wouldn’t go to the wedding. I also have never had my mom or my MIL not be able to take care of my 2 kids and need help. That’s just weird to me. To each their own though. :woman_shrugging:

Wow! For real? They’re your children…your responsibility to pay the sitter! Be grateful MIL is keeping them!


You should pay for the sitter. That is not the responsibility of your mother in law. Taking care of kids are so hard to do most specially for the elderly. Have some consideration with your mother in law. If you don’t want to pay for the sitter then ask your mother to do the job.

Your kids your responsibility!

What a dumb question; U should pay u spoilt brat :sweat_smile:

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Is you chidren is you responsability,and I feelmyou need to país then to take care you kids,you are selfish and quite flankly stupid

You pay. (Entitled much?)

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Is this a serious question


You!??? You’re the parent.


It’s your kids and you offered a help for her


Kids are not invited :woman_facepalming:t3:🤦🤦:triumph::triumph:

I don’t get it?
Basically it seems like you’re thinking your MIL should pay someone to help take care of YOUR kids while you choose to go to a wedding? :thinking::thinking::thinking:
That doesn’t even make sense.
She’s offered to take care of them for some of the weekend, so you pay for the help for the time she can’t. That’s pretty fair.


I get it but sometimes people cant handle kids the way we can or others can! But you should pay they are your children or don’t go and let your husband go!


Your kids…your bill. If your MIL didnt agree to watch them, you wouldn’t be attending that wedding. Don’t be ungrateful. If your mother could handle them, you should of asked her instead.


It’s your responsibility. They’re your kids. Why not just get your mom to do it?


You. Completely ridiculous to think otherwise.


Bathe the kids the night before & prepare their dinners to go with them

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They are ur kids, so you. Ur mother in law is helping by watching or else you would not be going to the wedding or be paying even more money for a babysitter.

You… And you should be paying your Mother in law for watching YOUR kids…

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You, your the one needing the sitter. Shouldn’t be a question really. She was willing to help but also informed you that she needed additional help for proper care. To compare your mother’s help to you MIL isn’t fair.


Don’t go wtf there you’re kids


You should pay for the sitter … why is this even a question?


Come on really? They’re your kids


They’re your kids and she’s asking for help. She could just have said no.


You should be paying for the sitter. You’ve asked her to have your kids overnight. You’ve not said how many children or their ages. But your mum in law may feel she can’t cope without having extra help. She may not see them often or may be older who knows!!! My ex mother in law never had my kids and they were extremely well behaved when with family. If your mum has them more she ll be more familiar with their routine etc.
She’s already helping but shouldn’t be out of pocket . She might not be able to afford that extra cost. Just because she’s family doesn’t give you the right to take advantage.
If you’re not happy with the arrangement then ask someone else and pay them or don’t go to the wedding.
I’m a grandparent and have my grandchildren as often as I can I don’t expect anything for this and i looked after the two oldest for free when my daughter worked. But my daughter now always sends food etc to help out when I have them in the summer. I’m on a low income so I couldn’t afford to do it all but would if I could .

Husband and wife = a unit. So guess what you BOTH pay for it from your bank account. Like what’s with this “who pays what” crap :woman_facepalming:
They are YOUR children. Not your MIL. So You two pay for it


You she is helping you…


open your purse like u opened your legs to have them they your expense not mil be grateful she’s even willing to have them for u


Why is that even a question?? Shes doing YOU a favor not the other way around. OF course you should be the one paying that’s a no brainer lol…


Definitely not your MIL

No one should .Stay home with your kids if that’s an issue. I will always pay to ensure my kids are cared for in the best way.

You are…hands down…be lucky your MIL is healthy enough to even offer the help.


Really? The people who laid down and made the kids ya lame…

You should pay it. They are your kids not your mother n law

Idiot. Your kids your responsibility… why’s this even a question


You!!! your children :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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You because they’re your kids .

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You mother in law should not pay.The children are yours.If you don’t want to pay, don’t go to the wedding.

Pay the sitter ,why even question it

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You! Your kids, your problem. Simple as that. Stop complicating the facts.


Is this really a question? They are your kids, and your MIL is doing you a favor. She could have said “no” all together, which would leave you with two options: 1) you have to pay someone for the entire time, 2) you don’t go. Sounds you have a pretty awesome MIL considering she is trying to compromise with you. What type of person thinks this way?


You should pay! You wanted a sitter

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They are your kids…it’s your responsibility. How is this even a question?


I vote since you feel like you are so entitled you stay your ass home to take care of your own kids and your husband sends his mom on a vacation. You need some mental help.


I wouldn’t even think of going if my children weren’t invited!

You are 1 dumb fuck, your kids you pay moron.


If you don’t pay that babysitter :joy::joy::joy:


yall calling her every name you can think of yet no ones mentioning the grandparent wanting a sitter? damn


You’re shitty af. YOU pay the sitter. Not her. If my mil asked for help, I’d help her in any way possible.

I’m not going to be rude like other people. But honestly you should. Because shes not being paid to watch them. Therefore you should pay for the extra help if she needs it.


My mom is ok with dealing with my 3 lids fine with her hubby, my dad not so much. Esp over night. I think its unfair to compare yours to your mil. At a certain age its hard to deal with young kids. If you want the night out, suck it up and pay for a sitter for your own kids. Would you rather not get any help and also not to the wedding? Geesh

If she wasn’t helping u would have to pay someone even more, ur kids u pay

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They’re your kids, Mil is doing you a favor. If you have to ask that question maybe you shouldn’t even go. Geez your kids your responsibility


Oh lord, i cant believe im reading this😱. This are YOUR kids and YOUR responsibilty!!! If i was Your MIL i wont be baby sitting ever again with that mindset, no way girl you are unfair!


Stop being a cunt and pay the baby sitter, dumbass question.

Your kids. Your responsibility.


You’re kidding, right?


I think this is a g up

Seriously! :confused:

They’re YOUR kids. YOU pay for their baby sitter. How is this even a question smh.


She cant handle her grandkids for one night without having a sitter come??

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Family is a unity, if your kids couldn’t go neither should you both
I never went to a party without my kids.

You should pay for it! Geez, talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth!

You… They are your children? Why is this a question… but yeah she shouldn’t need a sitter unless she’s older and they are real little?0

I’m seriously disgusted by the hate spewed in this group. In all fairness you should pay they are your kids. I don’t think it’s right that these ladies come out you calling you names, but it must be you that pays.


Can y’all pay half since she did ask for theatre help but they are your kids so I think y’all should each pay

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Omg y’all how is this op unfair. Her mil said she would watch the kids over night then asked for extra help to do so. Why wouldn’t they each pay half. Y’all need to fucking chill and smoke like 3


Wow people are so mean…

You should pay, but seriously people could have been nice about it sheesh

Seriously?Your kids, your responsibility.

Anybody else say “No Thank You” to events that my kids aren’t welcomed to? Or is that just me? :woman_shrugging:t2:

I say grandma. If shes been able to watch them no problem for longer then she should be fine now. If she feels she needs help now when she hasnt before, the cost is on her imo


I personally think you because you need the sitter… but i also think its insane she needs a sitter within a sitter lol.

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So you’d have her not only babysit for free, but then make her lose money on top of it? Why is this even a question??

For the love of god, be grateful she is willing to keep them, and for free! YOU pay the babysitter girlfriend AND get her something nice for her giving up her weekend to help you out🤦🏻‍♀️

I always told my kids there’s no such thing as stupid question, well I was wrong, woman you pay the babysitter and your mother in law, :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

My mom would never ask me to have someone come help her, and shed never ask me to pay her either. If she did ask, i wouldn’t hesitate BUT, it really depends on her health, and age. So there’s alot of factors not mentioned. If it were my grandkids it would never be a question unless i was unable to care for them

Tbh if that were the situation id have my kids watched at my home where they were comfy, by the paid sitter.

Not even going to read the rest of that. Got to the part where you’re getting her assistance. Don’t be ridiculous! Your kids. You pay. Period.

Lol have kids and want other ppl to be responsible for them … really… It your kid your responsibility